modify the cluster head selection in LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive ... In proposed version of LEACH protocol, the cluster contains a pair of CHs: primary CH and ...
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, 2018
An Evaluation of wireless sensor networks with Energy efficiency LEACH-2CH Praveen kumar Rapolu1, Vignan Institute of Technology and Science, Deshmukhi, Telangana, India Dr. Khaleel Ur Rahman Khan2 ACE Engineering College, Telangana, India Abstract-- Wireless sensor network consist of wide range of nodes scattered over monitoring region. These nodes are deployed to perform multiple tasks such as information gathering data transmission. As these operation involves more energy consumption, which directly impacts the life time of the network. It is required to design clustering protocols which consumes less energy. Efficiency of the clustering directly depends on the cluster head selection and cluster formation. In this paper we propose a novel approach LEACH -2CH, to modify the cluster head selection in LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy) that ensures optimized energy consumption which results in extending the life time of network. Keywords--CH selection (Cluster Head), LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy), Energy optimization
WSN is collection of sensor nodes, which are used to monitor the changes in the environment, communicates this to neighboring nodes. WSN is widely used in many applications such as environment monitoring with different factors, health care, military. There various ways factors to be considered when construct a WSN such as routing, clustering, node energy efficiency, load balancing and securities [1, 2, 3, 4]. Among all the factors mentioned, routing is main factor needs to addressed more efficiently to minimize delay, maximize throughput and maximize the network life time. Challenging issues to design an optimal clustering technique[5]: • Cluster formation with maximum number of members under certain cluster head. • Cluster head selection through node’s current energy, distance to the base station, and distance to the entire member nodes. • The clustering algorithm should optimize number of communications without compromising quality of services [6].
Related Work
There are many clustering protocols available to select cluster head, but among the all LEACH is the most promising clustering technique, but still we can add some enhancements to LEACH to make optimal energy consumption. Before get into the problem statement in details, let me illustrate the LEACH [9]. LEACH is designed into rounds where each round is divided into two phases – set up phase and ready state phase. 2.1 set up phase In this phase it performs advertisement and cluster setup phase internally. Each node independently determines the probability of becoming a cluster head or not by using equation:
At the beginning each node will finds its priority to become CH. Where ‘n’ is number of nodes in the network, ‘r’ is the round number with initial values as 0, ‘p’ is the desired percentage of CH for the network, ‘G’ is the set of all alive nodes. Once T (n) is calculated for any node ‘n’ will check with a randomly generated threshold value (ranges between 0 and 1). If the node’s priority value T (n) is greater than the random value then the node itself will declare as an intermediate CH for that initial setup phase otherwise will be waiting for the
2266 *Corresponding Author: Praveen kumar Rapolu Article History: Received: Aug 15, 2018, Revised: Sep 10, 2018, Accepted: Oct 04, 2018
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, 2018
CH announcement by the other nodes. The basic idea is that node with higher energy level will be having higher chance of becoming intermediate CH for that initial setup phase. This CH announcement packet contains the location information of the CH node and CH with next priority value[7]. The non CH member node after receiving one or multiple CH announcement, select only the closest one as its intermediate CH and sends its own location information to that particular CH. This probability is based on the node that hasn't been a CH for long time is more likely to elect itself than nodes that have been a CH recently. In the following advertisement phase, the CHs inform their neighborhood with an advertisement packet that they become CHs. Non-CH nodes pick the advertisement packet with the strongest received signal strength. In the next cluster setup phase, the member nodes inform the CH that they become a member to that cluster with "join packet" contains their IDs using CSMA. After the cluster-setup sub phase, the CH knows the number of member nodes and their IDs. Based on all messages received within the cluster, the CH creates a TDMA schedule[8], pick a CSMA code randomly, and broadcast the TDMA table to cluster members. After that steady-state phase begins. 2.2 Steady-state phase: In this phase it performs schedule creation (TDMA) and data transmission. During data transmission phase each node sends its data to Cluster head during their allocated TDMA slot. This transmission uses a minimal amount of energy by turning off the radio of each Non CH node until the nodes allocated TDMA slot, thus minimizes energy dissipation in these nodes. When all the data has been received from non CH nodes then the CH aggregate[9] these data and send it to the BS (Base Station). In LEACH local aggregation of data is taken place at each cluster head to reduce network traffic to the base station. LEACH protocols suffers with many drawbacks CH elected randomly without considering residual energy of the CH. It can’t cover large networks. CH are not placed in well Distributed manner to connected with more nodes
Proposed Work
In proposed version of LEACH protocol, the cluster contains a pair of CHs: primary CH and Secondary CH. Primary CH is responsible only for sending aggregated data to the BS. Secondary CH will become a CH of the cluster in next round of LEACH phase. In this way in only one setup phase clusters are selected for two rounds. In basic version of leach model, the CH elected for each and every round. CH will perform activities like gathering data, aggregating this data and transmitting to base station. When second round begins, again new CH is elected with same approach used in earlier round.
2267 *Corresponding Author: Praveen kumar Rapolu Article History: Received: Aug 15, 2018, Revised: Sep 10, 2018, Accepted: Oct 04, 2018
An Evaluation of wireless sensor networks with Energy efficiency LEACH-2CH
Fig. 1: LEACH-2CH The proposed protocol has been divided into rounds. Each round has the setup phase and the steady phase. But next round only steady phase is executed; cluster header election information is taken from previous round. In this way proposed protocol is headed to design an energy efficient routing algorithm by considering only one setup phase for two rounds. The proposed protocol is also aimed to reduce the total number of packet transmissions during cluster head selection process.
Simulation And Results
4.1 Simulator[10] Simulator used is OMNeT++. OMNeT++ is an object-oriented modular discrete event network simulator, which is based on C++ and is for designing both wired and wireless networks. OMNET++ provides architecture for models which are coded in C++ and these can be combined to make bigger models with larger components using high level language 4.2 Simulation parameters Parameter
Simulation time
900 sec
Initial node power Topology size
1 Joule 900 x 900 2m
Number of trials Number of node
25 trial
CH probability
0.2, 0.5, 0.1
Nodes distribution
Nodes are distributed
BS position
25, 50,100, 115 nodes
Located at 1000 x 450
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, 2018
Table.1: Summery of the parameters used in the simulation experiments. 4.3 Simulation results
Fig: messages with P=0.10
Fig: messages with P=0.02
2269 *Corresponding Author: Praveen kumar Rapolu Article History: Received: Aug 15, 2018, Revised: Sep 10, 2018, Accepted: Oct 04, 2018
An Evaluation of wireless sensor networks with Energy efficiency LEACH-2CH
Fig: messages with P=0.05
This paper presents a new approach of selecting a pair of cluster head nodes to a well know cluster based broad casting technique LEACH. The basic cluster head election technique select one cluster head for one round. We have optimized this by new novel algorithm which is saving half of the time in cluster head selection process. This technique is selects cluster heads for two rounds at set up phase of first round itself. Simulations show the effectiveness of this LEACH-2CH.
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 02-Special Issue, 2018
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2271 *Corresponding Author: Praveen kumar Rapolu Article History: Received: Aug 15, 2018, Revised: Sep 10, 2018, Accepted: Oct 04, 2018