Abstractâ âThis paper proposes a new load balancing strategy, called Comet, for fast multi-agent cluster computing. We use a new load index that takes into ...
Comet: A Communication-Efficient Load Balancing Strategy for Multi-Agent Cluster Computing KA-PO CHOW1, YU-KWONG KWOK1, HAI JIN1, AND KAI HWANG1, 2 The University of Hong Kong1 and University of Southern California2 Email: {ykwok, kpchow, hjin, kaihwang}@eee.hku.hk
Abstract†—This paper proposes a new load balancing strategy, called Comet, for fast multi-agent cluster computing. We use a new load index that takes into account the cost of inter-agent communications. Agents with predictable workload are assigned statically to cluster nodes, whereas agents with unpredictable workload are allowed to migrate dynamically between cluster nodes using a creditbased load balancing algorithm based on the proposed load index. We have implemented and tested our load balancing strategy in a multi-agent cluster platform consisting of Linux PC machines. Experimental results indicate that the proposed Comet system outperforms traditional distributed load balancing strategies for applications with regular as well as irregular communication patterns. Keywords: Load balancing, cluster computing, multi-agent systems, task migration, credit-based algorithms.
1 Introduction A multicomputer cluster is a collection of complete computers, which are physically connected by local area networks or high-bandwidth switches [8], [12]. The most distinctive feature of a cluster computing system, in contrast to traditional distributed systems, is that a cluster offers single system image (SSI) [3], [5], [6] at a wide range of abstraction levels. SSI is a very desirable feature for resiliently harnessing the great aggregate computing power of a cluster to solve a wide range of applications including not only scientific tasks but commercial workload as well. To achieve the goal of SSI, we have to tackle many intricate resource management chores such as checkpointing, process states management, task migration, load balancing, etc. In this paper, we focus on the load balancing aspect of executing a multi-agent application on a Linux PC cluster. In our cluster platform (see Figure 1(a)), a user accesses the cluster with a Web browser. The agent name server (ANS) indicates the location of each agent in the system. An agent is essentially a light-weight software process running on a single machine. All drafted agents must interact with the database server, which updates the Oracle database of the addressed application. The final decision result is returned to the user by the ANS through the Internet. † This research was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council under the contract numbers HKU 2/96C, HKU 7022/97E, by the Information Technology Development Fund at HKU, and by a special research grant from the Engineering School of the University of Southern California.
Our multi-agent system has been designed to manage investors portfolio and provide customized alarming services. It monitors the risk level and expected return of the users portfolio continuously and gives advice to the investors on their portfolio selection. Alarming signals can be set according to the users criteria on the risk level of portfolio or other stock data. Different classes of agents are organized in hierarchy. These agents are: portfolio management agents, economic performance agents, factor analysis agents, and indicator agents. At the lowest level of the hierarchy, the indicator agents acquire information from outside sources. There are now 33 indicator agents and ten factor analysis agents residing in our system. To efficiently response to user’s queries, the agents are required to complete their designated tasks using the shortest amounts of time. However, if the mapping of agents to machines are not handled properly, it is likely that some machines will be overloaded with too many agents while some other machines may be idle. This results in unnecessarily long query response times. Thus, we need a judicious agents management scheme to monitor the execution of agents and properly balance the workload of machines. In this paper, we propose a new load balancing strategy, called Comet, for balanced multi-agent cluster computing. We use a credit-based load index associated with each agent to keep track of the cost of inter-agent messages exchanged among the agents. Agents with predictable workload are assigned statically to cluster nodes. Agents with unpredictable workload are allowed to migrate dynamically between cluster nodes based on the credit-based load index, which is composed of computational load as well as the communication load of an agent, indicating the affinity of the agent to a cluster node. The objective of the load balancing algorithm is to allow agents to migrate so as to replace expensive inter-machine messages with intra-machine communications. Our load balancing strategy is different from previous work in that we consider both communication and computation workload of an agent in making migration decisions, while in most traditional distributed load balancing schemes, only the computation part is taken into account [13], [14]. We have implemented several multi-agent applications and the proposed Comet system using the Java programming language on a Linux PC cluster. Our extensive experimental
Oracle databases
a7 a5 a1
Web browser
Agent Name Server
Database Server
(a) agent
Figure 1: (a) A multi-agent cluster computing system; (b) a directed graph modeling the agent communication structure of the system; (c) an example tree-structured multi-agent system.
results indicate that the proposed credit-based approach outperforms a traditional distributed load balancing method in that the former always gives more balanced workload throughout the entire execution span of the applications. This in turn implies a much shorter response time can be obtained in servicing user’s queries. This paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we describe in more detail the architectural characteristics of our multi-agent cluster computing system. We then formalize the proposed load index in Section 3 and the load balancing algorithm in Section 4. This is followed by the experimental results in Section 5. The last section concludes the paper.
2 A Multi-Agent Software System for Clusters Unlike usual processes in a distributed system, an agent is a light-weight unit of execution capable of performing multiple functions in an autonomous manner. Agents are persistent software objects with long-lived missions [1], [9], [10], [11], [12], [15]. Specifically, an agent consists of two parts. The first part is a set of data structures manipulated by the agent. For instance, in our financial database application, the set of data types might consist of a set of primitive attribute types (e.g., exchange rates) as well as some record types derived from those attribute types. The second part is a set of functions, may or may not be multithreaded, that manipulate the data types. These are typically function calls for gathering data and computing results. The distinctive feature of an agent is that the embedded computation in each agent is minimal compared with communication cost among agents. Although the agents are autonomous, they usually cooperate to collectively satisfy a user’s query or command. For example, if the user issues a request about certain stock market index, then some agents may be responsible for collecting necessary raw data from the databases, while some other agents may be responsible for
computing the intermediate or end results. Thus, the coordination among agents is represented by some structure (e.g., a tree or a mesh) rather than entirely disconnected. The difference between such a multi-agent software system from a message-passing parallel program is that agents are loosely coupled and there does not exist any strict precedence constraints as in among tasks of a parallel program. The load characteristics of a multi-agent system are identified below. These characteristics are used to establish the proposed load-balancing scheme. • Life-span: In our multi-agent system, some agents are rather perpetual, e.g., indicator and factor analysis agents. They are not frequently added or removed. The workloads of these agents are predictable. On the other hand, some agents are instantiated on-demand, like portfolio management agents. Their quantity will be increased or decreased at any time. Their workloads change dynamically and are unpredictable. Comet takes this into account, submits the static agents to some dedicated machines for execution according to their predicted workloads, and arranges the dynamic agents according to the credit-based load index. • Computation cost: Certain indicator agents will be left idle most of the time. Its computational cost is minimal and predictable. On the other hand, some data will change almost in real time, like exchange rate. Their associated indicator agents will be kept busy most of the time. The complexity and computational requirements will be different for each agent. Their workloads change dynamically. We arrange the agents with minimal predictable computation cost to a group of few machines in the cluster, while arrange the other agents with dynamic changed workloads to other machines in the cluster as possible.
• Communication pattern: In the multi-agent financial database system, though the number of static agents remains fairly constant, their interrelationship may change over time as newer variance patterns are discovered through examining co-variances among the components. Moreover, the stocks in the users portfolios may change and, thus, the communication pattern is also affected since a different set of stocks needs to be consulted. Therefore we include the number of interagent communications as a part of the load index. Migration of the agents in the cluster is performed according to this load index. • Persistence: Most of the agents will be running from system initiation and never stop. It is their interrelationship and computational requirement that will vary. Sometimes the mathematical formula of computing a certain index may change so that the workload of such agents will be increased or decreased. These events may trigger the execution of the load balancing scheme. • Agents migration: In our system, there is no persistent state that needs to be preserved during migration. All agents will work by restarting them at any instance. Using JATLite system, these agents can un-register and re-register again at another location. They can resume their monitoring task without going back to previous state. The references to other agents are all done through the agent name server. With the above scrutiny of agents characteristics, we introduce the proposed credit-based load balancing scheme in the next section.
3 A Credit-Based Load Index In the multi-agent system considered in our study, we assume an application is composed of n agents executable on any of the p homogeneous machines of the cluster. The structure of the application is modeled by the interdependence relationships among the agents. More specifically, we use an undirected graph to model the application structure. For example, the undirected graph
shown in Figure 1(b) can be used to model the structure of the multi-agent system depicted in Figure 1(a). Also, a binary tree structure, as shown in Figure 1(c), can be used to model most divide-and-conquer types of applications. An undirected graph is an appropriate generic model because a multi-agent application executes perpetually and produces results continuously in response to user queries (e.g., financial database queries). One particular feature in our multi-agent system is that the communication pattern among the agents is known. Even if it changes, all such changes will be registered on the Agent Name Server and JATLite Message Router. Using this feature, we can arrange the agents to minimize communication overhead through the inter-connection network. Notice that the computational load of an agent and the communication load between two agents may be different for processing different queries. Thus, the data or control dependencies among agents are not constant. Hence, the communication dependency relationship between any two agents cannot be modeled by a directed edge. Indeed, an edge between two agents only indicates that the agents communicate during the processing of a particular query but not implying a precedence relationship. Given these agent characteristics, we can also see that the application is inherently iterative in nature in that each iteration corresponds to the execution of the application for one particular query. Figure 2 illustrates the dynamics and structure of the multi-agent application. Traditional load balancing strategies commonly use the computational load of a process as the load index based on the assumption that computation is the dominant activity in a process and communication can be fully overlapped with computation [13], [14]. While this approximation might be valid for heavy weight processes in a distributed system, such a load index is clearly not appropriate for the multi-agent system considered in our study. As mentioned earlier, the computation load within an agent is sometimes minimal (e.g.,
remote comm.
heavy computation
heavy communication
moderate computation
moderate communication
light computation
light communication
(a) Figure 2: (a) Iterative and dynamic nature of a multi-agent application; (b) the structure of an agent.
local comm.
a fast execution of a certain financial formula) and a BSP style of multithreaded programming model [16] is more accurate. Thus, we propose a composite attribute to indicate the load of an agent that takes into account the effect of remote and local communications among agents. Specifically, the load of an agent a i executing on machine m k is defined as the sum of its computational load w i and the communication load u i , where: hi + gi =
M ( ai ) = M ( a j )
f c ( a i, a j ) + --c ( a i, a j ) ∑ 2 M ( ai ) ≠ M ( a j )
(note that a j may be local or remote depending upon the value of M ( a j ) ). Here, h i and g i represent the intra-machine and inter-machine communication load, respectively. The factor 2 is included to avoid double counting the intermachine communication. The value of w i is computed statically by profiling the different execution instances of the agent and measuring the running times [7]. Note that the communication cost c ( a i, a j ) can be computed by each agent using the message sizes. The scaling factor f (> 1) is system dependent and calculated based on the network bandwidth of the system (in our implementation, the point-to-point bandwidth of the ATM network is 155 Mbps so that intermachine communication is approximately more than an order of magnitude slower than intra-machine communication). The load L k of a machine m k is defined as the sum of all its local agents’ load. More specifically, Lk =
∑ ( wi + ui )
M ( ai ) = k
The goal of a load balancing algorithm is to minimize the variance of load among all the machines in the cluster. This will in turn minimize the average response time of serving user’s queries.
4 The Comet Load Balancing Scheme With the above definition of load index, an overview of the proposed Comet load balancing algorithm is in order. Below we describe the important aspects of the Comet system. • Agents segregation: During the start-up phase of an multi-agent application, the Comet system first segregates the agents with predictable workload from the others. Then, we map these agents to some dedicated machines in a balanced manner. The remaining agents are then assigned to the machines in a round-robin fashion and are subject to migration during the execution span of the application. Grouping the agents into two subclasses with predictable and unpredictable workloads can reduce the number of agents migrating among the cluster nodes. Agents with predictable workload are assigned statically in the cluster. Migrating the agents with dynamically changing workload can reduce the communication overhead significantly, based on the
checkpointing file which has already mirrored the process file in neighboring machines. Information policy: In the Comet system, we employ a distributed periodic information policy. Specifically, the machines in the system synchronize periodically and check their local aggregate load against the load thresholds, which are estimated high ( T H ) and low ( T L ) load levels computed during application start-up, where both T H and T L are computed based on the mean and standard deviation of load. A centralized approach is also viable if one machine is assigned as the controller to collect the load information from other machines. Transfer policy: After the load information collection phase, the machines perform complete exchange to determine the machines with the highest load (and L > T H ). Agents then migrate from this sender machine to some receiver machines so as to reduce its load to below T H . This completes one iteration and the machines perform complete exchange again to determine the next sender machine. This process is repeated until no overloaded machine is available. Migration policy: Each agent a i is associated with a credit C i which is defined as: C i = – x 1 w i + x 2 h i – x 3 g i , where x 1, x 2, x 3 are positive real value numbers and are application dependent coefficients. The rationale of this credit attribute is to capture the affinity of an agent to the machine in that the intra-machine communication component contributes positively to the credit whereas the reverse is true for the inter-machine communication. In the sender machine, the agent with the smallest credit is selected for migration because such an agent spends dominant amount of time communicating with a remote agent and hence, is a suitable candidate for migration in order to reduce the local load level. After migration, the heavy inter-machine communication becomes local communication in the receiver machine. Although some local communication in the sender machine also becomes inter-machine communication, the overall effect is still desirable because the sender’s load is reduced. Location policy: After a migrating agent is selected, we need to determine the target machine. In the Comet system, each agent a i keeps track of a p -element vector V i storing the value of remote communication (the local communication component is stored as the M ( a i ) -th element) between the local machine and all other machines in the network. Specifically, each element v s of the vector is simply ∑M ( a ) = s c ( a i, a j ) . Suppose the y -th element ( y ≠ M ( a i ) ) is the largest element. Then, machine m y will be chosen as the receiver of the agent. j
The proposed Comet multi-agent load balancing scheme is specified by the following algorithm.
Application start-up: segregate the agents with statically predictable load from the others. Map these agents to the machines in a load-balanced manner (note that multi-programming is assumed). Map the remaining dynamic agents in a round-robin manner to the machines. 2. Do the following forever (with period τ ): 3. repeat 4. All machines participate in a complete exchange to elect the overloaded machine with the heaviest load. 5. The heaviest load machine allows the agent a i with lowest credit to migrate. The target machine is indicated by the communication component vector V i . This process is repeated until the machine’s load falls below T H . Credit value of the migrated agents are updated. 6. until no overloaded machine exists Notice that the location policy of the proposed is novel in that we implicitly specify a receiver machine in the network for a migrating agent. By contrast, most existing load balancing schemes require the system to determine a receiver which is usually the one with the lowest load. It should be noted that for multi-agent systems in which communication is the dominant event, choosing the lowest load machine may not be a suitable strategy because such machine may not necessarily reduce the inter-machine communication overhead, which is a dominant part of the aggregate load. The rationale of selecting the lowest load machine as the receiver is to avoid thrashing. However, the Comet system is inherently free of thrashing because the total load across all machines is reduced after each migration. The advantage of Comet lies in its communication efficiency. Agents are mostly reactive, continuous, mobile, communicative, collaborative, and light-weighted software processes. The embedded computation in each agent is minimal compared with communication cost among agents. In this sense, Comet is special-tailored for the multi-agent cluster computing systems, aiming at hiding communications among agents. Other cluster job management systems are more suitable for balancing general workload with more computations involved. For brevity, other analytical results are not shown here but can be found in [2].
