Apr 9, 2013 ... Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Hardware and Peripherals at
TCIL Bhawan. Tender documents are enclosed. Complete ...
Tender Document For Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Hardware and Peripherals at TCIL Bhawan
Tender No: TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E Issued on: April 09, 2013
Issued By: Material Management Division Fourth Floor, Fax: +91 (11) 26242266 Tel: +91 (11) 26202020/Exn 2406 Email:
[email protected],
[email protected] Visit us at http://www.tcil-india.com
Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (A Govt. of India Enterprise) Material Management Division TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash-I New Delhi – 110048 (India)
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Notice Inviting Tender
Instructions to Bidders and Terms & Conditions
Bill of Quantity (BOQ) & Price Bid Schedule
List of Hardware and Peripherals
Scope of work for Preventive Maintenance Service
Draft Agreement
Bid Bond (EMD) Format
PBG Format
Bid Submission Form
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SECTION-1 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
NOTICE INVITING TENDERS Sealed tenders are invited from eligible/experienced bidders/firms/organizations/ suppliers for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Hardware and Peripherals at TCIL Bhawan. Tender documents are enclosed. Complete tender documents are also available on TCIL’s website, address given below: http://www.tcil-india.com The documents downloaded by the parties from the website shall be valid for participation in the tender process. Eligibility Criteria: 1.
Average Annual Financial Turnover during the last 3 years, ending 31st March 2012, should be at least Rs. 4 Lacs. Bidder should submit the Annual Report (Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account) for last three years.
The Bidder should have the Experience of successfully executed at least one single work involving maintenance of at least 330 Desktops/ Laptops and 100 Printers at one location per year during last 3 (Three) years ending 31st March, 2013. (Please submit certificate from client/PO copy as documentary proof).
The Bidder should have its own Local Establishment/Support Office/Repair/ Service Centre in Delhi/NCR. (Please submit documentary proof of the Establishment).
Bidder should provide necessary supporting documents as proof in respect of all the above items as part of eligibility verification. Evaluation Criteria Evaluation of Price Offer shall be done as a package. Total value of all the items (for 1st year and 2nd year) shall be taken as the criteria for evaluation. Bidders quoting partly shall not be considered. Earnest money amounting to Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only) by Demand Draft in favour of “Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd.” / Bank Guarantee in the prescribed format from a scheduled bank from its branch at Delhi / New Delhi shall be submitted along with the tender in a separate envelope. Tenders received without EMD/inadequate EMD shall be summarily rejected. Page 3 of 25
Two stage bidding system to be adopted i.e. “Techno-Commercial Offer” and “Price Offer”. Tender document fee (when documents are downloaded from website) and EMD shall be part of Techno-Commercial Offer. The tenders shall be submitted in the Office of GGM (MM), 4th Floor, TCIL Bhawan, G.K.-I, New Delhi-110048, on or before 15:00 hrs., on May 01, 2013. In the first stage the Techno-Commercial Offers shall be opened at 16:00 hrs. on May 01, 2013 in the presence of Tenderers or their authorized representatives present at the time of tender opening. The Price Offers of only those parties who qualify in the first stage shall be opened at time and date to be notified separately. TCIL reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason.
Group General Manger (MM)
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SECTION 2 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
Price Basis F.O.R. TCIL Bhawan, New Delhi inclusive of Service Taxes. However, the rate and amount of Service Tax shall be mentioned clearly in the quote. The Contractor has to raise Tax Invoice. The rate is to be quoted per annum item-wise. For the items against which the expiry date of warranty is mentioned, the AMC period shall start after expiry of warranty period. The period of AMC shall be counted proportionately for the period under AMC.
Performance Bank Guarantee The Successful Bidder is required to submit Performance Bank Guarantee for a value equivalent to 10% of the contract value towards performance of the Annual Maintenance Contract valid for AMC period + one month. The Bank Guarantee shall be provided from a Scheduled Bank from its branch in Delhi in the format to be provided by TCIL. The Successful bidder has to sign an Agreement as per format given in Section-6 for the AMC after award of Contract.
Coordinating Authority Joint General Manager (O) 6th FLOOR, TCIL BHAWAN, G.K.-I NEW DELHI-110048
Validity of Offer 120 days from the date of opening of offers. Offer once submitted cannot be withdrawn till the finalization of tender. In case offer is withdrawn, EMD submitted shall be forfeited.
