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monitoring algorithm to detect DDoS flooding attacks against cloud services by ... benefits offered by cloud computing, cloud services are subject to a range of ...
2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC)

University of Essex, UK

Change-Point Cloud DDoS Detection using Packet Inter-Arrival Time Opeyemi Osanaiye∗ , Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo† , Mqhele Dlodlo‡ ∗‡

Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa Email: [email protected] ∗ , [email protected]‡ ∗† Information Assurance Research Group, University of South Australia, South Australia 5095, Australia Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Notwithstanding the increased popularity of cloud computing, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) remains a threat to its adoption. In this paper, we propose the use of a change-point monitoring algorithm to detect DDoS flooding attacks against cloud services by examining the packet inter-arrival time (IAT). This method leverages on the fact that most DDoS attacks are automated and exhibit similar patterns. These patterns, when closely examined, can be distinguished from normal traffic patterns, and can therefore be tracked using a cumulative sum (CUSUM) algorithm. The proposed solution was validated by conducting a trace-driven simulation and empirical evaluation. The results demonstrated the efficiency and accuracy of this proposed solution.

Keywords: DDoS attacks, Cloud DDoS, Change-point, CUSUM, Inter-arrival time, Traffic flow. I. I NTRODUCTION Resource availability is an essential feature offered by cloud providers, particularly to paid cloud users who can seek financial compensation if resource availability falls below the level stated in a service level agreement. Despite the various benefits offered by cloud computing, cloud services are subject to a range of cyber and physical threats [1], [2]. Although DDoS attacks are not new, it remains a threat to online businesses and cloud services [3],(for example, DDoS attacks have been identified as a key threat to cloud service availability [4]). In a typical DDoS attack, the attackers carry out a coordinated attack by compromising vulnerable hosts (zombies) to generate excessive malicious packets; and direct these packets toward the targeted cloud services. Such attacks are designed to overwhelm the targeted cloud service and resources to prevent a legitimate user from accessing it. DDoS attacks have grown both in sophistication and size since its ”humble origin” in 1999 [5]. For example, the easy availability of free and paid online DDoS tools lower the technical bar in that no expertise are required to launch an attack [6], [7]. Therefore, it is not surprising that cloud DDoS mitigation remains a topic of interest, as evident in recently published studies [8], [9], [10]. This paper harnesses the potential of change-point detection using the cumulative sum (CUSUM) algorithm. Change-point detection, a statistical anomaly detection technique, monitors and compares the features of the observed packet sequence

978-1-5090-2050-8/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE

against a normal behavioral profile pattern obtained over a predetermined period, with the aim of detecting any significant deviation. More specifically, this work presents a novel traffic flow pattern feature (hereafter referred to as ”packets IAT”) to detect a DDoS attack and we evaluate the proposed approach. The rest of the paper is organised as follows. Section II reviews related work, and Section III describes the conceptual cloud DDoS change-point detection framework. In Section IV, we validate the framework by presenting a simulation while Section V concludes the paper. II. R ELATED W ORK Detection techniques for DDoS and network attacks are typically signature-based or anomaly-based. Signature-based techniques use a pre-defined set of rules and known signatures in a knowledge database to determine the packet class from the observed network traffic, while anomaly-based techniques employ a normal traffic profile obtained over a period of time. In recent times, there has been a shift from either approach to a hybrid approach which combines both signature-based and anomaly-based techniques. A number of proposed detection techniques use the bursty feature associated with DDoS attacks to differentiate DDoS traffic from normal traffic. However, a flash crowd (i.e. large groups of legitimate users attempting to access a resource concurrently) exhibits a similar behavioral pattern and therefore, differentiating DDoS attacks from flash crowds has also been studied in the literature [11], [12]. Change-point detection uses the statistical features of packets to detect an anomalous behavior. This has been deployed in the literature to detect DDoS attacks. MacDermott et al. [13] proposed the CUSUM algorithm to analyze and detect inter-cloud traffic for early DDoS detection. Fragkiadakis et al. [14] studied the performance of simple thresholds and the use of the CUSUM algorithm to detect network anomaly in the physical layer. The result shows that CUSUM performed better than the simple threshold in all types of attack intensities. Zhou et al. [6] propose a distributed detection method, which employs adaptive CUSUM at the source end, using both the mean and variance values to detect attacks in outgoing traffic. Detection at the intermediate network uses an adaptive CUSUM algorithm based on exponential weighted


2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC)

moving average (EWMA), in order to ascertain a change of traffic caused by abnormal aggregation. Tartakovsky et al. [15] proposed a score based multi-cyclic algorithm as a sequential change-point detection to identify online anomalous traffic in computer networks. DDoS attacks have become increasingly more sophisticated by forging packet header information (for example, TCP flags) to cause a high false negative during detection. For a DDoS attack to be deemed successful, it must consume substantial bandwidth and resources; both of which is a function of the packet IAT. Considering that the cloud is shared and elastic to dynamically provide resources, DDoS attacks can result in catastrophic consequences to cloud providers, users, and other stakeholders. Therefore, this paper proposes a change-point detection based on the CUSUM algorithm (similar to the approach undertaken in [6], [13], [16]) using the packet IAT attribute. The IAT feature allows us to detect different forms of DDoS attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to use the CUSUM algorithm based on packet IAT to detect DDoS in cloud computing. In a typical Internet communication, packets leaving a host traverse different links and nodes in the Internet before reaching their destination. During this process, the packets are likely to be subjected to random delays due to link or nodal congestion. As a result, the observed packet IAT at the front-end may be affected by random noise. Even though this problem exists, we believe that the IAT between packets of the same flow exhibit strong regularity (that is, patterns). Accordingly, we assume that the network condition for both normal and attack traffic is constant; as the measured IAT for both is affected by the same network condition. III. C ONCEPTUAL F RAMEWORK Figure 1 depicts a typical scenario of incoming traffic accessing a cloud service, by either a legitimate user or an adversary. The number and frequency of hits would probably vary between individual users. Consequently, the observed packets in a flow will vary with respect to their IAT; and they are non-stationary. In our context, this would be the IAT of the TCP packet attribute related to the HTTP traffic. The monitored period would be broken down into smaller windows; and the average IAT of the incoming packets would be determined. On the other hand, when analysing different forms of DDoS attack events, the observed traffic patterns are likely to have a constant rate attack (attack traffic rate hits a maximum and maintains it throughout the attack period), a pulsating attack (attack traffic rate oscillates between zero and maximum), a gradual pulse attack (attack traffic attains a maximum rate gradually, maintains the rate before decreasing gradually) and an increasing rate attack (attack traffic gradually attains a maximum rate and stays constant until the attack terminates) [17]. These different forms of DDoS attack patterns follow a seemingly similar and predictable pattern with regards to packet IAT due to their automation. Therefore, we will use this feature in cloud DDoS detection.

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Figure 1 presents our conceptual cloud DDoS change-point detection framework. The Flow-Based Classifier (FBC) is responsible for classifying the incoming traffic accessing the cloud environment into different flows. This is achieved by inspecting the packets header content. Similar to the approach undertaken in [18], a flow is defined as one that has successive packets with the same 5-tuple of protocol type, source IP address:port and destination IP address:port. From the different traffic flows accessing the cloud, the IAT is computed and used to detect any changes in the packet sequence. To achieve this, the measure of a normal IAT pattern is determined a priori. This is used to detect the presence of a pattern change during a DDoS attack on a per packet basis, using the CUSUM algorithm. If an attack traffic is detected, an alarm is triggered; and the packets in the flow are dropped. A. Choice of a detection feature The key aspect of our detection method is the choice of an improved feature for detecting DDoS in cloud computing as compared with the previous work. As can be seen from the literature, the packet IAT has been applied in areas of network performance monitoring [19] and the identification of applications over the Internet [20]. Arshadi et al. [21] used the IAT feature distribution of a TCP flow to describe a normal traffic, which conforms to a Weibull distribution, against an anomaly that deviates from this. In this work, we monitor the packet IAT of a flow by determining the amount of time that elapses between the receipt of a packet and subsequent packets. The inter-arrival distribution is then used to determine the probability of occurrence of a DDoS attack in a traffic flow. Let the observed packet P be defined by its packet interarrival time in a traffic flow. Thus, the packet inter-arrival time Pt can be expressed as Pt = At+1 − At . This is the time separation between two consecutive packet arrival times At+1 and At of a flow, for t = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . N. We leverage on the attribute of the DDoS attack traffic that exhibits a seemingly predictable inter-arrival pattern; which is exponentially distributed to detect an anomaly. B. Change-Point Detection Statistical methods used in detecting an anomaly involve the use of a sequential change-point algorithm that records an observation and stores it as an input [22]. The approach flags an alert on detecting an unusual trend in the monitored event, thereby signifying that a change has occurred. The emergence of change-point detection can be traced back to the 19201930s; and it was motivated by quality control requirements [23]. The Shewhart chart [24] was the early dominant method before sequential statistics was developed by Wald [25]. The works of Shewhart and Wald have been the bedrock of most literature in the theory and practice of sequential change detection [23]. A DDoS attack affects the statistical features (for instance, mean and variance) of a packet flow with temporal fluctuations. Change-point detection can be used to determine the point in time a change occurs in an observed series of


2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC)

University of Essex, UK

Fig. 1: Conceptual cloud DDoS change-point detection framework (adapted from [3])

statistically homogeneous events. According to [16], this can be broadly categorized into (a) fixed-size batch detection; and (b) sequential change-point detection. The former monitors the changes in the mean value of every fixed length period consisting of n observations from the random variable; while the latter monitors the successive variables, in order to make an on-the-spot detection of a change in the pattern. Sequential change-point detection does not require a lot of memory or computational overheads [16]; therefore, we model our task by using sequential change-point detection. C. CUSUM Algorithm The CUSUM algorithm is a sequential detection technique which can be used to detect irregular traffic patterns that cause changes in the normal traffic flow. Using this algorithm, one could observe the packet IAT of a traffic flow at the front-end of the cloud (that is, dom0) and decide whether to grant or deny access to the cloud service or the resources. Let Pm (λ, t) represent the distribution of the monitored packets in a traffic flow during a sample period; with packet inter-arrival time Xt at time t with mean λ. Suppose the series of packets in a traffic flow contains a DDoS attack; there would be an abrupt increase in the IAT for Xt when t > τ , where τ is the point of change in the packet IAT in the traffic flow. Pm (λ, t) can, therefore, be characterized into distribution of the pre-attack (normal) period Pm (λ0 , t) and the attack period Pm (λ1 , t) as expressed in Eqn. 1 ( Pm (λ0 , t) for t ≤ τ Pm (λ, t) = (1) Pm (λ1 , t) for t > τ The average IAT denoted by λ of Xt will take the value λ0 when t ≤ τ during a normal period, and λ1 during an attack period, when t > τ , where: 1X 1X λ0 = Xt , for t ≤ τ and λ1 = Xt , for t > τ n n As the DDoS attacks come in bursts and the mean IAT λ1 > λ0 , therefore, to detect the change due to this increase, we deploy a change-point detection mechanism using the CUSUM algorithm. As mentioned earlier, a DDoS attack comes in different forms; and modelling a complex Internet system using a parametric description is not trivial. The

CUSUM deployed is a statistical process control algorithm that dynamically detects the point of change in mean value from the observed series and responds appropriately. To compute the CUSUM statistic, we add the difference between the current value and the average of the previous sum, as expressed in Eqn. (2). Ci = Ci−1 + (Xi − λ) f or i = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . N


In Eqn. 2, Xi represents the IAT between packets in a traffic flow; and λ is the mean IAT of the sampled packets. The general assumption of the CUSUM algorithm is that the mean of the random sequence during the normal condition is negative; and it only becomes positive when a change occurs [11]. Using the IAT as a feature for detecting change within a monitored traffic packet in a flow follows a similar pattern. The CUSUM value during a normal traffic condition swings from (approximately) zero to a negative value and abruptly moves toward a positive value on detecting a change [26]. IV. S IMULATION In this section, we simulate the SYN flooding attacks; since these are the most common type of flooding attacks [27], whose sole aim is to consume the available resources and cause a denial of service. This type of attack is a volumebased anomalous traffic flow. For our simulation, we used the CAIDA DDoS dataset [28], which is made up of an hour of anonymized trace from DDoS attacks on August 4, 2007, between 20:50:08 and 21:56:16 UTC, split into 5 minutes pcap files. Non-attack packets had been removed from the dataset (that is, only attack traffic and responses remained in the dataset). We pre-processed this dataset by separating it into different protocols (ICMP and TCP), before splitting the TCP packets into different flows by using FBC. This is because the TCP is our protocol of interest. Figure 2 shows a plot of IAT against packet numbers in a flow for both attack and normal packets. The pattern and behavior of the DDoS attack flow can be determined by studying the IAT attribute between the packets in a flow. As observed in Figure 2a, the IAT of the traffic flow exhibits a pulsating DDoS attack; while 2b exhibits a subtle distribution with some noticeable peaks in the IAT pattern.


2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC)

University of Essex, UK

our work, we used a Change-Point analyzer [30]. Interpreting the CUSUM requires some skill. Suppose during the monitoring period of the traffic, the average IAT value increase above the overall average; this means the value that is added to the cumulative sum will be positive, thereby abruptly increasing the sum. TABLE I: IAT Distribution in Traffic Flow

(a) SYN flooding attack

Packet No.















A. Normal Traffic behavior For the trace-driven experiments for 50 and 100 packets IAT in a traffic flow, we implemented a change point detection using the CUSUM algorithm without including SYN flooding. The findings are presented in Figures 3 and 4.

(b) Normal traffic flow

Fig. 2: Graph of IAT against packet number in a traffic flow

For the normal traffic flow, we used a publicly available benchmark traffic model from Auckland-VIII dataset, Waikato Internet Traffic Storage (WITS) [29]. From the repository of a continuous 13 days packet header trace taken in December 2003 at the University of Auckland, we used the dataset from Dec 2 05:00:00 2003 to Dec, 2 05:59:59 2003. The capture point is between the Universitys network infrastructure and the Internet; and all the IP addresses were anonymized. Similar to the DDoS attack dataset, we pre-processed the dataset to extract TCP packets, before separating the traffic into different flows, using FBC. Figure 2b shows the graph of IAT against the packets of a reference normal flow. We conducted two separate experiments using 50 and 100 packets of both DDoS and a legitimate traffic benchmark dataset to evaluate our proposed method. In the first experiment, the first 50 packets in the flow consist of legitimate packets; while the subsequent 50 were attack packets. The same applies to the second experiment (100 packets scenario). The normal packets collected from the front-end of the cloud are used to train the detector a priori before deployment, in order to detect any subsequent deviation from this pattern We used the observed IAT, Xi , of these packets during network connection to calculate Ci as described in Eqn. 2. The average and standard deviation were also computed for both normal and attack traffic flows as shown in Table I. For normal traffic, the first simulation involving 50 packets has an average IAT, λ0 = 0.00129sec. (that is, λ0 (50) = 0.00129); while for λ0 (100), we have 0.00108. The standard deviations are σ0 (50) = 0.00131 and σ0 (100) = 0.00117 respectively. For the attack traffic, the values are as follows: λ1 (50) = 0.00208, λ1 (100) = 0.00187, σ1 (50) = 0.00167, σ1 (100) = 0.00144. From our findings, we observed that there is a clear distinction between the average and standard deviations of the packet IAT of the attack traffic flow and the legitimate traffic. To analyze

(a) Graph of IAT against the packet number

(b) CUSUM statistic

Fig. 3: Normal Traffic behavior for 50 packets Figure 3 shows the plot of IAT in seconds against packet number in a flow. Visual inspections of the IAT values show no major change, which is confirmed by the CUSUM plot shown in Figure 3b. The CUSUM plot starts and ends on zero while the maximum to minimum CUSUM determines the limit of values for the CUSUM plot. This ranges between 0.007 and -0.006. Figure 4 shows the graph for the 100 packets experiment in a traffic flow and the packet IAT. Xi presents a similar result (as shown in Figure 3). The CUSUM algorithm is determined by adding the difference between the current value and the average of the previous sum. Therefore, in this normal traffic flow, the IAT pattern follows a sequence and there was no significant change observed using CUSUM. B. SYN Flooding Detection Simulating the SYN flooding detection experiments, we used both Auckland-VIII [29] and CAIDA DDoS datasets


2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC)

University of Essex, UK

a pre-defined normal IAT pattern of 100 normal and 100 SYN flooding packets in a single flow (see Figure 6).

(a) Graph of IAT against the packet number

(a) Graph of IAT against packet number

(b) CUSUM statistic

Fig. 4: Normal Traffic behavior for 100 packets (b) CUSUM statistic

[28]. To measure the efficiency of our proposed detection method, we simulated a DDoS attack traffic and used the predefined normal IAT pattern to determine a deviation, using the CUSUM algorithm. For the 50 normal and 50 SYN flooding packets, Figure 5 shows the plot of IAT against the packet number and the CUSUM test statistic used in detecting a change point within the dataset.

Fig. 6: Auckland-VIII/CAIDA and DDoS graph of IAT against packet number A change was detected on packet number 101, which is the starting point of our simulated attack traffic. This is an improvement on the 50 packet experiment; as it achieves a 100 % detection rate. This suggests that the change-point detection achieves a better performance on a longer period data, by observing the pattern to detect a shift. This, therefore, shows that the CUSUM change-point detection method requires more packet samples to detect the occurrence of a true change during a DDoS attack in the network. C. Discussion

(a) Graph of IAT against packet number

(b) CUSUM statistic

Fig. 5: Auckland-VIII/CAIDA and DDoS graph of IAT against packet number From Figure 5, it can be observed that our method detects an anomaly in the IAT on the 38th packet by indicating a shift. This is deemed a false alarm; as the DDoS packet only begin from the 51st packet. We conducted a similar experiment for

To detect a DDoS flooding attack, it is important to use the minimum number of traffic features, in order to reduce the complexity and the associated overheads. Therefore, in this paper, only the packet IAT feature was used. Publicly available datasets were used to evaluate the performance of change-point detection. We remark that during evaluation and testing of the proposed method, the benchmark dataset used must be representative. The CAIDA DDoS attack dataset [28] is one of the most recent datasets used in the literature for analysis. Our evaluations show that 150 packets also present an optimum packet count for normal flow, in order to detect a change during a DDoS attack with perfect detection accuracy. The 100 packets normal flow has however been adopted by our Flow-Based Classifier (FSB) as depicted in Figure 1. When compared with the other methods proposed in the literature [13], [14], it is difficult for an attacker to manipulate our selected detection feature and still circumvent detection. Table II presents our findings.


2016 8th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC)

TABLE II: Detection accuracy for different traffic flows Packet No.

Pm (λ0 , t)

Pm (λ1 , t)






Accuracy 76%





















V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a method that uses both FlowBased Classifier and the CUSUM algorithm to detect cloud DDoS flooding attacks, based on the packet IAT rate. To demonstrate the utility of our proposed method, we conducted trace-driven experiments where we used our approach to detect changes within traffic flows consisting of both normal and attack packets. We also evaluated our method using two datasets; flooding attacks from CAIDA DDoS benchmark dataset and normal traffic trace from Auckland-VIII. The findings suggested that optimal performance was achieved by CUSUM during 100- and 150-packet counts for normal flow to detect an equal amount of attack packets. In the future, we seek to extend the evaluation of our proposed approach using other datasets and deploy it in a real-world setting. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors are thankful to TelKom-SA, Jasco, THRIP-NRF and DTI for their research support. R EFERENCES [1] K.-K. R. Choo, “Cloud computing: challenges and future directions,” Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal justice, no. 400, p. 1, 2010. [2] B. Martini and K.-K. R. Choo, “Cloud storage forensics: owncloud as a case study,” Digital Investigation, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 287 – 299, 2013. [Online]. Available: pii/S1742287613000911 [3] O. Osanaiye, K.-K. R. Choo, and M. Dlodlo, “Distributed denial of service (ddos) resilience in cloud: Review and conceptual cloud {DDoS} mitigation framework,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 67, pp. 147 – 165, 2016. [Online]. Available: [4] J. Arshad, P. Townend, and J. Xu, “A novel intrusion severity analysis approach for clouds,” Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 416 – 428, 2013, including Special section: AIRCC-NetCoM 2009 and Special section: Clouds and ServiceOriented Architectures. [Online]. Available: http://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S0167739X11001488 [5] M. H. Bhuyan, H. J. Kashyap, D. K. Bhattacharyya, and J. K. Kalita, “Detecting distributed denial of service attacks: methods, tools and future directions,” The Computer Journal, p. bxt031, 2013. [6] Z. Zhou, X. Chen, J. Wang, and X. Li, “A distributed detection scheme based on adaptive cusum and weighted cat against ddos attacks,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT 2013). Springer, 2014, pp. 97–105. [7] K.-K. R. Choo, “The cyber threat landscape: Challenges and future research directions,” Computers & Security, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 719– 731, 2011. [8] V. Gulisano, M. Callau-Zori, Z. Fu, R. Jimnez-Peris, M. Papatriantafilou, and M. Patio-Martnez, “Stone: A streaming {DDoS} defense framework,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 42, no. 24, pp. 9620 – 9633, 2015. [Online]. Available: science/article/pii/S095741741500487X

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