artificial intelligence (A.I.) tools based on neural networks, fuzzy-C sets or genetic algo- ... the analysis of photometric redshifts of galaxies in the Sloan Early Data .... density function of the data in the training set (id est prototype vectors best.
Artificial intelligence tools for data mining in large astronomical databases Giuseppe Longo1,2 , Ciro Donalek2 , Giancarlo Raiconi3,4 , Antonino Staiano3 , Roberto Tagliaferri3,4 , Fabio Pasian5 , Salvatore Sessa6 , Riccardo Smareglia5 , and Alfredo Volpicelli3 1 2 3
4 5 6
Department of Physical Sciences, University Federico II, via Cinthia, Napoli, Italy INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, via Moiariello 16, Napoli, Italy Department of Mathematics and Informatics - DMI, University of Salerno, Baronissi, Italy INFM - Section of Salerno, via S. Allende, Baronissi, Italy INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Trieste, via Tiepolo 13, Trieste, Italy Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata, Facolt` a di Architettura, Universit` a Federico II, Napoli Italy
Abstract. The federation of heterogeneous large astronomical databases foreseen in the framework of the AVO and NVO projects will pose unprecedented data mining and visualization problems which may find a rather natural and user friendly answer in artificial intelligence (A.I.) tools based on neural networks, fuzzy-C sets or genetic algorithms. We shortly describe some tools implemented by the AstroNeural collaboration (Napoli-Salerno) aimed to perform complex tasks such as, for instance, unsupervised and supervised clustering and time series analysis. Two very different applications to the analysis of photometric redshifts of galaxies in the Sloan Early Data Release and to the telemetry of the TNG (telescopio nazionale Galileo) are also discussed as template cases.
Data mining has been defined as ”the extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from the data (Witten & Frank, 2000)”. This definition fits well the expectations raised by the ongoing implementation of the International Virtual Observatory (or IVO) as a natural evolution of the European AVO (Astrophysical Virtual Observatory, and of the American NVO (National Virtual Observatory, The scientific exploitation of heterogeneous, distributed and large databases (multiwavelenght, multiepoch, multiformat, etc.; [1], [2] [3]) will in fact require the solution - in an user friendly and distributed environment - of old problems such as the implementation of complex queries, advanced visualization, accurate statistics, pattern recognition, etc. which are at the core of modern data mining techniques. The experience of other scientific (and non scientific) communities shows that some tasks can be effectively (id est in terms of accuracy and computing time) addressed by those Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) tools which are usually grouped under the label “machine learning”. Among these tools particularly relevant are neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy C-sets, etc. [4], [5]. A rather
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complete review of ongoing applications of neural networks (NNs)to the fields of astronomy, geology and environmental science can be found in [6]. In this paper we shall address only some topics which were tackled in the framework of the AstroMining collaboration and, furthermore, we shall focus on tools which work in the “catalogue space” of processed data (as opposed to the “pixel space” represented by the raw data) which, as stressed by [2] is a multiparametric space with a maximum dimensionality defined by the whole set of measured attributes for each given object.
Methodological background
The main aim of the AstroMining collaboration (started in 1999 at the Universities of Napoli and Salerno1 ) is the implementation of a set of tools to be integrated within the data reduction and analysis pipeline of the VLT Survey Telescope (VST): a wide field 2.6 m telescope which will be installed, by the end of year 2003, on Cerro Paranal, next to the four units of the Very Large Telescope (VLT). VST will be equipped with a large format 16k×16k CCD camera built by the OmegaCam Dutch-Italian-German Consortium and the expected data flow is of more than 100 GB of raw data per observing night. Due to the planned scientific goals, these data will often need to be handled, processed, mined and analysed on a very short time scale (for some applications, less than 8-12 hours). Before proceeding at describing some of the main tools implemented in AstroMining, it is useful to stress a few points. All the above described tasks may be reduced to clustering or pattern recognition problems, id est to the search of statistical (or otherwise defined) similarities among the elements (data) of what we shall call the input space. As already mentioned above, NN’s may work either in supervised or in unsupervised mode, where supervised means that the NN learns how to recognize patterns or how to cluster the data with respect to some parameters, by means of a rather large subset of data for which there is an a priori and accurate knowledge of the same parameter. Unsupervised means instead that the NN identifies clusters or patterns using only some statistical properties of the input data without any need for a priori knowledge. To be more explicit, let us focus on a specific application, namely the well known star galaxy classification problem, a task which can be approached using both supervised and unsupervised methods. In this case the input space will be a table containing the astrometric, morphological and photometric parameters for all objects in a given field. Supervised methods require that for a rather large subset of data in the input space there must be an a priori and accurate knowledge of the desired property (in this case the membership into either the Star or the Galaxy classes). This subset defines the “training set” and, in order for the NN to learn properly, it needs to sample the whole parameter space. The “a priori knowledge” needed for the objects in the training sets needs therefore to be acquired by means of 1
Financed through a MURST-COFIN grant and an ASI (Italian Space Agency) grant.
