and phenolic substances) and enzymes used in

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Nowadays, the commercial mushroom products (dietary supplements ... of medicinal and edible mushrooms make their usage perspective also.
and phenolic substances) and enzymes used in medicine, food and cosmetic industries. Mushrooms’ bioactive compounds possess antibacterial, antifungal, immune-modulating, antioxidant, hypocholesterolemic, hypoglycemic, fibrinolytic and other activities. Nowadays, the commercial mushroom products (dietary supplements and/or nutriceuticals) are largely consumable in the world market. Biopreparations (lentinane, krestin, etc.) are successfully used for the treatment of different diseases in combination with chemotherapy. Nutritive, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and antioxidant properties of medicinal and edible mushrooms make their usage perspective also in the manufacturing of hair and skin care products. Extracellular proteases isolated form mycelia could be applicable for obtaining milk-coagulating, thrombolytic and fibrinolytic preparations. Study of biological characteristics and elaboration of optimal growth conditions of mycelia will allow controlling biotechnological cultivation process of selected mushroom species to obtain high yield biomass and desired biotech-products. However reported medicinal properties of mushrooms have not always confirmed the morphological identification, particularly their cultures/strains and in many cases, incorrect species epithets have been used. It makes genetic identification of medicinal mushrooms cultures necessary. Medicinal properties of Flammulina velutipes and Pleurotus ostreatus, as well as several Coprinoid and Aphyllophoromycetideae species have been reported in many publications and reviews. Our screening data related biological characteristics and mycelial growth on different nutrient media and under different ecological (pH, temperature) conditions, medicinal properties (antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiprotozoal, mitogenic, regenerative, antiviral, immuno-modulating, proteolytic) and prospective of biotechnological application of F. velutipes, P. ostreatus and collections of Coprinoid and Aphyllophoromycetideae mushrooms are discussed. Revealed high ribosomal DNA-ITS sequence variability within Armenian collections of well known medicinal mushrooms F. velutipes and P. ostreatus may be used for improvement of strains to develop novel biotech-products. Support by DAAD (#548.104401.174), NATO (#980764) and Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU) is gratefully acknowledged.



YSU, Laboratory of Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, Armenia Mushrooms are producers of natural bioactive metabolites and enzymes with immune-modulating, antifungal, thrombolytic, hypoglycemic, antiprotozoal and other therapeutic effects. The regenerative and wounds healing properties of mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum, Hypholoma fasciculare, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus, etc.) are reported, as well. It is known, that mainly fungal lectins, terpenoid, phenolic and indolic compounds possess mitotic activity. The mitogenic effect of cultural broth (CB) and mycelial extract (ME) samples of 6 species and 18 strains of brown-rot (Daedalea quercina, Laetiporus sulphureus, Piptoporus betulinus) and white-rot (Fomes fomentarius, Ganoderma applanatum, Ganoderma lucidum) medicinal mushrooms (Aphyllophoromycetideae) obtained after submerged cultivation in liquid malt-extract medium (pH 6, at 25 0C and agitation rate 200 rpm) on wheat’ and maize’ seeds growth was studied. Mycelial, particularly ME samples of Ganoderma species possess different degree of mitogenic activity strongly expressed on maize’ seeds, rather than wheat’ seeds growth. The activity of ME and CB samples of P. betulinus and D. quercina on maize’ seeds was characterized by a 2-3-fold increase. Weaker stimulatory effect on seeds’ growth was revealed by F. fomentarius strains, which was almost absent in mycelium of L. sulphureus. Growth stimulatory and inhibitory effects of CB samples on epigeal and/or hypogeal parts of seeds were not observed, while significant growth stimulation of epigeal parts of maize’ seeds by tested ME samples was revealed. It was shown that mitotic activity of white-rot mushrooms was relatively higher compared to the brown-rot species. Revealed mitogenic effect in mycelia of tested species shows that their biotechnological cultivation are prospective for the development and formulation of new biotech-products that could be used in the prevention and treatment of wounds, burns, ulcers and other regenerative processes. Support by DAAD (#548.104401.174) and NATO (#980764) is gratefully acknowledged.