5 Experimental Results and Interpretations We have implemented the Comet system using Java for a Linux PC cluster. To evaluate the effectiveness of the system, several multi-agent financial-analysis benchmark applications have been developed in Linux cluster environment. We combine mirrored checkpointing [6] with the Comet strategy to balance benchmark workloads on two research clusters. Mirrored checkpointing is applied to avoid the transfer of agent states if they migrate between neighboring machines. One Beowulf cluster has been built and tested at the High Performance Computing Research
laboratory at the University of Hong Kong. Another Beowulf PC cluster has been built and tested at the Internet and Cluster Computing Laboratory at the University of Southern California. We performed a number of experiments using a cluster with four Pentium Pro PC running Linux with 64 MB memory each. In all the experiments, we set the period of load monitoring and balancing to be ten seconds (i.e., τ = 10 ). For comparison, we also implemented a classical senderinitiated workload based load balancing (abbreviated as WBLB) scheme [13]. In WBLB, the machines also synchronize periodically to identify sender (overloaded) cluster nodes and receiver (lightly loaded) cluster nodes. The sender node then transfers the agents with the greatest computational load to the receivers. Notice that in such a classical load balancing method, communication load is ignored. We considered an irregularly structured financial application with 18 agents, which was executed under the control of the Comet system. We collected performance data for a time period of approximately 1400 seconds and the same process was repeated several times. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, we computed the standard deviation (SD) of the load over time normalized with respect to the mean load. The reason of normalization is that as the computation of the multi-agent application proceeds, the load level may fluctuate in that some extra workload may be generated or destroyed on-the-fly, depending upon the user queries. Thus, the normalized SD is a more accurate measure of the instantaneous degree of load balance. Figure 3(a) shows the normalized SD of the two algorithms over time. As can be seen, the proposed Comet system almost always resulted in a lower normalized load SD. Indeed, a close scrutiny of the execution traces revealed that the WBLB scheme showed a moderate degree of thrashing—some agents were repeatedly being transferred among the machines without being actually executed until after the maximum number of transferals was reached. Apart from instability and overhead, an adverse effect is that the resulting load was usually not balanced, as is illustrated by the wide range of load (normalized with respect to mean load) as shown in Figure 3(b). Using the same four-node Linux cluster, we varied the number of agents in the application from 12 to 24. The results are shown in Figure 3(c). We can see that the Comet system outperformed the WBLB scheme in all cases. These results indicate that the proposed credit-based load index and balancing strategy are effective for efficiently executing applications composed of dynamic light-weight agents. Similar results were obtained for a tree structured application as detailed in [2].
0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2
Comet Max Load Comet Min Load WBLB Max Load WBLB Min Load
average normalized SD of load
Comet WBLB
normalized load
normalized SD of load
Comet WBLB
0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2
0 0
800 1000 1200 1400
time (seconds)
800 1000 1200 1400
time (seconds)
number of agents
Figure 3: (a) Normalized standard deviation of load across all cluster nodes; (b) maximum and minimum load levels; average normalized standard deviation of load across all machines over a time period of 1400 seconds with various number of agents.
6 Conclusions A novel load balancing strategy is presented for multiagent cluster computing system. The proposed Comet system uses a load index that takes into account the effect of both intra-machine and inter-machine communication. This is important for agent-based systems because the embedded computation in each agent is minimal compared with communication cost among agents. The load balancing algorithm is credit-based and works by selecting the agent with the heaviest inter-machine communication for migration. We have also implemented the whole system using Java for a Linux PC cluster and tested it using several regular and irregular financial database applications. The experimental results indicate that the Comet system outperforms an existing distributed load balancing algorithm considerably.
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