3 Sep 2012 ... Computers, Printers, UPSs, Local Networking etc. .... Computers, Hardware and
other peripherals like Printers, UPS, ..... Hindi News Room. 34.
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Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India)
News Services Division : All India Radio New Delhi - 110001
E-mail :
[email protected] No. : NSD/IT/10/2011
Date : 3.9.2012
M/s................................................. ....................................................... ....................................................... Sub : Annual Maintenance Contract of Computers, Printers, UPSs, LAN and other items - reg.
Sir, Please furnish your quotations for Annual Maintenance Contract for Computers, Printers, UPSs, LAN and other items as mentioned from Annexure A-I to Annexure A-V. The details of hardware to be put under the AMC, eligibility criteria for furnishing the quotations, terms and conditions of AMC can be downloaded from our website 'Newsonair.nic.in" or "newsonair.com". The quotation should be sent / submitted by speed post / registered post / by hand to undersigned by name so as to reach latest by 2.00 PM on 24.9.2012 indicating:1. 2. 3.
Material for which quotations are enclosed. Reference of letter of enquiry Due date of opening of the quotation.
The terms and conditions duly signed and stamped should also be submitted along with your quotation. The quotations will be opened at 3.00 PM on 24.9.2012 in the presence of such tenderers or their agents as may choose to attend. The financial quotations will be opened only after the firm qualifies the technical eligibility Bid. Yours faithfully,
(Gita Ram) Sr. Administrative Officer For Director General (News)
Copy to : Website Cell for uploading on Website of NSD for wide circulation.
Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) For Computers, Printers, UPSs, Local Networking etc.
Bid Details Date of of inviting 1. tenders Last date and time 2. for receipt of quotations Date and Time of 3. Opening of the quotations.
24.9.2012 (2.00 PM)
Opening of Technical Bid – 24.9.2012 - 3.00 PM Opening of Financial Bid : After proper analysis of Technical Bid. The Financial Bid of only those firms will be open which qualify the Technical Bid. Place of opening of Office of Director General (News), Room, 221, 2nd 4. Bids floor, NBH, AIR, Parliament Street, New Delhi-01 Address for 5. Communication
6. EMD
7. Contact to Bidders
Office of the Director General (News) News Services Division, NBH, AIR, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110 001. Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.25000/- in the form of Bank Draft in favour of Director General (News):News Services Division : All India Radio, New Delhi-110001 from any Nationalized Bank in Delhi must accompany with each tender. No tender shall be accepted without earnest money, which will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders after finalization of tender. Earnest money deposited will bear no interest. Shri Gita Ram, Senior Administrative Officer, Room No. 221, 2nd Floor, NBH, AIR, Parliament Street, New Delhi. He may be contacted on any working day between 10.30 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. for any further queries.
Bids will be opened in presence representative who choose to attend.
Sealed tenders are invited from competent support services’ vendors for AMC of Hardware items having sound technical and financial back up support. This offer is for maintenance of Computers, Printers, UPS and LAN etc. installed in various units of News Services Division in New Delhi. 2. SUBMISSIONS OF TENDERS:Tenders are to be submitted in Envelope duly sealed with Red Lakh seal (Wax Seal) super scribed as "Quotation for AMC rates of Hardware Items". This envelope shall further hold 2 envelopes as under: Envelope No. 1: It shall contain Technical details on the Minimum Eligibility Criteria. This envelope shall be super scribed “Envelope No. 1 – Technical bids for AMC of Hardware Items”. It shall contain Earnest money draft of Rs 25,000/- in favour of Director General(News), News Services Division, All India Radio, New Delhi payable at Delhi. Envelope No. 2 : It shall contain the rates for all the items. This envelope should be super scribed “Envelope No. 2 – Financial bids for AMC of Hardware Items”. This should include separately ( Charges of Hardware AMC for the material mentioned from Annexure A-I to A-V, (ii) Charges for supply of UPS batteries 12 Volt (7 AH & 42 AH) (iii) Charges for supply of CAT -6 networking cable, laying charges, conduit material and IOs. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY TENDER BID WHICH IS SUBMITTED IN FORMAT OTHER THAN AS STATED ABOVE SHALL BE REJECTED. Each page and correction of the tenders should be duly signed by the Bidder as specified in the information and instructions to the Bidder. Tender received late on account of any reason whatsoever and telegraphic tenders will not be entertained / considered. The Technical Bids will be examined / evaluated by a Committee. Financial Bids of only those firms will be opened whose Technical Bids will be found correct.
