Computational Feature Performance and Domain Specific Architecture

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fair comparison choosing a specific test data set and apply- ing it to all. .... stoichiometric matrix, setup 'b' vector and defining an ob- jective function and bounds ...
Send Orders of Reprints at [email protected] Recent Patents on Computer Science 2012, 5, 165-176


Computational Feature Performance and Domain Specific Architecture Evaluation of Software Applications Towards Metabolic Flux Analysis Zeeshan Ahmed*, Saman Majeed and Thomas Dandekar Department of Bioinformatics, Biocenter, University of Wuerzburg, Germany Received: October 23, 2012; Revised: November 27, 2012; Accepted: November 27, 2012

Abstract: New experimental data on metabolites and enzymes induce high interest in metabolic modelling including metabolic flux calculations. Data analysis of metabolites, calculation of metabolic fluxes, pathways and their conditionspecific strengths is now possible by an advantageous combination of specific software. How can available software for metabolic modelling be improved from a computational point of view? A number of available and well established software solutions are first discussed individually. This includes information on software origin, capabilities, development and used methodology. Performance information is obtained for the compared software using provided example data sets. A feature based comparison shows limitations and advantages of the compared software for specific tasks in metabolic modelling. Often found limitations include third party software dependence, no comprehensive database management and no standard format for data input and output. Graphical visualization can be improved for complex data visualization and at the web based graphical interface. Other areas for development are platform independency, product line architecture, data standardization, open source movement and new methodologies along with the discussion of few of the patents related to Computational features.

Keywords: Applications, computational logic, domain-specific architectures, performance evaluation, feature extraction, feature construction, bioinformatics. INTRODUCTION This paper analyses some most recent and previously done well contributing developments from the field of Bioinformatics, especially towards metabolic flux analysis from a computer science point of view. Moreover some domain specific architectures and computational feature performance evaluations are discussed in this paper, in brief. Metabolic modelling includes metabolic flux analysis as a key method and provides important insights into metabolism and adaptations of different organisms [1, 2]. In the following we compare, analyze and combine available software to obtain suggestions for further development and improvement in this area. Most well known for this task are flux balance analyses methods which try to balance all metabolites within a cellular system by a suitable combination of enzymes: For each so called internal metabolite the same amount is consumed as is produced. The stable and balanced metabolite flux achieved by such a combination of enzymes is called a flux mode [3]. In practice, already many such flux modes are possible for a moderate sized set of enzymes (30-50) and it can be further distinguished whether the enzyme combination can not be reduced or split further without loosing the ability to balance all used internal metabolites, which would then be an elementary mode [4]. Furthermore, a reduced set of such *Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Bioinformatics, Biocenter, University of Wuerzburg, Germany; E-mail: [email protected] 1874-4796 /12 $58.00+.00

elementary modes is sufficient to reproduce all other modes by linear combination of the modes, a so called convex basis [5]. Modifications and extensions regarding metabolic flux analysis have continuously been proposed (e.g. [6, 7]. Despite limitations, in particular the combinatorial explosion for large-scale systems, FBA has become a standard to model metabolite fluxes in different systems with software packages such as Metatool [8], Classical and Dynamic FBA [9] etc. Another problem is to map fluxes to actual observed experimental data. For this solutions such as ReMatch [10] etc. exist which fit flux distributions to measured metabolites or protein or gene expression data. Furthermore, there is the specific problem of fitting fluxes to measured isotopologue data. Regarding processing of isotopologue data, a number of software packages have come up such as FiatFlux and C13. We will not examine software treating GC-MS data to estimate e.g. nucleotide concentrations or software for lipidomics and the large amount of solutions available to estimate proteome data [11]. The list of enzymes involved in a metabolic model is often established from genome data involving annotation or biochemical pathway data such as KEGG database [12]. Furthermore, there are various annotation tools to identify enzymes from the genome sequence. Many groups working in genome-based bioinformatics development to rapidly establish enzyme networks for genome annotation and comparisons (including KEGGbrowser [13]). Hence, the problem is important but too complex for a fair comparison between all available tools. Furthermore, groups involved in major genome annotation efforts established © 2012 Bentham Science Publishers

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quite advanced user interfaces and annotation systems such as MAGPIE [14], GenDB [15], GENEDB [16], PEDANT [17], large-scale interactome searching tools (e.g. STRING; [18]) as well as important large-scale repositories (e.g. EBI, NCBI). There are various further tools for annotation and sequence analysis such as SMART [19], COG [20], Daileon [21] and E2D [22]. Finally, no matter which of these preparatory steps was done, the graphical representation of the found pathways is again important and some of the discussed software visualizes these. Major current graphics related challenges are: new techniques for information visualization (including 2D and 3D vector data), immersive virtual presentation of complex pathways, 3D reconstruction of large amount of data (including text, images and video), visualization of univariate 3D and multivariate scalar data, abstraction and effective use of colors etc. METABOLIC MODELLING SOFTWARE During recent years, a lot of well contributing computational research and development have been happened in the field of Bioinformatics e.g. methods for chromosomal translocations [23], heavy and complex data analysis using distributed processing [24], secretory protein of bacterial pathogens [25], genotype determination using probe array data [26], Image analysis for measuring global nuclear patterns [27], detecting splice variants [28], data relationship determination [29], compositions for diagnosing conditions [30], gene expression signature for assessing pathway activity [31], Sequential pattern data mining and visualization [32]. The focus of this paper here is towards the analysis of various software applications which have been developed for pathway analysis e.g., BioMet Toolbox [33], CellNetAnalyzer (formerly FluxAnalyzer) [34], COPASI [35], Jarnac [36], Pathway Analyser [37], MMT [38], SBTOOLBOX2 [39], TinkerCell [40], WebCell [41], SCAMP [42] and 13CFLUX2 [72]. All of these can be used for certain aspects of pathway analysis including regulation, involved interaction networks as well as kinetics [43]. However, the following software will now be evaluated in more detail and compared as it presents a powerful combination for metabolic modeling starting from raw data (e.g. isotopologue measurements) and ending up with a description of flux distributions. The identification of program limitations, the design of a work flow and a feature based software comparison are all given here. For a more biology-oriented review of metabolic modelling and software refer to Dandekar et al., 2012 [3]. Furthermore, this is a dynamic field and use and preferences (including our own) for software depends also on the familiarity of the user with particular software, operating system preferences, the scientific question and purpose in mind and of course the type of data analyzed. Hence, we offer for each step of analysis two alternatives. We discuss and analyze also further alternatives as well as build-in limitations of the software. However, overall, the software presented here is considered to be quite useful and is recommended to the reader for the specific purposes analyzed. Our selection covers C13 [47], Classical and Dynamic FBA [9], MetaTool [8], BioOPT [33], FiatFlux [43], ReMatch [10] and BioLayout Express3D [44]. We discuss different openly (free) available

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software (desktop and web based) applications providing solutions to necessary and required steps of metabolic flux analysis in the following order: First, there is the construction of the metabolic network using e.g. KEGGconverter [45], Metannogen [46], KEGGbrowser [13] followed by 13C-constrained flux analysis software such as C13 [47], Openflux [48] and ReMatch [10]. Next flux balance analysis by Metatool [8], BioOpt [33] or Classical and dynamical FBA [9] enumerates all metabolic pathways available to the system investigated. Finally, the fit to data using FiatFlux [49], points out which of the calculated pathways is actually active under a given condition. The tests and data provided by the different applications often support each other for subsequent analysis steps. This makes it difficult to give a fair comparison choosing a specific test data set and applying it to all. Other than the discussed software applications, some well published and in use tools have also been developed for flux calculation and metabolite analysis and are not discussed here and compared in detail, for instance the COBRA toolbox [50, 51] as a broad modelling toolbox and pipeline and the efmtool [52] with a highly efficient elementary flux calculation for analysis of metabolic networks. Similarly, own previous work combined software YANA [53], YANAsquare [54] and YANAvergence [55] for metabolic pathway analysis [56]. The YANA programs present also a pipeline to construct metabolic models rapidly and apply experimental data to calibrate the network, estimate the metabolic fluxes. Various optimization methods fit experimental data to calculated fluxes, including the genetic algorithm, non-linear optimization and L-BFG-S routines which have been integrated into YANAvergence. However, in the following we present with our selection a powerful pipeline and tool combination covering broad aspects of metabolic flux modeling and metabolic analysis. At the same time tools are compared and analyzed to delineate directions and space for further computational and programming improvement. C13 C13 is a software application developed in Matlab using the Wiechert and de Graaf framework [47] for metabolic flux analysis by stationary carbon isotope labeling on fractional enrichment data. C13 takes the composition of measurements of extracellular rates, fractional enrichment data and a metabolite as input, to process with. Extracellular rates are substrate uptake rates, product formation rates and drain fluxes into biomass. Fractional enrichment data consider here the labeling state of the substrates. The metabolic model consists of biochemical conversions, transport processes and the outcome of carbon atoms throughout the metabolic network. C13 performs metabolic flux analysis by implementing the concept of isotopic labeling (of carbon atoms), analyses fluxes and fractional labeling and obtains the required results by iterative error minimization. The procedure consists of four major steps: 1.

Estimate fluxes satisfying stoichiometric constraints.


Resolve limited enrichments by isotope balances around carbon atoms.

Computational Feature Performance and Domain Specific

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Compute deviation between fluxes and between fractional labeling.

ing a series of constraints (stoichiometric constraints and the capacity constraints) on the metabolic network.


Keep repeating first three steps until the resultant information based on total deviation is under a certain threshold.

dXi / dt = Vsyn - Vdeg -(Vuse ± Vtrans)

C13 takes input data based on two different files: model and measurements files. “Model” is a text input file based on a metabolic model consisting of the following input elements: reactions, bounds, reversibility, constraints and substrate uptake rate. “Reactions” is the list of the reactions that compose a metabolic network and the respective carbon atom transitions. Two bounds i.e. lower and upper, net and exchange fluxes can be defined. Enzyme reaction reversibility or irreversibility has to be provided. If the reaction is irreversible the net flux may be constrained to be within a positive range of values and the exchange flux should be set to zero. In contrast, if the reaction is highly reversible the exchange flux needs to be set to 1. Furthermore, if the reaction is reversible then net fluxes can be positive, zero or negative and with no constraints on the exchange flux. Constraints are defined, in case of absence of any constraints, default values with defined ranges (-500 to +500 for net fluxes and 0 to 1 for exchange fluxes) are considered. Substrate uptake rate is needed to be set considering the net flux (equal to a specific value, normalized to 100). “Measurement” is also a textual input file on the measurements to sum fractional labeling and fluxes.


Classical and Dynamic FBA balances metabolic fluxes (reactions) around each node (metabolite) to constrain the metabolic network by modeling [9]. Classical and Dynamic FBA can be recommended, to deal with the lack of kinetic information and have to study feasible and optimal metabolic flux distributions. The input file for FBA consists of metabolic reactions and metabolic pathways to make the stoichiometric matrix, setup ‘b’ vector and defining an objective function and bounds on metabolic fluxes. CFBA performs the following tasks: •

Reading the stoichiometric matrix.

Providing a good solution regarding the objective function and the optimal value, for all metabolic fluxes.

Analyzing a dual file to extract shadow prices for all the metabolites.

Reconstructing metabolic network by systemic mass balance and reaction capacity constraints.

Drawing the metabolic (network) map, capable of displaying the metabolites with zero, negative, and positive shadow prices in different colors, allows user to display the reactions that have a metabolic flux equal to zero in different colors based on the value of the reduced cost (negative, zero, or positive).

Adjusting objective function of the metabolic network at run time.

Performing robustness analysis by analyzing robustness (property of metabolism allowed for fluxes in each metabolic reaction) without altering the objective function, adjusting parameters and drawing robustness diagram.

Limits of the software were observable under some input conditions. This included incomplete output presentation, either regarding the output image or that the output text file was empty.

Phenotypes are mapped on the metabolic genotype starting from the stoichiometric matrix and graphically showing differences in flux values for the different genotypes and modified reactions, the so called Phase Plane.

Creating Isoclines (regions) consisting of the same value for the objective function or a certain flux.

Classical and Dynamic FBA

Calculating and comparing flux distributions of two different reaction files.

For easy use of CFBA, the authors provided example input data (consisting of metabolic reactions associated with the E.coli genotype and metabolic pathways consisting of glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, TCA cycle and respiration). The analysis consists of three steps [61]:

Collection of input requires metabolic reactions and pathway data for CFBA and metabolic network reconstruction including annotation of the genome sequence.

Using either metabolic pathway analysis or Phenotype phase plane (PhPP) analysis the feasible steady-state metabolic flux distributions are determined.

To get started using C13, one follows the guide line by the authors and the provided example Small_mode.txt and Small_meas.txt (model and measurement files). The input file Small_mode.txt consists of the following input elements: Reactions, Labeled Metabolites and External Metabolites, where as the input file small_meas.txt contains the information about Fragments, SFL and Flux. Processing results into the output describes useful and practical flux estimates according to the input 13C-labeling data. This includes the information about number of reactions, balanced metabolites, free net fluxes, free exchange fluxes, total free fluxes, measured fluxes, measured SFLs and total measurements.

Flux balance analysis (FBA) is firstly a general constraint-based method for calculating flux distributions [57, 58] that is powerful with far reaching implications e.g. for biotechnology [59]. Furthermore, it can be useful to optimize certain objective functions e.g. a biomass equation in a metabolic network as well as a number of other biotechnological, biological and biomedical applications [60]. “Classical and Dynamic Flux Balance Analysis” is a software package (linear programming based) developed to study metabolic systems at steady state, by writing a mass balance for each metabolite Xi of a network over time dt (dynamic mass balance- Eq.1 comparing reactions V for synthesis syn, degradation deg taking usage for other processes use and transformations trans into account) and defin-

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A third analysis step considers and analyses the value of the objective function for specific values of fluxes.

CFBA predicts the pathway flux without explicit consideration of the regulation. It constructs a flux model using all the metabolic reactions and metabolites, starting with the genome sequence annotation to identify all the metabolic enzymes. Then CFBA characterizes identified reactants and products for enzymatic reactions of known enzymes by constructing iterative models. After this, dynamic mass balance is applied in CFBA using metabolite data and reactions to estimate a flux distribution for each reaction. CFBA estimates flux in steady state operation of the metabolic network, causing the need of determination of additional constraints by calculating a value for all fluxes in the network. Limitations for CFBA include: •

CFBA is not capable of determining exact metabolic flux values but ranges of allowable flux values.

Optimal solutions are calculated but the actual cell behavior is a mixture of these solutions.

CFBA does not yield a unique solution for the flux distribution.

The optimal flux distribution is only meaningful when interpreted in terms of the flux constraints on transport fluxes.

CFBA is not able to predict the metabolite concentrations.

CFBA may sometimes incorrectly predict pathway behavior, e.g. in the example the reutilization of acetate.

FBA does not incorporate (but also does not require) characterized kinetic expressions.

A new improved version of the existing software (Classical FBA) is developed i.e. Dynamic Flux Balance (DFBA), capable of predicting metabolite concentrations and reutilization of acetate and allowing the incorporation of well characterized kinetic expression. DFBA is also able to provide metabolic engineering the possibility to make strategies to design network. DFBA is a quantitative analysis tool for studying the dynamic reprogramming of metabolic networks, based on two mathematical approaches i.e. Static Optimization Approach (SOA) and Dynamic Optimization Approach (DOA) [9]. The static Optimization Approach divides the batch time into N time intervals and tries to solve instantaneous optimization problem at the beginning of each interval, with the application of repeated linear programming to obtain flux distribution at a particular time instant. For comparison, the Dynamic Optimization Approach tries to solve the optimization problem by considering time profiles of fluxes and metabolite levels, using non linear programming. The dynamic FBA software application yields more effective results according to its documentation. In summary, CFBA is already a powerful package for FBA, extensions are available, but the specific purpose for which FBA is required. CFBA excels when complex constraints such as a biomass equation have to be account in addition, in the following Metatool [8] offers simplicity, ease of use and addi-

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tional information on the modes such as subsets (list of enzymes appearing always together) and network connectivity, whereas BioOPT [33] advantageously takes constraints in the form of shadow prices into account and besides the network calculation predicts effects of gene knockouts with ease. Metatool Thomas Pfeiffer developed Metatool for elementary flux mode analysis in the C Programming Language [8]. The algorithm processing speed needed to be revised and the quality of the results was also supposed to be improved. Moreover the input and output file (data) formats of Metatool were also not based on any standard data format. For different Metatool versions, elementary flux mode calculation can be compared in biochemical networks using provided test examples consisting of irreversible enzymes, internal metabolites, external metabolites and reaction equations. One considers the tricarboxylic acid cycle, glyoxylate shunt and adjacent reactions of amino acid synthesis in E. coli. After taking the input, the program gives the numbers of internal metabolites and reactions, parses the reaction equations and translates them into a stoichiometric matrix (by including stoichiometric coefficients of the internal metabolites in all the reaction equations) and identifies the kernel or null space (subspace of all flux vectors). Furthermore, during experimentation, some minor observations were noticed i.e. processing time differs in each execution when even the input file was same all the time, the noted processing time difference is with on average difference of 1 second and 50 milliseconds, this difference can be possible might be due the availability of free memory space and processor speed of used machine (computer) at processing time. Latest developed Metatool 5, a third party dependent (GNU Octave and Matlab environments) tool, implementing Schuster’s algorithm [62], is with the ability of performing high-speed elementary flux analysis [63], internally distinguishing stoichiometric matrices and computing structural invariants. Metatool communities are facing two known and explicitly mentioned challenges: •

Parsing of Metatool input files, to make them useable between DOS and UNIX based systems, currently uses third party utilities unix2dos and dos2unix. This can pose a challenge for feeding in the last line of the input file.

Determination of the math program can fail, leading to different consecutive errors because Octave and Matlab are not 100% compatible with each other.

Regarding quality of the output, Metatool 5.1 with its provided example data set can be compared to Metatool 4’s. Besides the elementary modes, the convex basis and resulting conversions of external metabolites the program gives node frequencies, linear correlation coefficient, significant dependency value, stoichiometric matrix, enzymes and reactions. For comparison, Metatool 4.3 shows no difference regarding linear correlation coefficients and dependency significant value (p > 0.05) but gives a less explanatory out-

