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FROM NORTH-WEST ENGLAND. By. I . D. HODKINSON. Department of Biology, Liverpool Polytechnic, Byrom Street,. Liverpool L3 3 A F. The psyllid fauna of ...

G A Z E T T E , Vol. 27




Department of Biology, Liverpool Polytechnic, Byrom Liverpool L 3 3 A F


The psyllid fauna of certain areas of Great Britain is reasonably well known. Annotated lists are available for the Clevelands (Heslop-Harrison, J . W., 1915), Northumberland and Durham (Heslop-Harrison, G . , 1936a.) the Scottish Highlands (HeslopHarrison, G . , 1936b; Ing, 1966), the Scottish Islands (HeslopHarrison, G . , 1936c; 1937; Heslop-Harrison, J . W. & HeslopHarrison, G . , 1940), North Wales (Ing, 1974) and Hertfordshire (Ing, 1971). Scott (1876) and Edwards (1896) give much useful distributional data, mainly for the south of England. Great care, however, is required in interpreting the earlier lists as there has been much taxonomic confusion, particularly with respect to the 5«//'.v-feeding Psyllu species. Ossiannilsson (1963), Kloet & Hincks (1964) and Hodkinson (1974) should be consulted for the more recent synonomies. The present list is the result of four years intensive collecting in Lancashire, Westmorland, Cumberland and West Yorkshire. The psyllid fauna of the limestone areas surrounding Morecambe Bay is particularly diverse and this area possibly represents the northern limit of certain species, such as Trioza rhamni, which are associated with southern calcicolous plant species. A l l dates of appearance given in the list relate to the adult stage. PSYLLOIDEA Livia juncorum (Latreille) Locally common and widely distributed on Juncus spp. Overwintering adults can be found at the base of J uncus tussocks. Strophingia ericae (Curtis) Common and widely distributed from sea level to 2000 ft on its host plant Calluna vulgaris ( L . ) Hull. This species has a one year life cycle at low elevations and a two year life cycle at higher elevations (Hodkinson, 1973). Aphalara polygoni Forster Overwintering adults collected from Pinus sylvestris L . ou 19.iv.70 and 28.xii.71 at Ainsdale National Nature Reserve, Lancashire. A. borealis Heslop-Harrison One d* collected from Taxus baccata L . near Beetham, Cumbria I5.iii.71.


E N T O M O L O G I S T ' S G A Z E T T E , V o l . 27

Craspedolepta nebulosa (Zetterstedt) Common and widely distributed on Chamaenerion angustifolium ( L . ) Scop, from mid May to the end of June. C. nervosa (Forster) Common and widely distributed on Achillea millefolium L . from early June to late July. Psyllopsis fraxini ( L . ) Common and widely distributed on Fraxinus excelsior L . from late June to August. P. fraxinicola (Forster) Common and widely distributed on Fraxinus excelsior L . from late June to August. P. discrepans (Flor) Much less common than the two preceding species. Collected from Fraxinus excelsior L . at Lancaster, 25.ix.70, 3.x.70 and Arytaina genistae (Latreille) Locally common on Sarothamnus scoparius ( L . ) Wimmer in April and September. Psylla alni ( L . ) Common and widely distributed on Alnus glutinosa ( L . ) Gaertn. from early June to early October. P. ambigua Forster Common and widely distributed on Salix caprea L . and S. atrocinerea Brot. from mid May to late August. P. brunneipennis Edwards Locally common but with a very patchy distribution. Collected from Salix caprea L . at Silverdale, Cumbria and Littledale near Lancaster Some of the latter specimens were of the clear wing form. P. buxi ( L . ) Not common. Collected from Buxus semperivirens L . at Heversham, Cumbria and Lancaster P. crataegi (Schrank) Very scarce; appears to be confined to the Arnside-Silverdale area. Only five overwintering specimens collected: 1 cf» 1 9 from Taxus baccata L . , Gatebarrow Wood, 5.ii.71; 1 cf from Firms nigra Arnold, Underlaid Wood, 7.xi.71; 1 9 from T. baccata, Arnside Knott, 3.iv.71, and 1 9 from T. baccata, Whitbarrow, 18.xi.71. P. foersteri Flor Less common than P. alni but widely distributed on Alnus glutinosa ( L . ) Gaertn. from late June to late August. P. hartigi Flor Fairly common and widely distributed on Betula pendula Roth, from early June to late July.