3. SCOPE OF WORK The Maintenance will be of hardware and software like Window, 95,98,2000, XP, Vista, Windows 2007, MS Office, Anti-Virus software, Internet explorer, installation/removal of any software/hardware purchased by the office from time to time. Moreover the firm will also have to provide services as follows: 1
Upkeep and maintenance of the hardware installed.
To provide and maintain the required drivers, CDs and DVDs for maintaining the equipment.
Repairs to be carried out at the location of equipment.
If computers are needed to be taken to work shop for repair etc. for more than one (1) day, standby arrangements are to be made immediately.
The firm should make its own arrangement to shift the equipments including picking up & dropping up of equipments.
Any other maintenance work to be undertaken related to computers, Printers, UPSs and other hardware mentioned above in the list (Annexure AI to AV).
Comprehensive Maintenance of existing Local Area Network (LAN) which includes the CAT- 6 Cable, conduiting material, Gang Box & IOs, patch cords.
The firm should have at least 3 years experience of taking AMC of Computers, Hardware and other peripherals like Printers, UPS, Monitors and LAN, printers etc.
The company should be have a previous maintenance contract for at least two years with a Government Department/Ministry in Delhi
The maintenance firm must have expertise and experience in LAN trouble shooting. The bidder should have executed satisfactorily
minimum two Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs) of more than 30 computers. d.
The firm must be registered with Registrar of Companies and with Delhi Sales Tax Department for work contract tax, service tax etc.
Income Tax return copies for the last two years must be attached along with Pan No. / TIN No.
The Company should produce the self attested photocopies of documents related to allocation of Registration No., Pan no., Service Tax No. etc.
If the firm meets the above technical requirements, it may apply as per the schedule given above in a duly sealed cover with Red lac with mentioning outside the envelope “Bids for AMC of Computers, its accessories and Networking”. A copy of the terms and conditions of the AMC along with the list of Hardware to be maintained (Annexure AI to AV) is enclosed.
Terms and Conditions of Annual Maintenance Contract for Hardwares (Computers, Printers, UPSs, LAN and other items as per the List Annexure - I to Annexure - V). 1)
The Annual Maintenance Contract (thereinafter referred to as AMC) signed between the News Service Division: All India Radio: New Delhi (thereinafter referred to as NSD) and Service Provider (thereinafter referred to as SP)covers round the clock all the 365 days a year. It shall be an all inclusive comprehensive maintenance contract of computers, Printers, UPSs and networking as per details given in Annexure A-I to A-V”. It shall be ensured print sharing services , internet access on LAN, UPS and any other service running on the LAN are maintained all the 24 hours x 365 days without any interruption.
The AMC shall be valid for a period of One year from the date of signing the contract by both the Parties
The Maintenance will be of hardware and software like Windows 98, 2000, XP, Windows Vista, Windows-7, MS Office, Antivirus Software, Internet Explorer installation removal of any software / hardware purchased by the office from time to time. More over the firm will have to provide the services as follows:I. II. III. IV.
V. VI.
VII. 4.
Upkeep and maintenance of the hardware installed. To provide and maintain the required drivers, CDs and DVDs for maintaining the equipment. Repairs to be carried out at the location of equipment. If computers are needed to be taken to work shop for repair etc. for more than one (1) day, standby arrangements are to be made immediately. The firm should make its own arrangement to shift the equipment including picking up and dropping of equipment. Any other maintenance work to be undertaken related to computers, Printers, UPSs and other hardware mentioned in list (Annexure AI to AV). Maintenance of Local Area Network (LAN) including LAN Cards.
SP will make stand by arrangements immediately if computers, Printers and UPSs are needed to be taken to workshop. If the firm fails to make any standby arrangement within 24 hours, a penalty @ Rs 1000/- per day will be imposed and will be deducted from AMC charges.
The SP can carry out onsite inspection of LAN, cable links and machines before signing AMC.
