Convex Combinations of Single Source Unsplittable Flows*

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2 Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Departamento de Matemática,. Ladrón de Guevara E11-253, Quito, Ecuador [email protected]. 3 Universität ...
Convex Combinations of Single Source Unsplittable Flows Maren Martens1, , Fernanda Salazar2, , and Martin Skutella3 1


University of British Columbia, Sauder School of Business, 2053 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T1Z2, Canada [email protected] Escuela Polit´ecnica Nacional, Departamento de Matem´atica, Ladr´on de Guevara E11-253, Quito, Ecuador [email protected] 3 Universit¨at Dortmund, Fachbereich Mathematik, 44221 Dortmund, Germany [email protected]

Abstract. In the single source unsplittable flow problem, commodities must be routed simultaneously from a common source vertex to certain destination vertices in a given digraph. The demand of each commodity must be routed along a single path. In a groundbreaking paper Dinitz, Garg, and Goemans [4] prove that any given (splittable) flow satisfying certain demands can be turned into an unsplittable flow with the following nice property: In the unsplittable flow, the flow value on any arc exceeds the flow value on that arc in the given flow by no more than the maximum demand. Goemans conjectures that this result even holds in the more general context with arbitrary costs on the arcs when it is required that the cost of the unsplittable flow must not exceed the cost of the given (splittable) flow. The following is an equivalent formulation of Goemans’ conjecture: Any (splittable) flow can be written as a convex combination of unsplittable flows such that the unsplittable flows have the nice property mentioned above. We prove a slightly weaker version of this conjecture where each individual unsplittable flow occurring in the convex combination does not necessarily fulfill the original demands but rounded demands. Preliminary computational results based on our underlying algorithm support the strong version of the conjecture.

1 Introduction Problem Definition and Notation. The single source unsplittable flow problem was introduced by Kleinberg [8]. We are given a digraph D = (V, A), a source s ∈ V and K sinks t1 , . . . , tK ∈ V . The source and sink nodes are also called terminals. We assume without loss of generality that the terminals are pairwise distinct. An unsplittable flow f consists of s-ti -paths Pi , for i = 1, . . . , K, together with corresponding 

This work was supported in part by the Graduate School of Production Engineering and Logistics, North Rhine-Westphalia, by the DFG Focus Program 1126, Algorithmic Aspects of Large and Complex Networks, grants SK 58/4-1 and SK 58/5-3, and by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).  Part of this work was done while the authors were at Universit¨at Dortmund. L. Arge and E. Welzl (Eds.): ESA 2007, LNCS 4698, pp. 395–406, 2007. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 


M. Martens, F. Salazar, and M. Skutella

 flow values fi ≥ 0. The flow on arc a ∈ A is then given as f (a) = i:a∈Pi fi . An unsplittable flow is said to satisfy demands di , i = 1, . . . , K, if fi = di for all i. We also consider flows from s to the sinks t1 , . . . , tK that are not necessarily unsplittable. Such a flow f is given by flow values f (a) for all arcs a ∈ A such that flow conservation constraints for all non-terminal nodes are met. Moreover, the net amount of flow leaving the source s as well as the net amount of flow arriving at each sink ti must be non-negative. In order to emphasize that a flow is not unsplittable we sometimes also call it a splittable flow. A splittable flow satisfies demands di , i = 1, . . . , K, if the net amount of flow arriving at ti equals di for all i. The flow traveling from the source to sink ti is sometimes also referred to as commodity i. Dinitz, Garg, and Goemans [4] present an algorithm that turns a given splittable flow f init satisfying demands di , i = 1, . . . , K, into an unsplittable flow f satisfying the same demands such that for all arcs a ∈ A

f (a) ≤ f init (a) + dmax


where dmax := maxi=1,...,K di . Goemans conjectures that this result can be generalized as follows. Conjecture 1 (Goemans [6]). For any cost function c : A → R, a splittable flow f init satisfying given demands di , i = 1, . . . , K, can be turned into an unsplittable flow f satisfying the same demands such that property (1) holds and the cost of f is bounded by the cost of f init , i.e.,   c(a)f (a) ≤ c(a)f init (a). a∈A