E N T O M O L O G I S T ' S G A Z E T T E , Vol. 27


P. mali Schmidberger Common and widely distributed on Mains sylvestris Mill, from early June to mid October. P. melanoneura Forster Common and widely distributed on Crataegus monogyna Jacq. from April to October. Overwintering adults taken from a wide range of conifers and from the base of Crataegus hedges. P. moscovita Andrianova Found only at Ainsdale National Nature Reserve, Lanes. The preferred host is Salix repens L . but nymphs were also found on 5. atrocinerea Brot., 4.vii.71. Overwintering adults found hibernating on the stems of S. repens, 28.xii.71. P. peregrina Forster Very common. Collected from Crataegus monogyna Jacq. from early June to late September. P. pulchra (Zetterstedt) Fairly common and widely distributed on Salix caprea L . and S. atrocinerea Brot. from early April to late September. Overwintering adults taken from a wide range of conifers. Occasional clouded wing forms of this species were taken. P. pyricola Forster The nominate form common on Pyrus communis L . at Whitworth, Lanes 6.ix.71. P. sorbi Edwards Fairly common and widely distributed on Sorbus aucuparia L . from early June to mid July. P. subferruginea Edwards Fairly common and widely distributed. However, only overwintering specimens from conifers were collected. Trioza albiventris Forster Locally common but widely distributed on Salix spp. of the fragilis group. Emerges in late September; adults overwinter from late October to early April on conifers. T. curvatinervis Forster subsp. silvarnis Hodkinson Uncommon but widely distributed on Salix caprea L . and 5. atrocinerea Brot., particularly in the Arnside-Silverdale area. Adults overwinter from early October to mid April on conifers, especially Pinus sylvestris and Tax us baccata. T. galii Forster Locally common on Galium species growing in damp areas, especially G. palustre L . Adults collected from late May to late July. T. remota Forster Very common and widely distributed on Quercus species. Adults overwinter from late October to mid May on conifers.


E N T O M O L O G I S T ' S G A Z E T T E . V o l . 27

T. rhamni (Schrank) Uncommon and restricted to the Arnside-Silverdale area. Three 9 9 . 1 cf collected from Rhamnus caiharticus L . at Silverdale 4.viii.71. 3cf cf, 2 9 9 from Taxus baccata L . , Warton 31.i.71 and 1 cf, 1 9 from T. baccata L . , Whitbarrow 18.xi.71. T. urticae ( L . ) Very common and widely distributed on Urtica dioica L . from early May to late August. Adults overwinter in grass tussocks or on conifers. REFERENCES

EDWARDS, J., 1896. The Hemiptera-Homoptera of the British Isles. London. HESLOP-HARRISON, c , 1936a. The Psyllidae or jumping plant lice of Northumberland and Durham. Trans, nth. Nat. Un., 1: 217-228. HESLOP-HARRISON, c , 1936b. Psyllidae in certain Highland counties. Scott. Nat., 220: 120-122. HESLOP-HARRISON, G., 1936c. A contribution to our knowledge of the Psyllidae of the Hebrides. Entomologist's mon. Mag., 72: 48-51. HESLOP-HARRISON, G., 1937. The Psyllidae or jumping plant lice of Raasay and the adjacent islands of Rona, Fladday, Scalpav, Longay and Skye. Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc, 9:341-345. HESLOP-HARRISON, J . w., 1915. The Psyllidae of the Clevelands. Naturalist, Hull, 1915:400-401. HESLOP-HARRISON,

J . w.





observations on the Psyllidae (Hemipt.) of the Inner and Outer Hebrides. Entomologist's mon. Mag., 76:85-87. HODKINSON, I . D., 1973. The biology of Strophingia ericae (Curt.) with notes on its primary parasite Tetrastichus actis (Walk.) (Hymen., Eulophidae). Norsk ent. Tidsskr., 20:237-243. HODKINSON, I . D., 1974. A contribution to the knowledge of some little known British psyllids (Homoptera: Psylloidea). Entomologist's Gaz., 25:76-84. ING, B., 1966. Jumping Plant Lice. Rep. Scott. Fid Stud. Ass.: 11-13. ING, B., 1971. The jumping plant lice (Psyllidae) of Hertfordshire. Trans. Herts, nat. Hist. Soc. Fid Club,11: 110-116. ING, B., 1974. Psyllids (Homoptera) from North Wales. Entomologists mon. Mag., 110:89-98. KLOET, G. s. & HINCKS, w . D., 1964. A check list of British insects (2nd edition). Handhk. I dent. Br. Insects, 11(1): 1-119. OSSIANNILSSON. F . , 1963. Notes on British psyllids (Hem.-Horn.). Entomologist, 96:249-257. SCOTT, J.. 1876. Monograph of the British species belonging to the HemiDtera-Homoptera, family Psyllidae. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond., 24:525-569. Reprinted from ENTOMOLOGISTS GAZETTE V o l . 27, May. 1976. V . B. Pike, Printers, Canon Street, Kettering, Northamptonshire.