Replacement of Unserviceable parts i.e SMPS, Motherboards, Hard disks, CD Roms, Writers, RAM, CPU, Monitors etc. should be replaced only with new, original & compatible parts. The same should be essentially equivalent in performance to the replaced ones. AMC of the LAN will cover all hardware components i.e. CAT-6 cable, conduit material, Gang box, IOs, switches, Router installed at present to make the network work efficiently.
The SP will be required to maintain the current software configuration of the LAN and reconfigure the network whenever required to update and make it more efficient.
The SP will maintain the servers, create the clients, will configure the rights to clients and any other work required to maintain the server and clients. Presently there are three servers (one under warranty) with approximately 30 clients.
During the currency of AMC NSD can add more nodes. However, NSD may remove any machine from the list of machines (nodes) without assigning any reason at any stage
As regard AMC of computers and its accessories, it will cover all components including Computer, monitor, Printer, Switches and UPS along with the following components:-
CPU/ Motherboard/HDD including media of Hard Disk/CD ROM DVD ROM/FDD/RAM, Cabinet/Adapter and Batteries of Laptops. Picture tube of Monitor/ VDU and all components of Monitor. Connecting data cables and Power cables. All parts of printers i.e. cables, fuser, assembly, Teflon pressure roller, printing Heads and all other plastic parts. All plastic parts of computers, printer and UPSs are covered in this AMC.
ii) iii) iv) v)
All parts of existing LAN which includes CAT-6 Cable, IOs, Gang Boxes, patch cords, conduiting materials etc..
Computer key boards and mouse will not be the part of this AMC. Batteries of UPSs will also not be the part of AMC. Separate rates for battery of UPSs may also be quoted. No separate charges would be applicable for installation / replacement of batteries.
The SP shall employ well qualified technical and professional personnel to handle the system for maintenance and rectifications. They should be fully equipped with necessary tools for the job. Failure to employ well qualified and competent personnel shall be enough ground to cancel the AMC.
12) The firm will have to deploy at least one qualified IT Engineer on location from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm and provide on call corrective and remedial maintenance from 10 Pm to 6 Am. The machines are presently in their proper designated places. However, in the interest of work or in emergency situation, they may be shifted to some other location within the Office of NSD.SP will provide all technical and manual support for this task. The Engineer(s) will also attend to regular maintenance work of computers in newsrooms and other news units located in New Broadcasting House (NBH). The Engineer(s) should be equipped with mobile telephones to ensure their availability. Amount will be deducted if any service Engineer remains absent/ on leave without providing a suitable substitute. 13)
Scheduled preventive maintenance shall be undertaken once in a week on every Monday.
A service register shall be maintained by SP giving details of action taken for preventive and corrective maintenance indicating the time of call, the time of corrective action taken, details of action etc. The maintenance Engineer shall take signature of an Officer designated by NSD. The SP shall attend the maintenance work within 02 Hrs of receipt of the complaint. For every one hour delay after 02 Hrs proportionate annual maintenance charges for one day may be recovered or deducted by the NSD as the case may be. The SP shall guarantee a minimum uptime of 98% for each machine. For every fall of 1% of Uptime, charges calculated for twice that Period may be recovered/ adjusted from the next payment of AMC. For this purpose, total time taken after receiving the breakdown message (over telephone or otherwise) and making the system
functional after repair etc. or by providing a standby machine will be treated as down time. 15)
If the firm does not attend the complaint, the work will be got done from some other firm at the expenses of the contractor and the expenditure incurred on such repairs shall be recoverable from the contractor.
Successful tenderer shall have to deposit Security Money @ 10% of the total value of AMC order, in shape of Bank Guarantee in favour of DG (News) within 10 days of allotment of tender failing which the contract shall be cancelled and EMD deposit will be forfeited.
If SP or their employees damage or destroy any computer or its parts, or any of its accessories, cable etc., they shall be liable to replace the same with new and original parts failing which amount spent on it will be recovered from their AMC. Besides it, SP will also be responsible for all type of accidents and shall be liable for paying compensation to its workers as well as to the department. However, neither party shall be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this agreement resulting directly or indirectly from causes beyond the reasonable control of such party such as acts of God, riots civil disturbances, accidents, fire explosions, earthquakes flood strikes, lockouts, bombasts embargoes etc. In such case, either party shall notify the other party of the occurrence of such cause and should as a consequence the performance under this agreement be prevented for a period of longer than six months then both parties shall discuss the course of action to be taken afterwards. In the event if this period exceed twelve months then either party shall have to cancel the agreement.
No equipment shall be taken away by the SP engineer/ firm without prior intimation and permission from competent authority in NSD.
After the expiry period of the AMC, the SP shall hand over the possession of all the computers, its parts, accessories and other systems including LAN, UPS, Monitors etc along with all the sub parts to NSD in perfect working condition.
The prices quoted by SP sale Tax and service tax charges for networking capacitor, battery etc.
shall be inclusive of all taxes i.e local taxes, etc. Moreover the firm should also mention cable/ meter along with UPS Parts like (This will include the cost of cable laying
charges and configuration of the nodes on the network and replacement of UPS parts) 2.
Payment of Maintenance shall be made on quarterly basis. No advance payment shall be made under any circumstances. The quoted prices shall not be revised during the period of contract under any circumstances.
Any tender in which any of the aforesaid prescribed conditions are found incomplete shall be rejected without assigning reasons.
However, DG (News) reserves the right to cancel any tender bids or the contract with successful bidder any time without assigning any reasons thereof.
JURISDICTION The Jurisdiction for the purpose of settlement of any disputer or differences whatsoever in respect of or relating to or arising out of or in any way touching this contract or the terms and conditions thereof or the contraction/ interpretation thereof shall be that of the appropriate court in New Delhi. The Jurisdiction of any other court other than Delhi is specifically excluded.
DDA on behalf of NSD
Authorized signatory On behalf of SP
Annexure - I List of computers to be put under AMC :
90 3 23
Computers servers. Laptops
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.
Computer Make IBM Lenovo
: : :
Total 116 Systems.
Model P-IV 3.06 Gzhs
HP Pavilion P-IV 3.00 Gzhs IBM Lenovo P-IV 3.06 Gzhs HCL Busy Bee P-IV 3.00 Gzhs IBM P-IV 3.00 Gzhs IBM PIV 3.00 Gzhs IBM P-IV 3.00 Gzhs. IBM P-IV 3.00 Gzhs IBM P-IV 3.00 Gzhs IBM P-IV 3.00 Gzhs HCL Busy Bee P-IV 3.00 Gzhs IBM P-IV 3.00 Gzhs. IBM P-IV 3.00 Gzhs HP Pavilion P-IV 3.00 Gzhs HCL Busy Bee P-IV 3.00 Gzhs HP DX 2700 Model Computer with P- IV, 3.4 GZhs., 1 GB RAM, 17” TFT Monitor (HP L1706 Model.), Combo Drive, --do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do--
Section PA to Director Bina Yadav I.T. Unit Server Room No. 117 PA to ADG (N) B. Vaid "Room No. 115 GNR for (EDB) Puri (St. Store) Library Library PA to ADG (SM) Gujarati Unit Marathi Unit Malayalam Unit ADG (News) PJ Sudhakar Newsreel Library Tamil Unit I.T. Unit A.D.G.(VJ)
Parliament Cell ADG (SM) Sports Scan GNR for Internet PA to DG(N) Dir (IT) Dir (GNR) (Devpreet Singh) Urdu Language Accounts Branch (Urvsi) Admn. Branch (Sarita) Genl. Br. (Sh. Saxena) I.T. Unit (shifted from DDA) Genl. Br. (Bagga) Accounts Branch Md. Naseem Room No. 118 OSD (IT) P.Kaur Parliament Cell Hindi News Room GNR (SMS Service) Sr. A.O. (Admn.) Sr. A.O. (Accounts) Reference Unit PA to ADG (BV) Hindi Unit PA to DDA Director (RNU)
42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
--do---do---do---do-HP DX 7380 MT Modes, CPU 1.8 Duo 1.8 17" TFT Monitor, DVD Writer, 160 GB HDD, 1, GB RAM --do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do-Purchased in 2009, CPU 1.8 17" TFT Monitor, DVD, 160 GB HDD, 1, GB RAM --do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do--
HCL make CRT Monitor
Admn. Steno (GNR) Website Cell Web Site Cell Web Site Cell Feature Unit
Accounts (Casual Payment) Cashier PA to Dir (RNU) Seema Batra Admn. (H) Steno "Sinha" RNU (Mr. Yamin) Newsreel Unit (A. Sidharth) Admn. Branch (Soni) $$ Eng. Monitoring RTI Seat K.R. Meena ADG (News) "BV" Hindi Monitoring Sumed Singh English Talks Hindi Talks PA to DG(News) Website Cell (Web Asst.) Website Cell for DEO Website Cell for DEO Website Cell for DEO Website Cell for DEO PA to ADG (Sudhakar) Sunita AD RNU, Tripti Srivastava Feature Unit PA to DDA GNR for sound byte editing. Odiya Unit Tamil Language Unit Room No. 217, Atul Programmer Nepali Unit Genl. Branch (Urmil) $$ Accounts Branch Salary Accounts Branch (Acctt) Feature Unit Hindi Officer K. Asiah, Director Website Cell Genl. Branch (Bhatt) Market Mantra I.T. Unit (Programmer) Reporting Unit Feature Unit Punjabi Unit Arunachali Unit Reporting Unit
2. 3.