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either visual or automatic inspection of higher S/N and better angular resolution data, and cannot be imported from other data sets, unless they overlap and are homogeneous to the one which is under study. Supervised methods are usually fast and very accurate, but the construction of a proper training set may be a rather troublesome task ([7]). Unsupervised methods do not require a training set and can be used to cluster the input data in classes on the basis of their statistical properties only. Whether these clusters are or not significant to a specific problem and which meaning has to be attributed to a given class is not obvious and it requires an additional phase, the so called “labeling”. The labeling can be carried out even if the desired information (label) is available only for a small number of objects representative of the desired classes (in this case, for a few stars and a few galaxies). It has to be stressed, that - does not matter whether they are supervised or unsupervised - all these techniques, in order to be effective, require a lengthy procedure to be optimized and extensive testing is needed to evaluate their robustness against noise and inaccuracy of the input data. The AstroMining codes are written in MatLab and in what follows we shall shortly summarise the most relevant adopted metodologies, namely the Self Organizing maps, the Generative Topographic Mapping and the Fuzzy C Sets. 2.1
Self-Organizing Maps or SOM
The SOM algorithm ([8]) is based on unsupervised competitive learning, which means that the training is entirely data-driven and the neurons of the map compete with each other [9]. A SOM allows the approximation of the probability density function of the data in the training set (id est prototype vectors best describing the data), and a highly visualized approach to the understanding of the statistical characteristics of the data. In a crude approximation, a SOM is composed by neurons located on a regular, usually 1 or 2-dimensional, grid. Each neuron i of the SOM may be represented as an n-dimensional weight: mi = [mi1 , . . . , min ]T
where n is the dimension of the input vectors. Higher dimensional grids are not commonly used since in this case the visualization of the outputs becomes problematic. In most implementations, SOM’s neurons are connected to the adjacent ones by a neighborhood relation which dictates the structure of the map. In the 2dimensional case, the neurons of the map can be arranged either on a rectangular or a hexagonal lattice, and the total number of neurons determines the granularity of the resulting mapping thus affecting the accuracy and the generalization capability of the SOM. The use of SOMs as data mining tools requires several logical steps: the construction and the normalization of the data set (usually to 0 mean and unit variance), the inizialization and the training of the map, the visualization and the analysis of the results. In the SOMs, the topological relations and the number
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of neurons are fixed from the beginning via a trial and error procedure, with the neighborhood size controlling the smoothness and generalization of the mapping. The inizialization consists in providing the initial weights to the neurons and, even though the SOM are robust with respect to the initial choice, a proper initialization allows faster convergence. AstroMining allows three different types of initialization procedures: random initialization, where the weight vectors are initialized with small random values; sample initialization, where the weight vectors are initialized with random samples drawn from the input data set; linear initialization, where the weight vectors are initialized in an orderly fashion along the linear subspace spanned by the two principal eigenvectors of the input data set. The corresponding eigenvectors are then calculated using the Gram-Schmidt procedure detailed in [9]. The initialization is followed by the training phase. In each training step, one sample vector x from the input data set is randomly chosen and a similarity measure is calculated between it and all the weight vectors of the map. The Best-Matching Unit (BMU), denoted as c, is the unit whose weight vector has the greatest similarity with the input sample x. This similarity is usually defined via a distance (usually Euclidean). Formally speaking, the BMU can be defined as the neuron for which: kx − mc k = min kx − mi k i
where k · k is the adopted distance measure. After finding the BMU, the weight vectors of the SOM are updated and the weight vectors of the BMU and of its topological neighbors are moved in the direction of the input vector, in the input space. The SOM updating rule for the weight vector of the unit i can be written as: mi (t + 1) = mi (t) + hci (t)[x(t) − mi (t)]
where t denotes the time, x(t), the input vector and hci (t) the neighborhood kernel around the winner unit, defined as a non-increasing function of the time and of the distance of unit i from the winner unit c which defines the region of influence that the input sample has on the SOM. This kernel is composed by two parts: the neighborhood function h(d, t) and the learning rate function α(t): hci (t) = h(krc − ri k, t)α(t)
where ri is the location of unit i on the map grid. The AstroMining package allows the use of several neighborhood functions, among which the most commonly used is the so called Gaussian neighborhood function: exp(−krc − ri k2 /2σ 2 (t))
The learning rate α(t) is a decreasing function of time which, in the AstroMining package is: α(t) = (A/t + B)
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where A and B are some suitably selected positive constants. Since also the neighbors radius is decreasing in time, then the training of the SOM can be seen as performed in two phases. In the first one relatively large initial α value and neighborhood radius are used, and decrease in time. In the second phase both α value and neighborhood radius are small constants right from the beginning. 2.2
Generative Topographic Mapping or GTM
Latent variable models [10] aim to find a representation for the distribution p(x) of data in a D-dimensional space x = [x1 , ...., xD ] in terms of a number L of latent variables z = [z1 , ...., zL ] (where, in order for the model to be useful, L must be much smaller than D). This is usually achieved by means of a non linear function y(z, W), governed by a set of parameters W, which maps the points W in the latent space into corresponding points y(z, W) of the input space. In other words, y(z, W) maps the hidden variable space into an L-dimensional non euclidean manifold embedded within the input space. Therefore, a probability distribution p(z) (also known as ”a prior” distribution of z) defined in the latent variable space will induce a corresponding distribution p(y|z) in the input data space. The AstroMining GTM routines are largely based on the Matlab GTM Toolbox [10] and provide the user with a complete environment for GTM analysis and visualization. In order to render more “user friendly” the interpretation of the resulting maps, the GTM package defines a probability distribution in the data space conditioned on the latent variables and, using the Bayes Theorem, the posterior distibution in the latent space for any given point x in the input data space, is: p(zk |x) = P
p(x|zk , W, β)p(zk ) k0 p(x|zk0 , W, β)p(zk0 )
and, provided that the latent space has no more than three dimensions (L = 3), its visualization becomes trivial. 2.3
Fuzzy Similarity
Fuzzy sets are usually defined as mappings, or ”generalized characteristic functions”, from a universal set U into the real interval [0, 1] [11] which plays the role of the set of the truth degrees. However, if further algebraic manipulation has to be performed, the set of truth values must be structured with an algebraic structure natural from the logical point of view. A general structure satisfying these requirements has been proposed in [12]: the complete residuated lattice which, by definition, is an algebra L = hL, ∧, ∨, ⊗, →, 0, 1i where: • L = hL, ∧, ∨, 0, 1i is a complete lattice with smallest and greatest elements equal to 0 and 1, respectively. • L = hL, ⊗, 1i is a commutative monoid, i.e ⊗ is associative and commutative, and the identity x ⊗ 1 = x holds
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• ⊗ and → satisfy the adjointness property, i.e. x ≤ y → z iff x ⊗ y ≤ z holds. Now, let p be a fixed natural number and let us define on the real unit interval I the binary operations ⊗ and → as: p p
max{0, xp + y p − 1} p x → y = min{1, p 1 − xp + y p }. x⊗y =
(8) (9)
Then I = hL, ∧, min, max, →, 0, 1i is a residuated lattice called generalized L Ã ukasiewicz structure, in particular, L Ã ukasiewicz structure if p = 1 [13]. This formalism needs to be completed by the introduction of the bi-residuum, id est an operator which offers an elegant way to interpret fuzzy logic equivalence and fuzzy similar relation. The bi-residuum is defined as follows: x ↔ y = (x → y) ∧ (y → x)
In L Ã ukasiewicz algebra, the bi-residuum is calculated via: x ↔ y = 1 − max(x, y) + min(x, y)
Let A be a non-void set and ⊗ a continuous t-norm. Then, a Fuzzy Similarity (FS) S on A is a binary fuzzy relation such that, for each x, y, z ∈ A:
Fig. 1. Structure of the AstroNeural package.
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Shx, xi =1 Shx, yi = Shy, xi Shx, yi ⊗ Shy, zi ≤ Shx, zi
Trivially, fuzzy similarity is a generalization of the classical equivalence relation also called many-valued equivalence. Now, let us recall that a fuzzy set X is an ordered couple (A, µX ), where the reference set A is a non-void set and the membership function µX : A → [0, 1] tells the degree to which an element a ∈ A belongs to a fuzzy set X, then we have that any fuzzy set (A, µX ) on a reference set A generates a fuzzy similarity S on A, defined by S(x, y) = µX (x) ↔ µX (y)
where x, y are elements of A. If we consider n L Ã ukasiewicz valued fuzzy similarity Si , i = 1, . . . , n on a set X, then: n
Shx, yi =
1X Si hx, yi n i=1
is the Total Fuzzy Similarity (TFS) [14]. So far in the AstroMining tool, fuzzy similarity has been implemented to perform only object classification (such as, for instance, star-galaxy separation). The idea behind this part of the tool is that a few prototypes for each object class can be used as reference points for the catalog objects. The prototypes selection is accomplished by means of a Self Organizing Maps (SOM) or Fuzzy C-means. In this way, using a method, using the fuzzy similarities, it is possible to compute for each object of the catalog, its degree of similarity with respect to the prototypes.
The AstroMining package
In Fig.1 we depict the overall structure of the currently implemented package which, for the sake of simplicity, may be split into three sections. The first section allows to import and manipulate both headers and data (in the form of Tables where each record corresponds to an object and each column to a feature) and to perform simple statistical tests to look for correlations in the data. In every day use not all features are relevant for a given application, and therefore AstroMining allows to run some statistical or neural tests to evaluate which features have to be kept (on the basis of significance) for the subsequent processing. The second section allows to choose the modality (supervised or unsupervised) and select among a variety of possible options (SOM, GTM, Fuzzy similarity, etc.) accordingly to the specific task to be performed.
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Finally, the third section allows to select the operating parameters of each option and the visualization modalities for the results.
4 4.1
Two examples of applications A supervised application to the derivation of photometric redshifts for the SDSS galaxies
Early in 2000, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey project released a preliminary catalogue (Early Data release - EDR; [15]) containing astrometric, morphological and photometric (in 5 bands) data for some 16 million galaxies and additional spectroscopic redshift for a subset of more than 50.000 objects. This data set is an ideal test ground for the techniques outlined in the previous paragraphs. The problem which was addressed is the derivation of reliable photometric redshifts which, in spite of the advances in multi object spectroscopy, still are (and will remain for a long time) the only viable approach to obtaining distances for very large samples of galaxies. The availability of spectroscopic redshifts for a rather large subset of the objects in the catalogue allows, in fact, to turn the problem into a classification one. In other words, the spectroscopic redshifts may be used as the training set where the NN learn how to correlate the photometric information with the spectroscopic one. From a conceptual point of view this
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the procedure followed to derive the photometric redshifts. As it can be seen the various modules of the AstroMining package can be combined accordingly to the needs of a specific task.
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method is equivalent to the well known method of using the spectroscopic data to constrain the fit of a polynomial function mapping the photometric data [16]. The implemented procedure may be summarised as follows [17]: • The spectroscopic subset is divided into three disjoined data sets (namely training, validation and test data sets) populated by objects with similar distributions in the subspace defined by the photometric and morphological parameters. This latter condition is needed in order to avoid losses in the generalization capability of the NN induced by a poor on non uniform sampling of the parameter space. For this purpose, we first run an unsupervised SOM clustering on the parameter space which looks for the statistical similarities in the data. Then objects in the three auxiliary data sets are extracted in order to have a uniform sampling of all significant regions in the parameter space. • The dimensionality of the parameter space is then reduced by applying a feature elimination strategy which iteratively eliminates the less significant features leaving only the most significant ones [7] which, in our case turned out to be the photometric magnitudes in the five bands, the petrosian fluxes at the 50 and 90% levels, and the surface brightness (cf. [15]). • The training set is then fed to a MLP NN which operates in a Bayesian framework [18] using the validation data set to avoid overfitting. When the training stops, the resulting configuration is applied to the photometric data set and the photometric redshifts (zphot ) are derived. Errors are computed by
Fig. 3. The spectroscopic versus the photometric redshifts for the galaxies in the test set.
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comparing the zphot to the spectroscopic ones for the objects in the test set. An application to the above described data sets leads to an average robust error of ∆z ' 0.021. In Fig.3 we show the (zphot ) versus the spectroscopic redshifts for the objects in the test set. We wish to stress that this approach offers some advantages and several disadvantages with respect to more traditional ones. The main disadvantage is the need for a training set which, coupled to the poor extrapolation capabilities of NN’s, implies that photometric redshifts cannot be derived for objects fainter than the spectroscopic magnitude limit. The main advantages are, instead, the fact that the method offers a good control of the biases existing in the data set, and a very low level of contamination. In other words, the NN does non produce results for objects having characteristics different from those encountered in the training phase [17]. 4.2
An unsupervised application to the TNG telemetry
The Long Term Archive of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG-LTA) contains both the raw data and the telemetry data collecting a wide set of monitored parameters such as, for instance, the atmospheric and dome temperatures, the operating conditions of the telescope and of the focal plane instruments, etc. Our experiment was devoted whether there is any correlation among the telemetry data and the quality (in terms of tracking, seeing, etc.) of the data. The existence of such a correlation would allow both to put a quality flag on the scientific exposures, and (if real time monitoring is implemented) to interrupt potentially bad exposure in order to avoid waste of precious observing time. We extracted from the TNG-LTA a set of 278 telemetric data monitored (for a total of 35.000 epochs) during the acquisition of almost 50 images. The images were then randomly examined in order to assess their quality and build a set of labels (we shall limit ourselves to the case of images with bad tracking (elongated PSF) and good tracking (round PSF). The telemetry data were first passed to the feature analysis routine which identified the 5 most significant parameters (containing more than 95% of the total information) and then to SOM and GTM unsupervised clustering routines. The results of such clustering are shown in the lower panel of Fig.4 and clusters of data can be easily identified. In order to understand whether these clusters correspond or not to images of different quality we labeled the visualized matrix, id est we identified which neurons were activated by the telemetry data corresponding to the acquisition of the few labeled images. The result is that “good” images activate the neurons in the lower cluster, while “bad” ones activate neurons in the upper left and upper right corners.
The AstroMining package offers a wide variety of neural tools to perform simple unsupervised and supervised data mining tasks such as: feature selection, clustering, classification and pattern recognition. The various routines, which are
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written in MatLab, can be combined in any (meaningful) way to a variety of tasks and are currently under test on a variety of problems. Even though the package is still in its testing phase, its running version can be requested at any of the following addresses:, Acknowledgements: this work was co-financed by the Italian Bureau for University and Scientific and Technological research trough a COFIN grant, and by the Italian Space Agency -ASI.
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Fig. 4. Upper panel: U-matrix visualization of a set of individual input variables showing (black contours) the 5 most significant input features. The upper left U-matrix is the final one for the whole set of 278 parameters. In the lower panel we show the UMatrix derived using only the most significant features and (on the right) the neurons activated in correspondence of the labeled images. Each hexagon is a neuron and the upper and lower numbers give the numbers of “good” and “bad” images activating that neuron.