Customization of Quality Models in software Projects to Enhance the Business Value V Suma,
B.R Shubhamangala,
Research Industry Incubation Centre, Dayananda sagar Institutions Bangalore-75
[email protected]
Department of MCA Dayananda sagar Institutions Bangalore-75
[email protected]
Abstract—Software enterprises are developing projects with an iterative focus on yielding better business value and rich customer experience. As business value is the index of revenue generated, global branding and market leadership attaining the business value is very vital for IT enabled enterprises. Since the projects are developed either by technology push or by market pull, top management has the mission of enabling the projects to deliver expected business value rather that just technical success. Though advanced methodologies, modern project management concepts and quality standards are employed in developing projects, enterprises are not deriving expected business value from projects. Due to this lacuna research is undertaken in six enterprises comprising of fifteen projects spread across five major domains of software development with an intensive focus on quality dimension is taken. Industrial process of quality frame work which is not adhered to any standard quality model is studied and reasons for projects not being able to deliver expected business value is found. The reasons are addressed in the proposed customized quality model which is very promising to reap expected business value when implemented. Keywords— Business value; Software Projects; Case study; customized quality; customer experience
Software enterprises are considered as highly successful economic growth engine in India and its rapid development is achieved by providing customized software development and maintenance services across the globe [1, 2] In the current global economy, Information technology (IT) enabled enterprises, are striving hard to achieve exponential business growth[3,4] Expanding the business by leveraging the new opportunities while reducing the cost is the major challenge faced by IT enabled enterprises. To meet the challenges of economic growth, architecture of enterprise has to be analyzed by decomposing into functional segments. The degree of coupling and cohesion between the segments dictates the success of enterprise deliverables in 360 degrees. Through functional analysis of enterprise, it can be logically decomposed into two major sectors, first as IT and second as Business. Objectives and nature of business and IT are entirely different[5]. IT sector concentrates on delivering technical objectives and business sector motto is to gain profits and to emerge as brand leader. Practically enterprises are not meeting
c 978-1-4673-4529-3/12/$31.00 2012 IEEE
L Manjunatha Rao Department of MCA Dayananda sagar Institutions Bangalore-75
[email protected]
the expected growth due to non alignment of IT functions with Business objectives. For an instance, in the software enterprise business sector which is managed by, chief Executive officer (CEO), Chief Finance officer (CFO), Chief Operations Officer (COO) claim that business needs are not understood by technical team and technical sector which is managed by Chief technology Officer (CTO) and Chief information officer (CIO) report that technical aspects are not at all taken care by business team [6]. It is evident that enterprise growth cannot be achieved exclusively by business sector alone or only by IT sector. To achieve the desired growth from IT enabled investments, organization’s business strategies has to be mapped with IT delivered projects. Hence in the ever demanding business world, Business vision attainments in IT delivered products are assessed by dynamic buzz word Business value. Enterprises survivability is depending on the amount of Business value the product is capable of delivering. Enterprises are hugely investing in IT sector with the aim of reaping maximum business value [7]. The maximum business growth can be achieved only when IT investment is articulated with strategic business objectives, so that projects are capable of delivering expected business value .Traditional approach of viewing at only project success in terms of technical aspects does not bring expected business growth. In the current scenario though many IT projects are capable of building economical justification between cost and benefit, they fail to attain customer satisfaction and expected business value. Hence, in the enterprise –wide view, to achieve the business growth the projects has to be tailored to the business value which the project is expected to deliver. What is Business value? The value that business can generate to its shareholders, customers and employees is called business value. The outcome of business value is quantified in terms of market leadership, revenue generated to enterprise, global branding, productivity gain, etc[8] Growth of enterprise is always dictated by customer satisfaction which is in turn is dependent on the degree of attainment of business value by projects. Hence business value achievement is vital for software organizations. According to survey globally 48% of projects are failed to deliver business value. In order to make software projects to deliver expected business value, key factors of business value has to be first identified and those key factors has to be integrated into
projects. Tangible quantification of business value is through revenue generated and it is measured by metrics such as Payback method, Return on investment (ROI), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) [9].The intangible quantification of business value, are global branding and market leadership. By analyzing tangible and intangible quantifications of business value, it is evident that cost, schedule and quality are the major constituents of Business value. Since quality drives cost and schedule, enterprises are focusing on quality aspects in the projects. Though strenuous effort is applied in embedding quality into projects, required business value is not generated and this lacuna is leading to the research problem. The software product development requires an R&D culture and market intelligence skills to develop user friendly software [10], the research has been carried out with the objectives of understanding the present process of quality in software enterprises across wide domains and analyzing the lacuna in the process by taking a case study which is carried out in seven CMMI level 5 enterprises. This paper also contributes a solution to overcome the lacuna observed in the quality so that projects are empowered to deliver the expected business value and there by enterprises can achieve economic growth. This paper is organized as follows. Section I comprises of this introduction, literature survey is explained in section II, Section III showers light on research work, section IV explains key findings based on research work and section V proposes customized quality model, discussion and results are given in section VI and paper is concluded in section VII. II.
Extensive survey has been carried to know the attempts towards quality models in software enterprises. A few of the significant contribution papers are stated here. Authors in [11] have surveyed four industries in Germany. Paper significantly contributes that though ISO quality standards are well know, as such it cannot be implemented in the enterprises. Hence the paper leads to practical exploratory research to be conducted in the method of quality models employed in industries. Authors in [12] explain the need for business value focus in software industries. Authors also explains the various evaluation methods of Business value such as total cost of ownership(TOC), Return on investment(ROI) etc in small and medium scale software industry. This paper leads to the need of research which points on how to make software projects to deliver business value and an approach flexible to all domains of development.Authors in [13] has explored each quality model such as McCall, Bohem, Furps, Dormey, CMMI ISO etc based on the property used in those models to analyze the quality concept. Absence of of quality model used in practical terms gives a way to explore practical method of quality process in industries.Authors in [14] have explored the quality aspects in industrial perspective. Quality value measurement, business value of quality, quality models, business, user, technical views at quality is presented. This paper leads to further exploratory research on clubbing business value with quality practically and practical quality implementation in software product development scenario.
The literature survey has spread light that very remote work is carried out on finding the following issues such as practical quality model employed in the software industries, whether quality projects are they meeting objectives expected and business value implementation in quality. Entire survey also leads to in depth research on developing customized quality applicable with slight variations to any project sector in software enterprises and also aids in bringing business value to enterprises. III.
Due to the relative lack of literature on the process of enabling projects to deliver expected business value to the enterprises focusing on quality, qualitative exploratory research method is undertaken. Since case study approach is appropriate for the undertaken research method[15], in depth multiple case studies of twenty customized software development projects developed by six products cum service based hybrid type software enterprises in India, is carried over in this research. Projects chosen for study are spread across major five potential application domains of global software development. The major domains considered are retail group, Finance, insurance and banking group, manufacturing and automobile group, Energy and utilities group and Hospital and Pharmacy coming under health care group. Projects chosen are of applications software product type. These projects were undertaken by the enterprises to yield business value not mere success. All the projects are studied from its inception till implementation and also in the annual Contract Maintenance (AMC) with particular focus on quality and the project critical factors such as defects, customer feedback, the performance issues of the product, end user opinion. These projects are also studied to know the effect of project, strategies, quality process and business value delivered. Analysis of every case study is performed in four dimensions based on the objectives of research stated in this paper. The four dimensions are as follows. First the project contract and development model choice issues were looked in the dimension of Governance based, price based, project based or hybrid customized model, expected revenue, company size, choice of project whether market pull or technology push, application domain market challenges. Second the product design, customer stated voice against customer need issues were explored through business requirements, niche resource loading, choice of technology, Master level agreement(MSA), statement of work(SOW), schedule of work Third quality issues were explored by quality factors considered in product design, overall quality rating, defects, customer satisfaction rating, defects against quality parameters. Finally the impact of quality and project in terms of business value generated issues were explored by revenue generated, cost occurrence, rate of new projects arrival, branding comparison with other branded enterprises and rate of return customers. Through the requirement specification, MSA, SOW, in-depth interviews, video conferencing, auditing, review , inspection reports, technical documents, test log sheets, due diligence report,
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interactive customer management reports, capital budgeting sheets, defects after first built, before release and after release and quality test data sheets were analyzed for each project to build the case studies.Table1 gives the summary of fifteen projects studied. Inferences: From Table 1 it is evident that 15 projects from major application domains namely Retail and Hospitality sector four projects, banking and Finance sector four projects, Energy and Utilities sector four projects and three projects from Manufacturing and Automobile sector is studied from six companies. All companies are having quality standards of CMM level 5 common and ISO standards ISO14001 and ISO9002. Table 1 also infers that projects cost range were from 5 to 16 million dollars and project contract type were belonging to fixed price project(FPP)or Staff Augmentation(SA) or Co-Manage(CM) or Hybrid categories IV.
To Explain quality focused product development in six companies for fifteen projects belonging to five major development sectors stated in table 1, analysis is carried over the four themes, namely project size categorization, industrial perspective of classification of projects, quality frame work followed in industry, business value delivered and issues with projects. A. Project size Project size is a important parameter for analysis. Project can be classified as small, medium or large based on Kilo lines of code (KLOC), person months, cost or functional points. In the enterprises considered for study, classification the projects were based on cost. The details of classification are given in Table 2. Table 2: CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECTS BASED ON COST Projects Cost In $ Upto 0.5 M
Size Small
Industrial category Alpha
0.5- 1 M
Greater than 10M
Table 2 infers that project size classification based on cost is well suited for all application types. Projects are in the ranging below 0.5 million dollars are classified as small and industrial notation is Alpha projects. Industrial notation is specific to the enterprises. Above 0.5 million to 1 million, one million to ten million and above ten million dollars are classified as medium, big and large size projects respectively. Industrial notation for medium, big and large is Beta, Mega and Gama respectively. This size classification helps further to classify the projects B. Multi dimension classification of projects with Quality focus In the enterprises when the projects are expected to deliver high quality, multi dimension projects classification is carried over considering three parameters namely size based on cost,
complexity and risk factor. Complexity of projects is important because of project management key activities such as resource loading, architectural design, project execution plan are majorly based on complexity. Classification of complexity of the project is given in table 3. Table 3: CLASSIFICATION OF COMPLEXITY OF PROJECTS Low complexity Risk is low
Medium complexity Risk is medium
High Complexity Risk is High
Contract is FPP or T&M
No Proof of concept. No due diligence Mandatory SOW. 3k-10k FP
Due diligence, MOU and SOW both mandatory POC is optional. RFP is properly defined 10-19K FP Contract is only hybrid, or FPP or T&M
Generally signed off projects Below 3K functional points
No staff augmentation contract. Only hybrid, or FPP or T&M
Inferences: From table three it is clear that complexity of projects is divided into three sections namely low, medium and high. Low complexity projects are possessed by the characteristics of Low risk, below three thousand functional points. These projects are generally signed off projects where SRS (software requirement Specification) and major portion of projects is ready. Efforts for testing is also very less. The project contract type is generally FPP or T&M. Medium complexity projects will be of moderate risk. Projects start from Sign of Work (SOW). Requirements have to be collected. Project functional points may fall in the range of 3to 10 thousand functional points. Generally proof of concept (POC) of the project will not be provided. Due diligence is not required for medium complexity. In contrast high complexity projects are characterized by mandatory due diligence, memorandum of understanding (MOU) and sign of work (SOW).Proof of work is an optional aspect and mainly depends on client requirement. Since it is a large project, functional points fall in the range of 10 to 19 thousand. Staff Augmentation contract type is not suitable where as Time & material, FPP or hybrid is suitable for high complexity projects. Request for proposal must be properly defined for high level complexity of projects. Complexity classification is internal to the enterprises and it varies from organization to organization. The above stated complexity classification is generalized classification from all the six enterprises. Risk is a major consideration of software projects. Risk plays an important role in building quality into product. Total Risk of the project is based on time to market risk, business, resource and technical risks .In other words risk can be presented as given below. Risk of project= Time to market risk + Resource risk +Technical Risk+ Business risk
2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC)
In the view of yielding quality, multidimensional Project classification based on parameters size, cost and complexity is given below in table 4 TABLE 4: MULTIDIMENSIONAL QUALITY FOCUSED PROJECT CLASSIFICATION PROJECT SIZE
Complexity of project Inferences: From the table 4 it is evident that projects are classified into type one, two and three based on parameters of complexity, risk and size. Type three projects are domain Type
I Size Gama Risk LOW Complexity LOW Size Mega Risk LOW Complexity LOW Size Alpha/Beta Risk LOW Complexity LOW
Project Category
Neither Domain Intensive Nor Technically challenged
II Size: Gama Risk: Medium Complexity: Medium Size Mega Risk Medium Complexity Medium Size Alpha/Beta Risk Medium Complexity Medium Domain Intensive OR Technically challenged
III Size Gama Risk :High Complexity High Size Mega Risk High Complexity High Size Alpha/Beta Risk High Complexity High Domain Intensive &Technically challenged
intensive and technically challenged. Type two is either domain intensive or technically challenged. Type one projects are neither domain intensive nor technically challenged. Based on the type to which project belongs, quality levels are planned in the enterprises. C. Quality Model Employed in the Enterprises Though numbers of quality models such as McCall’s, Boehm, Furps/FURPS+, Dormey, ISO9000 series are stated, in the enterprises no quality model is followed. It is the universal enterprise accepted truth. Quality is modeled according to the project multi dimensional classification type and customer requirement. Rigid quality statement is not possible. In the enterprise view Quality is defined as delivering what is promised. Quality employed in the projects differs from project to project with the organization and from organization to organization and there by evaluation of quality level also differs. Differences in quality employed are resulted because of difference in customer need and quality process followed in the organization. For an instance organization certified by ISO14001 differs from organization certified by ISO9002 in quality standards. Client of ISO 14001 certified organization may demand the product built to be tested according to ISO9002 standards and specific parameters may be built which may not be in quality certification and in order to retain the customer, enterprises go for project build according to customer notion. General procedures of quality modeling technique in enterprises are in steps. In the first phase user requirements, business requirements, technical requirements
are gathered and prioritized set of requirements are framed. In the second phase quality level required for the project is decided by the category of the project based on multi dimensional project classification as stated in table 4. For an instance if project is belonging to type three which is both domain intensive and technically challenged, quality intensity is high and accordingly test cases, design architecture is articulated. In the third phase taking the outcomes of phase one and two, quality framework comprising quality functions, quality characteristics and quality metrics in suit of projects are framed. Frame work consists of a set of prime parameters numbered from 1 to 5 and a set of generic parameters. Prime and generic parameters are majorly contributed by customer requirement and organizational mandatory quality parameters. For the product success project must meet the prime parameters quality level up to practically possible extent for instance 99%.and meeting the generic parameters are also considered up to the quality level of 80-95% Quality framework differs from project to project and enterprise to enterprise. General quality framework for the case studies studied is given in table6.and quality attributes list is given in table 5. TABLE 5: QUALITY ATTRIBUTES LIST
Quality Attribute Functionality Efficiency Volatility Scalability Adoptability Localizability Traceability Supportability Evolvability Modifiability Non ambiguity Scalability Opearatability Reliability Security Recoverability Efficiency
AN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Quality Attribute Maturity Productivity Replaceability Confidentiality Enhanceability Adaptability Reusability Sustainability Modifiability Testability Maintainability Operatability usability Portability Compliance Supportability Productivity
AN 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
AN; Attribute number
TaBLE 6: QUALITY FRAME WORK Project sector
Prioritized prime Quality parameters PA1
PA3 A3
12 15 12
Automobile f and t iutility Energy
Health Care
PA1, PA2..PAn: Prime attributes
Inferences: Table 5 lists the major quality parameters and table 6 gives the details of quality framework for all the six case studies of fifteen projects. Table 6 has the quality parameters number stated against prime attributes. The quality parameters number is as per the table 5. Quality model is generalized
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according to sectors. For retail sector prime prioritized prime parameters priority are in the order of Compliance, Maintainability, localizability, Recoverability and Operatability.PA1 is the highest prime priority and PA5 is the lowest prime priority. Other parameters listed in table 5 are considered are generic for the project. Parameter can take role of either prime or generic. Role of parameter either as prime or generic depends upon project characteristics such as multidimensional classification, customer preference, organizational view etc. For an instance reliability is a prime priority two attribute for Health care sector and it is generic for retail sector. As already presented quality frame work for projects is prime parameters and generic parameters. But a class of specifically generic and specifically prime quality attributes cannot be framed in practical scenario as the definition of quality itself is “Delivering what is promised”. Frame work can be viewed for any sector as Prime parameters the key drivers of the business value and generic parameters aids at setting performance excellence and other quality benchmarks. D.