Network flows are usually considered in digraphs with arc capacities u : A → R+ 0 . The capacity u(a) of arc a is an upper bound on the amount of flow that can be sent through arc a. Moreover, for unsplittable flow problems it is often assumed that all demands are at most as large as the minimum arc capacity, i.e., dmax ≤ umin := mina∈A u(a) such that any commodity can in principle be routed through any arc unsplittably. This condition is also known as the balance condition. If the balance condition is fulfilled and f init obeys given arc capacities, then it follows from property (1) that the unsplittable flow f has congestion at most 2, i.e., f (a) ≤ 2u(a) for all arcs a ∈ A. In particular, the algorithm presented by Dinitz et al. [4] achieves performance ratio 2 for the objective to minimize congestion. Related Results from the Literature. The single source unsplittable flow problem is a special case of the more general unsplittable flow problem (UFP) where each commodity has its own source and sink. This problem has been well studied in the literature. In the case that we are given arc capacities and demands for each commodity and look for an unsplittable flow of minimum congestion, i.e., of minimum overload of arc capacities, Raghavan and Thompson [13,12] introduce a randomized rounding technique which yields an O(log m/ log log m)-approximation algorithm provided that the balance condition1 holds. Here, m is the number of arcs in the underlying graph. Chuzhoy 1

Unless stated otherwise, the balance condition is always assumed to be met for the UFP.

Convex Combinations of Single Source Unsplittable Flows


and Naor [3] show that the directed case of the UFP is Ω(log log m)-hard to approximate unless N P ⊆ DT IM E(nO(log log log n) ), where n is the number of vertices in the underlying graph. Before this result was found, only APX-hardness for the UFP was known (see, e.g., Kleinberg [8]). In the special case of unit demands and unit edge capacities (the edge-disjoint paths problem) Andrews and Zhang [1] prove that there is no (log log m)1− -approximation for the undirected congestion minimization problem, unless N P ⊆ ZP T IM E(npolylog n ). For the optimization problem to route a subset of commodities whose total sum of demands is maximal, Azar √ and Regev [2] present a strongly polynomial algorithm with m). Kolman and Scheideler [10] even give a strongly polynoapproximation ratio O( √ mial O( m)-approximation algorithm for the problem without the balance condition. On the other hand, Guruswami, Khanna, Rajaraman, Shepherd, and Yannakakis [7] 1 show that there is no approximation algorithm with performance ratio O(m 2 − ) for any  > 0, unless P = N P . It is an easy observation that already the single source unsplittable flow problem without costs contains several well-known NP-complete problems as special cases, such as, for example, PARTITION, B IN PACKING, or even scheduling parallel machines with makespan objective [11]. If we consider the problem with costs, we obtain the K NAP SACK problem as a special case. We refer to [4,8,9,14] for more details and other special cases. Kleinberg [8], Dinitz, Garg, and Goemans [4], Kolliopoulos and Stein [9], and Skutella [14] present approximation algorithms for various optimization versions of the single source unsplittable flow problem. Du and Kolliopoulos [5] have implemented and empirically tested several of those approximation algorithms. As already mentioned above, a 2-approximation algorithm for congestion minimization is given in [4]. In [14], a 3-approximation algorithm is presented for the corresponding problem with costs. It is also shown there that the performance ratio can be decreased to 2 if the demands are multiples of each other, i.e., di |dj or dj |di for all i, j = 1, . . . , K. In fact, it is shown in [14] that Conjecture 1 holds in this special case. For arbitrary demands, a weaker version of Conjecture 1 is shown where property (1) is replaced with the following less restrictive property: f (a) ≤ 2f init (a) + dmax for all arcs a ∈ A. Contribution of this Paper. It is not difficult to observe that the following conjecture is equivalent to Conjecture 1. Conjecture 2. A splittable flow f init satisfying given demands di , i = 1, . . . , K, can be written as a convex combination of unsplittable flows satisfying the same demands such that property (1) holds for each unsplittable flow f occurring in the convex combination. We argue briefly that the two conjectures are indeed equivalent. It is easy to see that Conjecture 1 holds if Conjecture 2 is true. On the other hand, if Conjecture 2 is false, then there exists a splittable flow f init that is not contained in the convex hull of the set of unsplittable flows f satisfying property (1) and the same demands as f init . In this case there must exist a separating hyperplane whose normal vector yields a cost function c such that the cost of f init with respect to c is strictly smaller than the cost of every unsplittable flow under consideration. This contradicts Conjecture 1. Unfortunately we are not able to prove Goemans’ Conjecture in this paper but we show the following slightly weaker version.


M. Martens, F. Salazar, and M. Skutella

Theorem 1. A splittable flow f init satisfying given demands di , i = 1, . . . , K, can be written as a convex combination of unsplittable flows such that property (1) holds for each unsplittable flow f occurring in the convex combination. The only difference to Conjecture 2 is that we cannot guarantee that the unsplittable flows occurring in the convex combination satisfy the same demands as the given flow f init . Instead the demands satisfied by an individual unsplittable flow are the original demands rounded (up or down) by a factor of at most 2 to the next dmax /2 with  ∈ N. Here, dmax is the maximum original demand. In Section 2 we present an algorithm that, given a splittable flow f init , computes unsplittable flows together with appropriate weights such that the resulting convex combination (weighted sum) is equal to the given flow f init . The algorithm uses ideas of Kolliopoulos and Stein [9] and Skutella [14]. It builds a binary tree whose root node is the given splittable flow f init and whose leafs are unsplittable flows fulfilling property (1). Moreover, each non-leaf node is a convex combination of its two children. As a consequence, the splittable flow f init at the root is a convex combination of the unsplittable flows at the leafs. We give a detailed analysis of the algorithm proving its correctness and the existence of the requested unsplittable flows in Section 3. Finally, in Section 4 we discuss preliminary computational results trying to confirm that there also exist convex combinations of unsplittable flows of additive congestion at most dmax if we restrict to using the original demands instead of the rounded ones that are produced by our algorithm. We also observe in this section that a convex combination as described in Theorem 1 can be computed in polynomial time.

2 Constructing the Convex Combination We present an algorithm that, given a splittable flow f init , computes unsplittable flows with weights such that the weighted sum (convex combination) of the unsplittable flows equals f init . These unsplittable flows have property (1) and they satisfy demands that are obtained by rounding the ones in f init . 2.1 Preliminaries To simplify the description of the algorithm we introduce some more vocabulary. We say that a terminal path is a maximal (not necessarily directed) simple path in D with endpoints in {s, t1 , . . . , tK }, where maximal means that it is not extendable at either of its endpoints. A (not necessarily directed) cycle or a terminal path is called an augmenting structure. We use dmax := maxi=1,...,K di (dmin := mini=1,...,K di ) to denote the maximum (minimum) demand satisfied by f init . For a natural number , we define rf (a) := f (a) mod dmax , for a ∈ A. A flow is called q-integral for some q ∈ R+ , if the flow value on 2 each arc is an integral multiple of q. It is well known that any single source multicommodity flow that is q-integral  can be decomposed into flows on paths with flow value q. The definition f (a) := i:a∈Pi fi , for all a ∈ A, enables us to build the sum f +g of two flows f and g arcwise, even if one or both flows are unsplittable and given pathwise.