Computational Feature Performance and Domain Specific

put regarding the stoichiometric matrix, enzymes and reactions. Metatool focuses on elementary mode calculations and performs here well. However, for larger metabolic networks there is the challenge of combinatorial explosion yielding very large numbers of modes to calculate. A number of further developments change their strategy to avoid this. Thus the Palsson group first changed algorithm and calculation so that already modes are calculated one by one before the complete list of enzyme combinations is established. This allows sampling over the full network, the so-called uniform sampling approach [64, 65]. Furthermore, the Schuster group recently established the concept of calculating modes only in a subnetwork and extending them over the rest of the network (elementary flux patterns [6]). As these algorithms do not really calculate all elementary modes completely, it is difficult to compare them in a fair way: However, these are certainly highly advantageous in large networks where direct calculation of all elementary modes is no longer possible. To cite another advantageous development, [66] calculate flux modes consecutively in a parallelized, highly efficient routine. BioOpt BioOpt is software application developed in C++ programming language using integer linear programming principles for flux balance analysis [33]. To operate, BioOpt takes a composition of reactions, constraints, external metabolites and an objective function as input. Reactions are the set of reactions of the model, constraints give reaction bounds (lower / upper), external metabolites are the metabolites with no mass balance and two kinds of objectives are offered i.e. MAXIMIZE and MINIMIZE. BioOpt, as the result of processing of inputted file returns the set of metabolic fluxes that maximize a specified objective function, usually the growth rate of the organism [33]. Reactions, constraints, extracellular fluxes and objectives to be maximized or minimized are the input for BioOPT. The resultant information consists of the information about calculated objective value, reactions, internal fluxes, reduced cost, metabolites and shadow price. Furthermore BioOpt is able to use as a third party tool Metatool 4.3, to compute the null space matrix, elementary modes and other structural properties of biochemical reaction networks (convex basis, subsets and stoichiometric matrix), by directly passing the input to Metatool. FiatFlux FiatFlux is a Matlab based software application developed for flux ratio analysis strives to be user friendly and was one of the first publicly available software for flux ratio analysis [49] in labeling mixtures, including various substrates. FiatFlux is divided into two different and independent modules i.e., analytical metabolic flux ratio analysis and 13C-constrained flux analysis [67], to take advantage in computing metabolic flux ratios exclusively from MS data in the RATIO module and to estimate net carbon fluxes within a comprehensive model of metabolite balances from measured extracellular fluxes, previously determined flux ratios,

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and biomass requirements [43]. The workflow of FiatFlux is divided in number of following steps: 1.

Starts with the parameterized textual input file (*.txt) consisting of reactions (unique identifiers), ratios and biomass precursors (list of growth rate dependent withdrawals of metabolites).


FiatFlux - Netto computes flux using measured extracellular rates and estimates error using flux ratio from 13Clabeling [68].


With respect to the active set of constraints and reactions, the input system is classified as undetermined (estimate fluxes and the objective function should be maximized) and determined (apply manual analytical skills).

FiatFlux is software platform with two main modules, Ratio and Netto. Ratio estimates error using Flux ratio from 13C labeling where as Netto estimates flux using measured extracellular rates. FiatFlux is third party software dependent, as it requires NetCDF tool to prepare an input file (‘*.cdf’) based on network Common Data Form (netDFC standard) from input text file, which then will be converted to FiatFlux Ratio input file format (‘*.FF’) for flux analysis using a Matlab programmed module CDF2FF. The input format for the FiatFlux Netto module is also different and requires additional data conversion for data input (from ‘*.txt’ to ‘*.m’) and processing using another Matlab based external module CREATEMOD. The FiatFlux Ratio creates a matrix consisting of total ion count and searches for known compounds (based on their predefined fragmentation pattern) and extracts MDV (mass isotopomer distribution vector) for every matched analyte. Further MDVA (mass isotope distribution vector) is obtained from MDV, which then is used to estimate MDVM (mass distribution of precursors) in central carbon metabolism. Furthermore, final flux ratios are also estimated from MDVM that should be equal to the substrate. CREATEMOD can be used manually as well as can also automatically be executed from FiatFlux ratio graphical user interface or called from the FiatFlux Netto interface. FiatFlux Netto estimates absolute net fluxes using the reaction network and flux balance analysis from the stoichiometric model leading to 13C-constrained flux balancing. FiatFlux Netto provides a platform to integrate metabolite balances and 13C-constraints (equal or unequal). Furthermore, new metabolic models can also be manually constructed. To execute a textual data set based on reactions, ratios and biomass the following procedure is used by FiatFlux. 1.

Textual data is input to NetCDF, to convert it to common standard data form.


Then output file “EC UC.cdf” is inputted to the CDF2FF.


Resultant EC UC.ff is inputted to FiatFlux Ratio.


To estimate extracellular flux, first a *.mod file is created and used in FiatFlux Netto.

The output consists of two different parts i.e. FiatFlux Ratio: 1-13C ratio and purity, U-13C ratio and purity, model,

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unlabelled biomass, MS signal error, mass chromatogram, MDVM residual and flux ratios. FiatFlux Netto consists of active and reversible reactions, metabolites, constraints and ratios; furthermore it also allows you to manually set extracellular fluxes. Besides the known benefiting features in the available version of FiatFlux there are some unresolved issues: 1.



