Component degradation and maintenance modeling ... Fondation Européenne
pour les Energies de Demain — Électricité de France (EDF). Yan-Hui LIN. Fig. 1.
Chaire « Sciences des Systèmes et Fondation Europé enne pour les Energies de Demain — É lectricitéde France (EDF) RESEARCH LINE: Component degradation and maintenance modeling
Yan-Hui LIN
Yan-Fu LI
Modelling of competing degradation processes in energy components, by inhomogeneous Markov chains with time-dependent transition rates influenced by physical factors/mechanisms. Developing Bayesian networks to represent the interdependences among the influencing factors/ mechanisms, accounting for the associated uncertainties. Integrating the Bayesian networks into a stochastic Petri net-based framework for the simulation of component degradation.
CURRENT Multi-state physic modelling and simulation of the degradation processes by stochastic Petri nets. Numerical methods of solution of the inhomogeneous Markov chains. FUTURE Study of the uncertainties in the influencing factors/ mechanisms. Application to a nuclear component degradation problem.
Fig. 1
OBTAINED Multi-state physic model and stochastic petri net-based simulation framework. Comparison of different methods to solve inhomogeneous Markov chains. EXPECTED Development of methods for handling uncertainties of different types. New simulation algorithms in the presence of uncertainty and dynamics. Fig. 2
COLLABORATIONS: Beihang University.
SPONSORS: China Scholarship Council. EDF R&D, Département Maitrise du Risque Industriel (MRI).