Business value delivered and practical issues with projects to deliver business value.
Ultimate practical business value target was set by enterprises considering all practical limitations and market uncertainty and business competency general mild failure tendency and not in an Idealistic manner. Fifteen projects form 5 different sectors as stated, were also studied for the business value it generated against the value expected. On an average deviation of 30% from the expected level of business value in all the projects is observed in spite of strenuous effort exerted by enterprises. To develop projects based on project specific quality framework. This lacuna led the research to in-depth problem analysis. The following issues funding to the poor quality of projects in delivering business value is found. They are as stated below. • To build quality in projects, only quality factors, attributes metrics are considered. Quality is view is only single dimension. Quality consideration in single dimension makes the project not to deliver expected business value. • Most of the quality issues are originated from requirements engineering phase of the project. Quality is tested only after the project built though quality process is applied to entire project development phase. Requirement quality is not at all tested. Concept of testing the requirements on quality measures is absent in all the enterprises in all the sectors of the project. Poor requirement quality is leading to lower business value. As a solution both issue is presented in this paper. Research contributes in bringing a customized quality model for projects so that projects will be enabled to deliver the expected business value. Customized Quality model is described in the next section.
V. CUSTOMIZED QUALITY MODEL In the customized quality model, quality is considered in dual tracks. One is quality parameters as already been considered in enterprises and other is defects severity caused by chosen parameters for the project. Quality parameters are examined against the severity of defects, they are capable of contributing. Standard defects classification based on severity as blocker, critical, major and minor is considered for studies. As the ready data was not available from test log sheets, review, and inspection and auditing reports, bug report, bug history report of all fifteen projects is studied and total number of defects and respective percentage of defects contributed by each parameter is found. And from this analysis severity of defects caused also analyzed and categorized as blocker, critical, major, minor and trivial. Summarized generic report of quality parameters against the defects severity found, is given in table 8. Defects percentage is brought down to the scale of 1 to10 rating. TABLE 7. QUALITY PARAMETERS AGAINST DEFECTS SEVERITY Quality Attribute
Defects based on Severity Blocker
Functionality Efficiency Volatility Scalability Adoptability Localizability Traceability Supportability Evolvability Modifiability Non ambiguity Scalability Reliability Security Recoverability Maturity Productivity Replaceability Confidentiality Enhanceability Adaptability Reusability Sustainability Testability Maintainability Operatability Portability Compliance supportability
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 33
1 2 x 4 1 2 1 1 1
Critic al
Min or
Triv ial
2 1 2 3 x 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 3
4 5 5 5 2 2 2 5 2 3 2 4 5 2 3 2 3 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 3 1
-2 3 5 8 8 2 3 8 5 8 3 3 8 5 6 4 5 5 3 4 4 -2 3 5 4
Table 7 infers that the attributes are contributing to one or the other level of defects severity. Blocker type defects are very fatal for the organization and customer. Insight on types of defects it contributes to the project leads to developing a customized quality model which is represented in Fig1.
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Business Objectives
Expected Business value
Client Requirements Enterprise IT Capabilities
Customized Quality QP (Gen+ Specific )
Defect s severit y
Requirements specific to QP
Fig 1: Customized Quality Model
Customized quality model is depicted in figure 1. Here quality is considered ration in dual tracks is proposed. The first track of quality model is as prevailing in the enterprises and which is represented in the above sections. The second track of quality considers the defects severity caused due to quality attributes as given in the table 7. The quality model is constructed based on both tracks one and two. Special focus is given for the prime parameters and its impact on defects. For an instance security is a prime priority one parameter in health care. While designing health care products since the nature of damage it can cause to the application is known, focus is applied on the security requirements elicitation, so that projects will not suffer from fatal failures. Likewise all the parameters are considered while designing the quality model proposed from requirements level and from defects severity view.. As the proposed model has taken care of quality from the basic requirements quality till defects nature caused by parameters, quality model emerges as customized quality model for the projects. Since both issues which were making the projects to deviate from expected business value, are solved in the proposed customized quality model and quality model is applicable to any sector in software enterprises, customized model when employed in projects and certainly brings the expected business value. VI: CONCLUSION IT enterprises are facing the pressure of developing products with the objective of minimum time to market and maximum cohesion between customer requirements and product characteristics. Achieving these objectives drives the company to yield most expected business value by which company can recoup its developing cost rapidly, make reasonable economic returns even in uncertain market trends and emerge as brand leader. Mere success of project potentially cannot contribute to achieve the objects of IT enabled enterprises. Whereas maximum share of business value can be gained through projects, projects are built with the inner vision of business
value specifically focusing on quality embedded in projects. Since the current projects are not able to deliver the expected O//P business value in spite of maximum efforts from enterprises, research in five major project sectors such as Retail group, Health care group, Finance banking and insurance group, automobile and manufacturing group and energy and utilities group is undertaken through a case study comprising of fifteen projects arising from five major sectors stated above. As business value is majorly driven by quality, build of quality model in enterprises is studied. From the studies it is found that no strict quality model can be followed in development of projects, but quality frame work is designed according to customer needs and project business requirements. From the expected value to delivered business value a deviation of 30% is found in projects which are developed in accordance with the quality frame work designed by enterprises. Through the case study underplaying quality reasons which are drifting projects away from delivering expected level of business value is are found and these reasons are addressed in the proposed Customized quality model. If the proposed model is implemented in projects, it will certainly increase top line revenue, assures improved ROI, expected quality level in products and brigs rich customer experience rather than mere customer satisfaction. Since the customized model also offers deployment flexibility across any application sector in IT development arena, proposed customized quality model assures to drive expected business value to enterprises. REFERENCES [1]
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A Retail& One of the Hospitality large software NP:04 company
B India’ s brand leader software compan
C&D India’s globally reputed industrial giants
Banking and Finance NP:04
Energy and Utilities NP:04
Cost M$
Maintaining back and front office for cell phone sales across the country
Visual merchandizing and space planning in the shopping mall
Manufact uring and automobil e NP: 03
ISO 14001 CMM-5
Automation of customer relation database
Economic, social and environmental impacts in forecasting GDP growth supply chain management system undertaken in retail sector
Risk estimation in corporate finance and valuation
Gold mortgage, loan, automation and database maintenance
Integration of banking, finance and Insurance operations for global spread branches of bank
Automation of petroleum terminal operations
Managing petrol storage and distribution- to petrol terminals- Nation wide
ISO 14001
Increase in Biomass energy system and its usage in rural economy through advance Hybrid technical instruments usage and metering Hybrid
Automation of Citizen’s identification
Modeling and simulation of petrol consumption in Cars
Ergonomic design of car seat- by light weight visualization techniques Development and implementation of international standards for Testing barrier coating(TBC) for automobile window screens.
ISO 9002
Automatic analysis, measurement and identification of interest rate, currency Hybrid exchange and equity market in the share and stocks venture
Tax administration- Nation wide E &F Large software Companie s
FPP the thermal Hybrid
ISO 14001 CMM-5
SA: Staff augmentation, CM: co-manage, M$: million dollars, QS : Quality standards NP: Number of Projects, CT : Contract Type, QC
2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC)