mance for both binary and multiclass imbalanced data sets. Keywords-Multiclass .... is computed by means of the confusion matrix values: AUC = 1 +. TP.
Binary and Multiclass Imbalanced Classification Using Multi-Objective Ant Programming Juan Luis Olmo, Alberto Cano, Jos´e Ra´ul Romero, Sebasti´an Ventura Department of Computer Science & Numerical Analysis University of Cordoba Cordoba, Spain {jlolmo, acano, jrromero, sventura}
hand, concerning multiclass problems, it does not require to reduce the problem using either a one-vs-one (OVO) or a one-vs-all (OVA) approach, where a classifier is built per each combination. Instead, it addresses the problem directly, simplifying thus the complexity of the model. In addition, it reports better results in boundary situations, because the classifier is trained knowing the existence of all the classes. Finally, it presents other advantages inherent to the use of a grammar and a multi-objective approach, and it generates a comprehensible rule-based classifier composed of IF-THEN rules. An empirical study has been performed to evaluate the performance of our model. It is supported on a thorough experimentation over a large collection of varied data sets, carrying out a 5-fold cross-validation using ten groups of partitions generated with different seeds, for the sake of minimizing the effects of the data set shift problem [5].
Abstract—Classification in imbalanced domains is a challenging task, since most of its real domain applications present skewed distributions of data. However, there are still some open issues in this kind of problem. This paper presents a multi-objective grammar-based ant programming algorithm for imbalanced classification, capable of addressing this task from both the binary and multiclass sides, unlike most of the solutions presented so far. We carry out two experimental studies comparing our algorithm against binary and multiclass solutions, demonstrating that it achieves an excellent performance for both binary and multiclass imbalanced data sets. Keywords-Multiclass imbalanced classification, data set shift, data mining (DM), ant colony optimization (ACO), multiobjective optimization, ant programming (AP)
I. I NTRODUCTION Classification algorithms not specifically devised for imbalanced problems generally infer a model that misclassifies test samples of the minority class more often than those of the remaining classes, which typically involves a higher cost in the application domains embraced. Several solutions have been proposed to tackle the class imbalance problem, although there are some open issues [1]. In particular, this work is focused on overcoming the separability between binary and multiclass solutions, since the approaches proposed for binary problems may not be directly applicable to multiclass problems. In addition, despite multiple class imbalanced problems appear very often in several domains such as intrusion detection or bioinformatics, among others, recent research efforts are focused just on binary imbalanced classification, whereas few works covering multiclass imbalanced classification have been presented so far [2]. This paper faces this issue proposing a multi-objective ant programming (AP) [3] approach to binary and multiclass classification, since AP has recently demonstrated a good performance at addressing the classification of standard multiclass data sets [4]. The main advantages of the model can be summarized as follows. Firstly, it is an algorithm-level approach that can be applied both to binary and multiclass data sets. Secondly, concerning binary problems, it does not require to carry out resampling, using the imbalanced data sets as they are in the learning process. On the other
c 978-1-4673-5119-5/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE
II. L EARNING TECHNIQUES FOR IMBALANCED DATA A. Approaches to deal with binary imbalanced data A taxonomy of the solutions targeting the imbalanced learning problem in binary data sets could be the following: • Sampling or data-level (external) approaches [2]. Training instances are rebalanced to obtain a balanced class distribution, either by oversampling the minority class, by undersampling the majority class, or by combining over and undersampling techniques. The main advantage is the possibility of employing classic algorithms without any modification in conjunction with over/undersampling, since these approaches can be considered as preprocessing techniques. • Algorithm-level (internal) approaches [6]. Existing algorithms are modified to take into account the effect of the skewed class distribution in the learning phase, so that the prediction performance is improved. Our algorithm can be enclosed into this group. • Cost-sensitive learning methods [7]. Numeric costs are introduced to any formula used to estimate the model error. A model builder will take into account the different costs of the outcome classes.
Ensemble and boosting approaches [8]. Multiple classifiers are trained from the original training set, aggregating their predictions to output a single class label when classifying unknown data.
B. Approaches to deal with multiclass imbalanced data When more than two classes appear in a binary imbalanced data set, binary solutions may not be directly applicated. In fact, there are few classification techniques capable of addressing the problem directly, and most of them require some modifications or extensions to multiclass classification [6]. However, a decomposition scheme can be addressed so that the multiclass data set is reduced to several binary data sets and, thus, binary classifiers can be used [9]: • One-vs-One (OVO) approach. Given a multiclass training set of k classes, k(k − 1)/2 binary classifiers are trained, each one devoted to distinguishing between each pair of classes (i, j), where i = j. • One-vs-All (OVA) approach. Given a multiclass training set of k classes, k binary classifiers are trained, each one devoted to distinguishing a specific class from the remaining classes. C. Performance metrics To measure the performance of a classifier in imbalanced domains, accuracy should not be used since it is biased towards the majority class. This bias is even more noticeable as the skew increases. Instead, the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC) [10] is a commonly used evaluation measure for imbalanced classification. ROC curve presents the tradeoff between the true positive rate and the false positive rate. The classifier generally misclassifies more negative examples as positive examples as it captures more true positive examples. AUC is computed by means of the confusion matrix values:
AU C =
FP TP − T P + FN FP + T N 2
1 AU C(i, j) C(C − 1) i=1 C
This section presents the APIC algorithm, which means Ant Programming for Imbalanced Classification. AP is an approach that follows the fundamentals of automatic programming for constructing computer programs by using ant colony optimization [11] as search technique. Similarly to other automatic programming techniques, such as genetic programming [12], a program or individual in AP can be represented by using a tree structure, where the nodes represent functions, variables and constans, and the closure and sufficiency properties should be satisfied [12]. The APIC algorithm induces a classifier from a learning process over a training set. The classifier induced acts as a decision list, and it consists in classification rules in the form IF antecedent THEN consequent. The main pseudocode of APIC is shown in Algorithm 1, and its characteristics are described in the following subsections. Due to space limitations, we refer the reader to the work proposed by [4] to analyze in further detail the main foundations of the algorithm, since the algorithm proposed in this paper adopts several base characteristics of that algorithm, which is called GBAP. However, there are many differences between both models, since APIC has been specifically devised for imbalanced classification. Among others, the most important differences can be summed up as follows: APIC is a multicolony algorithm, whereas the other follows a single one; it follows a multi-objective approach, instead of a singleobjective one, so that the fitness assessment is addressed in a different way considering also different objectives; information gain, which is one of the GBAP’s heuristic function components, is replaced by the class confidence, which is more suitable for class imbalanced problems; and other differences related to pheromone reinforcement and classifier building. A. Environment and rule construction
where TP stands for true positives, FP for false positives, TN for true negatives and FN for false negatives. It is necessary to extend its definition for multiclass problems to consider pairwise relations. This extension is known as probabilistic AUC, where a single value for each pair of classes is computed, taking one class as positive and the other as negative. Finally, the average value is obtained as follows: P AU C =
where AU C(i, j) is the AUC having i as positive class, j as negative class, and C stands for the number of classes.
In APIC, ants or individuals communicate with each other in an indirect way, by means of the pheromone they lay on the environment. The environment is made up of all the possible expressions or programs that can be derived from the starting symbol of the grammar, defined in Figure 1, applying the production rules available. The environment adopts the shape of a derivation tree, and once a given ant finds a solution (a leaf in the derivation tree), it will keep the path it has traversed until reaching that solution. The path encoded by the individual represents the antecedent of a rule, and the consequent is known since there will be as many colonies as classes in the data set, each colony devoted just to generate individuals predicting the corresponding class. Each colony is evolved in parallel, since individuals generated by one colony do not interfere with those of the other colonies. Moreover, since there are k different colonies, one for each class, it simulates the existence of k different kinds
2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA)
of pheromone, so that specific ants for a given class do not interfere with those of the others. G = (ΣN , ΣT , P , ) ΣN = {, } ΣT = {AND, =, attr1 , attr2 , ..., attrn , value11 , value12 , ..., value1m , value21 , value22 , ..., value2m , ..., valuen1 , valuen2 , ..., valuenm } P = { := | AND , := all possible valid combinations of the ternary = attr value} Figure 1.
