boundary value problem (BVP) for second order mixed-type functional differential equation ~(t). = f(t,x' ,Jr'), 0 ~ t ~ T. Existence principle and theorem for ...
12B(1997), 155-164
WENG PEIXUAN Abstract. We use the topological degree method to deal with the generalized Sturm-Liouville
boundary value problem (BVP) for second order mixed-type functional differential equation ~(t) = f ( t , x ' ,Jr'), 0 ~ t ~ T. Existence principle and theorem for solutions of the BVP are obtained.
1. Introduction
In recent years, boundary value problems associated with second order functional differential equations has attracted more attentions in the literature ( see [ 1 - - 6 ] ,
and [ 9 - - 1 0 ] ) . ~
Methods used are usually "fixed point methods" [ 1 , 4 , 9 ] , topological transversality method of Granas [ 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 ] and topological degree method [ 8 , 1 0 ] . In this paper, we apply the topological degree method to the existence of solutions of the boundary value problems for second order functional differential equation of the form 5?(t) = f ( t , S , x
ax(t) -- ilk(t) = l~(t),
f r
Y x ( t ) ~- 3 x ( t )
where r , h , T , a , f l , Y , 3
e) , 0 ~ t ~ T ;
= v(t),
are given real nonnegative constants, a z + flz :/: O, yz q_ 32 :/: 0 , f ( t , q g , C •
"-- C [ [ - -
with the norm defined by I[~oll =
SUP_r~O~ h I~(O) [ and x t = x ( t q- O),Jc' = :k(t Jr- 0 ) , - - r
where U M = { x E C a [ - - r , T - f - h ] ;
a constant. P r o o f . Let ~l E [ 0 , 1 1 be fixed. For a n y x l , x 2 E UM C C1~ - r , T + h I we have IlF,x, - Fax~[I 0
($).~$($ -+- r2($)) -[- e ( $ ) x ( $ )
- ~ / ( ~ : ) x 4 ( ~ t) +
d(~)x2($)Jc~(~ ~- rz(~)) -j- e ( ~ ) x ( ~ )
Appl. Math.-JCU
as Ix(~)l >,~
= M o, i . e .
Vol. 12, Ser.
( H e) is satisfied. O n the o t h e r h a n d , let
r / ( t ) - - max{ Ic(t) l , d ( t ) M o , a ( t ) M ~ q- b ( t ) ( M ~ -k M z ) 3 q- l e ( t ) 1}, 2
= 1 q- u q- uX, M 1, M z defined as in ( 1 6 ) .
T h e n we have If(t,x',x')
Since 0 r](t)dt < - t - oo and
[ ~ r / ( t ) ( 1 q-I1~'11 +
IIx I1~) 9
= + co, (H3) is satisfied too and t h e n B V P ( 3 0 ) has
at least one solution.
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