HP Proliant 110, Pentium D Sr. A.O’s Room in 2nd Floor. Processor 3 Gzhs., 160 GB HDD, CD Rom, 1 GB Ram. 17" CRT Monitor, --do-Website Cell in Studio Block IBM X 3400 Model, Interl I.T. Unit Xeon Processor 2 Ghzs. 1TB HDD, 8 GB RAM 17” TFT Monitor, DVD Writer, Duel Processor Support.
3 Nos.
23 Nos.
Model HP 8510P, Duo 6 Nos. Processor 2.2 Gzhs., 1 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, DVD R/W and Laptop Charger Model HP 8530P, Core2 Duo 15 Nos. Processor 2.2 Gzhs., 1 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD, DVD R/W and Laptop Charger Soni Vio SB series Laptops 2 Nos. SB25/S Corei3 processor, 500 GB HDD, 2 GB RAM Windows7 Home Premium preloaded.
Annexure - A-II List of Printers to be given under AMC (Total 108) Printers as detailed below:Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.
Laserjet laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet
Model 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022 1022
Section ADG (VJ) Hindi Officer PA to ADG (SM) Acctt. Branch (Urv.) GNR Market Mantra Nepali Unit Gujarati Unit Marathi Unit Urdu Unit Dogri Unit GNRAdmn. Steno Oriya Unit Malayalam Unit HNR Sports Scan Tamil Unit Sr. AO (Admn.) Feature Unit Admn. Steno (Hindi) Sumed Singh Hindi Monitoring RNU (Yamin) Arunachali Unit Store Sanskrit Unit English Monitoring RTI Seat Store Bengali Unit Tamil Unit PA to ADG (VJ) Kashmiri Unit Punjabi Unit Despatch IT Unit (Bhatt) Accounts Branch (Casual) Ms. P. Kaur, OSD Dir. (Narendra Kaushal) PA to Dir (N. Kaushal) Seema Cashier Admn. Branch Soni SAO Accounts General Br. ( Bagga) Director (Beena Yadav) Director (N) Devpreet Singh News Reel (A. Sidharth) Director (A. Bhatnagar) Hindi Monitoring Feature Unit PA to DDA English Talks
Location Room No. 210 124 115 215 Studio Block Studio Block 109 102 107 106 111 202 105 103 Studio Block 110 221 Studio Block 214 213 Studio Block 216 109 R. No. 117 101 (A) Studio Block 216 117 105 109 209 101 (A) 102 201 120 215 122 208 208 114 216 215 216 125 208 210 201 Studio Block Studio Block 222 125
52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. H 104. 105. 106. 107. 108.