Convex Combinations of Single Source Unsplittable Flows


2.2 The Algorithm In the following we shortly sketch the idea of the algorithm first and give a more detailed characterization of it later on: We want to round each demand to the two nearest (upper and lower) values of the form dmax /2 , for some  ∈ N, and then send these rounded demands unsplittably. A convex combination of the final unsplittable flows (with rounded demands) will yield our original flow. The largest value we need to consider for  is   dmax L := log , dmin since dmax /2L is the largest fraction dmax /2 ( ∈ N) that is at most dmin . (Thus, dmax /2L is the smallest demand obtained from rounding all demands to (dmax /2 )integrality, for some  ∈ N). We start by making the input flow (dmax /2L)-integral. This is done by augmenting flow on cycles and terminal paths. The particular augmenting structure and the increment of flow are chosen such that after augmentation the flow on at least one additional arc is (dmax /2L)-integral. Augmentation on a cycle does not change the demands, whereas augmentations on terminal paths yield changes of demands to (dmax /2L )integrality. We always augment in both directions of an augmenting structure and thus obtain two new flows in each step such that the “parent” flow is a convex combination of the two. Depending on the direction in which flow is augmented on a path, demands are rounded up or down. (See Figure 1 for an illustration of the algorithm.) Considering the two direct descendants of a “parent” flow, which result from a change of flow in either direction of an augmenting structure, we simply construct a binary tree of flows in which the descendants of a flow f can be used to form a convex combination of f . The leaves of this tree finally form the desired convex combination of unsplittable flows for the root flow f init . When a flow is (dmax /2L )-integral, demands of value dmax /2L can be satisfied unsplittably. For this reason, we want to prevent such demands and corresponding flow carrying paths from further changes. Thus, for each sink ti with demand dmax /2L, we decrease the current flow along a corresponding flow carrying s-ti -path by dmax /2L . These paths with the flow values are stored for all subsequent flows. After the decrement, all demands are at least dmax /2L−1 and we turn to make the (remaining) flow (dmax /2L−1 )-integral. We proceed in this manner until the (remaining) flow is dmax integral. Then all (remaining) demands equal dmax and are served unsplittably. For the sake of simple presentation and analysis of the algorithm, we give a recursive description of it in Algorithm 1. The initial call to start the recursive algorithm is given by DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) where f init is the single source multicommodity flow in the digraph D that we want to write as a convex combination of unsplittable flows. The third parameter is a set of paths with corresponding flow values. If (P, φ) is in this set, it means that all subsequent flows route φ units of flow along path P . The last parameter indicates the weight of the flow that is to be decomposed. For the initial flow this weight equals 1. A call of DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) effects the following: In each step of the recursion, it first updates the input flow f by iteratively deleting demands dmax /2 , for  ∈ N, if f is (dmax /2 )-integral. The related flow carrying paths are added to the current


M. Martens, F. Salazar, and M. Skutella 6



2 5


5 10



1 4

3 4




5 10


1 5


1 20

1 4


4 5



0 0




5 ·

5 10










5 1 4

0 5





5 10


10 5

4 5





1 5




5 10



4 20

3 4


1 5




5 3 20

3 4


4 5


12 20

Fig. 1. Steps of the algorithm to 5-integrality. We start with the flow in the upper left corner and read from left to right first. Since dmax /2L equals 5, we need to make the flow 5-integral. The dashed arcs indicate the augmenting structure that is used. Since we augment flow in either direction of an augmenting structure, each non-5-integral flow produces two new flows that are separated from their “parents” by a vertical line. We consider the first flow. If we use the indicated augmenting structure clockwise, we may augment by 3. Then the arc with flow value 2 becomes 5-integral. Using the augmenting structure counterclockwise, we may augment by 1. Then the unit of flow on the arc with flow value 1 recedes. The number below each flow indicates its weight in the convex combination.

unsplittable flow given by P. Afterwards it decomposes the (remaining) flow f into a convex combination of two new flows f1 and f2 that result from a single augmentation in both directions of a suitable augmenting structure. Further steps of the recursion decompose f1 and f2 into convex combinations of unsplittable flows. The augmentation itself works as follows. Let us assume that the flow f that remains after the update is (dmax /2 )- but not (dmax /2−1 )-integral, for some  ∈ {1, . . . , L}. ˜ of D that consists of all arcs a ∈ A whose flow Then we consider the subgraph D −1 values f (a) are not (dmax /2 )-integral. Starting from an arbitrary arc we follow an undirected path (in either direction) until there is no more incident arc or we get to a node which has already been visited. The first criterion results in a terminal path, the second one in a cycle. (We prove this later on in Lemma 2.) For the resulting augmenting structure C we augment by the minimum δ of gaps between flow values and the next lower multiples of dmax /2−1 for arcs that are used by C in backward direction and of gaps between flow values and the next upper multiples of dmax /2−1 for arcs that are used by C in forward direction. Defining C − as the backward arcs in C and C + as the forward arcs in C we can write δ as follows. δ = min{ min rf−1 (a), min a∈C −

a∈C +

dmax − rf−1 (a)} 2−1

Convex Combinations of Single Source Unsplittable Flows


Algorithm 1. DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) Input: A digraph D = (V, A), a single source multicommodity flow f in D with source s, a set P of paths from s to pairwise distinct nodes t in D with corresponding flow values, and a positive weight w ∈ (0, 1]. The maximum (minimum) demand, that f satisfies, is dmax (dmin ). Output: A set of unsplittable flows with weights that sum up to w yielding a conic combination of w(f + fP ), where fP denotes the flow that is given by P.   downto 0 do for i = log ddmax min if f is (dmax /2i )-integral then for each sink t having demand d = dmax /2i in f do Determine an arbitrary flow carrying s-t-path P in D. Set f (a) := f (a) − d for all a ∈ P . Set P  := P ∪ {(P, d)}. end end end if f ≡ 0 then return (P  , w). end

 Set  := min{min{j ∈ N|f is (dmax /2j )-integral}, log

dmax dmin

 + 1}.

= 0 ∀ a ∈ C. Let C ⊆ A be an augmenting structure with Set C + := {a ∈ C | C traverses a in forward direction}, C − := {a ∈ C | C traverses a in backward direction}. −1 Set δ1 := min{ min rf−1 (a), min d2max (a)}, −1 − rf rf−1 (a)

a∈C −

a∈C +

δ2 := min{ min rf−1 (a), min a∈C +

a∈C −

dmax 2−1

− rf−1 (a)}.

For a ∈ A \ C set f1 (a) := f (a) and f2 (a) := f (a). For a ∈ C + set f1 (a) := f (a) + δ1 and f2 (a) := f (a) − δ2 . For a ∈ C − set f1 (a) := f (a) − δ1 and f2 (a) := f (a) + δ2 . 2 1 Set w1 := δ1δ+δ w and w2 := δ1δ+δ w. 2 2  return DECOMP(D,f1 ,P ,w1 ) ∪ DECOMP(D,f2 ,P  ,w2 ).

Now let f1 and f2 be the flows resulting from augmenting along C and its “counterpart”, i.e., C in the opposite direction. Let δ1 and δ2 be the corresponding augmentation values. Then the weight of fi (for i = 1, 2) is given by the weight of f multiplied with δ3−i /(δ1 + δ2 ).

3 Analysis of the Algorithm In Section 3.1 we show that the flows and weights returned by DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) yield a convex combination for f init . Further, the produced flows are unsplittable and all its demands are of the form dmax /2, for some  ∈ {0, . . . , log(dmax /dmin ) }. To prove Theorem 1 we have to show as well that, on each arc a ∈ A, the final flows send at most the initial flow f init (a) plus an additive dmax . This is done in Section 3.2.


M. Martens, F. Salazar, and M. Skutella

3.1 Correctness of the Algorithm It is easy to see that the following lemma is true. A detailed proof is omitted due to space limitations. Lemma 1. For each DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) that is triggered by DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) it holds that 1. f is a single source multicommodity flow in D, 2. P is a set of paths from the source of f to pairwise distinct nodes t in D with corresponding flow values, and 3. w ∈ (0, 1]. Lemma 1 shows that the algorithm is well-defined. The following lemma is necessary to prove that our algorithm terminates. It follows immediately from flow conservation. Lemma 2. If a flow f in D is not (dmax /2 )-integral, for some  ∈ N, then there exists an augmenting structure C ⊆ A with rf (a) = 0, for all a ∈ C. The definition of δ1 and δ2 and the augmentation rule imply that if f is not decreased in the for-loop of DECOMP(D,f ,P,w), the flows f1 and f2 are “more integral” than f . Lemma 3. For any flow f that is augmented in Algorithm 1 and its corresponding value  as defined in the algorithm, it holds that f1 and f2 each have at least one more arc than f whose flow value is (dmax /2−1 )-integral. Before we turn to proving that the flows/weights returned by DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) yield a conic combination of wf , we show that the procedure indeed terminates and outputs unsplittable flows whose demands are of the form dmax /2 , for some  ∈ {0, . . . , log(dmax /dmin ) }. Corollary 1. DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) terminates. The output is a set of unsplittable flows whose demands are of the form dmax /2 , for some  ∈ {0, . . . , log(dmax /dmin ) }. Proof. We proved that the flows f1 and f2 resulting from DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) have fewer positive demands than f or are “more integral”. The first property eventually results in a decrement of the input flow to the zero flow. In every recursive call of Algorithm 1 in which the number of positive demands is not decreased for the respective input, the flow value on at least one of its arcs changes to a “higher” integrality. After at most |A| steps we therefore change from (dmax /2 )-integrality to (dmax /2−1 )integrality for some  ∈ {1, . . . , L} (or respectively from the initial state to (dmax /2L )integrality). At this point demands of value (dmax /2−1 ) and corresponding flow are deleted in the for-loop. If no such demands exist, we go to “higher” integralities and delete demands at the latest when the flow is dmax -integral. Therefore, at some point all demands are deleted and the algorithm terminates. It follows from the preceding analysis that all paths in the final P  connect the source in f with pairwise distinct sinks. Thus, P  yields an unsplittable flow. It follows directly from the specification of the algorithm that all demands served by P  are of the form dmax /2 , for some  ∈ {0, . . . , log(dmax /dmin ) }.

Convex Combinations of Single Source Unsplittable Flows


In the following we use fP to denote the flow that is given by some set P of paths with corresponding flow values. We prove the following helpful lemma in order to show that DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) returns the specified output. Lemma 4. Consider DECOMP(D,f ,P,w). It holds that w(f + fP ) = w1 (f1 + fP  ) + w2 (f2 + fP  )


and w1 + w2 = w. Proof. The second part of the lemma follows immediately from the definition of w1 and w2 . Equation (2) can be proven as follows. For all arcs a ∈ A that are not in the augmenting structure C that leads from f to f1 and f2 , it holds that f1 (a) = f2 (a) = f (a) − (fP  (a) − fP (a)). Since w1 + w2 = w, equation (2) follows immediately. Now consider an arc a ∈ C + . It holds that f1 (a) = f (a) − (fP  (a) − fP (a)) + δ1 and f2 (a) = f (a) − (fP  (a) − fP (a)) − δ2 . Using w1 + w2 = w, it follows that w1 f1 (a)+w2 f2 (a) = wf (a)+wfP (a)−w1 fP  (a)−w2 fP  (a). The proof is analogous for a ∈ C − . The following corollary demonstrates that the output of DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) is correct. With this result we are finished proving the correctness of the algorithm as described in Section 2. To prove our main result we still need to show that all unsplittable flows that are returned by DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) have congestion at most 2. This is done in Theorem 2 in Section 3.2. Corollary 2. The flows and weights returned by DECOMP(D,f ,P,w) yield a conic combination of w(f + fP ) whose weights sum up to w. The proof of Corollary 2 uses induction on the depth of recursion and Lemma 4. It is omitted due to space limitations. The next corollary follows immediately. Corollary 3. The flows and weights returned by DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) yield a convex combination of f . 3.2 Upper Bound on the Congestion Together with the algorithm from Section 2 and its analysis in Section 3.1 the following theorem is the last component to prove Theorem 1. Theorem 2. For a single source multicommodity flow f init in D = (V, A) and any arc a ∈ A, it holds that the flow along a in any flow produced by DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) exceeds f init (a) by at most an additive dmax . Proof. Consider the progression of the input flow while DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) is running. Let f 0 be a flow that occurs on the way to (dmax /2L)-integrality of the input flow. Further, let P 0 be the current unsplittable flow while f 0 is considered in the algorithm. By the choice of δ1 and δ2 , it holds for all a ∈ A that  dmax dmax 0 init init f (a) + fP 0 (a) ≤ f (a) + L − f (a) mod L , (3) 2 2


