arXiv:hep-th/0002212v1 24 Feb 2000
hep-th/0002212, CINVESTAV-FIS-00/08
Deformation Quantization of Bosonic Strings H. Garc´ıa-Compe´ an,a1 J.F. Pleba´ nski,a2 M. Przanowskib,a3 and F.J. Turrubiatesa4 a
Departamento de F´ısica
Centro de Investigaci´ on y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN Apdo. Postal 14-740, 07000, M´exico D.F., M´exico b
Institute of Physics
Technical University of L´ od´z W´ olcza´ nska 219, 93-005, L´ od´z, Poland
Deformation quantization of bosonic strings is considered. We show that the light-cone gauge is the most convenient classical description to perform the quantization of bosonic strings in the deformation quantization formalism. Similar to the field theory case, the oscillator variables greatly facilitates the analysis. The mass spectrum, propagators and the Virasoro algebra are finally described within this deformation quantization scheme.
February, 2000 1
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1. Introduction String theory is one of the most beautiful attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity (for a review see [1,2,3,4]). From the physical point of view it is our best understanding of all matter and their interactions into an unified scheme. On the mathematical side, string theory has been used to motivate unsuspected interplay among some mathematical subjects. At the perturbative level, it is well known that string theory is related to the theory of Riemann surfaces [5] and some aspects of algebraic geometry and Mirror symmetry (see for instance [6]). Non-perturbative revolution of string theory, through the introduction of D-branes and duality, have shown to be related to some aspects of toric geometry (see for instance [7], K-theory (see the Witten seminal paper, [8]), noncommutative geometry and deformation quantization theory [9,10,11]. This latter is relevant for the description of the low energy effective theory of open strings on the D-brane world-volume, when a non-zero NeveuSchwarz B-field is introduced. Thus, in this context, deformation quantization describes properly the noncommutative space time instead of the standard quantization of the phase space of the two-dimensional conformal field theory. However, it would be important to describe the noncommutativity of space time and the quantization within the same framework of deformation quantization theory. In order to do that one has to quantize first string theory within this framework. This is something which has not been done yet in the literature. And at the same time this is the natural extension of the deformation quantization of classical fields developed in [12-18]. The purpose of the present paper is to give the first step into this unified description of quantum and noncommutativity in string theory. We will consider here the deformation quantization of the bosonic string theory. The fermionic case is leave for a forthcoming paper. In Sec. 2 we overview the preliminaries and notation of string theory in order to prepare the theory for quantization. Sec. 3 is devoted to do the quantization of bosonic strings by using deformation quantization theory. In Sec. 4 we describe the Casimir effect and the normal ordering within deformation quantization formalism. Correlation functions and Green functions for the bosonic string are computed in Sec. 5. Finally in Sec. 6 we give our final comments. 1
2. Classical Strings In this section we give a brief review of the classical bosonic string theory (for further details see [1,2,3,4]). We consider the string world-sheet Σ embedded into the D-dimensional space-time M of Lorentzian metric ηµν = diag(−1, 1, . . . , 1), µ, ν = 0, 1, . . . , D − 1. This embedding is defined by X µ = X µ (σ a ),
µ = 0, 1, . . . , D − 1 and a = 0, 1
where X µ are the space-time coordinates and σ a stand for the coordinates on the worldsheet Σ. (In what follows the Greek indices µ, ν, . . . = 0, 1, . . . , D − 1 correspond to the space-time components, the Latin indices a, b, . . . = 0, 1 refer to the world-sheet coordinates). Let gab be a Riemannian metric of the Lorentzian signature (−, +) on Σ. To find the equations of motion for the string we use the Polyakov action T SP = SP [X , gab ] = − 2 µ
√ d2 σ −gg ab ∂a X µ ∂b Xµ ,
where T denotes the string tension. Then the equations of motion read
√ δSP ab µ −gg ∂ X =0 = 0 ⇐⇒ ∂ b a δX µ
2 δSP 1 δSP µ cd µ = 0 ⇐⇒ Tab := − √ = T ∂a X ∂b Xµ − gab g ∂c X ∂d Xµ = 0. δg ab −g δg ab 2
Of course, Eqs. (2.3) are the Laplace-Beltrami equations for X µ on Σ, and Eqs. (2.4), saying that the energy-momentum tensor Tab vanishes, are the constraints of the string theory. One can quickly find that the constraint equations (2.4) give gab = Ω2 ∂a X µ ∂b Xµ 2
with Ω = Ω(σ a ) being an arbitrary nowhere vanishing function on Σ. The relation (2.5) means that the metric gab is conformally equivalent to the induced metric hab = ∂a X µ ∂b Xµ on Σ. The form of the action (2.2) tells us that the theory is invariant with respect to: (i) Poincar´e transformations on M , (ii) diffeomorphisms of Σ and (iii) conformal rescalings of gab . The (ii) and (iii) symmetries enable one to choose the coordinates σ a and the function Ω so that (conformal gauge) (σ 0 , σ 1 ) ≡ (τ, σ), (gab ) =
−1 0
0 ≤ σ ≤ π, 0 1
With (2.6) assumed the equations of motion (2.3) take the simple form of the Klein-Gordon equations ¨ µ − X ′′µ = 0, X
where X˙ µ ≡ ∂τ X µ and X ′µ ≡ ∂σ X µ . Then the constraint equations (2.4) read T01 = T10 = 0 ⇐⇒ X˙ µ X˙ µ = 0 T00 = T11 = 0 ⇐⇒ X˙ µ X˙ µ + X ′µ Xµ′ = 0.
The Polyakov action (2.2) is now T SP = − 2
π 0
dσ − X˙ X˙ µ + X µ
In the case of the open string, i.e. X µ (τ, 0) 6= X µ (τ, π) the action (2.9) leads to the equations (2.7) if the following boundary conditions are imposed for each τ X ′µ (τ, 0) = 0,
X ′µ (τ, π) = 0.
For the closed string one has from the very definition 3
X µ (τ, 0) = X µ (τ, π).
We will deal separately with the closed and open strings.
2.1. Closed Strings The general solution of Eqs. (2.7) satisfying the boundary conditions (2.11) can be written in the form of the following series
1 µ 1 X X µ (τ, σ) = xµ + p τ+√ πT 2πT
¯ h µ µ∗ a exp 2i(nσ−|n|τ ) +an exp −2i(nσ−|n|τ ) , 2|n| n (2.12)
where xµ and pµ are real and the star “∗′′ stands for the complex conjugation. The conjugate momentum Πµ of X µ is as usual defined by δL = T X˙ µ (τ, σ) µ ˙ δ X (τ, σ) r T Xp 1 µ µ∗ µ = p +i 2¯ h|n| an exp − 2i(nσ − |n|τ ) − an exp 2i(nσ − |n|τ ) , (2.13) π 2π Πµ (τ, σ) = η µν
where L = L[X µ , X˙ µ ] is the Lagrangian
T L = L[X , X˙ µ ] = − 2 µ
Then the standard Poisson brackets
µ ˙ ′µ ′ ˙ dσ − X Xµ + X Xµ .
{X µ (τ, σ), Πν (τ, σ ′ )} = η µν δ(σ − σ ′ ), {X µ (τ, σ), X ν (τ, σ ′)} = 0 = {Πµ (τ, σ), Πν (τ, σ ′ )}
lead to the following Poisson brackets for xµ , pµ , aµn and aµ∗ n {xµ , pν } = η µν ,
i µν {aµm , aν∗ n } = − δmn η ¯h 4
with the remaining independent Poisson brackets being zero. From Eqs. (2.12) and (2.13) we get 1 x = π µ
dσ X (0, σ)
p =
dσ Πµ (τ, σ).
Thus xµ and pµ are the the center-of-mass position at τ = 0 and momentum of the string. Consequently M 2 = −pµ pµ
is the square mass of the string. In string theory it is convenient to use instead of aµn and aµ∗ n the following objects √ α eµn = −i ¯hn aµ−n ,
√ hn aµn , αµn = −i ¯ √ αµ−n = αµ∗ = i ¯hn aµ∗ n n ,
√ α eµ−n = α eµ∗ = i ¯hn aµ∗ n −n
for n > 0. Substituting Eq. (2.19) into Eqs. (2.12), (2.13) and (2.16) one has 1 µ i X1 µ µ X (τ, σ) = x + αn exp − 2in(τ − σ) + α en exp − 2in(τ + σ) , p τ+ √ πT n 2 πT µ
1 Π (τ, σ) = pµ + π µ
T X µ µ αn exp − 2in(τ − σ) + α en exp − 2in(τ + σ) (2.21) π n6=0
{xµ , pν } = η µν , {αµm , ανn } = −imδm+n,0 η µν ,
{e αµm , α eνn } = −imδm+n,0 η µν
for all m, n 6= 0. 5
We now consider the so called light-cone gauge in which the constraint equations (2.8) can be easily solved and then eliminated. This gauge will be crucial for the deformation quantization of the bosonic string. First, introduce the light-cone (null) coordinates 1 X ± := √ (X 0 ± X D−1 ), 2
and the remaining coordinates X j , j = 1, . . . , D −2 are left as before. As X + (τ, σ) satisfies the wave equation (2.7) one can choose the coordinate τ in such a manner that X + (τ, σ) =
1 + p τ πT
and (2.6) still holds true. In this gauge the constraint equations (2.8) are equivalent to the following equations
(X˙ µ − X ′µ )(X˙ µ − Xµ′ ) = 0 ⇐⇒
D−2 X
(X˙ µ + X ′µ )(X˙ µ + Xµ′ ) = 0 ⇐⇒
D−2 X
2p+ ˙ − (X˙ j − X ′j )2 − (X − X ′− ) = 0, πT j=1
2p+ ˙ − (X˙ j + X ′j )2 − (X + X ′− ) = 0. πT j=1
Expressing X − (τ, σ) in the form i X1 1 − − − αn exp −2in(τ −σ) + α en exp −2in(τ +σ) , p τ+ √ X (τ, σ) = x + πT n 2 πT −
and inserting (2.27) into (2.25) and (2.26) one can solve these constraint equations in the + j j sense that p− , α− e− ejn . Simple calculations give n and α n are defined by p , p , αn and α
α− m
D−2 ∞ πT X X j j = + αn αm−n p j=1 n=−∞
and 6
α e− m
D−2 ∞ πT X X j j α e α e , p+ j=1 n=−∞ n m−n
for all m ∈ Z and where we denote
1 α− e− p− 0 =α 0 := √ 2 πT
1 αj0 = α ej0 := √ pj . 2 πT
Thus the (independent) dynamical variables of the string are: x− , p+ , xj , pj , αjn and α ejn for n 6= 0 or, equivalently: x− , p+ , X j and Πj .
For the Poisson bracket for x− and p+ we have
{x− , p+ } = −1.
(Note the opposite sign in (2.31) in comparison with the usual one, {xj , pk } = δ jk ). The square mass M 2 given by (2.18) takes now the form
M 2 = 2p+ p− −
D−2 X
pj pj = 4πT
∞ X
j=1 n=−∞
= 4πT
D−2 X
D−2 XX
αjn αj−n
= 4πT
j=1 n6=0
αjn αj−n − 4πT
D−2 XX
j=1 n6=0
Then the Hamiltonian T H= 2
D−2 X
D−2 X
α ejn α ej−n .
Πj ( )2 + (X ′j )2 T
∞ X j j j j αn α−n + α en α e−n
j=1 n=−∞
D−2 X
∞ X
αjn αj−n
j=1 n=−∞
PD−2 j=1
(pj )2
D−2 ∞ XX
j=1 n=1
αjn αj−n
D−2 X
αj0 αj0
PD−2 j=1
(pj )2
+ 2¯ h
D−2 XX
j=1 n6=0
j |n|aj∗ n an =
p+ p− . πT
From Eqs. (2.28), (2.29) and (2.22) one gets − {α− m , αn }
√ 2 πT = −i + (m − n)α− m+n , p
√ 2 πT {e α− e− (m − n)e α− m, α n } = −i m+n + p
for all m, n 6= 0. Therefore {α− α− m ; for all m 6= 0} and {e m ; for all m 6= 0} constitute the Virasoro algebra without a central extension. Now analogously as in the case of classical fields [19,18] we introduce the oscillator variables Qjn and Pnj , n 6= 0, as follows Qjn (τ )
Pnj (τ ) where ajn (τ ) := ajn exp − 2i|n|τ .
¯ h j j∗ a (τ ) + an (τ ) 4|n| n
p j∗ j := i ¯h|n| an (τ ) − an (τ ) ,
By Eq. (2.16) one has
{Qjm (τ ), Pnk (τ )} = δ jk δmn , j {Qjm (τ ), Qkn (τ )} = 0 = {Pm (τ ), Pnk (τ )}.
From Eq. (2.36) we quickly find ajn (τ )
i |n| j j Qn (τ ) + P (τ ) . ¯h 2|n| n
Straightforward calculations show that Eqs. (2.12) and (2.13) give
ajn (τ )
1 = p 2 π¯h|n|
√ i j j dσ 2|n| T X (τ, σ) + √ Π (τ, σ) exp − 2inσ . T 8
Substituting Eq. (2.39) into Eq. (2.36) one gets
Qjn (τ )
Pnj (τ )
1 =√ π
1 = √ π
1 j √ Π (σ) sin(2nσ + 2|n|τ ) , T X (σ) cos(2nσ + 2|n|τ ) + 2|n| T j
√ 1 j j dσ − 2|n| T X (σ) sin(2nσ + 2|n|τ ) + √ Π (σ) cos(2nσ + 2|n|τ ) , T (2.40)
where X j (σ) ≡ X j (0, σ) and Πj (σ) ≡ Πj (0, σ). Inserting Eq. (2.38) into (2.12) and (2.13) we obtain 1 X 1 j 1 j j p τ+√ P sin(2nσ − 2|n|τ ) , X (τ, σ) = x + Qn cos(2nσ − 2|n|τ ) − πT 2|n| n πT n6=0 j
1 Π (τ, σ) = pj + π j
T X j j 2|n|Qn sin(2nσ − 2|n|τ ) + Pn cos(2nσ − 2|n|τ ) , π
where Qjn ≡ Qjn (0) and Pnj ≡ Pnj (0). Observe also that from Eq. (2.36) one quickly finds that Qjn (τ ) = Qjn cos(2|n|τ ) +
1 j P sin(2|n|τ ), 2|n| n
Pnj (τ ) = −2|n|Qjn sin(2|n|τ ) + Pnj cos(2|n|τ ).
Finally, Eqs. (2.32) and (2.34) with (2.38) give
M = 4πT
D−2 X X
(Pnj )2
j=1 n6=0
+ 4n
(Qjn )2
PD−2 j=1
(pj )2
D−2 1 XX j 2 2 j 2 (Pn ) + 4n (Qn ) . + 2 j=1 n6=0
We arrive at the conclusion that one can use the (independent) dynamical variables (x− , p+ , xj , pj , Qjn , Pnj ) and these variables are canonically related to the variables (x− , p+ , X j , Πj ). [Straightforward calculations give
{X (τ, σ), Π (τ, σ )}(x,p,Q,P ) := X
D−2 X l=1
∂X j (τ, σ) ∂Πk (τ, σ ′ ) ∂X j (τ, σ) ∂Πk (τ, σ ′ ) + − ∂xl ∂pl ∂pl ∂xl
∂X j (τ, σ) ∂Πk (τ, σ ′) ∂X j (τ, σ) ∂Πk (τ, σ ′ ) − ∂Qln ∂Pnl ∂Pnl ∂Qln
1 1 jk ′ jk δ(σ − σ ) − = δ jk δ(σ − σ ′ ), = δ +δ π π
{X j (τ, σ), X k(τ, σ ′ )}(x,p,Q,P ) = 0 = {Πj (τ, σ), Πk (τ, σ ′ )}(x,p,Q,P ).]
2.2. Open Strings In this case the general solution of Eqs. (2.7) satisfying the boundary conditions (2.10) can be represented by the series ∞ 1 µ 1 X X (τ, σ) = x + p τ+√ πT πT n=1 µ
= xµ +
r ¯h µ µ∗ a exp − inτ + an exp inτ cos(nσ) n n
i X1 µ 1 µ p τ+√ αn exp − inτ cos(nσ). πT πT n6=0 n
Note that the boundary condition (2.10) at σ = 0 yields aµn = aµ−n for all n 6= 0. Here
αµn are defined as before by (2.19) and α eµn do not appear as independent variables because
aµn = aµ−n . Then
r ∞ T X√ 1 µ µ∗ µ µ µ ˙ ¯hn an exp inτ − an exp − inτ cos(nσ) Π (τ, σ) = T X = p + i π π n=1 10
1 = pµ + π
T X µ αn exp − inτ cos(nσ). π
In the light-cone gauge we have X+ =
X − = x− +
1 + p τ πT
i X1 µ 1 − p τ+√ αn exp − inτ cos(nσ). πT πT n6=0 n
Then the solution of the constraint equations (2.8) or, equivalently, (2.25) and (2.26) reads √
D−2 ∞ πT X X j j αn αm−n = 2p+ n=−∞
α− m
for all m ∈ Z, where now α− 0 := √
1 − p πT
1 αj0 := √ pj . πT
(Compare with Eq. (2.30).) The square mass M 2 is
M = −p pµ = 2p p− −
D−2 X
j j
p p = πT
D−2 XX
αjn αj−n
j=1 n6=0
and the Hamiltonian (2.33) reads D−2 ∞ 1 X X j j α α H= 2 j=1 n=−∞ n −n
PD−2 j=1
(pj )2
D−2 ∞ XX
najn aj∗ n .
πT (m − n)α− m+n p+
+h ¯
j=1 n=1
− For the Poisson brackets {α− m , αn } one gets − {α− m , αn }
= −i
for all m, n 6= 0. (Compare with (2.35)).
Analogously as before we introduce new variables Qjn and Pnj , n = 1, . . . , ∞ Qjn (τ )
¯ h i j j j∗ j a (τ ) + an (τ ) = √ αn (τ ) − α−n (τ ) 2n n n 2
¯ n j∗ h 1 j j j an (τ ) − an (τ ) = √ αn (τ ) + α−n (τ ) , (2.54) := i 2 2 where ajn (τ ) := ajn exp −inτ , n ∈ Z+ . Qjn (τ ) and Pnj (τ ) fulfill the Poisson bracket formulas Pnj (τ )
(2.37). Then
ajn (τ )
n i j j Qn (τ ) + Pn (τ ) , 2¯ h n
n ∈ Z+ .
Inserting Eq. (2.55) into Eqs. (2.46) and (2.47) one gets
1 j X (τ, σ) = x + p τ+ πT j
1 Π (τ, σ) = pj + π j
∞ 2 X 1 j j Qn cos(nτ ) + Pn sin(nτ ) cos(nσ), πT n=1 n
∞ 2T X j j − nQn sin(nτ ) + Pn cos(nτ ) cos(nσ), π n=1
where, as before, Qjn ≡ Qjn (0) and Pnj ≡ Pnj (0). From Eqs. (2.46) and (2.47) we find 1 = √ π¯hn
ajn (τ )
√ i j j dσ n T X (τ, σ) + √ Π (τ, σ) cos(nσ). T
Substituting Eq. (2.57) into (2.54) one quickly obtains
Qjn (τ )
Pnj (τ )
2 π
r Z
2 π
dσ 0
1 j T X (σ) cos(nτ ) + √ Π (σ) sin(nτ ) cos(nσ), n T j
√ 1 j j − n T X (σ) sin(nτ ) + √ Π (σ) cos(nτ ) cos(nσ). T 12
From Eq. (2.58) we have Qjn (τ ) = Qjn cos(nτ ) +
1 j P sin(nτ ), n n
Pnj (τ ) = −nQjn sin(nτ ) + Pnj cos(nτ ),
(compare with Eq. (2.42)). Finally, for M 2 and H one gets
M = πT
D−2 ∞ XX
(Pnj )2
(Qjn )2
j=1 n=1
PD−2 j=1
(pj )2
D−2 ∞ 1 XX j 2 2 j 2 (Pn ) + n (Qn ) . + 2 j=1 n=1
As before we can use the (independent) dynamical variables (x− , p+ , xj , pj , Qjn , Pnj ) and they are canonically related to (x− , p+ , X j , Πj ). Observe that in the present case n ∈ Z+ .
3. Deformation Quantization of the Bosonic String In this section we are going to use the well known machinery of deformation quantization [20-31] to the case of bosonic strings.
3.1. Closed Strings According to results of subsection 2.1 the phase space Z of a closed string can be
understood as the Cartesian product Z = R2 × R2(D−2) × R2∞ endowed with the following symplectic form
ω = dp− ∧ dx +
D−2 X j=1
dpj ∧ dx + 13
dPjn ∧
where p− = −p+ , pj = pj and Pjn = Pnj .
Equivalently, one can consider Z to be Z = R2 × Γ where Γ is the set Γ = { X j (σ), Πj (σ) j=1,...,D−2 } with X j (σ) and Πj (σ) = Πj (σ) being arbitrary real func-
tions of σ ∈ [0, π] satisfying the boundary conditions: X j (0) = X j (π) and Πj (0) = Πj (π). The symplectic form has now the functional form
ω = dp− ∧ dx +
D−2 XZ π 0
dσ δΠj (σ) ∧ δX j (σ).
ˆ j and Π ˆ j be the field operators Let x ˆ− , pˆ+ = −ˆ p− , X x ˆ− |x− i = x− |x− i,
pˆ+ |p+ i = p+ |p+ i,
ˆ j (σ)|X j i = X j (σ)|X j i, X
ˆ j (σ)|Πj i = Πj (σ)|Πj i, Π
ˆ j (σ), Π ˆ k (σ ′ )] = i¯hδ jk δ(σ − σ ′ ), [X
[ˆ x− , pˆ+ ] = −i¯h.
|x , Xi := |x i ⊗
DX =
D−2 O j=1
|X i , j
dX 1 (σ) . . . dX D−2 (σ)
|p , Πi := |p i ⊗
DΠ =
D−2 O j=1
|Π i , j
dΠ1 (σ) . . . dΠD−2 (σ).
Then we fix the normalization as follows
dx DX|x , Xihx , X| = ˆ1 −
p+ Π + D( |p , Πihp+ , Π| = ˆ1. 2π¯h 2π¯h
Let F = F [x− , X, p+ , Π] be a functional on the phase space Z. Then according to the
Weyl rule we assign the following operator Fˆ corresponding to F 14
Fˆ = W (F ) =
dx− dp+ Π ˆ − , X, p+, Π], DXD( )F [x− , X, p+, Π]Ω[x 2π¯h 2π¯h
ˆ − , X, p+ , Π] is the Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer (SW) where Ω[x
ˆ − , X, p+ , Π] = Ω[x
Z π i − + dσ ξ(σ) · Π(σ) −ξ p + dξ Dξexp − ¯h 0 −
|x− −
ξ ξ ξ− ξ− , X − ihX + , x− + | 2 2 2 2
Z π η+ η+ η i η η η+ − + −x η + dση(σ)·X(σ) |p+ + , Π+ ihΠ− , p+ − | = d( )D( )exp − 2π¯h 2π¯h ¯h 2 2 2 2 0 (3.7) PD−2 PD−2 with the obvious notation ξ(σ)·Π(σ) ≡ j=1 ξ j (σ)Πj (σ) and η(σ)·X(σ) ≡ j=1 η j (σ)X j (σ). Z
The SW quantizer has the properties
† − + ˆ ˆ − , X, p+, Π], Ω[x , X, p , Π] = Ω[x
− + ˆ T r Ω[x , X, p , Π] = 1,
+ p+ − ′ p Π − ′Π − − + ′ − ′ ′ + ′ ˆ ˆ T r Ω[x , X, p , Π]Ω[ x , X, p , Π] = δ(x− − ′ x )δ( )δ[X − ′ X]δ[ ]. 2π¯h 2π¯h (3.10) ˆ − , X, p+ , Π] and taking the trace one has Multiplying Eq. (3.6) by Ω[x
− + − + ˆ ˆ ˆ (F ) = F [x , X, p , Π] = T r Ω[x , X, p , Π]F .
This enables us to solve the following problem. Let F1 = F1 [x− , X, p+ , Π] and F2 = F2 [x− , X, p+, Π] be functionals defined on the phase space Z and let Fˆ1 = W (F1 ) and Fˆ2 = W (F2 ) be their corresponding operators. The problem is what a functional on Z 15
corresponds to the product Fˆ1 Fˆ2 . This functional is denoted by F1 ∗ F2 and it is called the Moyal ∗-product of F1 and F2 . By Eq. (3.11) one gets
F1 ∗ F2 [x , X, p , Π] := W
− + ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ (F1 F2 ) = T r Ω[x , X, p , Π]F1 F2 .
Substituting Eq. (3.6) into (3.12), using then (3.7) and perfoming straightforward but tedious manipulations (see for example [30]) we finally obtain i¯h ↔ P F2 [x− , X, p+ , Π], F1 ∗ F2 [x , X, p , Π] = F1 [x , X, p , Π]exp 2
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ − + − ∂p ∂x ∂x− ∂p+
D−2 XZ π j=1
→ ← δ δ δ . (3.13) − δX j (σ) δΠj (σ) δΠj (σ) δX j (σ) ←
Now it is an easy matter to define the Wigner functional. Assume ρˆ to be the density operator of the quantum state of a bosonic string. Then according to the general formula (3.11) the functional ρ[x− , X, p+ , Π] corresponding to ρˆ reads (use also (3.7)) −
ρ[x , X, p , Π] = W
− + ˆ (ˆ ρ) = T r Ω[x , X, p , Π]ˆ ρ
Z π ξ ξ− ξ− ξ i − + −ξ p + dσ ξ(σ) · Π(σ) hX + , x− + |ˆ ρ|x− − , X − i. dξ Dξexp − ¯h 2 2 2 2 0 (3.14) −
Then the Wigner functional ρW [x− , X, p+, Π] is defined by a simple modification of Eq. (3.14). Namely,
ρW [x , X, p , Π] :=
Z π ξ i ξ− − + dσ ξ(σ) · Π(σ) −ξ p + )D( )exp − d( 2π¯h 2π¯h ¯h 0 ξ ξ− ξ− ξ hX + , x− + |ˆ ρ|x− − , X − i. 2 2 2 2 16
In particular for the pure state ρˆ = |ΨihΨ| we get
ρW [x , X, p , Π] =
Z π ξ− ξ i − + d( −ξ p + dσ ξ(σ) · Π(σ) )D( )exp − 2π¯h 2π¯h ¯h 0
Ψ∗ [x− −
ξ ξ− ξ ξ− , X − ]Ψ[x− + , X + ], 2 2 2 2
where Ψ[x− , X] stands for |Ψi in the Sch¨odinger representation.
As it will be clear very soon some calculations simplify when the variables (x− , p+ , xj , pj ,
Qjn , Pnj ) are used. In terms of these variables one has (in the obvious notation) i ξ− ξ ξ ξ− − + ˆ Ω(x , Q, p , P ) = dξ dξ exp − −ξ p +ξ · P |x− − , Q − ihQ + , x− + | ¯h 2 2 2 2 Z η+ η i η η η+ η+ − + −x η +η·Q |p+ + )d( ) exp − , P + ihP − , p+ − |, (3.17) = d( 2π¯h 2π¯h ¯h 2 2 2 2 D−2 1 Q Q PD−2 P∞ ηn ηn η j j where dξ ≡ n∈Z dξn1 . . . dξnD−2 , d( 2π¯ ) ≡ ) . . . d( ), ξ·P ≡ d( j=1 n=−∞ ξn Pn , h 2π¯ h 2π¯ h n∈Z PD−2 P∞ j j j j j j η · Q ≡ j=1 n=−∞ ηn Qn , P0 ≡ p and Q0 ≡ x . −
i¯h ↔ F1 ∗ F2 (x , Q, p , P ) = F1 (x , Q, p , P )exp P F2 (x− , Q, p+ , P ), 2
∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ − + − − ∂p ∂x ∂x ∂p+
D−2 X
∞ ← X ∂
j=1 n=−∞
∂Qjn ∂Pnj
∂Pnj ∂Qjn
j We can also express the Moyal ∗-product in terms of ajn and aj∗ ejn : n or αn and α
i¯h ↔ P ∗ = exp 2
← → → ← ← → ← → D−2 X ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ i¯h + − − j j = exp + − − + j j 2 ∂p ∂x ∂x ∂p ∂x ∂p ∂p ∂x j=1
← → D−2 ← → 1 XX ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ exp − j∗ j j j∗ 2 j=1 ∂an ∂an ∂an ∂an n6=0 ← → → ← D−2 ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ¯h X X n + . = . . . exp j j j j 2 j=1 ∂α ∂α ∂ α e ∂ α e n n −n −n n6=0
Finally, for the Wigner function one obtains −
ρW (x , Q, p , P ) =
ξ− ξ i − + d( −ξ p +ξ·P )d( )exp − 2π¯h 2π¯h ¯h
ξ− ξ− ξ ξ |ˆ ρ|x− − ,Q− i hQ + , x− + 2 2 2 2
and in the case of the pure state ρˆ = |ΨihΨ| −
ρW (x , Q, p , P ) =
Ψ∗ (x− −
ξ i ξ− − + −ξ p +ξ·P )d( )exp − d( 2π¯h 2π¯h ¯h ξ ξ− ξ ξ− , Q − )Ψ(x− + , Q + ). 2 2 2 2
Given ρW one can use Eq. (3.6) to find the coresponding density operator ρˆ
ρˆ =
ˆ − , Q, p+ , P ). dx− dp+ dQdP ρW (x− , Q, p+ , P )Ω(x
Consequently, the average value hFˆ i reads
ˆ T r ρ ˆ F hFˆ i = T r ρˆ
ˆ − , Q, p+ , P )Fˆ dx− dp+ dQdP ρW (x− , Q, p+ , P )T r Ω(x R dx− dp+ dQdP ρW (x− , Q, p+ , P )
dx− dp+ dQdP ρW (x− , Q, p+ , P )W −1 Fˆ (x− , Q, p+ , P ) R . dx− dp+ dQdP ρW (x− , Q, p+, P )
Assume that ρˆ = |ΨihΨ|. Substituting this ρˆ into Eq. (3.22), multiplying from the
e x e and employing Eq. (3.17) one gets left by hQ, e− | and from the right by |e x− , Qi 18
e 2= |Ψ(e x , Q)| −
e p+ , P ). dp+ dP ρW (e x− , Q,
e 6= 0. Then inserting ρˆ = |ΨihΨ| into (3.22), multiplying from the Suppose that Ψ(e x− , Q) e using Eqs. (3.17) and (3.24) we easily find left by hQ, x− | and from the right by |e x− , Qi,
the wave function Ψ(x− , Q) in terms of the corresponding Wigner function ρW Ψ(x , Q) = exp iϕ −
− e e x− Q+Q dP ρW [ x + , 2 , p+ , P ] 2
exp −
i h ¯
e ·P − (x − x e )p + (Q − Q) −
e p+ , P ) dp+ dP ρW (e x− , Q,
where ϕ is an arbitrary real constant.
Of course in terms of X j (σ) and Πj (σ) one has Ψ[x , X] = exp iϕ −
dp DΠ
− e x− X+X ρW [ x + , 2 e , p+ , Π]exp 2
where X(σ) · Π(σ) ≡
PD−2 j=1
i h ¯
− (x − x e )p +
e p+ , Π] dp+ DΠρW [e x− , X,
e dσ (X(σ) − X(σ)) · Π(σ) (3.26)
X j (σ)Πj (σ).
The natural question is: when a real function ρW (x− , Q, p+, P ) repesents some quan-
tum state, i.e. it can be considered to be a Wigner function. The necessary and sufficient condition reads Z
∗ dx dp dQdP ρW (x , Q, p , P ) f ∗ f (x− , Q, p+, P ) ≥ 0 −
for any f ∈ C ∞ (Z)[[¯ h]], and Z
dx− dp+ dQdP ρW (x− , Q, p+ , P ) > 0.
(See [28,31]). 19
3.2. Example: The Ground State The Wigner function ρW 0 of the ground state is defined by ajn ∗ ρW 0 = 0,
pj ∗ ρW 0 = 0
p+ ∗ ρW 0 = 0,
and p+ ρW 0 = 0,
for j = 1, . . . , D − 2 and n 6= 0. Employing Eq. (3.19) we have ajn ρW 0 +
1 ∂ρW 0 = 0, 2 ∂aj∗ n
pj ρW 0 = 0,
for j = 1, . . . , D − 2 and n 6= 0. The general real solution of Eq. (3.30) satisfying also Eqs. (3.27) and (3.28) reads
ρW 0
D−2 XX j j∗ = Cexp − 2 an an δ(p1 ) . . . δ(pD−2 )δ(p+ ),
j=1 n6=0
where C > 0. Consequently, in terms of Qjn and Pnj one gets
ρW 0
D−2 1 XX 1 j 2 2 j 2 δ(p1 ) . . . δ(pD−2 )δ(p+ ). (Pn ) + 4n (Qn ) = Cexp − 2¯ h j=1 |n|
Observe that ρW 0 is defined by Eqs. (3.29), (3.27) and (3.28) uniquely up to an arbitrary real constant factor C > 0. This fact can be interpreted in deformation quantization formalism as the uniqueness of the vacuum state. Then any higher state can be obtained as an appropriate product of the form
1 a∗i n1
s . . . a∗i ns
δ(p −
D−2 1 XX 1 j 2 2 j 2 ∗ Cexp − (Pn ) + 4n (Qn ) 2¯ h |n|
p10 ) . . . δ(pD−2
j=1 n6=0
p0D−2 )δ(p+
(compare with [18]).
p+ 0)
∗ ainss . . . ain11 ,
An interesting question is when a real function ρW (x− , Q, p+, P ) satisfying Eqs. (3.27) and (3.28) is the Wigner function of a pure state. The answer to this question in the case 20
of a system of particles can be found in a beautiful paper by Tataskii [26]. In our case the solution is quite similar. To this end denote
e := γ(x , Q, x e , Q) −
e i x− + x e− Q + Q − − + + e . −(x −e x )p +(Q−Q)P , , p , P )exp dp dP ρW ( 2 2 ¯h (3.34) +
From Eq. (3.25) it follows that if ρW is the Wigner function of the pure state |ΨihΨ| then
e e ∂ 2 ln γ(x− , Q, x e− , Q) ∂ 2 ln γ(x− , Q, x e−, Q) = e jn ∂x− ∂e x− ∂x− ∂ Q
e ∂ 2 ln γ(x− , Q, x e−, Q) ∂Qjn ∂e x−
e ∂ 2 ln γ(x− , Q, x e− , Q) =0 ek ∂Qjm ∂ Q
for every j, k = 1, . . . , D − 2 and m, n ∈ Z (we put xi ≡ Qj0 , pj ≡ P0j ).
Conversely, let γ satisfies Eq. (3.35). The general solution of (3.35) reads e = Ψ1 (x− , Q)Ψ2 (e e γ(x− , Q, x e− , Q) x− , Q).
e = γ(e e x− , Q). γ ∗ (x− , Q, x e− , Q) x− , Q,
− e e = AΨ1 (x− , Q)Ψ∗ (e γ(x− , Q, x e− , Q) 1 x , Q),
e = Ψ(x− , Q)Ψ∗ (e e γ(x− , Q, x e− , Q) x− , Q).
As the function ρW is assumed to be real we get from Eq. (3.34)
Consequently, Eq. (3.36) has the form
where, by the assumption (3.28), A is a positive real constant. Finally, defining Ψ := √ AΨ1 (x− , Q) one obtains
− − e 7→ Q − ξ− , multiplying both Substituting x− 7→ x− + ξ2 , Q 7→ Q + ξ2 , x e− 7→ x− − ξ2 , Q 2 i ξ− ξ − + )d( 2π¯ ) we get sides by exp − h¯ (−ξ p + ξ · P ) and integrating with respect to d( 2π¯ h h
exactly the relation (3.21). This means that our function ρW is the Wigner function of the pure state Ψ(x− , Q). Thus we arrive at the following 21
Theorem 2.1 A real function ρW (x− , Q, p+, P ) satisfying also the conditions (3.27) and (3.28) is the e defined by Wigner function of some pure state if and only if the function γ(x− , Q, x e, Q) (3.34) satisfies Eqs. (3.35)
In terms of (x− , X, p+, Π) variables the conditions (3.35) read
e e ∂ δ ln γ[x− , X, x e− , X] ∂ 2 ln γ[x− , X, x e− , X] = e ∂x− ∂e x− ∂x− δX
e e δ 2 ln γ[x− , X, x e−, X] e− , X] ∂ δ ln γ[x− , X, x = 0. = e ∂e x− δX δXδ X
3.3. Open Strings This is a simple matter to carry over the results of the preceding subsection to the case of open string. The thing we must take in care is that the subindice n standing at Qjn , Pnj , ajn and a∗j n takes the values n = 1, . . . , ∞. (We let also n be zero in the formulas where Qj0 ≡ xj , P0j ≡ pj ). Moreover, we should remember that now the oscillator frequencies
ωn = n ∈ Z+ , and not 2|n|, as before, and also that α en , α e−n don’t appear. Thus in the present case one gets
i¯h ↔ ∗ = exp P 2 ← → ← → ← → ← → D−2 X ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ i¯h − + − = exp 2 ∂p+ ∂x− ∂x− ∂p+ ∂xj ∂pj ∂pj ∂xj j=1 → ← → D−2 ∞ ← 1 XX ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ exp − ∗j j j ∗j 2 j=1 n=1 ∂an ∂an ∂an ∂an ← → D−2 ∂ ∂ ¯h X X n j . = . . . exp 2 j=1 ∂αn ∂αj−n n6=0
Then the Wigner function of the ground state reads now 22
ρW 0
D−2 ∞ XX j ∗j = Cexp − 2 an an δ(p1 ) . . . δ(pD−2 )δ(p+ ) j=1 n=1
D−2 ∞ 1 XX1 j 2 2 j 2 δ(p1 ) . . . δ(pD−2 )δ(p+ ), (Pn ) + n (Qn ) = Cexp − ¯h j=1 n=1 n
with C > 0. (Compare with [18] Eq. (3.21)).
4. Hamiltonian, Square Mass, Normal Ordering and Virasoro Algebra To proceed further with deformation quantization of bosonic string we must take into account that not only the Weyl ordering but also the normal ordering should be implemented into this quantization. To this end we first consider the Casimir effect in string theory. Consider the real scalar field Φ(τ, σ) on the cylindrical space time R × S1 .
The circunference of S1 is L. The standard expansion of Φ(τ, σ) satisfying the boundary conditions Φ(τ, σ) = Φ(τ, σ + nL) for all n ∈ Z reads (compare with Eq. (2.12)) 1 1 X Φ(τ, σ) = x+ pτ + √ L L
where ωn =
2π|n| L .
¯ h 2πn 2πn ∗ an exp i( σ−ωn τ ) +an exp −i( σ−ωn τ ) , 2ωn L L
˙ The conjugate momentum Π(τ, σ) = Φ(τ, σ). Employing the deformation
quantization formalism one can show [18] that the expected value of the energy density hT00 i(L) of the ground state is (the Casimir effect) hT00 i(L) = −
π¯h . 6L2
(In terms of the usual quantum field theory see [32-34].) Consequently, for the total energy E0 (L) of the ground state one gets
E0 (L) = L · hT00 i(L) = − 23
π¯h . 6L
Consider now the real scalar field Φ(τ, σ) on R×[0, L] but with the boundary conditions ∂Φ(τ,0) ∂σ
∂Φ(τ,L) ∂σ
for all τ ∈ R. It is a simple matter to show that now the expansion
of Φ(τ, σ) takes the following form
1 1 X Φ(τ, σ) = x+ pτ + √ L 2L
where ωn =
π|n| L
πn πn ¯ h ∗ an exp i( σ −ωn τ ) +an exp −i( σ −ωn τ ) , 2ωn L L
and an = a−n . Comparing (4.1) with (4.4) one quickly arrives at the
conclusion that the oscillating part in (4.4) is mutatis mutandi the same as in (4.1) if in (4.1) L is changed to 2L. Hence it follows that in the present case the Casimir effect can be obtained from (4.2) by inserting 2L instead of L. Thus we have now
hT00 i(L) = −
π¯h 24L2
and for the total energy of the ground state
E0 (L) = L · hT00 i(L) = −
π¯h . 24L
We use the above results to the deformation quantization of bosonic strings.
4.1. Closed Strings In this case one can consider X j (τ, σ), j = 1, . . . , D − 2, to be D − 2 real scalar
massless fields on the cylindrical worldsheet R × S1 with L = π. Therefore, by Eq. (4.3), the vacuum energy E0 reads now
E0 = −
¯h(D − 2) =: −4a. 6
ˆ ′H To obtain this E0 from the eigenvalue equation we put N D−2 XX 1 ∂2 N := exp (− + γn ) j ∗j 2 ∂an ∂an j=1 ˆ′
D−2 ∞ XX ∂2 ∂2 1 1 = exp ¯h n (− + γn ) j j + (− + γ−n ) j j 2 2 ∂αn ∂α−n ∂α en ∂ α e−n j=1 n=1
instead of the Hamiltonian H given by Eq. (2.34). Then Nˆ ′ H ∗ ρW 0 = −4aρW 0
if X
|n|γn = −
D−2 . 12
From the previous work [18] we know that the Weyl image of Nˆ ′ H reads ˆ ′ H) = : W (H) : −4a, W (N
where : W (H) : is the normal ordered operator W (H) and it can be written as follows : W (H) : = W (Nˆ H)
D−2 D−2 ∞ 2 2 2 XX XX ∂ ∂ h ¯ ∂ 1 + . n = exp − Nˆ := exp − j ∗j j j j j 2 j=1 2 j=1 n=1 ∂a ∂a ∂α ∂α ∂ α e ∂ α e n n n n −n −n n6=0 (4.12) Analogously for the square mass given by Eq. (2.32) we get Nˆ ′ M 2 ∗ ρW 0 = −8πT aρW 0 .
ˆ ′ M 2 ) = W (N ˆ M 2 ) − 8πT a =: W (M 2 ) : −8πT a. W (N
One quickly finds that
Given the normal ordering operator Nˆ and the generalized normal ordering operator
Nˆ ′ one can define new star products which are cohomologically equivalent to the Moyal 25
∗-product (see Eqs. (3.13) or (3.18)). These star products will be denoted by ∗N and ∗N ′ respectively and they are given by
F1 ∗N
F1 ∗N ′
−1 ˆ ˆ ˆ N F1 ∗ N F2 F2 = N
′ ′ ′−1 ˆ ˆ ˆ N F1 ∗ N F2 . F2 = N
Consequently the eigenvalue equations for the Hamiltonian or the square mass read (compare with Eq. (4.9) or (4.13)) ′
H ∗N ′ ρ N = EρN =⇒ H ∗N ′ ρN = −4aρN W W W0 W0 ′
= −8πT aρN =⇒ M 2 ∗N ′ ρN = µ2 ρN M 2 ∗N ′ ρ N W0 W0 W W
′ ˆ −1 ρ . := N where ρN W W
It is an easy matter to show that
α−n ∗N αn = α−n αn ,
αn ∗N α−n = αn α−n + h ¯n
α e−n ∗N α en = α e−n α en ,
α e n ∗N α e−n = α en α e−n + h ¯n
for all n ∈ Z+ . All other products are the usual products. Taking into account Eq. (4.17) one gets
− (N ) {α− m , αn }
√ 2 πT ˆ α− − i¯h 4πT D − 2 m(m2 − 1)δm+n,0 = −i + (m − n)N m+n p (p+ )2 12
√ 4πT D − 2 2 πT ˆα e− h + 2 m(m2 − 1)δm+n,0 , (4.18) = −i + (m − n)N m+n − i¯ p (p ) 12 1 − − − − − (N ) where {α− := i¯ m , αn } h αm ∗N αn − αn ∗N αm etc. Thus we arrive at the Virasoro (N ) {e α− e− m, α n}
algebra with a central extension.
Remark: Calculations in Eq. (4.18) are rather formal. To perform them one must always
put αn on the right to α−m m, n ∈ Z+ , m 6= n, and the same for α en and α e−m . See the analogous calculations in terms of operator language [4]. 4.2. Open Strings Here we can find the energy of the vacuum state E0 by substituting L = π into (4.6) and taking into account that we deal with D − 2 scalar fields. Hence E0 = −
¯h(D − 2) = −a. 24
ˆ and the generalized normal ordering operator N ˆ′ Now the normal ordering operator N read D−2 ∞ D−2 ∞ ∂2 1 XX ∂2 ¯h X X ˆ N = exp − n j j , = exp − j ∗j 2 2 n=1 ∂an ∂an n=1 ∂αn ∂α−n j=1
D−2 D−2 ∞ ∞ XX XX 1 1 ∂2 ∂2 ′ ˆ N == exp (− +βn ) j ∗j = exp ¯h n (− +βn ) j j 2 2 ∂an ∂an ∂αn ∂α−n j=1 n=1 j=1 n=1
where ∞ X
nβn = −
D−2 . 24
Then ′
= −aρN =⇒ H ∗N ′ ρN = EρN H ∗N ′ ρ N W0 W0 W W ′
M 2 ∗N ′ ρ N = µ2 ρN =⇒ M 2 ∗N ′ ρN = −2πT aρN . W W W0 W0 Thus, as before, the ground state is the tachyonic one. Finally, the Virasoro algebra with a central extension reads now 27
− (N ) {α− m , αn }
= −i
πT ˆ α− − i¯h πT D − 2 m(m2 − 1)δm+n,0 . (m − n) N m+n p+ (p+ )2 12
Some Simple Example: The Wightman Functions Here we are going to present a simple example of calculations within the deformation
quantization formalism. Namely, we find the Wightman (Green) functions hX j (τ, σ) ∗ X k (τ ′ , σ ′ )i. By the definition (see(3.23))
hX j (τ, σ) ∗ X k (τ ′ , σ ′ )i =
dx− dp+ dQdP ρW 0 (x− , Q, p+, P )X j (τ, σ) ∗ X k (τ ′ , σ ′ ) R . (5.1) dx− dp+ dQdP ρW 0 (x− , Q, p+ , P )
where ρW 0 is given by Eq. (3.32) (closed string) or Eq. (3.42) (open string) and X j (τ, σ) is given by Eq. (2.41) (closed string) or by Eq. (2.56) (open string).
5.1. Closed Strings Employing Eqs. (2.42) and (3.18) and perfoming simple integrations (Gaussian integrals) one gets hQjm (τ )
Qkn (τ ′ )i
¯ h ′ = δjk δmn exp − 2i|m|(τ − τ ) , 4|m|
m, n 6= 0.
Hence, differentiating (5.2) with respect to τ or/and τ ′ we obtain
hQjm (τ )
Pnk (τ ′ )i
j hPm (τ )
i¯h ′ j (τ ) ∗ Qkn (τ ′ )i = δjk δmn exp − 2i|m|(τ − τ ) = −hPm 2
Pnk (τ ′ )i
′ = δjk δmn ¯h|m|exp − 2i|m|(τ − τ ) , 28
m, n 6= 0.
Then we have also
hxj ∗ pk i = δjk
hpj ∗ pk i = 0,
i¯h = −hpj ∗ xk i 2
hxj ∗ xk i = δjk h(xj )2 i.
Using Eqs. (5.2), (5.3) and (5.4) one easily finds ′ ′ exp 2i[n(σ − σ ) − |n|(τ − τ )] i¯h ¯h X j k ′ ′ j k ′ . hX (τ, σ)∗X (τ , σ )i = δjk hx x i+ (τ −τ )+ 2πT 4πT |n| n6=0
Performing the summations in Eq. (5.5) and removing the part independent of the coordinates (τ, σ, τ ′, σ ′ ) we have
hX (τ, σ)∗X (τ , σ )i ∼ δjk
′ ′ ¯ h ′ ′ ln | sin τ −σ −(τ −σ) |+ln | sin τ +σ −(τ +σ) | . − 4πT (5.6)
(Compare with [1,2,4,33]).
5.2. Open Strings For open strings we get ¯ h ′ ∗ = δjk δmn exp − i|m|(τ − τ ) , 2|m| i¯h ′ j j k ′ (τ ) ∗ Qkn (τ ′ )i, hQm (τ ) ∗ Pn (τ )i = δjk δmn exp − i|m|(τ − τ ) = −hPm 2 hQjm (τ )
j hPm (τ )
Qkn (τ ′ )i
Pnk (τ ′ )i
¯h|m| ′ = δjk δmn exp − i|m|(τ − τ ) , 2
Then 29
m, n 6= 0.
∞ ¯h X exp − in(τ − τ ′ ) cos(nσ) cos(nσ ′ ) i¯h ′ j k . (τ −τ )+ hX (τ, σ)∗X (τ , σ )i = δjk hx x i+ 2πT πT n=1 n (5.8) j
Performing the summations in Eq. (5.8) and removing the part independent of the coordinates we get
hX (τ, σ)∗X (τ , σ )i ∼ δjk
+ ln | sin
′ ′ ¯ h τ − σ ′ − (τ − σ) τ − σ ′ − (τ + σ) − ln | sin |+ln | sin | 4πT 2 2
′ τ + σ ′ − (τ + σ) τ ′ + σ ′ − (τ − σ) | + ln | sin | . 2 2
Final Remarks In this paper we have investigated bosonic string theory within the deformation quan-
tization formalism. As it is seen deformation quantization provides us with a tool which enables one to describe quantum bosonic string in terms of deformed Poisson-Lie algebra. The most intriguing problem is to obtain the similar result for the case of superstring theory. Some works on defomation quantization of supersymmetric field theory (see e.g. [35,36,37]) seem to be crucial in searching for a solution for the problem. Another interesting possibility is the extension of the matters considerd here, to the case of interacting strings and interacting superstrings. We are going to consider these problems in the near future.
Acknowledgements This paper was partially supported by CINVESTAV and CONACyT (M´exico) and by KBN (Poland). 30
One of us (M.P.) is indebted to the staff of Departmento de F´ısica at CINVESTAV (M´exico) for warm hospitality.
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