Laserjet Inkjet Laserjet C. Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Office-jet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet C Laserjet C Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Laserjet Photosmart Officejet
1022 Busin 1000 3005 DN 2600N 1015 1015 1015 1015 1020 1015 1015 1015 1015 1010 1020 1015 1022 1022 1320 1022 1020 1020 1020 1010 2430 T 2420 DN 2420 DN 1005 K5400 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 1505 3010 3010 1007 1007 1007 1007 2025 DN 2025 DN 2055 DN 2055 DN 2055 DN 2055 DN C310 A 6500 Pro
PA to Director (A. Bhatnagar) ADG (SM) HNR DG(News) Hindi Talks News Reel Eng. Monitoring Hindi Style Book Sanjeev Sharma - NRT seat Parliament Admn. Br. Saxena Accounts (Neelam Chopra) Sarita (Admn. Branch) PA to Director (Beena Yad.) GNR Asstt. Director RNU Tripti GNR Clerk Library PA to Dir (Dipika Kachal) Dalet (Reporting Unit) Market Mantra Acctt. Branch (Genl) Store R. No. 117 Urdu Unit PA to DG(News) Eng. Monitoring PA to DDA Reporting Unit Store General Branch (Urmil) General Branch (Suresh) DD(News) "Naseem" Feature Unit Reference Unit PA to Dir. "Devpreet" Hindi Officer Reporting Unit Accounts Branch Transport Unit Stationery Clerk PA to JD (IT) R. No. 115 ADG - PJS I.T. Unit 117 GNR SMS Computer HNR E-in-C ADG (BV) DG (News) Dir (NR) Dipika Kachal Store I.T. Unit (Server) PS to DG (News) I.T. Unit I.T. Unit I.T. Unit I.T. Unit Res. To DG (News) Res. To ADG (VJ)
202 201 Studio Block 201 125 Studio Block Studio Block 217 216 P. House 216 220 216 115 Studio Block 123 101 Third Floor 207 216 Studio Block 215 221 106 201 Studio Block 221 Studio Block 117 216 216 118 Studio Block 121 207 123 Studio Block 215 321 3rd Floor 115 201 117 Studio Block HNR 112 201 117 117 117 203 117 117 117 117 ---
Annexure - A - III List of UPS to be given under comprehensive AMC (excluding batteries) (Total 109 UPSs) as detailed below:Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
Make Venus (Yello) Venus Yello) Venus (Yello) Venus (Yello) Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS
Installed at I.T. Unit (Meena) Admn. Br. (Bagga) DD (IT) Library Admn. Steno (Hindi) PA to DDA Accounts Branch (Neelam) Cashier Gujarati Unit Marathi Unit Urdu Unit Malayalam Unit Director (News) K. Asiah Tamil Unit Asstt. Dir. (Naseem) Oriya Unit IT Unit Programmer Dogri Unit Punjabi Unit Director (Beena Yadav) Feature Unit Urdu Unit Sumed Singh RNU Seat Md. Yamin English Monitoring RTI (K.R. Meena) ADG (BV) Bengali Unit Nepali Unit Accounts Branch (Casuals) Transport Unit Sports Scan (Dalet) Sr. A.O. (Admn.) (Admn. Br. ) Pushpa Dulani Tamil Language Unit Kashmiri Language Unit Website Cell Website Cell Website Cell PA to Director Asiah PA to ADG (SM) (Lalita) Oriya Unit Feature Unit Director (P.J. Sudhakar) Reference Unit Asstt. Director (RNU) Tripti PA to Director (Devpreet) General Branch (Kataria) Feature Unit PA to ADG (BV) Market Mantra Hindi Officer Reporting Unit Hindi News Room Account Branch
Room No. 120 216 122 3rd Floor 213 221 215 114 102 107 106 103 201 112 118 105 217 113 102 226 Studio Block 123 213 216 Studio Block 216 113 105 109 215 120 Studio Block 221 216 110 102 Studio Block Studio Block Studio Block 208 115 106 Studio Block 202 121 122 206 216 Studio Block 115 Studio Block 123 Studio Block Dalet 215
56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109.
Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Venus UPS Paradine Luminious Luminious Luminious Venus UPS January 2010 --do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do-Venus UPS January 2011 --do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do---do-WEP UPS --do-Luminious May 11
General News Room PA to DDA Accounts Branch (Salary) English Admn. Steno Website Cell Website Cell Hindi Officer Kashmiri Unit DG (News) Office GNR Sports Scan Acctt. Branch (Urvashi) PS to DG (N) Hindi Monitoring SMS PC in GNR EDB PC in GNR Website Cell News Reel News Reel Monitoring Unit Committee Room Director (Dipika Kachal) Director (A. Bhatnagar) DG(News) Director (IT) ADG (News) (VJ) Sanskrit Unit Bengali Unit Accounts Branch Sr. A.O. (Acctt.) Arunachali / Assami Unit Punjabi Unit Dogri Unit NIC AV Server Room No. 117 Head Clerk (Admn.) I.T. Unit Steno Computer DG (News) PA to ADG (Admn.) Blalvinder Nepali Unit Urdu Language Unit Switch, I.T. Unit Switch I.T. Unit (2nd Floor) Gujarati Unit Marathi Unit Malayalam Unit PA to DDA Website Cell S. Mathias, Addl. DG (News) PA to DG (News) Store ADG) Veena Jain's Res. Sarita Kaul, Admn. Branch DG (News) Residence PA to ADG (PJ Sudhakar) PA to DG News
Studio Block 202 215 205 Studio Block Studio Block 121 101 Dalet PC Studio Block 215 201 Studio Block Studio Block --do---do---do---do---do-217 207 --do-202 207 208 102 105 215 102 105 103 109 117 126 120 203 208 108 105 117 Utility Room 104 105 106 223 Studio Block 118 206 117 Residence 214 115 205
Annexure A - IV
Other items to be given under AMC:1.
Uniline 1 KV off Line UPS 3 Nos. nd (SAO’s Room 2 Floor, Website Cell & I.T. Unit) (Excluding Batteries)
APC online UPS (Installed for EDB at boundary of Parliament Street) (Excluding Batteries)
Projector Sharp XR 10X Model. (Comprehensive AMC consisting of all parts including the lamp, cable and accessories)
HP Scanjet 2400/2410/3600 (Series)/U-Max 5600 Series) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
DG (News) Website Cell Hindi Talks PS to DG (News) I.T. Unit AD (RNU)"Tripti" Website Prog. PA to Dir(RNU) I.T. Unit I.T. Unit 17" 21” 17”
HP 2400 Series HP 3600 Series HP 2400 Series HP 2400 Series HP 2400 Series HP 2400 Series HP 2400 Series HP 2400 Series HP 2410G (2 Nos.) U-Max 5600 series (3 Nos.)
6. 7. 8.
HP Monitor HP Monitor HCL/LG Moniter
(Installed with Dalet System in Website Cell) (Installed in I.T. Unit Room No. 120) (Installed in I. T. Unit)
Switches (9 Nos.) Cisco, 24 Port, 2960 Series (IT Unit (3), Website (1), GNR (1) Urdu Unit (1), Second Floor (2), D-link make 24 Port GNR LAN
8 Nos.
(1 No.)
Appendix A-V LOCAL AREA NETWORK Terminus / Hub No. & Place 1. Admn. Block 2ND Floor
2. DG (N)/ ADG (N) / Directors Room in 2nd Floor
3. I.T. Unit (first Floor)
4. Language Units
5. Website Cell
6. GNR / HNR
Sl. No.
No. of nodes
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Dy. Director (Admn.) PA to DDA Sr. AO (Admn.) Sr. AO (Acs.) General Branch Admn. Branch Accounts (Acctt.) Admn. Steno (Hin) Despatch Room Ciommttee Hall / Wating Room
1 2 2 1 4 4 4 1 1 2
DG (News)
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
ADG (Admn.) PA's Room 210 Director (K. Asiah) Director (NR) Director (IT) Director Room No. 201 Admn. Steno (Eng) Library / Stationary
1 3 2 2 2 2 1 3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
I.T. Unit Director (RN) AD (RN)/ PA to Dir (RN) Talks Unit Hindi Officer Ref. Unit ADG (News)'s Room PA's Room Cashier / Caretaker DD (IT) DD(News)
4 1 2 2 1 1 4 4 2 1 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14..
Urdu Unit Gujarati Unit Kashmiri Unit Oria Unit Sanskrit Unit Malayalam Unit Punjabi Unit Bengali Unit Marathi Unit Arunachali Unit Nepali Unit Tamil Unit Dogri Unit GNR Clerk
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Web Site Cell Eng. Monitoring Hindi Monitoring Reporting Unit News Reel Unit NOP Server Feature Unit
8 2 1 2 1 1 5
1. 2. 3. 4.
GNR / HNR Standby LAN GNR Standby Computer HNR Standby Computer Market Mantra
20 1 1 2 Grand Total
24 123 Nodes
Note : Rates of networking cable (D-Link - CAT-6) (per mtr.) and laying charges with conduting may also be mentioned.