Complex-Valued Gaussian Processes for Regression: A Widely Non

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Nov 18, 2015 - isterio de Educación y Ciencia, TEC2012-38800-C03-02), and by the European Union (FEDER) and Junta de An- dalucıa (TIC-155). Copyright ...
arXiv:1511.05710v1 [cs.LG] 18 Nov 2015

Complex-Valued Gaussian Processes for Regression: A Widely Non-Linear Approach

Rafael Boloix-Tortosa Eva Arias-de-Reyna F. Javier Pay´ an-Somet Juan J. Murillo-Fuentes Department of Signal Theory and Communications, University of Seville, Spain. e-mail: [email protected]. Phone: +34 954488132.

Abstract In this paper we propose a novel Bayesian kernel based solution for regression in complex fields. We develop the formulation of the Gaussian process for regression (GPR) to deal with complex-valued outputs. Previous solutions for kernels methods usually assume a complexification approach, where the real-valued kernel is replaced by a complexvalued one. However, based on the results in complex-valued linear theory, we prove that both a kernel and a pseudo-kernel are to be included in the solution. This is the starting point to develop the new formulation for the complex-valued GPR. The obtained formulation resembles the one of the widely linear minimum mean-squared (WLMMSE) approach. Just in the particular case where the outputs are proper, the pseudo-kernel cancels and the solution simplifies to a real-valued GPR structure, as the WLMMSE does into a strictly linear solution. We include some numerical experiments to show that the novel solution, denoted as widely non-linear complex GPR (WCGPR), outperforms a strictly complex GPR where a pseudo-kernel is not included.



Complex-valued signals are present in the modeling of many systems in a wide range of fields such as optics, electromagnetics, acoustics and telecommunications, among others. The study of linear solutions for complex-valued signals has been addressed in detail in This work was supported by the Spanish government (Ministerio de Educaci´ on y Ciencia, TEC2012-38800-C03-02), and by the European Union (FEDER) and Junta de Andaluc´ıa (TIC-155). Copyright 2016 by the authors.

the literature. These solutions can be roughly classified into those that assume properness and those that do not. A proper complex random signal is uncorrelated with its complex conjugate (Neeser and Massey, 1993). In the proper scenario, solutions for the realvalued case can be usually rewritten for the complexvalued scenario by just replacing transpose by Hermitian. However, in the improper case, the solutions are more involved and the concept of widely linear is introduced. Accordingly, the linear minimum meansquared error (LMMSE) can be simply rewritten by taking into account the covariance between two random vectors. However, if the outputs are improper, an additional term must be added to include the pseudocovariance (Adali et al., 2011; Schreier and Scharf, 2010). Hence, both covariance and pseudo-covariance must be taken into account. Many non-linear tools for complex fields have been developed within the artificial neural network research community (Danilo P. Mandic, 2009; Hirose, 2013). In kernel methods, we may find a few results for kernel principal analysis (Papaioannou and Zafeiriou, 2014), classification (Steinwart et al., 2006) or regression (Ogunfunmi and Paul, 2011; Bouboulis et al., 2012; Tobar et al., 2012; Boloix-Tortosa et al., 2014). These solutions are usually introduced as a complexificacion of the kernel (Bouboulis et al., 2012). In the complexification approach, real-valued kernel tools are adapted to the complex-valued scenario by just rewriting the kernel to deal with complex-valued outputs, and inputs. However, as discussed above for linear solutions, this may suffice for the proper case, but not for the general one. Bearing this in mind, we investigate in this paper how pseudo-covariance matrices should be included in the solutions. In particular, we focus in Gaussian process for regression (GPR). Gaussian processes (GPs) are kernel Bayesian tools for discriminative machine learning (O’Hagan and Kingman, 1978; Rasmussen and Williams, 2006; P´erez-Cruz et al., 2013). They have been successfully applied to regression, classification and dimensionality reduction.

Complex-Valued Gaussian Processes for Regression: A Widely Non-Linear Approach

GPs can be interpreted as a family of kernel methods with the additional advantage of providing a full conditional statistical description for the predicted variable. Also, hyperparameters can be learned by maximizing the marginal likelihood, avoiding cross-validation. For real fields, GPs applied to regression can be casted as a non-linear MMSE (P´erez-Cruz et al., 2013): they present a similar structure as the LMMSE, where we replace the linear covariances by kernels, and the regularization term also depends on the prior of the weights of the generalized regression (Rasmussen and Williams, 2006). In the following, we propose to develop a new formulation of GPR for complex-valued signals. We start analyzing the prediction for the real and imaginary part separately. Then we merge the results into a complex-valued formulation. In the general improper case, we show that the solution depends on both a kernel and a pseudo-kernel, to propose a widely complex GPR (WCGPR).


Widely linear MMSE (WLMMSE) estimation


or by making use of the augmented notation, where the complex signals are stacked on their conjugates:      ˆ y ˆf = f• = W y = W1∗ W2∗ . (2) • ˆf ∗ W2 W1 y∗ • The widely linear estimator is determined such that the mean-squared error is minimized, i.e., the error between the augmented estimator and the augmented signal, e = ˆf • − f • , must be orthogonal to the augmented measurement, y, (Picinbono and Chevalier, 1995; Schreier and Scharf, 2010): W = Rf• y R−1 yy =

Rf• y ˜∗ R f• y

˜ f• y R R∗f• y

Ryy ˜ ∗yy R

˜ yy R R∗yy




where Ryy is the augmented covariance matrix of the   measurements, with covariance matrix Ryy = E yyH and pseudo-covariance   or complementary covariance ˜ yy = E yy> . Similarly, Rf y is composed matrix R •     ˜ f• y = E f• y> . Now, by usby Rf• y = E f• yH and R ing the matrix-inversion lemma in (3), the WLMMSE


˜ yy R−∗ ˜∗ where Pyy = Ryy − R yy Ryy is the error covari∗ ance matrix for linearly estimating y from  y . Finally, H the error covariance matrix Q = E ee of the error vector e = ˆf• − f• is (Schreier and Scharf, 2010) i h ∗ −1 H ˜ f• y R−∗ ˜ Q = Rf• f• − Rf• y − R R yy yy Pyy Rf• y h i −∗ ˜ H ˜ f• y − Rf• y R−1 ˜ − R (5) yy Ryy Pyy Rf• y . It is important to note that the WLMMSE compared to the strictly linear MMSE commonly used fully exploits the dimensions of the problem, including the real and imaginary parts of every signal involved. Just in the case where the error of the LMMSE estimate is orthogonal to y∗ (Schreier and Scharf, 2010), ˜ f• y − Rf• y R−1 ˜ R yy Ryy = 0,

In this section we review the widely concept for complex-valued signals by describing the widely linear minimum mean-squared error (WLMMSE) estimation. The WLMMSE estimation of a zero-mean signal f• : Ω → Cd from the zero-mean measurement y : Ω → Cn is (Picinbono and Chevalier, 1995; Schreier and Scharf, 2010) ˆf = W1 y + W2 y∗ , •

estimation yields h i −1 ˆf = Rf y − R ˜ f• y R−∗ ˜∗ yy Ryy Pyy y • • h i −∗ ∗ ˜ f• y − Rf• y R−1 ˜ + R yy Ryy Pyy y ,


and both estimators provide the same solution ˆf• = Rf• y R−1 yy y.


Composite Gaussian Processes for Regression

Once we have defined the WLMMSE we next aim at developing the formulation for the GPR, to later relate both results. We first face the case where real and imaginary parts are estimated separately, to later merge the solutions into one complex-valued expression in the next section. GP for regression can be presented as a nonlinear regressor that expresses the input-output relation through function f (x), known as latent function, that follows a GP and underlies the regression problem y = f (x) + ,


where the input vector is x ∈ Cd , and the error  is modeled as additive zero-mean Gaussian noise. Given a training set D = {(x(i), y(i))|i = 1, ..., n} = {Xn , yn }, we aggregate the input vectors as columns in matrix Xn and the outputs are stacked in the com> plex column vector y = [y(1), ..., y(n)] = f (Xn ) +  = f + . The latent function provides the multidimensional Gaussian complex-valued random vec> tor f = [f (x(1)), ..., f (x(n))] , where f (x(i)) ∈ C. The goal of the regression is to predict the value of > f• , [f (x• (1)), ..., f (x• (m))] for new inputs X•m = [x• (1), ..., x• (m)].

Rafael Boloix-Tortosa, Eva Arias-de-Reyna, F. Javier Pay´ an-Somet, Juan J. Murillo-Fuentes

The straightforward way of applying GPR to complex signals is to process a composite vector where we append the imaginary values to the real ones. Then two GPs can be learned, one for the real part and another for the imaginary part of the output, either independently or using a multi-output learning or vector scheme (Micchelli and Pontil, 2005; Boyle and Frean, ´ 2005; Alvarez et al., 2012). The model in (7) can be rewritten in composite form as       yr fr (Xn ) r yR = = + = fR (Xn ) + R , yj fj (Xn ) j (8) where yR , fR and R are the composite (real) vectors for the outputs, the latent function and the noise, respectively. We assume that the real additive noise R is i.i.d. Gaussian with zero mean and variance ΣR . If we assume a zero mean process and specify the covariance function of the process kR (xi , xl ), we can write out the corresponding 2n × 2n covariance matrix KR (Xn , Xn ) elementwise from Xn , and generate the Gaussian prior fR ∼ N (0, KR (Xn , Xn )). Therefore, the observations are also Gaussian distributed, yR ∼ N (0, KR (Xn , Xn ) + ΣR ) = N (0, CR ), and the joint distribution of the training outputs, yR , and the test predictions fR• = fR• (X• ) according to the prior yield      yR CR KR (Xn , X• ) ∼ N 0, . fR• KR (X• , Xn ) KR (X• , X• ) (9) The conditional distribution for the predictions fR• given the observations yields the predictive distribution fR• |X? , X, yR ∼ N (µfR• , ΣfR• ) ,


and we arrive at the key predictive equations for GPR, the mean and variance given by: µfR • = KR (X• , Xn )C−1 R yR , ΣfR• = KR (X• , X• ) −


KR (X• , Xn )C−1 R KR (Xn , X• ).


Note that in the predictions (11) and (12) we have matrices Krr , Krj , Kjr and Kjj , that are block matrices in the vector kernel matrix   Krr (Xn , Xn ) Krj (Xn , Xn ) KR (Xn , Xn ) = . Kjr (Xn , Xn ) Kjj (Xn , Xn ) (13)


Widely Complex Gaussian Process Regression

The model in (7) can also be rewritten in the augmented vector notation by stacking the complex sig-

nals on their conjugates:       y f (Xn )  = + = f (Xn ) +  y= y∗ f ∗ (Xn ) ∗ = f + ,


where y, f and  are the augmented vectors for the outputs, the latent function vector and the noise, respectively. There exists a simple relation between the composite vector (8) and the augmented vector (14): y = TyR , where   In jIn T= ∈ C2n×2n , (15) In −jIn and TTH = TH T = 2I2n . Also,  = TR and f = TfR . This simple transformation allows us to calculate the augmented mean vector and the augmented covariance matrix of the prediction f• from (11) and (12), which are µf = TµfR• and Σf• = TΣfR • TH , respectively: •

µf = •

µf• µ∗f•

= K(X• , Xn )C−1 y,


Σf• = K(X• , X• ) − K(X• , Xn )C−1 K(Xn , X• ), (17) where the augmented covariance  matrix of the augmented observations, C = E yyH = TCR TH , is defined as   ˜ C C C = ˜∗ = K(Xn , Xn ) + Σ C C∗     ˜ n , Xn ) ˜ K(Xn , Xn ) K(X Σ Σ = ˜∗ + ˜∗ . K (Xn , Xn )∗ K∗ (Xn , Xn ) Σ Σ∗ (18)

Matrix Σ = TΣR TH is the augmented covariance matrix of the noise, and K(Xn , Xn ) = TKR (Xn , Xn )TH is the augmented covariance matrix of f = f (Xn ), composed by the covariance  matrix K(Xn , Xn ) = E f (Xn )f H (Xn ) and the pseudo-covariance or complementary  covariance ma˜ n , Xn ) = E f (Xn )f > (Xn ) . Notice that trix K(X in the general complex case, two functions must be defined to calculate matrices K(Xn , Xn ) and ˜ n , Xn ), respectively, i.e., we need a covariance K(X function or kernel k(xi , xl ), and a pseudo-covariance ˜ i , xl ). function or pseudo-kernel, k(x Using the matrix-inversion lemma to find C−1 in (16) yields the mean of the prediction h i ˜ • , Xn )C−∗ C ˜ ∗ P−1 y µf• = K(X• , Xn ) − K(X h i ˜ • , Xn ) − K(X• , Xn )C−1 C ˜ P−∗ y∗ , (19) + K(X ˜ −∗ C ˜ ∗. where P = C − CC

Complex-Valued Gaussian Processes for Regression: A Widely Approach Complex-Valued Gaussian Processes for Regression: A WidelyNon-Linear Non-Linear Approach

Also, matrix the covariance so, the covariance yieldsmatrix yields Σ

= K(X , X )

• • Σf• = K(X• , X• ) f•h i ˜ •i, X)C−∗ C ˜ ∗ P−1 K(X, X• ) h − K(X• , X) − K(X ˜ h • , X)C−∗ C ˜ ∗ P−1 K(X, i X• ) − K(X• , X) − K(X −1 ˜ ˜ ˜ ∗ (X, X• ). − K(X , X) − K(X , X)C C P−∗ K • • h i ˜ • , X) − K(X• , X)C−1 C ˜ P−∗ K ˜ ∗ (X, X• ). (20) − K(X




(20) Relation to the widely linear MMSE (WLMMSE) estimation


hr1 + jhj1 ? 


hr2 + jhj2

f y

Relation to the widely linear MMSE At this point it is important to remark the similarity (WLMMSE) of theestimation widely linear MMSE estimation (WLMMSE) Figure 1: Widely linear filtering model to generate a Figure 1: Widely linear filtering model to generate a with the complex GPR developed above. Notice the complex Gaussian process. complex Gaussian process. this point it is important to remark the similarity similarity between the WLMMSE estimation in (4) and the mean ofestimation the complex GPR prediction in (19). the widely linear MMSE (WLMMSE) ˜ yy , Rf• y and R ˜ f• y in the The role of matrices Ryy , R 5 Numerical Experiments th the complex GPR developed above. Notice the 5 Numerical Experiments WLMMSE estimation in (4) is played in the complex milarity between WLMMSE in (4) ˜ K and ˜ respecGPRthe prediction in (19) estimation by C, C, K, We propose the following example where we generated d the mean of tively, the complex GPR and prediction in (19). are rei.e., covariances pseudo-covariances a samplethe function of a complex Gaussian process, then We propose following example where we generated ˜ ˜ placed by kernels and pseudo-kernels. Therefore, the added a complex Gaussian noise to it, randomly chose he role of matrices Ryy , Ryy , Rf• y and Rf• y in the a sample function of a complex Gaussian process, then mean ofinthe complex GPR prediction can training samples and tried to learn the sample funcLMMSE estimation (4)proposed is played in the complex addedtion a complex Gaussian toorder it, randomly be cast as a nonlinear extension to the widely linear of the process by usingnoise (19). In to generatechose ˜ K and K, ˜ respecPR prediction MMSE in (19)estimation, by C, C, training samples and process tried to learn the sample funcand we may denote it as widely a complex Gaussian we followed the procedure vely, i.e., covariances and pseudo-covariances aresame re- kindtion nonlinear complex GPR (WCGPR). The of of in the Picinbono and Bondon (1997), and the sample process by using (19). In order tofuncgenerate is found between Therefore, the error covariance tion of the process fprocess (x) can be as thethe output of aced by kernelssimilarity and pseudo-kernels. the maa complex Gaussian wewritten followed procedure trix Q in (5) and the WCGPR predictive covariance a widely linear filter driven by complex proper white, ean of the proposed complex GPR prediction can in Picinbono and Bondon (1997), and sample funcmatrix in (20). zero-mean, unit-variance noise, S(x) = Sthe r (x) + jSj (x): cast as a nonlinear extension to the widely linear tion of the process f (x) can be written as the output of In Section 2 wemay stated that the f (x) = (hr1 (x) + jhj1 (x)) ? S(x) MSE estimation, and we denote it WLMMSE as widelyestimate a widely linear filter driven by complex proper white, and the strictly linear MMSE estimate are identical, ∗ + (h (x) + jh (x)) ? S (x). (23) r2 j2 nlinear complex GPR (WCGPR). The same kind of zero-mean, unit-variance noise, S(x) = Sr (x) + jSj (x): and equal to ˆf• = Rf• y R−1 yy y, if and only if (6) holds. milarity is found between thecontext error ofcovariance maSimilarly, in the WCGPR the prediction This procedure, sketched in Figure 1, allows for the mean simplifiespredictive to x Q in (5) and the(19) WCGPR covariance generation f (x)of=both (hr1proper (x) +orjhimproper S(x) proj1 (x)) ? Gaussian h i cesses with the desired second order statistics. In this atrix in (20). ˜ ˜ ∗ P−1 y + (h (x) + jh (x)) ? S ∗ (x). (23) µ = K(X , X ) − K(X , X )C−∗ C

r2used were j2 example, the filters parameterized exponen−1 tials: Section 2 we stated= that the WLMMSE estimate K(X• , Xn )C y, (21)  1, allows for the This procedure, sketched in Figure d the strictly linear MMSE estimate are identical, xH x if h(x) = v expor −improper , (24) progeneration of both proper Gaussian d equal to ˆf• = Rf•hy R−1 (6) iholds. γ yy y, if and only if −1 ˜ ˜ K(X•of , XnWCGPR ) − K(X• , X C = 0. (22) cesses with the desired second order statistics. In this n )Cprediction milarly, in the context the where γ = 0.6 and v = 4 for hr1 (x), v = 5 for hj1 (x), example, the filters used were parameterized exponenean (19) simplifies to place when, e.g. both f and  are proper. This takes v = 1 for hr2 (x), and v = −3 for hj2 (x). We gentials: ˜ and ˜ cancel the sech i C In this scenario, since both K erated 100 samples in [−5, 5] for both the real and ˜ (19)• ,vanishes. ˜ ∗ case in  toHgeta set of 10000 µf• = K(X•ond , Xnterm ) − K(X Xn )C−∗This C P−1isyanalogous to the imaginary parts of the inputs x xwere normalized complex-valued inputs, and the filters the strictly linear MMSE and this solution for proper h(x) = v exp − , (24) −1 to have unit norm. The real part γ of sample function = K(X• , complex Xn )C GPR, y, that assumes a null pseudo-covariance, (21) f (x) obtained is shown in Figure 2 (top). could be denoted as a strictly nonlinear complex GPR. This is the case studied in Boloix-Tortosa et al. (2014). 2 whereComplex γ = 0.6Gaussian and v noise = 4 with for hvariance for hj1 (x), and5compler1 (x), σv = h Note that, in the same wayi that the WLMMSE com2 variance ρσ was added represent measurev = 1mentary for hr2 (x), and v = −3tofor hj2 (x). We gen˜ • , Xnpared ˜ MMSE K(X ) − K(X Xn )C−1 C = 0. fully (22) to the linear exploits the • , strictly ment uncertainty. In this example we set σ = 0.0165  100 samples in [−5, 5] for both the real and dimensions of the problem, the WCGPR presented erated in and ρ = 0.8 exp(j3π/2). A set of n = 500 training paper alsoboth fully fexploits his takes place this when, e.g. and the aredimensions proper. of the the imaginary parts the inputs to get a set of 10000 noisy samples wereofrandomly chosen. These samples problems, while the complex GPR for the proper case ˜ ˜ this scenario, since both K and C cancel the seccomplex-valued inputs, filters2were have been depicted as and circlesthe in Figure (top).normalized in Boloix-Tortosa et al. (2014) does not. This advand term in (19)tage vanishes. Thisincase is analogous to to exto have norm. The (19) real and part of sample is highlighted the next section devoted We unit calculated the mean variance (20) of function the e strictly linearperiments. MMSE and this solution for proper f (x) predictive obtaineddistribution is shown using in Figure 2 (top). the training samples. The f•



mplex GPR, that assumes a null pseudo-covariance, uld be denoted as a strictly nonlinear complex GPR. his is the case studied in Boloix-Tortosa et al. (2014).

Complex Gaussian noise with variance σ2 and complementary variance ρσ2 was added to represent measurement uncertainty. In this example we set σ = 0.0165

Rafael Boloix-Tortosa, Eva Arias-de-Reyna, F. Javier Pay´ an-Somet, Juan J. Murillo-Fuentes

0.5 0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 5 5 0

Real part of the input, x

0 -5


Imaginary part of the input, x

Real part of the output, f (x)

2 1


1 Complex-valued Gaussian Process f (x) Proposed WCGPR Proper-CGPR Noisy training samples










Real part of the input, x. (Imaginary part = 0.4545)

0.5 0 -0.5

5 0

Real part of the input, x

0 -5


Imaginary part of the input, x

Figure 2: Real part of the sample function of a complex Gaussian process f (x) (top) and real part of the mean WCGPR estimation (19) (bottom) versus the real and imaginary parts of the input, x. The training samples are depicted as blue circles.

real part of the predictive mean (19) is depicted in Figure 2 (bottom). The mean squared error of the estimation was 10 log10 M SE = −12.6 dB, computed for 10000 inputs. In Figure 3 a slice of the surface in Figure 2 is shown. The real part of the sample function of the process is plotted (black line) versus the real part of the input, the imaginary part of the input (x) was fixed to the value 0.4545. The real part of the prediction in (19) is depicted in red line, along with the grey shaded area that represents the pointwise mean plus and minus two times the standard deviation. The blue circles mark the training samples. We have also compared the predictive capabilities of the proposed widely complex GPR in (19) with that of the prediction for the proper case in (21). In Figure 3 the mean of the prediction in (21) is plotted as a blue line. It is shown that the proposed WGPR prediction is always closer to the actual value of f (x) than the prediction for the proper case, as expected. Finally, in Figure 4 we compare the mean square error of the estimation of the same f (x) as before for the proposed WCGPR (19) and the proper case estimation (21) versus the number of training samples. The noise variance was increased to σ = 0.165 in order to check the good behavior of the proposed complexvalued regressor under a ten-fold higher noise level.

Figure 3: Real part of the sample function of a complex Gaussian process f (x) (black line) and real part of the predictive WCGPR mean (19) (red line) versus the real part of the input x. The imaginary part of the inputs is fixed to 0.4545. Training samples are depicted as blue circles. The blue line depicts the predictive mean for the proper CGPR case (21). 0 proposed WCGPR Proper-CGPR

−2 10 log10 MSE

-1 -1.5 5

−4 −6 −8 −10 −12


1000 1500 Training samples



Figure 4: Averaged 10 log10 (M SE) versus the number of training samples for the predictive WCGPR mean (19) and the proper CGPR case (21). All other parameters were set to the same values used in the previous experiments. It can be seen in Figure 4 that the proposed widely complex GPR performs better that the proper case estimation, with a reduction in the M SE close to 2 dB at its best.



We have shown that developing complex-valued nonlinear kernel based solutions does not suffice to replace kernels by its complex versions. In the general case, another kernel matrix, the so-called pseudokernel matrix must be included. We have focused on GPR to develop a novel formulation, denoted as

Complex-Valued Gaussian Processes for Regression: A Widely Non-Linear Approach

widely non-linear complex-valued GPR (WCGPR), after the widely linear MMSE, as it exhibits a quite similar structure. The pseudo-kernel or pseudo-covariance matrix in this formulation models the covariance between the outputs and their conjugates. If this pseudo-covariance cancels, i.e. the outputs are proper, WCGPR yields a strict non-linear complex formulation, as the WLMMSE yields a strict LMMSE. Other special cases can be also derived from this general solution. Through numerical experiments we show that the proposed formulation outperforms the strictly nonlinear complex-valued GPR when learning a complex Gaussian process generated using widely linear filters.

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