Solution quality compared to other software applications (calculation is fine, the quality of presentation may be improved) FiatFlux is claimed to be a user friendly software application, helpful for especially non-specialists, but at the same time data input procedure for FiatFlux is quite complex and third party tool dependent (which require at least basic knowledge of Matlab and NetCDF), that even a specialist will have problems in only preparing an input file for flux analysis using FiatFlux. FiatFlux is an open source on request and a license based freely available software application but at the same time it is quite expensive, as it requires the Matlab software application as prerequisite.

There are some known issues, need to be resolved, explicitly presented by the authors [43]: •

In FiatFlux, user supervision is necessary only when MS signals are low, saturated, or overlapping. This affects the ion statistics of the corresponding fragment and results in relatively high residuals after inferring MDVM from the MDVA,

FiatFlux RATIO is not compatible with MS/MS product ion scans.

As operating system Microsoft Windows is preferred because some minor problems were encountered using Matlab's graphic user interface with Linux.

ReMatch ReMatch is the first web-based tool capable of metabolic network model construction, store, sharing (by exporting into 13C-FLUX and SBML file formats) and integrating carbon mappings for 13C-metabolic flux analysis. It also allows combining user developed models from several comprehensive metabolic data resources into a common repository for metabolic network models. To provide better understanding of metabolic network models, ReMatch is capable of generating stoichiometric matrix and visualizations. Main workflow of ReMatch consists of the following five steps [10]: 1.

Import a model or create a new model by specifying the substrate, product metabolites and their molar ratios or stoichiometric coefficients for each metabolic reaction.


To resolve conflicts between the nomenclature and augmented reactions with carbon mappings (if available) in the model and existing information in database, fully/semi automatic matching is performed amongst user given reactions and reactions stored in database.


Using BMV viewer visualizes the metabolic network.

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Export model in SBML, 13C-FLUX or stoichiometric matrix formats.


Share exported model by declaring it public in ReMatch platform.

Following above stated five steps, the dataset “Blank_etal_2005_S.cerevisiae_on_glc_corrected” is first analyzed and visualized using ReMatch. BioLayout Express 3D BioLayout Express 3D is a software application specifically designed for analysis, integration, clustering and three dimensional visualization of large biological data based networks consisting on wide variety of biological relationships e.g., metabolic pathways and gene expressions etc. BioLayout Express 3D is capable of [44] doing several jobs: 1.

Importing data from various standard graph formats (OWL and SIF).


Handling up to 500 to 1,000 expression arrays.


Clustering of graphs of up to 30,000 nodes and 2 – 3 million edges.


Constructing network graphs.


Converting a 2D representation to a 3D graph.

Using BioLayout Express 3D, a user has the following options: 1.

Select datasets.


Load expression data.


Calculate correlation matrix.


View and navigate results in the 3D interface.


Alter the aesthetic characteristics of the 2D and 3D interfaces.


Cluster Graph using the MCL, by defining the granularity of the clustering by setting high and low inflation values, most optimal inflation value is in between 1.7 and 2.2.


View properties of each node in class viewer by selecting it.


Browse network based on class membership.


Identify genes of interest and export list of selected genes for further use.

10. Mine selected genes for overrepresentation of classes, the number of calculations necessary to perform this task inevitably makes this process slow. 11. Work with other data formats and edit networks using GraphML input file. 12. Select nodes (by a number of ways) for the editing of their properties e.g., activation (A), inhibition (I), translocation (T) or logic nodes. 13. Render pathways in 2D and 3D modes. Please go to the website ( for more details about this software application.

Computational Feature Performance and Domain Specific

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ANALYSIS AND FLOW Based on the extensive comparison and including computational features (Table 1), we suggest the following best mode for a metabolic flux analysis including visualization of measured and predicted fluxes, pathways and metabolites. In most of the metabolic flux analysis tools a metabolic network is a prerequisite. For setting up a metabolic network model especially for complex and genome-scale networks we suggest using ReMatch providing various output formats, like SBML, 13C -Flux format or a stoichiometric matrix format. For the concept of constraint-based modeling and most notably flux balance analysis different software tools like BioOpt and Classical and Dynamic FBA exist. Differences between these applications are mainly the possibility to perform additional calculations beyond FBA for example gene Table 1.


deletions studies implemented in BioOpt. If one intends to study a dynamic behavior of metabolic transient steadystates in addition to FBA then Classical and Dynamical FBA may be the best choice. As flux balance analysis provides only one single flux distribution which may possibly be not the only solution for the biological system under studied conditions a deeper understanding can be achieved by studying the elementary flux modes. Here we recommend Metatool for small to middlesize networks. In 13C-constrained flux analysis the calculation of net fluxes and flux ratios depending on the experimental setup is applied. In 13C -based metabolic flux analysis a software combination of 13C and FiatFlux may be useful to calculate absolute fluxes and ratios of fluxes with different methods and cross-validate results.

Comparison of computational features.

Key Features/Software Applications


Metatool 4.3

Metatool 5.1




Biolayout Express 3D

Yes (MatLab)


Yes (MatLab)

Yes (C++)




Web application








Database application








Third part tool depended for execution

Yes (MatLab)


Yes (MatLab)


Yes (MatLab)



Reusable application








User friendly GUI








Platform independent








Any standard input format



Yes (SMBL)


Yes (CDF)

Yes (SMBL)

Yes (Owl & SIF)

Any standard output format





Yes (CSV & Excel)

Yes (SMBL)


Visual output presentation








Successful evaluation








Used methodologies

Isotopic Labelling

S. Schuster Algorithm

Null Space Algorithm

Mass Balance Equation

Mass Distribution & Isotopic Labelling

Carbon Mapping

Markov Clustering















Algorithm (Parallel / Sequential)








Publishing (Free / Commercial)




Free, Licensed

Free, Licensed


Free, Licensed

Open Source








Desktop application

Well explained for use Running mode (batch / interactive)

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Taken together and looking at own analyzed examples from Staphylococcal metabolism and metabolite analysis [71] under different conditions the recommended software combination allows complete analysis of metabolic flux starting from the scenario of all potential pathway fluxes up to dynamic visualization of different metabolite concentration changes. RESULTANT ASPIRATIONS The discussed software is helpful in many ways for metabolic flux analysis and visualization. Thus C13 can be used for metabolic flux analysis by stationary carbon isotope labeling on fractional enrichment data, Classical FBA can be used towards metabolic behavior analysis by writing a mass balance for each metabolite of a network, Metatool can be used to calculate the elementary flux modes, BioOpt is available to perform flux balance analysis, FiatFlux can be used e.g. for flux ratio analysis, ReMatch can be used for metabolic network model construction, store, sharing and integrating carbon mappings for 13C-metabolic flux analysis over the web. The advantages and limitations given for the software selection apply with modifications also for other software in the field (see other references) and point-out general strengths and weaknesses both in current capabilities regarding modelling as well as some typical technical limitations. The latter change as new versions of software are continuously developed in this rapidly growing field. Furthermore, the comparison shows that metabolic software can be advantageously combined to give a more comprehensive perspective. In future we are looking forward to perform more intensive bioinformatics application analysis, contributing towards metabolic flux and mass isotopomers distribution analysis, with the involvement of further well published and highly in use tools (e.g. COBRA toolbox [50, 51], efmtool [52], Yana [53], Yanasquare [54], YANAvergence [55], and own software currently under development for isotopologue analysis called Isotopo [69] and LS-MIDA [70]). However, there are also general limitations apparent from our comparison such as the modeling of large-scale (“genome-sized”) networks. These may be tackled using clever sampling procedures [64, 65] but this delivers not an ideal, detailed picture on metabolic adaptation potential suitable to model more complex scenario then a lethal knockout (e.g. double knockout, partial enzyme inactivation etc.). Similarly, we are far from a detailed modeling of regulatory interactions. This includes further complexities such as protein stability and RNA turnover [47]. The largest challenge is the kinetics of biochemical reactions. Only small enzyme networks have a chance to be modeled in this detail as so many parameters are unknown and the calculations become very complex. However, for each of these challenges there are continuous efforts to master these better (e.g. [59]) and rapid progress has been made in the last ten years. FEATURE BASED SOFTWARE COMPARISON Understanding the complexities of metabolic systems is one of the most important tasks among different levels of information in a cell [73].

Ahmed et al.

However, for concrete further development and to evaluate the software from a computer scientist’s point of view, a feature based comparison is next given amongst the applications (Table 1). It includes the type of application (desktop / web / database), third party dependence for execution, reusable application (whether the output created can be used by the next application), user friendly GUI, platform independence, text based input format (or is any specific input format needed?), standards of input format (are there any for this application?), text based output format and/or standards of output format (is there a choice to make the software compatible?), graphical output presentation, evaluation standards (is the application clear enough explained to readily reproduce its typical results?), used methodology and ease of use (Table 1). In general all of the discussed software applications are taking input and giving output (which can be saved) in textual formats. Based on the comparison, we identify some limitations of existing software based solutions: •

Most of the applications are desktop based applications and some of them require additional third party software applications to even execute themselves e.g. FiatFlux, C13 and Metatool 5.1 require Matlab. This dependency makes these solutions infeasible and expensive by requiring an additional costly software application (Matlab), furthermore also expects the user to have some additional skills to use it which again consumes extra time as well.

Except ReMatch all applications do not maintain their history by providing a database for data management and manipulation, which in return not only makes application ordinary but also requires for the user to manually maintains the history of data including input data sets and results.

Most of the application’s graphical user interface is not friendly, which makes an impression as they didn’t follow the recommended design pattern for graphical user interface design.

Most of the applications are not following any standard format for data input and output presentation, not only increases the burden for the user to first convert the data into respective software’s input format but also makes it difficult for the potential user to compare it with the output of any other software application.

Data visualization is also often not available, good examples are, however, ReMatch and FiatFlux.

