Critique - Innovating Sustainable Fashion

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Project Name: ACNE A+ CONSULTANCY ... With this approach ACNE's image will improve to more ... While the idea of a fashion show and the Acne paper are.
Assignment. Summer school 2011 - Innovating sustainable fashion

Student Group:


Project Name:


Report Structure: Table of Contents

Comments: Structure is very general/corporate and does not reveal a glimpse of the content

Main Body of Text: Problem Statement

Strategic summary: aims are ambitious (good!), but not quantified. Missing C2C-principles like Waste=Food...

Identification of Stakeholders

“Various stakeholders within the company”. But project makes clear that regional supplying/producing/retailing is the goal/stakeholders. So what to do with e.g. the suppliers of today? More of a life-style group than target group. How much: ‘atract as many consumers as you can’, leads to undefined growth (plans lack quantities?).

Etnoraid/Market Research

Critical Analysis of Sources



Respect/due regard for company image Conclusion

Appendices (records of interviews/etnoraids/sources etc)

Your idea is worked out consequence of C2C-approach like transition from ‘global to local’ and choosing for the biological cycle. Red crosses (pitfalls?) well done. Should also look at regional political and agricultural possibilities. Local and biological mixed. If composting also local then more local opportunities for earning money. With this approach ACNE’s image will improve to more responsible/caring for society Comments: Checking your aims is good, however it will not yet convince ACNE, because you do not quantify Comments:

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Seems to me a realistic plan, but needs to be worked out in quantities as well. Why did you leave your roadmap out – 10-year plan; it can lead to good discussions with ACNE

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Assignment. Summer school 2011 - Innovating sustainable fashion



Project Name:


Report Structure: Table of Contents

Comments: Yes

Main Body of Text: Problem Statement

yes The 3 main aims identified need re-worded for clarity, however the strategic summary was clear.

Identification of Stakeholders

Very vague – the stakeholders have not really been identified and considered.

Etnoraid/Market Research

No etnoraid provided – this would have provided valuable research.

Critical Analysis of Sources

A critical approach was employed when analysing some of the cradle-to-cradle possibilities.



Respect/due regard for company image Conclusion

Appendices (records of interviews/etnoraids/sources etc)

Some of the ideas are feasible with further research and development. Recognition of increased costs needs to be a factor. While the idea of a fashion show and the Acne paper are not in themselves new, the quiet approach of the whole concept is innovative and appropriate for the Acne customer. yes Good understanding of the company and the customer evident. The conclusion provided a signpost for the way forward but was not cohesive enough – it mentioned some content that was not apparent in the main report Comments: Some appendices were provided but not really used or referred to within the report.

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The report has been written and presented in a simple and accessible manner. Good visual communication and a relevant idea for the company. Some good starting points created (for example the ‘want to work’) however the ideas could have been pushed further.

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Assignment. Summer school 2011 - Innovating sustainable fashion

Student Group:


Project Name:


Visual Presentation Structure: Title Appropriate Headings

Comments: YES

Good eye-catching title screen

YES Many slides did not have headings. Some had different headings – there was a lack of

Professionalism (spelling,

consistency overall, although the visuals chosen

consistency of style, good

were very beautiful and very ‘Åcne’.

quality visuals) Main points were repeated during the conclusion Accessibility (use of

– good work.

appropriate text style/size, colour/contrast, white

The circular graphics provided were quite

space/layout/image size)

complicated for the audience to understand.

Conclusion Delivery of Presentation:




Some of the speakers were a little quiet, making

Sequencing/Main Content

it hard to hear.


The presentation lasted for 17 minutes, so was a


little short.

Participation by group

Reading from cue cards resulted in some stilted



Audibility/Clarity/Pace &

Some group members seemed to participate


more than others.

Eye Contact/Facial

The presentation started in quite a negative


manner, with lots of explanations of what could not be done or what did not work! Avoid turning to the side when talking, as it makes it hard to hear.

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Assignment. Summer school 2011 - Innovating sustainable fashion

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Strength: The choice of brand worked well for a cradle-to-cradle approach and the images chosen were appropriate to the existing brand image – the Acne customer should appreciate the meaning behind the project (it seemed you knew the customer well). Weakness: avoid contradicting one another – you should all be agreeing in your group!

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