Companding Technique for Reducing Peak-to ... - Interscience

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companding technique is proposed which offers improved bit error rate, minimizes ... evaluation is done for comparing the proposed companding technique with ...
Companding Technique for Reducing Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in OFDM Linear Coded Systems     B. Ragini, M. Sushanth Babu & K. Kishan Rao Vaagdevi College of Engineering, Warangal, Jawaharlal Nehru technological University, Hyderabad, AP, India E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

  Abstract - Orthogonal Frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a very attractive technique in wireless communications which provides robustness to channel fading and immunity to impulse interference. Despite of its advantages, one of the major drawbacks of OFDM system is very high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). Among the various PAPR reduction techniques, companding appears attractive for its simplicity and effectiveness. In this paper novel Low density parity check (LDPC) encoded new companding technique is proposed which offers improved bit error rate, minimizes out-of-band interference and reduce PAPR effectively. Simulation results illustrates the performance of the system under Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and further evaluation is done for comparing the proposed companding technique with previous techniques. Keywords - Companding, Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, Peak-to-average power ratio, Additive White Gaussian Noise, Low density parity check, Bit Error Rate.


INTRODUCTION The idea behind these methods is that by clipping the peaks [8] of OFDM signal which is the simplest technique but it causes additional clipping noise and out-of-band interference (OBI) which degrades the system performance. But in µ-law companding, the PAPR is reduced at the expense of increasing the average power. In order to overcome the problem of increase of average power and to have efficient PAPR reduction, a non-linear companding technique namely exponential companding has been developed. In this paper, a simple but effective novel new companding technique which uses the special airy function to reduce the peak-to-average power ratio of OFDM signal is proposed. Furthermore, we extend the work to improve the performance of OFDM system by using some linear coding techniques, such as Low density parity coding (LDPC). In this respect we present a design of LDPC encoder to work in conjunction with new companding technique.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has significant ability to support high data rates for wide area coverage, robustness to multipath fading, immunity to impulse interference [1,2]. However one of the major drawbacks of OFDM signal is its large envelope fluctuation, likely resulting in large peak-to average power ratio (PAPR), which distorts the signal if the transmitter contains the non-linear components such as power amplifiers and these may causes deficiencies such as intermodulation, spectral spreading and change in signal constellation. Minimizing PAPR allows higher average power to be transmitted for a fixed peak power and improving the overall signal to noise ratio at the receiver. Some of the methods proposed in literature to reduce the PAPR of OFDM signals include several techniques such as amplitude clipping ,tone reservation(TR), active constellation extension(ACE) and coding [1,2][13], selective mapping [3], partial transmitting [4]. In [5], optimal companding coefficient is determined to enlarge small OFDM signals along with PAPR reduction. In [6], non-linear companding scheme is described by a single valued function which allows to be transformed before amplification. In exponential companding OFDM signals are transformed into uniformly distributed signals (with a specific degree) which are described in [7].

The paper is organized as follows: the PAPR problem in OFDM is briefly reviewed in section II. Section III, presents proposed algorithm using Low Density Parity-Check encoder to reduce the PAPR .In Section IV, the performance of proposed algorithm is compared with existing techniques. In Section V, we conclude.

  International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management, ISSN (PRINT): 2231–4407, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2011


 Companding Teechnique for Redducing Peak-to-AAverage Power Ratio R in OFDM Linear Coded Systems   S   T


pavg =

Let X(0),X(1), ‫ڄ ڄ ڄ‬, ( −1) represent the data ymbol with sequence to bee transmitted in an OFDM sy subcarriers. Th he baseband representation of o the OFDM symbol is giveen by:

x(t ) =


N −1



(7) T

pavg =

∑ X (n) e j 2πnt / N ,0 ≤ t ≤ T



CCDF F = Probability (PAPR > PAP PR 0 )


Re { x t } + Im m {xt }



), x ≥ 0

Thee next section describes d lineaar coded LDPC C and new com mpanding techhniques to reeduce the effeect of PAPR in n independent m multicarrier OF FDM systems. III. PAP PR REDUCTIION TECHNIIQUES


A. Low w-Density Paritty Check Codees

The power off OFDM signal can be calculaated as

| xt |2 =


N −1 N −1


m=0 k =0

∑ ∑ XmXk


Where PAPR P 0 is the tthreshold level.


The amplitud de has a Raylleigh distributtion with the Cumulative Diistribution Funnction (CDF) as follows.

F| xt | ( x ) = 1 − exp( −


Thee peak power occurs when modulated sym mbols are addeed with the saame phase. Thee effectivenesss of a PAPR reduction tecchnique is measured byy the mentary cum mulative disttribution funnction complem (CCDF), which is thee probability that t PAPR exxceeds some thrreshold [11,12]], i.e.

zero mean annd a variancee of E [| x (t ) | ] / 2 , The amplitude, or modulus, m of OF FDM signal iss given by

xt =

1 N −1 2 (∑ c v )dt T ∫0 v =0

Where cv is the magnitude of the mo odulated data.