Inspection clause TCIL has the right to Inspect the system during the execution of AMC to ensure proper upkeep of the system and performance of annual maintenance contract. The contractor shall provide substitute equipment in case of any fault in system etc. if same is to be taken out for repair.
Other Conditions i) ii) iii)
Offers received in sealed envelope within the due date only shall be considered. Offer received through fax or through open letter shall be ignored. TCIL reserves the right to cancel the tender without assigning any reasons. Page 5 of 25
Acceptance/Compliance of the AMC Agreement Term i)
The bidder shall submit their acceptance/compliance for the AMC agreement terms & condition and General terms & conditions (Section-6).
The successful bidder has to sign the AMC Agreement as enclosed at Section-6.
Opening of Techno-Commercial Offer (PART-1)
2.8.1 The Purchaser shall open the Techno-commercial offer (Part-1) in the presence of authorized bidder’s representatives who choose to attend at date and time specified in the NIT. The bidder’s representative who is present shall sign the Attendance Register. 2.8.2 A maximum of two representatives for any bidder shall be permitted and authorized to attend the bid opening. 2.8.3 The date fixed for opening of bids, if subsequently declared as holiday by the TCIL, the revised date of schedule will be notified. However, in absence of such notification, the bids will be opened on next working day, time and venue remaining unaltered. 2.9
Evaluation of Tenders
2.9.1 The Purchaser shall evaluate the bids in respect to the substantive responsiveness of the bid or otherwise. The Purchaser shall carry out detailed evaluation of the substantially responsive bids. The Purchaser shall check the bid to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made or required sureties have been furnished. 2.9.2 Arithmetical error shall be rectified on the following basis :a)
If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and total price that is obtained multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected by the Purchaser.
In case of discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail.
2.9.3 A bid determined as substantially non-responsive shall be rejected by the Purchaser. 2.9.4 The Purchaser may waive any minor infirmity or non-conformity or irregularity in the bid which does not constitute a material deviation. 2.9.5 The Purchaser shall evaluate in detail and compare the bids which are substantially responsive. 2.9.6 The evaluation of the ranking shall be carried out on the landed price of goods offered inclusive of all taxes. 2.9.7 The distribution of tendered quantity amongst the technically and commercially complied bidders shall be based on merits of each case. 2.9.8 TCIL shall have the sole discretion in deciding the number of parties on whom the orders shall be finally placed.
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Submission of Bid Sealed offer shall be submitted in two separate envelopes. Envelope 1 superscibed as PART-1 (Techno-commercial offer) shall contain the following: a)
Duly filled in Bid Submission Form as per Section – 9.
Documentary evidence in respect of the eligibility criteria mentioned in the N.I.T.
Technical Offer specifying details
About the organization, Infrastructure Manpower (trained & qualified maintenance personnel) on roll. List of certified Novell, Microsoft, Linux and Cisco engineers on the roll. Address of workshop to carryout in-house repair of faulty units.
A Clause by Clause compliance to all Terms & Conditions of the tender specified at Section 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9.
All the pages of the Bid (original & copy) must be serially numbered, properly stitched and kept in a file. Each page must indicate the page number of that page/the total number of page the bid contains. For example, if the bid contains 99 pages in total, the marking on page 1 shall be “1/99”, on page 2 it will be marked as “2/99” and so on.
Envelope 2 superscibed as PART-II (Price offer) shall contain the Price Offer. (i)
A single cover containing both the envelopes (i.e. Envelope 1 & Envelope 2 sealed separately) shall be addressed to the Purchaser at the following address: Group General Manager (MM) Telecommunications Consultants India Limited, MM Division, TCIL Bhawan, 4th Floor, Greater Kailash – I, New Delhi- 110048. INDIA Tel: +91-11-26202406/26242411 Fax: +91-11-26242266 / 26241847 The envelopes should be superscribed “Tender No. ______________ for ________________________________________________________”. The tender box shall be sealed at the stipulated deadline for submission. The names/designations of concerned officers who can be contacted are mentioned below: 1)
M.K. Merkap GM (MM) Tel.: 011-26202403
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M.S. Sabharwal Manager (MM) Tel.: 011-26202422
All the three envelopes (one outer and two inner) shall bear the “Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Hardware and its Peripherals and the Tender Number with the words ‘DO NOT OPEN BEFORE’ (due date and time).
The inner and outer envelopes shall indicate the name and address of the bidders to identity the bid and to enable the bid to be returned unopened in case it is declared ‘late’ or ‘rejected’.
