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Constraint Logic Programming on Boolean, Integer

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Sep 21, 1994 - putationally e cient programming system (constraint arithmetic on ..... Functional interval arithmetic has been codi ed as a mathematical theory.
Constraint Logic Programming on Boolean, Integer and Real Intervals Frederic Benhamou, William J. Older and Andre Vellinoy Accepted for publication in Journal of Symbolic Computation September 21, 1994 Abstract

Imperative programming languages for computing on intervals stand in contrast to systems of relational interval arithmetic that are seamlessly integrated into a logic programming language like CLP(BNR). The combined power of a symbolic, logic programming language on the one hand and a mathematically correct, logically sound and computationally ecient programming system (constraint arithmetic on intervals) on the other, is considerably more powerful than either taken separately. Boolean, integer and real-valued simultaneous constraint equations can be mixed freely in CLP(BNR), not only to contain oating point errors and perform sensitivity analysis but also to express a wide variety of linear and non-linear programming problems, scheduling and con guration problems as well as optimization and operations research problems. Some simple examples of how this can be done are given as well as a summary report on experimental applications of this technology to industrial problems. Groupe d'Intelligence Arti cielle, Faculte des Sciences de Luminy, case 901,163, avenue de Luminy, 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 FRANCE, benham@univ-orleans y Bell Northern Research, Computing Research Laboratory, PO Box 3511, Station C, K1Y 4H7 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, fvellino,[email protected] 


1 Introduction Conventional programming systems for computing on intervals, such as enhanced Pascal and Fortran compilers have existed for many years [6]. More recently, Cleary suggested that a relational form of interval arithmetic could be seamlessly integrated into a logic programming language (Prolog)[3]. This idea is qualitatively di erent from other forms of automated interval arithmetic because the combined power of a symbolic, logic programming language on the one hand and a mathematically correct, logically sound and computationally ecient programming system (constraint arithmetic on intervals) on the other, is considerably more powerful than either taken separately. Constraint logic programming originated with the observation by Alain Colmerauer that if one regards the terms in Prolog as forming a certain algebraic structure, then the uni cation algorithm can be regarded as a kind of equation solving in that algebra. Since this immediately opens the door to substituting alternate algebraic structures with their own equation solving algorithms, while keeping the rest of the language essentially unchanged, it liberates Prolog from its somewhat con ning relationship to SDL Resolution. These ideas were carried out rst in Prolog II, then later in Prolog III and other systems based on boolean uni cation, linear programming, and Groebner base technology. There are a number of motivations, consistent with Colmerauer's view, for integrating relational interval arithmetic into constraint logic programming. In the rst place, conventional arithmetic in Prolog is essentially no di erent from conventional arithmetic in any procedural programming language and su ers from all the same problems (e.g. the mathematical incorrectness of

oating point arithmetic, rounding errors etc.). Secondly, Prolog is at heart a declarative, relational language and the presence of conventional, procedural arithmetic in Prolog spoils the \logical" character of the language. The relational model for computing on real intervals centers around the notion of narrowing. The rst proposal for a relational arithmetic using intervals by John Cleary in [3] was designed to address the problem that arithmetic in Prolog is evaluated functionally (whereas Prolog is otherwise a relational language). Just as the Prolog uni cation mechanism \narrows" the space of possible instantiations of a variable as computations proceed so, in this model, the addition of constraints on an interval-bounded variable restricts the range of reals to which it could be bound. Intervals narrow by 2

raising their lower bounds, lowering their upper bounds, or both. Narrowing occurs when additional constraints are applied to an interval. The relational character of constraints on intervals can be given a clear lattice-theoretical model with a xed-point semantics as shown in [7]. The logical semantics for interval narrowing and its connections to existing CLP systems such as CLP(