M. Martens, F. Salazar, and M. Skutella

because once the flow on a is (dmax /2L)-integral, i.e., rounded to at most the next multiple of dmax /2L , it is not changed again on the way to (dmax /2L)-integrality. After (dmax /2L )-integrality was reached, the input flow is iteratively augmented to (dmax /2L−)-integrality for gradually increasing  ∈ {1, . . . , L}. Let f  be a flow that occurs while DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) is running and that is (dmax /2L− )-integral, but not (dmax /2L−−1 )-integral. Further, let f −1 be any ancestor of f  , i.e., any of the flows that (indirectly) caused the creation of f  , that is (dmax /2L−+1 )-integral. Again let P  and P −1 be the corresponding unsplittable flows. In analogy with (3), it follows from the choice of δ1 and δ2 that for all a ∈ A f  (a) + fP  (a) ≤ f −1 (a) + fP −1 (a) +

dmax dmax − L−+1 . L− 2 2

We can prove an analogous equation if some integrality step is omitted, i.e., if there is no ancestor of f  that is (dmax /2L−+1)-integral. Let  be the largest integer that  is smaller than  and for which an ancestor of f  exists that is (dmax /2L− )-integral.   Then it holds that f  (a) + fP  (a) ≤ f  (a) + fP  (a) + dmax /2L− − dmax /2L− . We obtain iteratively, for all  ∈ {0, . . . , L}, that  dmax dmax  init init f (a) + fP  (a) ≤ f (a) + L− − f (a) mod L . (4) 2 2 Now consider the point when the flow f is changed to f  ≡ 0 in the for-loop. Let P and P  be the corresponding unsplittable flows. Then P  is one of the output flows of the algorithm. Since dmax is the maximum demand in f , it follows that f is dmax integral. With (4) we have fP  (a) = f (a) + fP (a) ≤ f init (a) + dmax − (f init (a) init mod dmax (a) + dmax . 2L ) ≤ f Note that it even holds, for all a ∈ A, that fP  (a) < f init (a) + dmax . To obtain this result, we have to regard that f 0 (a) + fP 0 (a) ≤ f init (a), if f init (a) is (dmax /2L )integral. If we assume f init to be feasible, the next result follows immediately. Corollary 4. If a single source multicommodity flow f init in D = (V, A) obeys arc capacities u : A → R+ and the balance condition is met, then all flows produced by DECOMP(D,f init ,∅,1) have congestion at most 2. We close this section with an example showing that our result is tight (see also [4] for similar results). Lemma 5. There exists a network and a feasible fractional single source multicommodity flow f init such that in each convex combination of unsplittable flows forming f init there is at least one flow with congestion arbitrarily close to 2. Proof. Consider a network with source s, sinks t1 , t2 with demands 1 for both commodities, and one additional node v. The arcs in the network with their initial flow values are (s, v) with f init ((s, v)) = 1 + , (s, t2 ) with f init ((s, t2 )) = 1 − , (v, t1 ) with f init ((v, t1 )) = 1, and (v, t2 ) with f init ((v, t2 )) = . The capacity of arc a is the maximum of f init (a) and 1.  is an arbitrary positive number smaller than 1.

Convex Combinations of Single Source Unsplittable Flows


Consider arc (s, v). Obviously we have to route commodity 1 on it in each unsplittable flow that participates in a convex combination forming f init . But there must also be at least one unsplittable flow that routes commodity 2 on this arc. Thus, we obtain a flow value of 2 on it and a congestion of 2/(1 + ).

4 Some Preliminary Computational Results We have shown that it is possible to write any (splittable) single source multicommodity flow f init as a convex combination of unsplittable flows obeying condition (1). The demands satisfied by the unsplittable flows that we construct for this convex combination slightly differ from the ones in the original flow. Using our algorithm, we want to empirically confirm Conjecture 2. In principle, we would like to do the following: Consider all unsplittable flows computed by the algorithm; turn them into unsplittable flows satisfying the original demands di , i = 1, . . . , K, by simply routing exactly di units of flow along the chosen s-ti -paths (instead of the rounded demand values); omit all unsplittable flows which, after this modification, no longer obey condition (1) (notice that this can easily happen already for simple examples); check whether f init is contained in the convex hull of the remaining unsplittable flows. The main problem with this approach is the huge size of the binary tree computed by our algorithm. Already for relatively small instances the algorithm does not terminate in reasonable time due to the exponential growth of the computed binary tree. It is therefore not realistic to try to compute all unsplittable flows corresponding to leaf nodes of that tree. Instead, we have to thin out the tree and only compute a subset of leafs of reasonable size. Of course, this subset should still have the property that f init is contained in the convex hull of unsplittable flows given by the subset. More precisely, we proceed as follows. We start to compute the binary tree in breadth-first manner. When we arrive at a layer of the tree containing “too many” nodes, we omit some of them and only maintain a subset of “reasonable size”. By construction the flow f init at the root node is a convex combination of the flows corresponding to the nodes of the tree in any fixed layer. It follows from Carath´eodory’s theorem that f init can be written as a convex combination of a subset containing at most |A| + 1 flows. It is therefore possible to keep the width of the tree bounded by O(|A|) and still maintain the property that f init is a convex combination of the flows in any fixed layer. In our implementation, we simply use CPLEX to find suitable subsets of flows when we arrive at a layer of the tree that contains “too many” nodes. Since the depth of the tree is polynomially bounded, we can even find a representation of f init as a convex combination of unsplittable flows in polynomial time and thus strengthen Theorem 1 as follows. Theorem 3. A convex combination as described in Theorem 1 can be obtained in polynomial time. For the purpose of our empirical study it is not advisable to reduce the width of each layer of the tree as far as possible (i.e., to width |A| + 1). This decreases our chance to find sufficiently many “good” unsplittable flows in the end that contain f init in their convex hull. Therefore the challenge is to decide for each layer of the tree which flows to keep and which to omit in order to keep the width of the tree small. We have ex-


M. Martens, F. Salazar, and M. Skutella

perimented with several different strategies but have not found the ideal strategy yet. However, for most instances that we consider our choice of flows is suitable in the sense that the resulting unsplittable flows meet the congestion requirement. For the empirical tests we use 14 test instances that were also considered by Du and Kolliopoulos [5] for their empirical evaluation of approximation algorithms. The instances come from the following generators: noigen, satgen, rangen, and genrmf. A complete description of every generator can be found in [5]. We have tested different ways to choose the flows that we keep in our convex combinations. So far, for half of the 14 instances we were able to compute an appropriate set of unsplittable flows of additive congestion at most dmax . For another three instances the multiplicative congestion of the unsplittable flows does not exceed 2, while for the remaining four instances we have not found an appropriate set of unsplittable flows yet. We are currently still working on finding better heuristics to choose the flows to be kept in each layer of the tree.

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