Where x(t) is OFDM symbool at time t, is i the duration M symbol. The input informaation symbols of the OFDM are assumed to be stattistically indeependent and identically disstributed. According to the central limit theorem, whenn is large, both b the real and a imaginary parts of ( ) becomes b Gausssian distribution, each with


N−1 1 N−1 v v 2 ( c cos( 2 π t )) + ( cv sin(2π tv ))2 dt ∑ ∑ v v ∫ T 0 v=0 NT NT v=0

LDP PC codes (alsoo known as Gallager G codes) have recently received much attenntion from the communnications induustry because of their exccellent error-corrrecting perforrmance as well as having highly h parallelizable decodingg algorithm [15]. Fig. 1, deppicts a s model with both LDP PC encoder/deecoder OFDM system and com mpanding impleementation.

exp( j 2π (m − k )t N

.…. (4) Where m=0,11,….N-1,k=0,11…N-1.Conseq quently it is possible that the t maximum amplitude of OFDM signal may well exxceed its aveerage amplituude. Practical hardware (e.g. A/D and D/A conveerters, power mic range; thereefore the peak amplifiers) has finite dynam O signal must m be limitedd. amplitude of OFDM The PAPR R of the overr sampled OFDM signal is mathematicallyy defined as:



⎧⎪ p ⎪⎫ max x (t ) (dB ) PAPR = 10 lo og 10 ⎨ max ⎬ = 10 1 log 10 T p 1 2 ⎪⎩ avg ⎪⎭ x (t ) dt NT ∫0 2

…….. (5) The average power p of the OFDM O symbol in (4) can be written as :


1 = T

T N −1

∫ ∑c e 0 v =0


j 2π

2 v tv NT


Fig. 1: Block diagram m of LDPC-cooded OFDM syystem mpanding. with com In designing d the L LDPC code thhe following design d propertiees should be obbserved in ordeer to obtainn good


  International Journal J of Powerr System Operattion and Energy Management, IS SSN (PRINT): 2231–4407, Voluume-1, Issue-2, 22011


 Companding Teechnique for Redducing Peak-to-AAverage Power Ratio R in OFDM Linear Coded Systems   S  

performance; first the code should be lonng enough ,as the performance improves with w code lenggth, however a few cycles inn the code bippartite graph may m seriously degrade the errror correcting performance if i too many off them are used..

uld then be repplaced Thee remaining nuull blocks shou with zerro matrices resulting in the output matrixx. For more claarity, a flowchhart of the enccoding proceduure is shown inn Fig 2. The eencoder design is accomplishhed by exploitinng the structuural property of the code parity p check matrix. m

The size of o each block matrix is b X b; the size off parity check matrix is p1 X p 2 , where p1 =mb and p 2 =nb (wherre m and n deefine the size of the parity check matrix) and g=γb, wh here γ is the tootal number off blocks in the g submatrix. The T row and column weight distributions are wr1 , wr2 ,........wrn and


{wc , wc ,........wc },where 1



B. New w Compandingg Algorithm In OFDM O system m, the ideal casse is to reducce the PAPR too make the am mplitude of the complex basee-band signal constant. c Quanntification of the t OBI causeed by compandding requires the knowleddge of the power p spectral density (PS SD) of the companded signal. s Unfortunnately analyticcal expressionn of the PSD is in general mathematicallly intractablee, because of the nonlineaar companding transform involved. Here wee take an alternnative approachh to estimate thhe OBI. Let f ( ) be a nonlin near compandinng function, an nd x( ) = sin( ) be the inpu ut to the compaander. The com mpanded signaal y( ) is:


wri and wc j represent the

weight of i-th block rows an nd j-th columnss respectively. f these paarameters willl provide the The output from components off the p1 X p 2 parity check matrix, m H. This matrix will bee either a righht cyclic shift of an identity matrix or a zerro matrix. According g the weight distribution of o the matrix columns and rows, two different setts of weight distributions have h been generated:

{a1, a2 , },where a j = wc , if 1 ≤ j ≤ (n − m + γ ) w = wc −1,if (n − m + γ ≤ j ≤ n) j


…….. (10)

{b1 , b2 , }, where ai = wr


− 1, if 1 ≤ i ≤ (m − γ )

=wri , if (m − γ + 1 ≤ i ≤ m ) ……. (11)

Starting with j=1, the a j nuull blocks on the t j-th block b a j right cyclic c shifted column will be replaced by x. This is attainned by: identity matrix STEP 1. Repllacing Hi,j with h a right cyclicc shift of bXb identity matrix x with a randdomly generateed shift value (i represents nuumber of iterattions and bi > 0 ). STEP 2. If thhe minimum cycle c degree iss less than the initial cycle deegree, the replaacement will be b rejected and step 1 will be repeated (beearing in mind that for all variable nodees on a cyclee, the sum off degrees1 is defined as the cycle degree of o this cycle. It is, therefore, intuitively dessirable to makee the cycle degrree as large as possible for thhose unavoidabble small cycless). STEP 3. Let bi = bi − 1 . Fig. 2 : The flowchhart of generatiing the H matriix

STEP 4. If d < d min , terminaate and restart the procedure where d annd d min are thhe calculated node degree distribution and a the min nimum node distribution threshold.

y(t ) = f [ x(t )] = f [sin(wt [ )]


  International Journal J of Powerr System Operattion and Energy Management, IS SSN (PRINT): 2231–4407, Voluume-1, Issue-2, 22011


 Companding Technique for Reducing Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in OFDM Linear Coded Systems    

We now propose a new companding technique using a smooth function, namely the airy special function. The companding function is as follows:



f (x ) = β .sign (x ). airy (0 ) − airy (α . x )



Where airy(‫ )ڄ‬is the airy function of the first kind. ߙ is the parameter that controls the degree of companding.ߚ is the factor adjusting the average output power of the compander to the same level as the average input power:

2 E⎡ x ⎤ ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦


2⎤ ⎡ E ⎢ airy (0 )− airy (α . x ) ⎥ ⎣ ⎦

(x ) =

⎡ x⎤ .sign ( x ).airy −1 ⎢ airy (0 ) − ⎥ α β ⎥⎦ ⎣⎢ 1

(15) Next we examine the BER performance of the proposed algorithm with linear LDPC. Let y(‫ )ݐ‬denote the output signal of the compander, w(‫ )ݐ‬the white Gaussian noise. The received signal can be expressed as:

z(t) = y(t) + w(t) The decompanded signal

x (t ) = f


[z (t )] =



Number of Data streams


FFT Size


Number of Data Subcarriers


Channel model Modulation

Additive White Gaussian Noise BPSK

Number of Pilot Subcarriers


Companding Input Power


Control parameter


The spectrums of the uncompressed and compressed OFDM signals by the proposed scheme are illustrated in Fig.3.From the simulation results; it is observed that the proposed algorithm produces OBI almost 3dB lower than the exponential algorithm, 10dB lower than the ߤ-law. Fig.4 depicts the CCDF of the three companding schemes. The new algorithm is roughly 1.5dB inferior to the exponential, but surpasses the ߤ-law by 6dB. The BER vs. SNR is plotted in Fig.5 proposed algorithm has improved bit error rate compared with exponential and µ-law algorithms. The amount of improvement increases as SNR becomes more. One more observation from the simulation is that unlike the exponential companding whose performance is found almost unchanged under different degrees of companding, the new algorithm is flexible in adjusting its specifications simply by changing the value of ߙ in the companding function.

The decompanding function is the inverse of f(‫)ݔ‬:



Number of Receive antenna


Where ‫ ]ڄ[ܧ‬denotes the expectation.


Number of Transmit antenna


x (t ) simply is: −1

[y (t ) + w(t )]


It is worth to mention that BER and PAPR affect each other adversely and therefore there is a tradeoff. IV. NUMERICAL RESULTS The performance of the proposed OFDM system architecture (Fig.1) is evaluated with Complimentary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) under both linear LDPC and new companding technique. Some of the simulation parameters are listed in Table 1.

Fig. 3 : Power spectral density of original and companded signals (companded i/p power = 3dBm, α = 30)

  International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management, ISSN (PRINT): 2231–4407, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2011


 Companding Technique for Reducing Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in OFDM Linear Coded Systems     CCDF of original and companded signals,I/p power=3dBm



C o m p lim e n ta ry C u m u la tiv e D is trib u tio n F u n c tio n



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Exponential Proposed No companding mu law






6 8 PAPR (in dB)




Fig. 4 : Complimentary Cumulative Distribution function of original and companded signals (companded i/p power = 3dBm, α = 30) Performance analysis with linear coding





B it E rro r R ate





No companding Proposed Exponential ,mu law










6 Eb/No






Fig. 5 : BER Vs SNR for original and companded signals in AWGN channel and Linear LDPC coding (companded i/p power = 3dBm, α = 30) V. CONCLUSION A novel companding algorithm is proposed to effectively reduce PAPR problem in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) with LowDensity-Parity check (LDPC) encoder. By careful selection of the control parameter α explained in the paper, the PAPR reduction can be achieved in a better way and the BER performance can be improved. Simulation results show, that the proposed algorithm offers improved performance in terms of BER and OBI while reducing PAPR effectively compared with exponential and µ-law companding schemes.

  International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management, ISSN (PRINT): 2231–4407, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2011


 Companding Technique for Reducing Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in OFDM Linear Coded Systems    

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  International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management, ISSN (PRINT): 2231–4407, Volume-1, Issue-2, 2011