The movements of ants until reaching a solution follow a probabilistic stepwise method, guided by some information considered in the transition rule, which defines the probability with which a given ant may select each transition. Assuming an ant at the state i of the environment, the probability of moving to the state j is defined as: (ηij )α · (τij )β Σk∈allowed (ηik )α · (τik )β
where k is the number of valid subsequent states, α is the heuristic exponent, β is the pheromone exponent, η is the value of the heuristic function, and τ indicates the strength of the pheromone trail. B. Heuristic information The heuristic information in APIC considers two complementary components that cannot be applied at once, their application depending on the kind of transition involved: final transition, if it involves the application of a production rule that selects an attribute of the problem domain, and intermediate transition, otherwise. Both APIC and GBAP use the cardinality probability in case of intermediate transitions, which increases the likelihood of selecting transitions that may lead a given ant to a greater number of candidate solutions. Then, the difference is that the former uses the class confidence [13] measure for final transitions, instead of using the information gain, which bias the search towards the majority class. The class confidence (CC) is defined in Eq. 4, where x stands for the antecedent and y stands for the consequent. Notice that this measure allows focusing just on the most interesting antecedents for each class, since we use Support(y) in the denominator. CC(x → y) =
Support(x ∪ y) Support(y)
Two categories can be differentiated depending on how pheromone information is treated by multi-objective antbased algorithms: algorithms that use a single pheromone matrix, or those that employ a pheromone matrix per objective to be optimized [14]. APIC falls into the first group. However, since we have k different colonies, k being the number of classes in the data set, there will be k separate pheromone matrixes. So, each colony focuses on evolving individuals or rules for its specific class. Reinforcement and evaporation are the two operations considered with regard to pheromone maintenance. Evaporation takes place over the complete space of states: τij (t + 1) = τij (t) · (1 − ρ)
Context-free grammar used in APIC
Pijk =
C. Pheromone maintenance
where ρ represents the evaporation rate. In turn, concerning pheromone reinforcement, only the ants of the Pareto front (see Section III-D) are able to retrace their path to update the amount of pheromone in the transitions followed. For a given individual, all transitions in its path are reinforced equally, and the value of this reinforcement is based upon the length—shorter solutions will receive more pheromone—and the quality of the solution encoded—represented by the computed AUC for this individual in the training set: τij (t + 1) = τij (t) + τij (t) ·
maxDerivations · AU C (6) pathLength
When the pheromone updating operations have finished, a normalization process takes place, in order to bind the pheromone level in each transition to the range [τmin , τmax ]. In addition, for the first generation of a given colony, all transitions in its space of states are initialized with the maximum pheromone amount allowed. D. Multi-objective fitness assessment The quality of individuals generated in APIC is assessed on the basis of two objectives, precision and recall (see Eq. 7). These two measures have been widely employed in imbalanced domains, since when used together, remain sensitive to the performance on each class [15]. Thus, they are appropriate to be used as objective functions, trying to maximize them simultaneously. precision =
recall =
Pareto dominance asserts that a given individual ant1 dominates another individual ant2 , denoted as ant1 ant2 , if ant1 is not worse than ant2 in all the objectives and better in at least one of them. The non-dominated set of solutions of a population makes up the Pareto front. Precision and recall are used to evolve a Pareto front of individuals per each class considered in the training
2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA)
Algorithm 1 Pseudocode of APIC Require: trainingSet, testSet, numGenerations numAnts, maxDerivations 1: Initialize grammar and create an empty classifier 2: Hash table paretoF ronts ← {} 3: for k ← 0 to k < numClasses in trainingSet do 4: Initialize space of states of colony k given the metadata in trainingSet 5: List paretoF ront ← {} 6: Put (k, paretoF ront) into paretoF ronts 7: end for 8: derivationStep ← maxDerivations−2 numIterations 9: for k ← 0 to k < numClasses in trainingSet do 10: maxDerivations ← 2 11: for i ← 0 to i < numIterations inc 1 do 12: List antList ← {} 13: for j ← 0 to j ← numAnts inc 1 do 14: ant ← Create new ant 15: Store ant’s path in its colony’s space of states 16: Evaluate ant by objective functions 17: Add ant to the list antList 18: end for 19: Add to antList the non-repeated individuals from the list of ants returned by the hash table paretoF ronts, given the key numClass 20: List newP aretoF ront ← Non-dominated individuals in antList 21: for each ant in newP aretoF ront do 22: Update the pheromone rate in the path followed by ant proportionally to AUC and inversely proportional to the path’s length 23: end for 24: Put (k, paretoF ront) into paretoF ronts 25: Pheromone evaporation and normalization in the space of states of colony k 26: maxDerivations ← maxDerivations + derivationStep 27: end for 28: end for 29: for k ← 0 to k < numClasses in trainingSet do 30: List paretoF ront ← Get value of entry with key k from paretoF ronts 31: Add to the classifier the ants returned after the application of the niching approach over the ants from paretoF ront 32: end for 33: Sort rules in classifier by AUC and add default rule 34: AU Ctest ← Compute the AUC obtained when running the classifier over testSet 35: return AU Ctest
k Pareto fronts. In a given colony, notice that only nondominated individuals are able to reinforce their path and become a component rule of the final classifier. Notice that AUC is also computed for each individual, since the reinforcement is based on this measure and it is used also to sort the rules in the final classifier. Once the evolutionary process finishes in all the colonies, to appropriately select the making up rules of the final classifier, a niching procedure is run over the final Pareto front obtained in each colony. This procedure is in charge of selecting non-overlapping rules, adding them to the classifier. As the classifier acts as a decision list, rules are sorted in descending order by their AUC. IV. E XPERIMENTS A. Data set shift and cross-validation It is important to introduce at this point another problem that can affect all kinds of classification problems, but that arises with special relevance when tackling imbalanced data: the problem of data set shift, i.e. the case where the distribution that follows the training data used to build a classifier is different from that of the test data [5]. Owing to the low presence of instances that belong to the minority class in a given training set, the model learned may misclassify instances of this class when used over the corresponding test set and, in addition, the minority class is very sensitive to misclassifications. Actually, a single error may provoke a significant drop in performance in extreme cases [1]. In this work, to minimize the effects of data set shift, we do not limit to carry out a single cross-validation procedure. Instead, the experimental design has been conducted from ten separate groups of partitions with different seeds. Within a given group, partitions are mutually exclusive, and they preserve as far as possible the same proportion of instances per class as in the original data set, i.e., they are stratified for the sake of introducing minimal shift, trying to avoid sample selection bias, which occurs when the partitions are selected non-uniformly at random from the data set [5]. Then, a 5fold cross validation procedure is performed per each group of partitions, where each algorithm is executed five times, with a different partition left out as the test set each time, the other four being used for training. The global AUC obtained by a classifier in a given data set is estimated by considering the average AUC over the fifty experiments (five experiments per group of partitions):
AU Ctest =
10 i=1
set, because since each colony is in charge of generating individuals predicting a single class, in total there will be
5 j=1
AU CPij 5 10
where Pij stands for the partition j of the group of partitions i, and AU CPij represents the AUC obtained by the classifier when the partition Pij is left out as the test set.
2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA)
Moreover, notice that when evaluating the performance of nondeterministic algorithms (all the algorithms, except NN CS and C-SVM CS), ten different seeds are considered, carrying out the stratified 5-fold cross-validation nine additional times, in order to avoid any chance of obtaining biased results. Thus, for a given data set, these algorithms are executed five hundred times in total, whereas in the case of deterministic algorithms, fifty runs are performed. B. Setup The experimentation has been split into binary and multiclass sides. APIC is compared against the following baseline algorithms or approaches for binary imbalanced classification: ADAC2 [16], a boosting algorithm that produces an ensemble of decision trees; NNCS [17], a cost-sensitive neural network; CSVM-CS [18], a cost-sensitive support vector machine; C4.5-CS [19], a cost-sensitive C4.5 decision tree; RUS+C4.5 [20], random undersampling of overrepresented instances, and then application of C4.5 algorithm; SBC+C4.5 [21], undersampling based on clustering, and then application of C4.5 algorithm; SMOTE+C4.5 [22], which uses SMOTE to generate underrepresented class instances and then applies the C4.5 algorithm; and SMOTETL+C4.5 [23], which first uses SMOTE to generate underrepresented class instances, then removes instances near the boundaries using TL, and finally applies the C4.5 algorithm. In the case of multiclass imbalance classification, we compared APIC against OVO and OVA decomposition schemes, both using C4.5-CS as base classifier. Notice that owing to the fact that APIC can cope only with nominal attributes, for the sake of carrying out a fair comparison, training partitions were discretized using Fayyad&Irani’s discretization algorithm [24] in order to contain only nominal attributes. Then, the cut points found were used to discretize also the corresponding test partitions. The experiments carried out for the binary experimental study were performed using the implementations available in the KEEL [25] software tool. On the other hand, we use our own implementations for the decomposition schemes used in the multiclass experimental study. The parameter setup used for APIC was the following: population size of 20 ants, 100 generations, a maximum number of 10 derivations, an initial amount of pheromone and a maximum amount of pheromone of 1.0, a minimum amount of pheromone equal to 0.1, an evaporation rate of 0.05, a value of 0.4 for the α exponent and a value of 1.0 for the β exponent. For the other algorithms, parameters advised by the authors in their respective publications were used. C. Results on binary data sets Each row in Table I shows the average AUC results obtained per algorithm in a given binary data set, after performing the experiments as described in Section IV. Data sets are ordered by their IR, which can be seen in the second
column of the table. APIC obtains the best results in 8 data sets, obtaining also the best result in other 3 data sets, but tied with other approaches. The last row of the table shows the average ranks obtained by each algorithm. To analyze statistically these results, we performed the Iman&Davenport test [26]. This test computes the average rankings obtained by k algorithms over N data sets regarding one measure, distributed according to the F -distribution with (k − 1) and (k − 1)(N − 1) degrees of freedom, stating the null-hypothesis of equivalence among all the algorithms. The critical interval for a probability level of α = 0.01 is C0 = [0, (FF )0.01,8,232 = 3.1982]. Since the computed value for the Iman&Davenport’s statistic is 26.9765, which does not belong to the critical interval, we can reject the nullhypothesis, thus stating that there are significant differences among the algorithms regarding the AUC results. To reveal the performance differences it is necessary to proceed by carrying out a post-hoc test. Since all classifiers are compared to a control one, it is possible to perform the Bonferroni-Dunn test [26]. Figure 2 captures the application of the Bonferroni-Dunn test to the AUC with the same level of confidence, α = 0.01. The critical difference value obtained by this test is equal to 2.2818, represented by a thicker horizontal line, so that APIC performs significantly better than all the algorithms whose rank is outside this line: AdaC2, C45-CS, NN-CS, CSVM-CS, SBC-C4.5, in this order. In addition, our proposal obtains competitive or even better AUC results than SMOTE-TL+C4.5, SMOTE+C4.5 and RUS+C4.5.
Figure 2.
Bonferroni–Dunn test for AUC
D. Results on multiclass data sets Table II shows the average AUC results obtained by each algorithm per multiclass data set. Here the IR value shown in the second column represents the highest imbalance ratio between any pair of classes, and data sets are also ordered in terms of their IR. Our proposal, APIC, obtains the best AUC results in 10 of the 15 data sets. To realize if there are significant differences, we performed the Wilcoxon rank-sum test [26], performing multiple pairwise comparisons among the algorithms. The Wilcoxon rank-sum test statistic is the sum of the ranks for observations from one of the samples. Table III shows the results of the Wilcoxon test for AUC to compute multiple pairwise comparisons among APIC and the other methods, OVO and OVA decomposition schemes using C4.5-CS as base classifier. As can be observed, OVO behaves slightly better than OVA, but our proposal outperforms them with a confidence level higher than 95%, reporting a p-value of 0.0472.