The tenders may be sent by tenderers by Courier / Speed Post, with the envelope marked as mentioned above. Alternatively, tenders may also be deposited by the tenderers in the tender box located in MM Division at 4th Floor within the due date and time.
Offers received through fax or through open letter shall be ignored.
Opening of Price Offer Price offer of only those bidders will be opened whose Techno-commercial offers are found to be qualified and acceptable to TCIL. Bidder’s representative may attend the Price offer opening. The qualified parties shall be notified with the date, time & venue of the opening of the Price offer.
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SECTION 3 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Item Description
1 AMC for Desktop Computers AMC for Laptop Computers AMC for Servers AMC for Laser Jet Printers AMC for All in One Printers AMC for Desk Jet Printers AMC for Lipi Printer AMC for Plotter AMC for Network Printers Black AMC for Network Printers Color AMC for Scanners AMC for Hub AMC for Network Switch AMC for HP DAT Drive
Qty. Unit Rate Unit Rate Required for 1st for 2nd in Nos. Year Year without without Service Service Tax (Rs.) Tax (Rs.) 2 3 4 290 120 7 48 11 15 1 1 11 6 14 7 11 1
Unit Total Rate for 1st & 2nd Year without Service Tax (Rs.) 5=(3+4)
Total Value Service Service Total Quoted of 1st & 2nd Tax Rate Tax Value Value for 1st Year (%) (Rs.) Year & 2nd without Year with Service Tax Service Tax (Rs.) (Rs.) 6=(5 X 2) 7 8=(6 X 7) 9=(8+6)
Total Bid Value (Rs.)
Total Bid Value (In Words):
_______________________________________________________________________________ - END OF SECTION 3 Page 9 of 25
SECTION 4 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
S. Item Description No. 1 DESKTOP COMPUTERS 2 3
Make & Model
Core 2 Dou, 2 GB RAM, 250/160 GB HDD
120 4
Core 2 Dou, 2 GB RAM, 160/250 GB HDD Xeon CPU 2.80GHz, 8 GB RAM, 300 GB HDD Pentium® III CPU 1266MHz, 2 GB RAM, 68 GB HDD Xeon CPU 3.00GHz, 32 GB RAM, 300 GB HDD Xeon CPU 2.80GHz, 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD LASERJET PRINTER
X Series 232 IBM
SIS Workhorse SWH327
6 7 8 9
15 1 1 11
HP P1007/P1008/P1108/1020/1022/1010/1300/ 1200/ Samsung 2010 HP F4185/1050/M1213nf/M1522nf/F4285/ 1410/ Pro8600/4500 HP 840C/5550/5160/5748/K109/2400C/2360 TALLY GENICOM LINE PRINTER 6306 HP 1050 C HP 2420/P3005/2055/2035/2015
HP 4600/CP5225/5550/2025/1525/1600/1215
11 12 13 14
14 7 11 1
HP G2410/3970/3600/3010/3560/3500C/4070 3COM HP 3COM/D-LINK HP DAT 320
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SECTION 5 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
Hardware Maintenance of Computer System of TCIL located at TCIL Bhawan and any other location in Delhi.
Maintenance include Routine Corrective and Preventive Maintenance of the computer system and its Peripherals as specified in the inventory of equipment (Section-3) to be covered under AMC.
AMC shall cover Labour charges, required spares, breakage, burnt and consumables except Floppies, CDs, Tapes and Ribbons/ Cartridges/ Toners/ Fuser and Imaging Units for LaserJet Printers & Stationery.
Maintenance also includes Software Installation, un-installation, Virus Removal and Integrity maintenance to make the system/ equipment/ network functional.
For Routine Corrective Maintenance at TCIL Bhawan, 2 (Two) Resident Engineer with a Mobile connection for easy accessibility shall be posted. Working hours of Resident Engineer shall be 09:30 hours to 19:30 hours , Monday to Saturday.
Faults in the Computer system at locations other than TCIL Bhawan shall be reported to the Help Desk of Vendor. Faults reported before 14:00 hours shall be attended on the same day and those booked after 14:00 hours shall be attended on the next working day by 10:00 hours.
Preventive Maintenance for the whole computer system shall be done on Quarterly basis which shall include external/ internal cleaning of the system, running the diagnostics / utilities to determine the existing or likelihood faults and their removal. Detailed test to be carried during Preventive Maintenance shall be worked out between the TCIL and Vendor.
System/ Equipment/ Network uptime shall be minimum 98% in a year.
Vendor shall stock commonly used spares at TCIL Bhawan for immediate replacement.
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SECTION 6 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
AGREEMENT This agreement made on this ______________ between M/s Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd., a company registered under the Companies Act 1956 and having its Registered Office at TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi-110048 (hereinafter called TCIL which expression shall include its successors and assigns) of one part and M/s Vendor having their office at XXXX, (hereinafter called the Contractor which expression shall include the successors and assigns) the other part. Collectively TCIL & contractor referred as “Parties” and individually as “Party”. WHEREAS TCIL vide LOI dated nil had awarded the Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Hardware and Peripherals in TCIL Bhawan, TCIL’s offices at other locations in Delhi. NOW THIS CONTRACT WITNESSETH AS FOLLOWS: 1.
That the contractor shall truly and faithfully carry on the said jobs as it is done by the service/ business houses in proper manner/ standard and fashion for the comprehensive maintenance of the Computers & Peripheral equipment of TCIL to the extent and its satisfaction as mentioned in said tenders. The comprehensive maintenance includes Preventive Maintenance, Routine Maintenance Services of the computer hardware, LAN and other equipment’s, checking software programs and removal of the Faults detected on calls and/ or replacement of any disks/ tapes and other items necessary for keeping TCIL’s computer system active and free from any defects/ disturbances including Viruses and also on any unscheduled call corrective and maintenance services, taking appropriate measures/ steps on time to set right the malfunctioning of the TCIL’s office computer systems aforesaid. The contractor will do replacement of spares without any extra charges. At present items covered under AMC are located at TCIL Bhawan and other locations in Delhi. The locations may increase in future. The item can be added or deleted at present locations or new locations by TCIL in NCR at their discretion at any point of time during the AMC period. The rate per machine quoted by the vendor shall be considered for addition/ deletion on pro-rate basis.
The rates fixed for each item as per AMC for Comprehensive Maintenance agreement shall remain valid for the period from ________ to ________ and it can be extended at the same rates for a further period of One year/ part of year at the option of TCIL by giving thirty (30) days written notice in advance to the contractor provided the contractor has discharged its obligations hereunder successfully. Any increase or decrease of taxes and duties etc will not affect the AMC rates during this period.
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PAYMENT TERMS The AMC charges will be paid on quarterly basis at the end of quarter on submission of bill supported with document mentioned in General Terms & Conditions (Preventive Maintenance Reports, Copies of Call Reports and details of Complaints booked).
TERMINATION OF CONTRACT TCIL may, without prejudice to any other remedy for breach of contract, by written notice of default sent to the contractor terminate this contract in whole or in parts, a) b) c)
d) 6.
If the contractor fails to maintain any or all equipment within the time periods specified in the contract or any extension thereof granted by the TCIL or If the contractor fails to perform any other obligations under the contract. The filing by or against either party of a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency, or for reorganization, or for the appointment of receiver or trustee, or the making of the assignment for the benefit of creditors. Mutual agreement between the parties to terminate this Agreement by giving one month prior written notice.
PERIOD OF CONTRACT The period of Contract shall be initially for a period of 2 (Two) years from the date of signing of Agreement extendable for a further period of 1 (One) year, at the same rates, terms & conditions of the initial contract at the option of TCIL by giving thirty (30) days written notice in advance to the contractor provided the contractor has discharged its obligations hereunder successfully. Any increase or decrease of taxes and duties etc will not affect the AMC rates during this period.
In the event of termination of the contract in whole or in part, the TCIL reserves the right to execute/ get executed the said contract or part thereof upon such terms and in such manner as it deems appropriate at the risk and cost of the contractor. However, the contractor shall continue performance of the contract to the extent it is not terminated.
The contractor shall during the course of attending “On Call Service” or during their regular maintenance service, noticing the requirement of spare parts, shall on notice to TCIL or its authorized person remedy the defects or faults, only at the site of the computers. Necessary and sufficient spares of good quality and standard shall have to be kept ready by the contractor for the immediate requirements or otherwise for the compliance of other provisions hereof.
Any time on indulgence granted by TCIL will not be deemed to be a WAIVER on its parts or act as an estoppels preventing/ prejudicing TCIL for advancing any claim for damages or otherwise against the contractor under this agreement.
Respective obligations under this agreement caused by occurrences of event beyond the control of the parties knows as force majure including but not limited to fire (including failure of reductions), Act of God, act of the public enemy, war insurrections, riots, strikes, lookouts sabotage any law or ordnance actions or any other local authority or any compliance there with or any other causes, contingencies, or circumstances similar to the Page 13 of 25
above. On the happening of one or more of the above events, either party shall promptly but not later than twenty days notify in writing to the other of the commencement and cessation of such stature/ tenure of major conditions of the said contagion’s, and if such conditions contagion’s continuous find out a fair and equitable solution to solve the stalemates or terminations of this agreement otherwise decide the course of action so that TCIL’s interest may not suffer adversely. 11.
Coordinating officer from TCIL would sign the inventory for the equipment to be brought under AMC with regard to computer and peripherals in Annexure I at the time of entering into agreement with the contractor based on physical verification. This inventory shall be reviewed every quarter and updated w.r.t. the following: a. PCs/ Printers/ other items which are declared beyond repair shall be deleted. b. PCs/ Printers/ other items, for which the warranty has expired shall be added. The payment to the contractor shall be made w.r.t. the inventory of items listed in the beginning of the quarter. However, any other item, if added in the inventory of items during the quarter, the payment shall be made for the full quarter.
For any co-ordination and smooth implementation of the contract, coordinating officer appointed by TCIL may be contacted. The coordinator may be changed or additionally appointed at the discretion of TCIL.
Contractor shall submit schedule of Preventive Maintenance indicating dates in such a way as to cover the PCs under maintenance in one quarter’s period.
Contractor shall appoint minimum Two Resident Engineers for AMC of computers and peripherals installed at TCIL Head Quarter & its other offices in Delhi. The Resident Engineers shall contact the coordinating officer daily before 09:30 am on all working days. The Contractor shall assign additional engineers for full time / part time depending upon the complaints received/ pending to meet the Service Level Requirements defined in the Agreement.
At the end of AMC period, contractor shall be responsible to make over all the machines/ printers etc. under maintenance to the new AMC contractor in the working order and shall submit a letter of making over- taking over, failing which any dues to AMC contractor shall be withheld till such time it is fully accomplished.
The details of Coordinating Officer/ Contact person: TCIL
D K Chawla Joint General Manager (O)
TCIL Bhawan Greater Kailash - I New Delhi 110 048 91-11-2620 2614 9868393771 +91-11-2624 1422
[email protected]
Phone: Mobile: Fax: E-mail:
Day & Time: ………………….. Page 14 of 25
General terms & condition enclosed at Annexure I and Inventory List at Annex II forms part of this Agreement.
The Vendor shall give Performance Bank Guarantee of 10% of the contract value towards performance of the annual Maintenance contract valid for AMC period + one month and till final handing over of covered equipments in good working condition. The Bank Guarantee shall be provided from a Scheduled Bank in India and in the format to be provided by TCIL
Arbitration: In case of any dispute in respect of any of the provision of this agreement, it shall be settled by mutual consultation. Unresolved disputes shall be referred to CMD, TCIL, who shall himself act as the sole Arbitrator or shall name a sole arbitrator for this purpose. The provisions of Indian Arbitration Act of 1996 shall apply.
Governing Laws and Disputes a. This shall be construed and governed by the Laws of the India and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Delhi Courts of Law. b. Any matter, which is not stipulated in the Agreement, shall be settled in good faith by discussion amongst the parties in a spirit of understanding and cooperation. Witness whereof the parties hereto executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. Signed and delivered for and on behalf of the above contractor M/s Vendor by its pursuant of the board resolution dated in the presence of _______________________.
Signed and delivered for and on behalf of the above named TCIL, by its constituted attorney.
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Annexure – I GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR AMC The General Terms & Conditions for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance are as follows: 1.
The Computer Maintenance Firm (CMF) shall provide the details regarding the name, telephone number, and FAX number etc. of contact persons who shall register the complaints. The list of holidays for the CMF shall also be provided by the CMF. The contact details during holidays & non-working hours shall be provided to meet TCIL's emergency requirements. The conditions for meeting TCIL's emergency requirements are specified in clause 6 given below. The complain number shall be provided when the fault is report and the record of the same shall be maintained in a well-defined manner by the CMF indicating the time taken to close the complaint:
The Maintenance includes Routine, Preventive & Corrective maintenance of the system and its peripherals as specified in the enclosed list. The AMC shall cover labour charges, required spares, wear & tear of components, burnt components, breakage and consumables except Floppies, CDs, Tapes, Ribbons/ Cartridges/ Toners, Image Transfer Kit/ Image Fuser Kit and Stationery.
M/s Vendor shall stock commonly used spares at TCIL Bhawan for immediate replacement. The list of inventory is placed at Annexure II. This stock shall be recouped on daily basis.
The Maintenance also includes the Software Installation, un-installation, Virus Removal and Integrity Maintenance to make the systems/ equipments/ network functional. It also includes making the systems/ equipments functional in the existing network. The software shall be provided by TCIL. Any Hardware or Device Driver required for the above shall be provided by the CMF.
The Preventive Maintenance shall be done on Quarterly basis i.e. once in Three Months, which includes external/ internal cleaning of the systems/ equipments, running the diagnostics/ utilities to determine the existing or likelihood faults and removing the faults. The details of the tests that would be conducted by the CMF during preventive maintenance shall be provided. CMF engineer/ representative shall obtain signature from the user that the preventive maintenance has been done.
The scope of maintenance shall also include Hardware monitoring & other warnings in Syslog, The Computer Network Facility Management Services Partner shall make sure upkeep of server racks and server rooms, maintenance of records/ registers. Logs; standard operating procedures, procedures for shutdown and restart of servers, backing-up and clearing of server logs.
The system/equipments/ network service level and uptime requirements are as defined below: A. Severity Levels The various service levels are defined as follows: a) Severity Level 1 Servers Switch/ Hub/ LAN
: Non functional due to hardware/ OS failure : Any switch / hub/ LAN is non-functional Page 16 of 25
b) Severity Level 2 Switch/ Hub/ LAN Printer/ Plotter UPS
: More than six ports are non-functional : Non-operational : Non-operational
c) Severity Level 3 PCs/ Kiosk Printer/ Plotter
: Any problem : Any other problem but functional
B. Time to attend / resolve the problem S. No. 1 2 3
Severity Level
Severity Level 1 Severity Level 2 Severity Level 3
Time to attend the problem Working Beyond Working Hours hours 1 hour 4 hours 3 hours 12 hours 3 hours 12 hours
C. Uptime Requirement Uptime shall be calculated on Quarterly basis. Min uptime for servers and switches / Hubs shall be 99%. For every 0.5% fall in uptime, a penalty of 20% of quarterly AMC charge of that equipment shall be imposed on the vendor subject to a max of quarterly AMC charge for that equipment. D. Penalty In addition to the penalty for not meeting the uptime requirement, following penalties shall also be applied on the supplier for not attending / resolving the problem within stipulated time: a) Server Severity level 1: Penalty of 5% of AMC value during working hours and 2.5% of AMC value beyond working hours shall be levied per delay of each hour subject to max. of 20% of the AMC value. b) Server Severity level 2: Penalty of 5% of AMC value during working hours and 2.5% of AMC value beyond working hours shall be levied per delay of each hour subject to max. of 20% of the AMC value. c) Server Severity level 3: Penalty of 5% of AMC value during working hours and 2.5% of AMC value beyond working hours shall be levied per delay of each hour subject to max. of 20% of the AMC value. 8.
Minimum Two Resident Engineers (skilled) shall be posted at TCIL Bhawan who will carry out the Preventive and Corrective Maintenance of the Computer system at TCIL Bhawan including the Local Area Network. Working hours for the Resident Engineers shall be 09:30 AM to 07:30 PM, Monday to Saturday and if required on Holiday also on call basis. If Engineer is absent then substitute Engineer should posted at site to attend the call. Page 17 of 25
TCIL reserves the rights to interview the resident engineers and check for the suitability of candidates in context of knowledge, qualification and experience as below: 1. Network/ System level (1) One Technical specialist (Windows with Active Directory, Messaging system, Routing, Firewall, Backup, Storage, Linux) Experience: 4 to 5 years Qualification – Bachelors degree/ Masters degree/ Post graduate diploma from University of Govt. authorized body/ Institutions in IT or related field. Preferred Certifications – MCSA, MCSE, CCNA, RHCE, RHCT, etc.. 2. Desktop Level (1) One person to deal with first level complaints and able to provide assistance at help desk Experience 2 + years Skilled means the concerned person has the requisite qualifications to perform the works detailed above. Persons must communicate clearly and concisely. Their qualifying degrees must be from approved University and preferably from reputed institutions or Universities. If TCIL will find the persons deployed not suitable to our system, then TCIL reserves the right to ask the CMF for replacement within 72 hours. In addition, Persons deployed must adhere to the general norms of TCIL and other offices within NCR as specified from time to time. On request from the TCIL, the CMF will provide one or all services beyond working hours on working days and also on holidays on mandatory basis. The CMF should ensure 100% attendance of the manpower deputed to the TCIL by arranging standby engineer whenever required. 9.
M/s Vendor shall install a Help Desk PC in TCIL Bhawan for logging and monitoring of complaints to ensure quick response to the users
Resident Engineers posted at TCIL Bhawan shall be provided with a Mobile Connection for easy access in case of emergency
Faults in the Computer System at places outside TCIL Bhawan, viz. Sanachar Bhawan & any other locations shall be reported to the Help Desk of M/s Vendor. Faults reported before 02.00 PM shall be attended on the same day. Faults reported after 02:00 PM shall be attended next working day by 10:00 AM
Maximum permissible down time after fault reporting shall not be more than 24 hours. The down time shall be calculated from the time of fault report till the time of fault rectification. Page 18 of 25
TCIL reserves the right of getting the systems/ equipments attended by any other agency, if the complaints are not rectified to the satisfaction of TCIL within 72 hours from the time of fault report. The cost of such repairs etc. shall be at the risk and cost of CMF.
In case the fault can not be rectified at the premises and the system/equipment need to be taken out of the premises, CMF shall provide a standby system/ equipment of similar/equivalent configuration till the original system / equipment is replaced after rectification.
All the faults attended irrespective of the nature (routine & corrective) shall be entered in a call sheet and got signed by the user. One copy of the call sheet is to be submitted daily at the end of the day to the coordinator identified by TCIL The list with the systems/ equipments indicating the completion of Preventive Maintenance with the user’s signature is to be submitted at the end of every Quarter (three months). Necessary format shall be developed in coordination with the contractor and TCIL's nominated co-ordinator. CMF shall submit at the end of each month, the details of complaints booked with the CMF and their clearance. It is necessary to mention the time of logging in the compliant and the time of final rectification.
TCIL may at its discretion shift the systems/ equipments anywhere in Delhi/ New Delhi without prior information to CMF and CMF shall continue to provide the service at the new location without any additional charge. TCIL shall make all endeavors to inform the same to CMF as and when such shifting of equipments takes place.
TCIL may change the configuration of upto 20% of the systems/ equipments by way of adding/ removing RAM, DDD, CDROM Drive, and NIC etc. as per TCIL’s requirement and CMF shall continue to provide the service for the new configuration without any additional charge.
TCIL can ask for the service of CMF to add/delete the configuration of the system and add/ remove equipments to/ from the systems during the contract period without any additional service charges (Equipment shall be provide by TCIL).
TCIL may add or delete the number of systems/equipments upto 25% of total equipments during the contract period and the charges shall be increased/ reduced accordingly on pro-rata basis, based on the unit price quoted by the contractor. Variation beyond that may be settled mutually.
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Annexure II
INVENTORY LIST S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
Keyboards Mouse FDD (1.44 MB) CD-Drive LAN Cards DeskJet Printers Processor Fan Monitor (Color) SMPS PC RAM-DDR (I/II/III) each Laser Printer
2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
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SECTION 7 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
BID BOND (EMD FORMAT) Whereas ……………………. (hereinafter called “the Bidder”) has submitted its bid dated …………… For the supply of …………. Vide Tender No. ……………………….. dated …………… KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that WE ……………………. OF ………………. Having our registered office at ………….. (hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound unto Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (hereinafter called “the Purchaser”) in the sum of Rs. ………………… for which payment will and truly to be made of the said Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these present. THE CONDITIONS of the obligation are: 1.
If the Bidder withdraws his bid during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Bid form or
If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of his bid by the Purchaser during the period of bid validity (a) (b)
fails or refuses to execute the Contract, if required; or fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security, in accordance with the instructions to Bidders.
We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand, the purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owning to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. This guarantee will remain in force upto and including THIRTY (30) days after the Period of bid validity and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the specified date/dates. Signature of the Bank Authority. Name Signed in Capacity of Name & Signature of witness
Full address of Branch
Address of witness
Tel No. of Branch Fax No. of Branch
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SECTION 8 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE (PBG Format) M/s Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd., TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash-I New Delhi – 110 048 (INDIA) (With due stamp duty if applicable) OUR LETTER OF GUARANTEE No. : ______________ In consideration of TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANTS INDIA LIMITED, having its office at TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi – 110 048 (INDIA) (hereinafter referred to as “TCIL” which expression shall unless repugnant to the content or meaning thereof include all its successors, administrators and executors) and having entered into an agreement dated ___________/issued Purchase Order No. ___________________________________ dated _______ with/on M/s _________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “The Supplier” which expression unless repugnant to the content or meaning thereof, shall include all the successors, administrators, and executors). WHEREAS the Supplier having unequivocably accepted to supply the materials as per terms and conditions given in the Agreement dated ________ /Purchase Order No. __________________________ dated ___________ and TCIL having agreed that the Supplier shall furnish to TCIL a Performance Guarantee for the faithful performance of the entire contract, to the extent of 10% (ten percent) of the value of the Purchase Order i.e. for _______________________. We, __________________________________________ (“The Bank”) which shall include OUR successors, administrators and executors herewith establish an irrevocable Letter of Guarantee No. ____________ in your favour for account of __________________________ (The Supplier) in cover of performance guarantee in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement/Purchase Order. Hereby, we undertake to pay upto but not exceeding ___________ (say ____________________________ only) upon receipt by us of your first written demand accompanied by your declaration stating that the amount claimed is due by reason of the Supplier having failed to perform the Agreement and despite any contestation on the part of above named supplier. This Letter of Guarantee will expire on ___________ including 30 days of claim period and any claims made hereunder must be received by us on or before expiry date after which date this Letter of Guarantee will become of no effect whatsoever whether returned to us or not. _________________ Authorized Signature Manager Seal of Bank - END OF SECTION 8 Page 22 of 25
SECTION-9 Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E
April 09, 2013
BID SUBMISSION FORM Offer No.: ____________________________________
Date: _____________
To Group General Manager (MM) Telecommunications Consultants India Limited TCIL Bhawan, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi-110 048 (INDIA). Dear Sir, In response to your Tender No. TCIL/15/1507/I/13-MM/01E dated April 09, 2013 for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of Computer Hardware and Peripherals at TCIL Bhawan, we hereby submit our offer herewith. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Bidder Name Website Address Email Address Address for Communication
: ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________
Telephone Number
: ____________________________________
Fax/Telefax Number
: ____________________________________
Authorised Person -
Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID
: ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________
Alternate Person -
Name Designation Mobile No. Email ID
: ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________
PAN Number
: ____________________________________
TIN Number State
: ____________________________________ : ____________________________________
Service Tax Regn. No.
: ____________________________________
ECC Number
: ____________________________________ Page 23 of 25
Beneficiary’s complete Bank Details in case payment through LC is approved. Bank Account No. : ____________________________________ IFSC / NEFT Code : ____________________________________ Name of the Bank : ____________________________________ Address of the Branch : ____________________________________
Particulars of EMD Amount Mode of Payment (DD/BG) DD/BG No. Date Name of the Bank Address of the Bank Validity of BG
Particulars of Tender Fee Amount DD No. Date Name of the Bank Address of the Bank
: Rs. _________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________
: Rs._________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________ : ____________________________________
Turnover of the Bidder in last 3 years (Please submit copy of Annual Report) Year
Annual Report attached at Page No.
Turnover in Rs. (Lakh)
2011-2012 2010-2011 2009-2010 Average Turnover 17.
Details of similar work / order executed during last 2 years (Please submit copy of completion certificate from the client. Description of the Work/Order Executed
Value of Work/Order Executed
Name of the Client
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Start Date
Finish Date
Doc. Evidence at Page No.
Please mention the place from where shipment will be effected. ________________________________________________________________________
Country of Origin of Goods offered (Itemwise) ________________________________________________________________________
Please Mention Mode of Shipment (Sea/Air/Rail/Road) ________________________________________________________________________
Are you a MSME Unit. If yes, please furnish Registration Details, Name of the DIC / State. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Following Documents are submitted to substantiate other eligibility criteria. i) _________________________________________________________________ ii) ________________________________________________________________ iii) ________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION
We have read and understood the terms & conditions of the above mentioned tender and comply to all Terms & Conditions of your Tender. (In case of any deviation the Bidder must attach a separate sheet clearly mentioning the Clause No. of the Tender and Deviation thereto)
We certify that the information mentioned above are true and correct to best of our knowledge.
In case of receipt of order we confirm that payment shall be received through e-Banking / Electronics Transfer.
This offer contains ________ No. of pages including all Annexures and Enclosures.
Place: Date:
Signature of Authorised Signatory Name: Designation: Seal: - END OF SECTION 9 – Page 25 of 25