A clear limitation found in some of the applications, is that they are not very well explained e.g. FiatFlux, due to which it’s sometimes very hard for a new user to understand the actual behavior of the software.

Another aspect is the difference in parameters and input data sets between the considered applications for the same kind of analysis e.g. modeling of metabolic flow.

Most of the applications are based on interactive (takes input file(s) from user and process data) processing mode, not batch processing (performing sequence(s) of jobs without manual involvement) except BioOpt.

Computational Feature Performance and Domain Specific

Some applications (C13, FiatFlux and Biolayout Express 3D) are based on parallel algorithms (more than one algorithms are used to generate single or multiple but integrated output) implementation but most of the applications (Metatool 4.3, Metatool 5.1, BioOpt and ReMatch) are using sequential algorithm implementation.

Most of the applications are open source and freely available (especially for academia), some requires additional licensing as well.

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Cross linking and data compatibility between different metabolite databases such as KEGG LIGAND (Kanehisa et al. 2008) is improved but due to heterogeneous naming conventions of metabolites in different databases it is a time consuming and complex task to construct bio-chemical reactions based network models.


Integration, analysis and best quality visualization of disparate data types consisting of raw data and large graphs comprising of many nodes and edges needs to be improved.

In addition, there are general technical challenges regarding metabolic modelling:


Accurate prediction of metabolite concentrations is challenging.


During metabolic flux analysis it is tedious to map carbon atoms from substrates into products, as required in model.



The absence of good quality carbon mappings in a systematic fashion in current metabolic model repositories costs more time resource in new models construction for 13C metabolic flux analysis.

Calculation of flux distributions (without changing the actual cell behavior during necessary metabolite data collection) is difficult (e.g. isotopologue labeling gives only partial information).


A comprehensive quantitative analytical approach is needed to completely analyze the metabolism of a living cell.


Manually adding carbon mappings to stoichiometric model is a complex, time consuming and error prone task because even small central carbon metabolism models contain hundreds to thousands of carbon mappings.


Online repositories of SMBL models with carbon mapping information and new intelligent applications are needed for rapid metabolic network model construction, carbon mapping and information sharing.

10. Metabolic reconstruction is challenging including unknown gene functions, non-orthologous gene replacements, convergent evolution of different structures, enzyme moonlighting and broader substrate specificity, complex multifunctional enzymes, coupling of diverse reactions (e.g. PTS systems for carbohydrate phosphorylation). 11. Accommodate the high diversity of biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids; carbohydrates, lipids, cofactors;

Fig. (1). Graphical user interfaces of discussed software applications to metabolic flux analysis and modeling

174 Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2012, Vol. 5, No. 3

membrane bound / cytosolic; metals, ions, trace elements etc.) 12. Analyze metabolic fluxes in high complexity datasets. 13. Identify unambiguously metabolites and mass isotopomers. CURRENT & FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS The comparison shows clearly space for further software application development including steps towards an optimal user friendly graphical user interface, platform independence, database management system and third party independence especially in the case of desktop applications e.g. C13 and Metatool 5.1 are the programmed scripts, don’t have their own graphical user interface but depend upon a third party tool (MatLab) for command line editor, compilation, execution, processing of input files and generation of output. Moreover BioOpt and Metatool 4.3 are also command line scripts programmed in C++ programming language but without any user friendly graphical interface. However, Biolayout Express 3D, FBA, ReMatch and FiatFlux (MatLab dependent) have good and user friendly graphical interfaces (See Fig. 1). The found limitations are not limited to the software compared and are of course also actively tackled in some of the most recent developments (see other references). Other improvements should aim at generality and standard data input formats, improved visualization of not only the input data set but also analyzed results. We hope, with the implementation of these suggestions, metabolic software applications will become more professional, cheap, reliable and attractive for the user. Nevertheless, keeping these inherent limitations in mind, we are confident that the tools compared can be recommended for metabolic modeling covering broad aspects of the involved tasks and analysis steps. CONFLICT OF INTEREST

Ahmed et al.



Metabolic Flux Analysis



Flux Balance Analysis



Classical Flux Balance Analysis



Domain Specific Architecture



Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes



Phenotype phase plane



Static Optimization Approach



Dynamic Optimization Approach



Least Square Mass Isotopomers Distribution Analyser








The authors confirm that this article content has no conflicts of interest. [8]

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are thankful to the University of Wuerzburg Germany for giving us the opportunity to work on this research. We are thankful to the blind reviewers and publishers for help and guidance in publishing this manuscript. We thank DFG (grant TR34-Z1) for funding.

[9] [10]



Zeeshan Ahmed* is a scientific software engineer in the Department of Bioinformatics at the University of Würzburg.


Saman Majeed is a doctoral student in the Department of Bioinformatics at the University of Würzburg.


Thomas Dandekar is the chair of the Department of Bioinformatics at the University of Würzburg.


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