2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA)
Dataset Ecoli0vs1 Iris0 Haberman Glass0123vs456 Ecoli1 Ecoli2 Glass6 Yeast2vs4 Ecoli067vs5 Yeast0256vs3789 Ecoli01vs235 Glass04vs5 Yeast05679vs4 Ecoli067vs35 Led7digit02456789vs1 Cleveland0vs4 Shuttle0vs4 Glass4 Ecoli4 Abalone9vs18 Glass016vs5 Shuttle2vs4 Glass5 Yeast2vs8 Yeast4 Yeast1289vs7 Yeast5 Ecoli0137vs26 Yeast6 Abalone19 Ranking
IR 1.86 2.00 2.78 3.20 3.36 5.46 6.38 9.08 9.09 9.14 9.17 9.22 9.35 10.00 10.97 12.62 13.87 15.47 15.80 16.40 19.44 20.50 22.78 23.10 28.10 30.57 32.73 39.14 41.40 129.44
APIC 0.9811 1.0000 0.6410 0.9200 0.8917 0.8493 0.9012 0.8598 0.8495 0.7760 0.8507 0.9719 0.7830 0.8352 0.8883 0.7121 1.0000 0.7885 0.8789 0.7095 0.9131 0.9950 0.9185 0.7739 0.8048 0.6285 0.9521 0.7997 0.8533 0.7100 2.7333
AdaC2 0.9742 0.9850 0.5720 0.9193 0.8834 0.8952 0.8898 0.8950 0.7645 0.5843 0.5597 0.9927 0.7596 0.5803 0.7076 0.5874 0.9897 0.8306 0.8801 0.6434 0.9375 0.9650 0.9367 0.6462 0.7279 0.6037 0.8567 0.7774 0.7822 0.5185 5.1833
NN CS 0.9808 1.0000 0.5052 0.9161 0.7735 0.6892 0.7800 0.7404 0.8207 0.5575 0.7459 0.9916 0.5000 0.792 0.5595 0.5711 0.9999 0.5923 0.7345 0.5159 0.5279 0.9959 0.5246 0.7339 0.5000 0.5574 0.5828 0.6410 0.5860 0.5027 6.2500
C-SVM CS 0.9811 1.0000 0.5000 0.7923 0.5003 0.7248 0.8365 0.6573 0.8072 0.5007 0.7104 0.9689 0.5000 0.7403 0.5000 0.5379 1.0000 0.5082 0.7314 0.4999 0.4980 0.9850 0.4988 0.5614 0.5000 0.5031 0.5000 0.5285 0.5000 0.5000 7.2333
C4.5 CS 0.9811 1.0000 0.4992 0.9131 0.8965 0.8469 0.9115 0.8963 0.5385 0.4981 0.8612 0.9927 0.5000 0.5842 0.8379 0.6487 1.0000 0.7848 0.7403 0.4801 0.9273 0.9150 0.9230 0.5000 0.6033 0.5000 0.9481 0.6836 0.5275 0.5281 5.3166
Data set Penbased Hayes-roth Contraceptive Wine New-thyroid Dermatology Balance Glass Autos Thyroid Lymphography Ecoli Pageblocks Yeast Shuttle
IR 1.09 1.70 1.88 2.71 5.00 5.55 5.87 8.44 16.00 39.17 40.50 71.50 164.00 295.80 853.00
APIC 0.9639 0.7279 0.6765 0.9688 0.9621 0.9608 0.7381 0.9486 0.8406 0.9686 0.9397 0.9465 0.9370 0.8988 0.9850
OVO C4.5-CS 0.9561 0.8333 0.6626 0.9389 0.9621 0.9746 0.7125 0.8423 0.8493 0.9847 0.7247 0.8100 0.8984 0.8166 0.9281
RUS C4.5 0.9811 1.0000 0.6311 0.9066 0.8941 0.8423 0.8994 0.9242 0.8741 0.8011 0.8454 0.9276 0.7787 0.8383 0.8667 0.6942 1.0000 0.8079 0.8068 0.6906 0.8721 0.9150 0.8812 0.7739 0.8029 0.5832 0.9429 0.7775 0.8504 0.6958 3.8000
SBC C4.5 0.5000 0.5000 0.5528 0.6823 0.5378 0.5000 0.5789 0.5016 0.5114 0.6068 0.5504 0.5000 0.5099 0.5236 0.5000 0.5001 0.5000 0.5660 0.5000 0.6624 0.5009 0.5000 0.5000 0.5045 0.5007 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5000 0.5808 8.0333
SMOTE C4.5 0.9792 0.9855 0.6350 0.9181 0.8861 0.8834 0.9090 0.8861 0.8488 0.7673 0.8423 0.9709 0.7753 0.8461 0.8850 0.7489 0.9992 0.8971 0.8698 0.6768 0.9565 0.9950 0.9392 0.7960 0.7643 0.6266 0.9418 0.7977 0.8272 0.5670 3.5000
SMOTE TL+C4.5 0.9792 0.9852 0.6343 0.9245 0.8857 0.8772 0.9093 0.8974 0.8434 0.7850 0.8534 0.9681 0.7785 0.8440 0.8703 0.8745 0.9994 0.8952 0.8764 0.6909 0.9431 0.9985 0.9338 0.8001 0.7770 0.6406 0.9494 0.8184 0.8243 0.5721 2.9500
OVA C4.5-CS 0.9285 0.7902 0.6045 0.9257 0.9404 0.9599 0.7399 0.8591 0.8820 0.9725 0.8070 0.8516 0.8787 0.7219 0.9695
R+ 95.0 98.0
R− 25.0 22.0
P-value 0.04792 0.03016
Hypothesis Rejected Rejected
The main advantage of the algorithm is that it addresses conveniently both the classification of binary and multiclass imbalanced data sets, whereas traditional algorithms are specifically devised to tackle one kind of them. In addition, APIC deals with the classification problem directly, without the need of carrying out a preprocessing step to balance the data distributions. The experiments performed prove that APIC performed exceptionally well both in binary and multiclass imbalanced domains. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
V. C ONCLUSIONS This paper presents APIC, a multi-objective AP algorithm for extracting classification rules in imbalanced domains.
This work has been supported by the Regional Government of Andalusia and the Ministry of Science and Technology, projects P08-TIC-3720 and TIN2008-06681C06-03, and FEDER funds.
2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA)
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2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA)