Component degradation, maintenance modeling and simulation

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Component degradation and maintenance modeling ... Fondation Européenne pour les Energies de Demain — Électricité de France (EDF). Yan-Hui LIN. Fig. 1.
Chaire « Sciences des Systèmes et Fondation Europé enne pour les Energies de Demain — É lectricitéde France (EDF) RESEARCH LINE: Component degradation and maintenance modeling

Yan-Hui LIN

Yan-Fu LI


Modelling of competing degradation processes in energy components, by inhomogeneous Markov chains with time-dependent transition rates influenced by physical factors/mechanisms. Developing Bayesian networks to represent the interdependences among the influencing factors/ mechanisms, accounting for the associated uncertainties. Integrating the Bayesian networks into a stochastic Petri net-based framework for the simulation of component degradation.


CURRENT  Multi-state physic modelling and simulation of the degradation processes by stochastic Petri nets.  Numerical methods of solution of the inhomogeneous Markov chains. FUTURE  Study of the uncertainties in the influencing factors/ mechanisms.  Application to a nuclear component degradation problem.

Fig. 1


OBTAINED  Multi-state physic model and stochastic petri net-based simulation framework.  Comparison of different methods to solve inhomogeneous Markov chains. EXPECTED  Development of methods for handling uncertainties of different types.  New simulation algorithms in the presence of uncertainty and dynamics. Fig. 2

COLLABORATIONS: Beihang University.

SPONSORS: China Scholarship Council. EDF R&D, Département Maitrise du Risque Industriel (MRI).