Deformation Quantization of Classical Fields

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arXiv:hep-th/9909206v3 11 Feb 2000 hep-th/9909206, CINVESTAV-FIS-99/59. Deformation Quantization of Classical Fields. H. Garcıa-Compeбn,a1 J.F. ...
arXiv:hep-th/9909206v3 11 Feb 2000

hep-th/9909206, CINVESTAV-FIS-99/59

Deformation Quantization of Classical Fields

H. Garc´ıa-Compe´ an,a1 J.F. Pleba´ nski,a2 M. Przanowskib,a3 and F.J. Turrubiatesa4 a

Departamento de F´ısica

Centro de Investigaci´ on y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN Apdo. Postal 14-740, 07000, M´exico D.F., M´exico b

Institute of Physics

Technical University of L´ od´z W´ olcza´ nska 219, 93-005, L´ od´z, Poland

We study the deformation quantization of scalar and abelian gauge classical free fields. Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer, star-products and Wigner functionals are obtained in field and oscillator variables. Abelian gauge theory is particularly intriguing since Wigner functional is factorized into a physical part and other one containing the constraints only. Some effects of non-trivial topology within deformation quantization formalism are also considered. Key words: Deformation quantization, Field theory September, 1999 1

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1. Introduction Recently a great deal of works have been done in deformation quantization theory. Deformation quantization was originally proposed by Bayen et al.1 as an alternative to the standard procedure of quantization avoiding the more difficult problem of constructing the relevant Hilbert space of the system. In these pioneer works it was proposed a way of quantizing a classical system by deforming the corresponding algebraic structures. Different mathematical aspects of deformation quantization were also further explored. Among them, the existence proofs of a star-product for any symplectic manifold2−4 and also for a Poisson manifold5 . The latter result has been motivated in part by string theory. A full treatment of the interplay between string theory and deformation quantization and, more generally, noncommutative geometry was given very recently by Seiberg and Witten6 . Deformation quantization was mainly applied to quantize classical mechanics. However, it seems to be very interesting to formulate quantum field theory within deformation quantization program. Recently some works on this subject have been done7−12 . Our paper is motivated by those works and we attempt to show systematically how all the deformation quantization formalism (Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer, Grossmann operator, Weyl correspondence, Moyal star-product, Wigner function, etc.) can be carry over to quantum field theory. To this end we use the well known particle interpretation of free fields. This approach in the case of scalar field was first considered by Dito7,8 In this interpretation many formulas seem to be more natural and in a sense the deformation quantization in terms of particle interpretation justifies the respective formulas of the previous works9−12 , given in field variable language. The paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we consider deformation quantization in scalar field theory. Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer, Grossmann operator, Moyal ∗-product and Wigner functional are defined in terms of the field variables. In Section 3, the same is given for free scalar fields with the use of normal coordinates. Wigner functional of the ground state is found and also Wigner functional for higher states is considered. Finally, the normal ordering within deformation quantization program is given. Section 4 is devoted to deformation quantization of free electromagnetic field. The constraints (Gauss’s law) are analyzed in some detail. Perhaps the most interesting result is that the Wigner functional 1

can be factorized so that one part contains only the transverse components of the field and the second part contains the longitudinal variables and this part vanishes when constraints are not satisfied. Finally, in Section 5 we consider the Casimir effect in terms of deformation quantization formalism. This paper is the first one of a series of papers which we are going to dedicate to deformation quantization of classical fields. The next one deals with interacting and selfinteracting fields.

2. Deformation Quantization in Scalar Field Theory Consider a real scalar field on Minkowski space time of signature (+, +, +, −). Canon-

ical variables of this field will be denoted by φ(x, t) and ̟(x, t) with (x, t) ∈ R3 × R. We deal with fields at the instant t = 0 and we put φ(x, 0) ≡ φ(x) and ̟(x, 0) ≡ ̟(x). It is worth to mention that some of the functional formulas and their manipulations of Sec.2 and 3, will be formal.

2.1. The Stratonovich-Weyl Quantizer Let F [φ, ̟] be a functional on the phase space Z and let Fe[λ, µ] be its Fourier trans-


Fe[λ, µ] =


   Z DφD̟exp − i dx λ(x)φ(x) + µ(x)̟(x) F [φ, ̟].

The functional measures are given by Dφ =



dφ(x), D̟ =


x d̟(x).


By analogy

to quantum mechanics13 we define the Weyl quantization rule as follows

Fˆ = W (F [φ, ̟]) :=



λ µ ˆ µ], )D( )Fe[λ, µ]U[λ, 2π 2π

ˆ µ] : (λ, µ) ∈ Z ∗ } is a family of unitary operators where {U[λ, 2


 Z   ˆ ˆ U[λ, µ] := exp i dx λ(x)φ(x) + µ(x)̟(x) ˆ ,


ˆ with φˆ and ̟ ˆ being the field operators given by φ(x)|φi = φ(x)|φi and ̟(x)|̟i ˆ = ̟(x)|̟i. Using the well known Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff formula and the standard commuˆ µ] in the following form tation rules for φˆ and ̟ ˆ one can write U[λ,   Z   Z   Z i¯h ˆ ˆ dxλ(x)µ(x) exp i dxµ(x)̟(x) ˆ exp i dxλ(x)φ(x) U[λ, µ] = exp − 2

 Z   Z   Z  i¯h ˆ = exp dxλ(x)µ(x) exp i dxλ(x)φ(x) exp i dxµ(x)̟(x) ˆ . 2 Employing Eqs. (2.4) and the relations easily get ˆ µ] = U[λ,


Dφ|φihφ| = ˆ1 and


̟ ˆ D( 2π¯ h )|̟ih̟| = 1 we

 Z  ̟ ¯λ h ¯λ h D( )exp i dxµ(x)̟(x) |̟ + ih̟ − | 2π¯h 2 2





 Z  ¯µ h ¯µ h ihφ + |. Dφexp i dxλ(x)φ(x) |φ − 2 2


This operator satisfies the following properties 

ˆ µ] T r U[λ,



 ¯hλ  δ[µ] 2π


¯ h (λ − λ′ )]δ[µ − µ′ ]. 2π


ˆ µ]|φi = δ Dφhφ|U[λ,



ˆ ,µ ] T r U [λ, µ]U[λ ′

= δ[

(Compare with Refs. 14 and 15). Substituing (2.1) into (2.2) one has Fˆ = W (F [φ, ̟]) =


DφD( 3

̟ ˆ ̟], )F [φ, ̟]Ω[φ, 2π¯h


ˆ is given by where Ω

ˆ ̟] = Ω[φ,


   Z ¯λ h ˆ µ]. D( )Dµexp − i dx λ(x)φ(x) + µ(x)̟(x) U[λ, 2π


ˆ defined by (2.9) is the quantum field analog of the well It is evident that the operator Ω known Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer playing an important role in deformation quantization ˆ the Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer. One of classical mechanics16−21 . Therefore we call our Ω ˆ can easily check the following properties of Ω ˆ ̟] Ω[φ,


 ˆ ̟] , = Ω[φ,


 ˆ ̟] = 1, T r Ω[φ, 

ˆ ̟]Ω[φ ˆ ,̟ ] T r Ω[φ, ′

= δ[φ − φ′ ]δ[

(2.11) ̟ − ̟′ ]. 2π¯h


ˆ ̟], taking the trace of both sides and using (2.12) we get Multipliying (2.8) by Ω[φ,   ˆ ˆ F [φ, ̟] = T r Ω[φ, ̟]F .


ˆ ̟] in a very useful form by inserting (2.5) into (2.9). Thus One can also express Ω[φ, one gets ˆ ̟] = Ω[φ,




  Z η i η η dxη(x)φ(x) |̟ + ih̟ − | )exp − D( 2π¯h ¯h 2 2   Z i ξ ξ Dξexp − dxξ(x)̟(x) |φ − ihφ + |. ¯h 2 2


Consider now the operator 1 Iˆ := 2




Using (2.15) we can define the field analog of the Grossmann operator22,14,15 as follows 4

ˆ µ] := Uˆ [λ, µ]Iˆ = 1 I[λ, 2 1 = 2



 Z   ¯hµ(x) D(2φ)exp i dxλ(x) φ(x) − |φ − ¯hµih−φ| 2

 Z  ¯µ h ¯µ h D(2ξ)exp i dxλ(x)ξ(x) |ξ − ih−ξ − |. 2 2


Comparing (2.14) with (2.16) one quickly finds that     2̟ 2φ ˆ 2̟ 2φ ˆ ˆ ˆ =U 2I. ,− ,− Ω[φ, ̟] = 2I ¯h ¯h ¯h ¯h


ˆ 0] = 2Iˆ and consequently Hence Ω[0,   2̟ 2φ ˆ ˆ ˆ Ω[0, 0]. ,− Ω[φ, ̟] = U ¯h ¯h


Simple manipulations show that (2.18) can be also written in the following form    † ̟ φ φ ̟ ˆ 0]Uˆ ˆ ̟] = Uˆ , − Ω[0, ,− Ω[φ, ¯h ¯h ¯h ¯h 

    ̟ φ ̟ φ ˆ ˆ ˆ =U . , − Ω[0, 0]U − , ¯h ¯h ¯h h ¯


It is interesting to note that similarly as in the quantum mechanics22 one can find the relation between the Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer and the quantum field image of the Dirac δ. Namely we have    ̟ ˆ δ := W δ[φ]δ 2π¯h =



̟ ̟ ˆ ˆ 0] = 2I. ˆ )δ[φ]δ[ ]Ω[φ, ̟] = Ω[0, 2π¯h 2π¯h


2.2. The Star Product Now we are in a position to define the Moyal ∗-product in field theory.


F1 = F1 [φ, ̟] and F2 = F2 [φ, ̟] be some functionals on Z that correspond to the 5

 ˆ ̟]Fˆ1 and field operators Fˆ1 and Fˆ2 respectively, i.e. F1 [φ, ̟] = W −1 (Fˆ1 ) = T r Ω[φ,  ˆ ̟]Fˆ2 . The question is to find the functional which corF2 [φ, ̟] = W −1 (Fˆ2 ) = T r Ω[φ, responds to the product Fˆ1 Fˆ2 . This functional will be denoted by (F1 ∗ F2 )[φ, ̟] and we call it the Moyal ∗-product23,1 . So we have (F1 ∗ F2 )[φ, ̟] := W


  ˆ ̟]Fˆ1 Fˆ2 . (Fˆ1 Fˆ2 ) = T r Ω[φ,


Substituting (2.8) into (2.21) and performing simple calculations one gets

(F1 ∗ F2 )[φ, ̟] =


D(φ′ )D(φ′′ )D

̟ ′  ̟ ′′  D F1 [φ′ , ̟ ′ ] π¯h π¯h

 Z   2i ′ ′′ ′′ ′ exp dx (φ − φ )(̟ − ̟ ) − (φ − φ )(̟ − ̟ ) F2 [φ′′ , ̟ ′′ ]. ¯h


To proceed further we introduce new variables ϕ′ = φ′ − φ, ϕ′′ = φ′′ − φ, υ ′ =

̟ ′ −̟, υ ′′ = ̟ ′′ −̟. Using the expasion of F1 [φ′ , ̟ ′ ] = F1 [φ+ϕ′ , ̟+υ ′ ] and F2 [φ′′ , ̟ ′′ ] =

F2 [φ + ϕ′′ , ̟ + υ ′′ ] in Taylor series and after some laborious manipulations (in principle very similar to the ones given in Ref. 21) we obtain    i¯h ↔ F1 ∗ F2 [φ, ̟] = F1 [φ, ̟]exp P F2 [φ, ̟], 2


where ↔



δ δ δ δ − dx δφ(x) δ̟(x) δ̟(x) δφ(x)



← →   X Z l i¯h ↔ 1 i¯h l δ δl i1 j1 il jl exp dx1 . . . dxl ω ...ω , P = 2 l! 2 δZ i1 (x1 ) . . . δZ il (xl ) δZ j1 (x1 ) . . . δZ jl (xl ) l=0 (2.25)   0 1 where i1 , . . . , j1 , . . . = 1, 2, (Z 1 , Z 2 ) := (φ, ̟), (ω ij ) := and the overarrow −1 0 indicates direction of action of the corresponding operator.


2.3. The Wigner Functional Finally we are going to define the Wigner functional. Let ρˆ be the density operator of a quantum state. The functional ρ[φ, ̟] corresponding to ρˆ reads (see (2.13)) 

 Z   Z i ξ ξ ˆ ρ[φ, ̟] = T r Ω[φ, ̟]ˆ ρ = Dξexp − dxξ(x)̟(x) hφ + |ˆ ρ|φ − i. ¯h 2 2


Then in analogy to quantum mechanics24,25,26 the Wigner functional ρW [φ, ̟] corresponding to the state ρˆ is defined by

ρW [φ, ̟] :=


  Z ξ i ξ ξ dxξ(x)̟(x) hφ + |ˆ )exp − ρ|φ − i. D( 2π¯h ¯h 2 2


For ρˆ = |ΨihΨ| (2.27) gives

ρW [φ, ̟] =

  Z ξ ξ i ξ D( dxξ(x)̟(x) Ψ∗ [φ − ]Ψ[φ + ] )exp − 2π¯h ¯h 2 2



according to Ref. 12. [Important Remark: It must be noted that many, perhaps most, of our formulas are defined only formally. This resembles the case of the path integral theory. We expect that further development of the formalism presented in this paper will provide us with better mathematical frame.]

3. Free Scalar Field In this section we deal with free real scalar field of the action27−30

S[φ] =


1 dxdtL(φ(x, t), ∂µφ(x, t)) = − 2


dxdt(∂ µ φ∂µ φ − m2 φ2 ),

where µ = 1, . . . , 4 (we put c = 1). The conjugate field momentum is ̟(x, t) = ˙ t), where φ˙ ≡ φ(x,

∂φ ∂t .

Then the Hamiltonian reads 7

(3.1) ∂L ˙ ∂(∂ φ)


1 H[φ, ̟] = 2

  2 2 2 2 dx ̟(x, t) + (∇φ(x, t)) + m φ(x, t) .



The field φ(x, t) satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation (∂µ ∂ µ −m2 )φ(x, t) = 0. For φ(x, t) and ̟(x, t) we have the usual Poisson brackets

{φ(x, t), ̟(y, t)} = δ(x − y),

{φ(x, t), φ(y, t)} = 0 = {̟(x, t), ̟(y, t)}.


Consider the standard expansion of φ and ̟

1 φ(x, t) = (2π)3/2


¯ h dk 2ω(k)

1/2   ∗ a(k, t)exp{ikx} + a (k, t)exp{−ikx} ,

1/2    ω(k)¯ h ∗ a (k, t)exp{−ikx} − a(k, t)exp{ikx} , dk i 2 (3.4) √  where ω(k) = k 2 + m2 , a(k, t) = a(k)exp − iω(k)t and kx ≡ kj xj , j = 1, 2, 3. 1 ˙ t) = ̟(x, t) = φ(x, (2π)3/2


From (3.4) we get

1 a(k, t) = (2π)3/2 (2ω(k)¯ h)1/2


   dx exp − ikx ω(k)φ(x, t) + i̟(x, t) .


One can easily check that (3.3) and (3.5) give i {a(k, t), a∗(k ′ , t)} = − δ(k − k ′ ), ¯h {a(k, t), a(k ′, t)} = 0 = {a∗ (k, t), a∗ (k ′ , t)}.



3.1. Canonical Transformation Then we introduce new canonical field variables31,32     ¯ ω(k) 1/2 ∗ h ¯ 1/2 h ∗ a(k, t) + a (k, t) , P (k, t) := i a (k, t) − a(k, t) . Q(k, t) := 2ω(k) 2 (3.7) Hence   ω(k) 1/2 i a(k, t) = Q(k, t) + P (k, t) . 2¯ h ω(k)


From (3.6) and (3.7) one has {Q(k, t), P (k ′, t)} = δ(k − k ′ ),

{Q(k, t), Q(k ′, t)} = 0 = {P (k, t), P (k ′, t)}.


Inserting (3.5) into (3.7) we obtain

Q(k, t) =

1 (2π)3/2 ω(k)

1 P (k, t) = (2π)3/2



  dx ̟(x, t)sin(kx) + ω(k)φ(x, t)cos(kx) ,

  dx ̟(x, t)cos(kx) − ω(k)φ(x, t)sin(kx) .


Then the inverse transformation reads 1 φ(x, t) = (2π)3/2 1 ̟(x, t) = (2π)3/2



  P (k, t) sin(kx) , dk Q(k, t)cos(kx) − ω(k)

  dk ω(k)Q(k, t)sin(kx) + P (k, t)cos(kx) .


We now consider the field at the instant t = 0. From (3.9) it follows that (3.10) defines a linear canonical transformation. Consequently the measure DφD̟ = DQDP and all the formalism given before can be easily expressed in terms of new variables Q and P .


3.2. The Stratonovich-Weyl Quantizer Eqs. (2.8) and (2.9) can be rewritten in the following form

Fˆ =



P ˆ )F [φ[Q, P ], ̟[Q, P ]]Ω[φ[Q, P ], ̟[Q, P ]] 2π¯h



ˆ Ω[φ[Q, P ], ̟[Q, P ]] =


   Z ¯λ h D( )Dµexp − i dk λ(k)Q(k) + µ(k)P (k) 2π

 Z   ˆ exp i dk λ(k)Q(k) + µ(k)Pˆ (k)


ˆ and Pˆ the field operators and corresponding states |Qi and |P i satisfying the relawith Q R R P ˆ ˆ tions: Q(k)|Qi = Q(k)|Qi, Pˆ (k)|P i = P (k)|P i, DQ|QihQ| = ˆ1 and D( 2π¯ h )|P ihP | = 1. ˆ Further on we denote the Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer Ω[φ[Q, P ], ̟[Q, P ]] simply by

ˆ Ω[Q, P ]. Then

ˆ Ω[Q, P] =




  Z η η i η D( dkη(k)Q(k) |P + ihP − | )exp − 2π¯h ¯h 2 2

  Z ξ ξ i dkξ(k)P (k) |Q − ihQ + |. Dξexp − ¯h 2 2


It is evident how to write the Grossmann operator within the (Q, P ) formalism, so we do not consider this here.

3.3. Star Product and Wigner Functional One easily shows that the Moyal ∗-product can be now expressed by   i¯h ↔ F1 ∗ F2 [Q, P ] = F1 [Q, P ]exp P F2 [Q, P ], 2 




→ →  ← δ δ δ δ . dk − δQ(k) δP (k) δP (k) δQ(k)


Finally, the Wigner functional in the (Q, P ) formalism is given by

ρW [Q, P ] =


  Z ξ i ξ ξ dkξ(k)P (k) hQ + |ˆ )exp − ρ|Q − i, D( 2π¯h ¯h 2 2


where ρW [Q, P ] means ρW [φ[Q, P ], ̟[Q, P ]]. Then for ρˆ = |ΨihΨ| one has

ρW [Q, P ] =


  Z ξ ξ i ξ D( dkξ(k)P (k) Ψ∗ [Q − ]Ψ[Q + ]. )exp − 2π¯h ¯h 2 2


Now we are going to find the Wigner functional for the ground state |Ψ0 i. From the very definition of |Ψ0 i a ˆ(k)|Ψ0 i = 0.


Substituting (3.8) and using the Q representation we get the functional equation 

 δ ¯ h Ψ0 [Q] = 0. Q(k) + ω(k) δQ(k)


Hence   Z 1 2 Ψ0 [Q] ∝ exp − dkω(k)Q (k) . 2¯ h


Finally, inserting (3.20) into (3.17) and performing some straightforward calculations one finds the Wigner functional ρW 0 of the ground state to be    Z dk 1 2 2 2 P (k) + ω (k)Q (k) . ρW 0 [Q, P ] ∝ exp − ¯h ω(k)


Employing (3.10) we obtain the Wigner functional of the ground state in terms of (φ, ̟) 11

     Z p p 1 −1 2 2 2 2 dx φ(x)( −∇x + m )φ(x) + ̟(x)( −∇x + m ) ̟(x) ρW 0 [φ, ̟] ∝ exp − ¯h (3.22) according to Ref. 12. Comparing the Wigner functional (3.21) with the harmonic oscillator Wigner function given in Refs. 26, 33 and 34 we conclude that the former one represents the Wigner function of infinite number of harmonic oscillators. It’s nothing strange as the variables Q and P are the field theoretical analogs of normal coordinates and their conjugate momenta.

3.4. Oscillator Variables and Ordering Now one can easily find the Wigner functionals corresponding to higher states. Let †

| . . . k ′ . . . k ′′ . . . k (n) . . .i = . . . a ˆ (k ′ ) . . . a ˆ (k ′′ ) . . . a ˆ (k (n) ) . . . |Ψ0 i be the higher quantum state of the scalar field. The density operator ρˆ reads

ρˆ(...k′ ...k′′ ...k(n) ...) ∝ . . . a ˆ (k ′ ) . . . a ˆ (k ′′ ) . . . a ˆ (k (n) ) . . . |Ψ0 ihΨ0 | . . . a ˆ(k (n) ) . . . a ˆ(k ′′ ) . . . a ˆ(k ′ ) . . . (3.23) †

with a ˆ(k) and a ˆ (k) being the annihilation and creation operators, respectively. Hence the corresponding Wigner functional is

ρW (...k′ ...k′′ ...k(n) ...) [a, a∗ ] ∝ . . .∗ a∗ (k ′ ) ∗ . . .∗ a∗ (k ′′ ) ∗ . . .∗ a∗ (k n ) ∗ . . .∗ ρW 0 [a, a∗ ] ∗ . . .∗ a(k n )∗

. . . ∗ a(k ′′ ) ∗ . . . ∗ a(k ′ ) ∗ . . . ,


  Z ∗ ρW 0 [a, a ] ∝ exp − 2 dka (k)a(k) .


where by (3.7) and (3.21) ∗

The Moyal ∗-product operator in terms of a(k) and a∗ (k) can be written as follows7 12

→ →  ←  ←   Z  δ δ δ δ 1 i¯h ↔ dk . − ∗ P = exp ∗ = exp ∗ 2 2 δa(k) δa (k) δa (k) δa(k)


Consequently, any ∗-product of a∗ ’s or a’s can be rewritten as usual product of functions and the Wigner functional (3.24) is given by (compare with Ref. 33) ρW (...k′ ...k′′ ...k(n) ...) [a, a∗ ]

∝ . . . a∗ (k ′ ) . . . a∗ (k ′′ ) . . . a∗ (k (n) ) . . . ∗ ρW 0 [a, a∗ ] ∗ . . . a(k (n) ) . . . a(k ′′ ) . . . a(k ′ ) . . . . (3.27) An interesting question arises if we are able to define the normal ordering within deformation quantization formalism for field theory. Indeed it can be easily done by a suitable generalization of the results by Agarwal and Wolf35 (see also Ref. 26). Let F [Q, P ] be a functional over Z. Define the functional FN [Q, P ] as follows ˆ F [Q, P ], FN [Q, P ] := N where      Z Z 2 2 2 δ 1 δ 1 δ ¯ h ˆ := exp − dk ω(k) 2 = exp − dk . + N 4 δP (k) ω(k) δQ2 (k) 2 δa(k)δa∗ (k) (3.28) This formula was first obtained by Dito7 . Then the Weyl image of FN [Q, P ] gives the normal ordering of the Weyl image of F [Q, P ] df


: W [F [Q, P ]] : = W [FN [Q, P ]] = WN (F [Q, P ])


It is worthwhile to note some interesting property of normal ordering

−1 WN

: (: Fˆ1 :)(: Fˆ2 :) :



      −1 −1 ˆ W (Fˆ1 ) ∗ N ˆ W (Fˆ2 ) . (: Fˆ1 :)(: Fˆ2 :) = N (3.30) 13

Example: The Hamiltonian From (3.2) and (3.4) we have

H[a, a ] =


dk¯hω(k)a∗ (k)a(k).



HN [a, a ] =


1 dk¯hω(k)a (k)a(k) − 2 ∗




and by the quantum version of Eq. (3.6) we get

    Z Z † † 1 1 ∗ ˆ : H : = W HN [a, a ] = dk¯hω(k) a ˆ (k)ˆ a(k) + a ˆ(k)ˆ a (k) − dk¯hω(k)δ(0) 2 2



1 dk¯hω(k)ˆ a (k)ˆ a(k) + 2 †




1 dk¯hω(k)δ(0) − 2


dk¯hω(k)ˆ a (k)ˆ a(k),



where δ(0) means here the Dirac delta in three dimensions. The eigenvalue Schr¨odinger equation reads

HN ∗ ρW = EρW .


One immediately finds that the vacuum energy is zero i.e.,

HN ∗ ρ W 0 = 0 as it should be.



3.5. Time Evolution Finally we consider the time evolution of Wigner functional. The von NeumannLiouville equation reads ∂ρW [a, a∗ ; t] = {Nˆ H[a, a∗ ], ρW [a, a∗ ; t]}M , ∂t


where {·, ·}M stands for the Moyal bracket {F1 , F2 }M =

 1 2 ¯ ↔ h F1 ∗ F2 − F2 ∗ F1 = F1 sin P F2 . i¯h ¯h 2


For the Hamiltonian given by (3.31), the Moyal bracket in (3.36) reduces to the Poisson bracket. So we have ∂ρW [a, a∗ ; t] ˆ H[a, a∗ ], ρ [a, a∗ ; t]}. = {N W ∂t


This result within the (φ, ̟)-formalism has been found previously by Curtright and Zachos12 .

4. Free Electromagnetic Field In this section we consider deformation quantization for free electromagnetic field. This case seems to be very interesting as it is the simplest example of a field theory with constraints. (For details see Refs. 27-31). We choose the temporal gauge where the fourth (temporal) component of the gauge potential A4 = 0. The canonical components are the potential A = (A1 , A2 , A3 ) and its conjugate momentum ̟ = A˙ = −E = −(E1 , E2 , E3 ) with E being the electric field27−31 . Fields A and E satisfy usual relations

{Ai (x, t), Ej (y, t)} = −δij δ(x − y), 15

{Ai (x, t), Aj (y, t)} = 0 = {Ei (x, t), Ej (y, t)}, i, j = 1, 2, 3.


The standard expansion of the field variables at t = 0 reads

1 Aj (x) = (2π)3/2

1 Ej (x) = (2π)3/2



¯ h dk 2ω(k)

 1/2    ∗ aj (k)exp ikx + aj (k)exp − ikx ,

  1/2    ¯hω(k) ∗ dk i aj (k)exp ikx − aj (k)exp − ikx , 2


where ω(k) = |k|. From Eq. (4.2) one gets 1 aj (k) = 3/2 (2π) (2¯ hω(k))1/2


   dx exp − ikx ω(k)Aj (x) − iEj (x) .


Then by Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2) we have i {ai (k), a∗j (k ′ )} = − δij δ(k − k ′ ), ¯h {ai (k), aj (k ′ )} = 0 = {a∗i (k), a∗j (k ′ )}.


Similarly as in the previous section one can introduce new coordinates Q and their conjugate P momenta31,32   ¯ 1/2 ∗ h Qj (k) := aj (k) + aj (k) , 2ω(k)   ¯hω(k) 1/2 ∗ Pj (k) := i aj (k) − aj (k) , 2 {Qi (k), Pj (k ′ )} = δij δ(k − k ′ ), {Qi (k), Qj (k ′ )} = 0 = {Pi (k), Pj (k ′ )}. 16


Comparing (4.1) with (4.5) we can observe that the transformation between coordiantes (A,−E) and (Q, P ) is a canonical one. Then one gets Qj (k) =

(2π)3/2 ω(k)


1 Pj (k) = − (2π)3/2

  dx ω(k)Aj (x)cos(kx) − Ej (x)sin(kx) ,



  dx ω(k)Aj (x)sin(kx) + Ej (x)cos(kx)


and 1 Aj (x) = (2π)3/2 1 Ej (x) = − (2π)3/2

  Pj (k) sin(kx) , dk Qj (k)cos(kx) − ω(k)



  dk ω(k)Qj (k)sin(kx) + Pj (k)cos(kx) .


In the standard way we can now split the field objects into their transverse (T ) and longitudinal (L) components. To this end we write aj in the following form

aj (k) = hjl (k)al (k) +

kj kl al (k), |k|2

where hjl (k) is the projector on the space perpendicular to k i.e., hjl = δjl −

(4.8) kj kl |k|2 .


ducing two polarization vectors e1 (k) and e2 (k) such that ′

α eα i (k)ei (k) = δαα′ ,

ki eα i (k) = 0,

α, α′ = 1, 2


one can write α eα i (k)aT α (k) := hij (k)aj (k) ⇒ aT α (k) = ej (k)aj (k)

Defining also aL (k) :=

kj a (k) |k| j


we have

ai (k) = eα i (k)aT α (k) + One quickly shows that 17

ki aL (k). |k|


i {aT α (k), a∗T α′ (k ′ )} = − δαα′ δ(k − k ′ ), ¯h

i {aL (k), a∗L (k ′ )} = − δ(k − k ′ ), ¯h


with all the remaining Poisson brackets being zero. Substituting (4.11) and (4.12) into (4.5) we obtain the expressions for the T and L-components of Q and P . Then inserting (4.11) into (4.2) one gets

1 Aj (x) = (2π)3/2



¯ h 2ω(k)

 1/2     α ∗ ej (k) aT α (k)exp ikx + aT α (k)exp − ikx

    kj ∗ aL (k) − aL (−k) exp ikx , + |k|

1 Ej (x) = (2π)3/2


1/2      ¯hω(k) α ∗ ej (k)[aT α (k)exp ikx − aT α (k)exp − ikx dk i 2     kj ∗ + aL (k) + aL (−k) exp ikx . |k|


Then the Hamiltonian of the electromagnetic field reads 1 H= 2


1 = 2



dk¯hω(k)a∗T α (k)aT α (k)


PT2 (k) +ω 2 (k)Q2T (k)


  2 2 dx E (x) + (∇ × A(x))

1 + 4

1 + 8



dk¯hω(k)(aL (k) + a∗L (−k))∗ (aL (k) + a∗L (−k))

 dk (PL (k) −PL (−k))2 +ω 2 (k)(QL (k) +QL (−k))2 .


Given H we can solve the Hamiltonian equations for Qj (k, t) and Pj (k, t). Simple calculations show that for the transversal part we obtain 18

QT α (k, t) = QT α (k) cos(ω(k)t) +

PT α (k) sin(ω(k)t), ω(k)

PT α (k, t) = −ω(k)QT α (k) sin(ω(k)t) + PT α (k) cos(ω(k)t).


While the solutions for the longitudinal part are   1 PL (k) − PL (−k) t QL (k, t) = QL (k) + 2   1 2 PL (k, t) = PL (k) − ω (k) QL (k) + QL (−k) t. 2


Consequently time evolution of Aj and Ej is given by

1 Aj (x, t) = (2π)3/2 kj + ω(k)


  PT α (k, t) dk QT α (k, t) cos(kx) − sin(kx) eα j (k) ω(k) 

PL (k)  QL (k) + PL (k)t cos(kx) + ω(k)QL (k)t − sin(kx) ω(k)

1 Ej (x, t) = −∂t Aj (x, t) = − (2π)3/2 1 − (2π)3/2




 ω(k)QT α (k, t) sin(kx)+PT α (k, t) cos(kx) eα j (k)

  kj PL (k) cos(kx) + ω(k)QL (k) sin(kx) . dk ω(k)


Now the constraint (the Gauss equation)

∂j Ej (x) = 0,


is equivalent to the following constraint

aL (k) + a∗L (−k) = 0 ⇐⇒ QL (k) + QL (−k) + i 19

PL (k) − PL (−k)  = 0, ω(k)


which is equivalent to the conditions

PL (k) − PL (−k) = 0.

QL (k) + QL (−k) = 0,


Note that the gauge transformation Aj (x, t) →  Aj (x, t) + ∂j Λ(x)  produces the adR ditional longitudinal term in Aj of the form dkkj i b(k) + b∗ (−k) exp{ikx} which of

course doesn’t change Ej (x, t), ∇ × A(x, t), H, etc.

4.1. The Stratonovich-Weyl Quantizer for the Electromagnetic Field Consider now the Weyl quantization of electromagnetic field. To this end we deal with the fields at the moment t = 0. From the previous section one can conclude that it is very useful to employ (P, Q) or a-formalisms. Let F = F [Q, P ] be a functional on electromagnetic field phase space ZE . Then according to the Weyl rule we assigne to the

functional F the following operator Fˆ

Fˆ = W (F [Q, P ]) :=



P ˆ )F [Q, P ]Ω[Q, P] 2π¯h


with the Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer defined similarly as before ˆ Ω[Q, P] =


   Z ¯λ h D( )Dµexp − i dk λ(k)Q(k) + µ(k)P (k) 2π  Z   ˆ exp i dk λ(k)Q(k) + µ(k)Pˆ (k) ,


where λ(k)Q(k) := λT α (k)QT α (k)+λL (k)QL (k), etc. and all measures used in the integrals ˆ contain the longitudinal (DQL ) and the transverse (DQT ) components and Q(k) and Pˆ (k) are field operators ˆ Q(k)|Qi = Q(k)|Qi,

Pˆ (k)|P i = P (k)|P i,

  ˆ ˆ T (k), Q ˆ L (k) , Pˆ (k) = PˆT (k), PˆL (k) , |Qi = |QT i ⊗ |QL i, |P i = |PT i ⊗ |PL i, Q(k) = Q 20


DQ|QihQ| = ˆ1 and



P )|P ihP | = ˆ1. 2π¯h


ˆ and Pˆ operators read The commutation relations for Q

ˆ T α (k), PˆT α′ (k ′ )] = i¯hδαα′ δ(k − k ′ ), [Q

ˆ L (k), PˆL (k ′ )] = i¯hδ(k − k ′ ) [Q


and all remaining commutators are zero. ˆ and Pˆ operators and the annihilation and Then by (4.5) the relation between Q †

creation operators a ˆ and a ˆ is ˆ T,L (k) := Q

  ¯ 1/2 † h ˆT,L (k) , a ˆT,L (k) + a 2ω(k)

  1/2 † h ¯ ω(k) PˆT,L (k) := i ˆT,L (k) . a ˆT,L (k) − a 2


We have the usual commutation relations †

[ˆ aT α (k), ˆaT α′ (k ′ )] = δαα′ δ(k − k ′ ),

[ˆ aL (k), a ˆL (k ′ )] = δ(k − k ′ )


with all remaining commutators being zero. The Stratonovich-Weyl quantizer (4.22) can be rewritten as before in the form of (3.14) and it has the standard properties analogous to (2.10), (2.11) and (2.12).

4.2. The Star Product From (4.21) we get

F [Q, P ] = W


  ˆ (Fˆ ) = T r Ω[Q, P ]Fˆ .


The Moyal ∗-product in the case of electromagnetic field theory can be defined in a similar way as for the scalar field. Let F1 [Q, P ] and F2 [Q, P ] the functionals on ZE and

let Fˆ1 and Fˆ2 be their corresponding operators. Then the analogous calculations as in Sec. 2 lead to the result 21

  i¯h ↔ F1 ∗ F2 [Q, P ] = F1 [Q, P ]exp P F2 [Q, P ], 2 





i =− ¯h




δQT (k) δPT (k) 


δ δ δ δ − dk δQ(k) δP (k) δP (k) δQ(k) ←



δPT (k) δQT (k)





δ δ δ dk − δQL (k) δPL (k) δPL (k) δQL (k)

→ → → → ← ←  Z  ←  δ δ δ δ δ δ δ δ dk + dk . − − δaT (k) δa∗T (k) δa∗T (k) δaT (k) δaL (k) δa∗L (k) δa∗L (k) δaL (k) (4.28) ←

4.3. The Wigner Functional for the Electromagnetic Field Now we are in a position to consider the quantum version of the Gauss law (4.18). ˆj (x) = 0 is It is well known (see for example Ref. 29) that the operator equation ∂j E inconsistent with commutation relations (4.1) or (4.4). To avoid this inconsistency one imposes the weaker constraint on the “physical states” ˆj (x)|Ψphys i = 0. ∂j E


which is equivalent to 

 a ˆL (k) + a ˆL (−k) |Ψphys i = 0 †


ˆ L and PˆL or in terms of Q 

   phys ˆ L (k) + Q ˆ L (−k) |Ψ Q i = 0 and PˆL (k) − PˆL (−k) |Ψphys i = 0.


The Wigner functional in the case of electromagnetic field is defined similarly as for the scalar field. Let ρˆphys be the density operator of a physical quantum state of the electromagnetic field. Then the Wigner functional corresponding to this state is given by 22

ρW [Q, P ] =


    Z ξ phys i ξ ξ phys ˆ dkξ(k)P (k) hQ+ |ˆ . )exp − ρ |Q− i ∝ T r Ω[Q, P ]ˆ ρ D( 2π¯h ¯h 2 2 (4.32)

When ρˆphys = |Ψphys ihΨphys | then Eq. (4.32) gives

ρW [Q, P ] =


  Z ξ i ξ ξ dkξ(k)P (k) Ψphys∗ [Q − ]Ψphys [Q + ]. )exp − D( 2π¯h h ¯ 2 2


In deformation quantization formalism Eqs. (4.30) or (4.31) read   ∗ aL (k) + aL (−k) ∗ ρW [a, a∗ ] = 0 or 


  PL (k) − PL (−k) ∗ ρW [Q, P ] = 0, (4.35)

QL (k) + QL (−k) ∗ ρW [Q, P ] = 0 and

respectively. Using (4.28) one gets 

  δ δ i¯h ρW [Q, P ] = 0, + QL (k) + QL (−k) + 2 δPL (k) δPL (−k)

  δ i¯h δ ρW [Q, P ] = 0. PL (k) − PL (−k) − − 2 δQL (k) δQL (−k)


Employing the fact that the Wigner functional is real we obtain four equations

 QL (k) + QL (−k) ρW [Q, P ] = 0,

 δ ρ [Q, P ] = 0, − δQL (k) δQL (−k) W δ

  PL (k) − PL (−k) ρW [Q, P ] = 0

 δ δ ρ [Q, P ] = 0. + δPL (k) δPL (−k) W


The general solution of these equations is given by ρW [Q, P ] = ρTW [QT , PT ]δ[QL (k) + QL (−k)]δ[PL (k) − PL (−k)].


Comparing this result with the formula for classical constraints (4.20) one observs that the Wigner functional ρW vanishes on the points of phase space ZE which don’t satisfy these constraints. (Compare with Ref. 10). 23

Example: The Ground State The Wigner functional ρW 0 of the ground state is defined by   ∗ aL (k) + a ˆL (−k) ∗ ρW 0 = 0

aT (k) ∗ ρW 0 = 0.


By Eq. (4.38) we are led to the equation

aT (k) ∗ ρTW 0 = 0.


Employing (4.28) we have T

aT ρ W 0

1 δρTW 0 + = 0. 2 δa∗T (k)


Thus the ground state is given by


ρW 0

  Z ∗ = Cexp − 2 dk aT (k)aT (k) , C > 0.


Hence the Wigner functional (4.38) for the ground state reads

   Z dk 1 2 2 2 P (k)+ω (k)QT (k) δ[QL (k)+QL (−k)]δ[PL (k)−PL (−k)]. ρW 0 [Q, P ] = Cexp − ¯h ω(k) T (4.43) Similarly as in the case of scalar field we can find the Wigner functional for any higher state. To this end one must change in the formula (3.27) a∗ and a by a∗T α and aT α . ˆ be a gauge invariant quantum observable and let ρˆphys be the density operator Let O

ˆ on ρˆphys is equivalent to the action of transversal part of the physical state. The action of O

ˆT of O ˆ on ρˆphys . Let OT [QT , PT ] be the functional corresponding to O ˆT , OT [QT , PT ] = O  ˆT . Then for the expected value hOi ˆ one gets W −1 O ˆ = hOi

ˆ ρˆphys } T r{O T r{ˆ ρphys } 24



PT DQT D( 2π¯ )OT [QT , PT ]ρTW [QT , PT ] h R . PT T DQT D( 2π¯ h )ρW [QT , PT ]


4.4. Ordering Finally we can also define the normal ordering of field operators within deformation quantization formalism. It can be done, as before, with the use of the operator NˆT acting in the phase space ZE    Z 2 2 δ 1 δ ¯ h ˆT := exp − dk ω(k) 2 + N 4 δPT (k) ω(k) δQ2T (k)   Z δ2 1 dk . = exp − 2 δaT (k)δa∗T (k)


ˆ its Weyl image O ˆ = Let O[Q, P ] be any gauge invariant functional on ZE and O  W O[P, Q] . Then, as before   df ˆ ˆ : O : = W NT O[Q, P ] .


Having done all that one can easily formulate the deformation quantization of electromagnetic field in the Coulomb gauge: A4 = 0 and ∂j Aj = 0. Here29 {Ai (x, t), Ej (y, t)} = −δij δ T (x −y), where δ T stands for the transversal δ-function. Consequently, from the very

begining A = (A1 , A2 , A3 ) and −E = −(E1 , E2 , E3 ) are no longer independent canonical variables. However, QT α and PT α are such variables. Moreover, the constraint ∂j Ej (x) = 0 is automatically satisfied. Therefore results obtained for the temporal gauge can be quickly carry over to the Coulomb gauge by omitting the longitudinal parts in all formulas of temporal gauge.

5. Topological Effects (Casimir Effect) in Deformation Quantization In this section we are going to compute the vacuum expectation value of the energy 25

of a real scalar field on the cylinder and on the M¨obius strip (twisted scalar field) within the deformation quantization formalism. 5.1. Scalar Field on the Cylinder Consider a cylinder S1 × R representing a two dimensional space time. Here S1 is

the spatial part and R is the temporal part. Local coordinates are as usual (x, t). S1

n with n ∈ Z and the frequency is has circumference L, then k is quantized as k = 2π L q √ 4π 2 2 2 given by ω(k) = k 2 + m2 = L2 n + m . The Hamiltonian operator can be seen as

the zero-zero component of the energy-momentum tensor Tˆ00

  1 2 2 2 2 ˆ + (∂x φ) ˆ + m φˆ . (∂t φ) = 2


Now we would like to compute the vacuum expectation value hTˆ00 i(L). In order to

do this computation we will use the point splitting method35,36 and we write

   1 2 ˆ ˆ ′ , t′ )|0L i ˆ hT00 i(L) = lim′ lim′ h0L | ∂t ∂t′ + ∂x ∂x′ + m φ(x, t)φ(x t→t x→x 2    1 2 ˆ ′ ′ ˆ , t )|0∞ i , −h0∞ | ∂t ∂t′ + ∂x ∂x′ + m φ(x, t)φ(x 2


where |OL i and |O∞ i are the vacuum states for the two dimensional cylindrical and Minkowski space times, respectively. From the fact that the second term of the right-hand side of the above equation is independent of L we can rewrite it as follows

hTˆ00 i(L) :=


    1 ∂ 2 ′ ′ ˆ t)φ(x ˆ , t )|0L i dL lim′ lim′ ∂t ∂t′ + ∂x ∂x′ + m h0L |φ(x, (5.3) t→t x→x 2 ∂L

where the integration constant is defined by the condition hTˆ00 i(∞) = 0.

ˆ t) Thus to compute of hTˆ00 i(L) it is necessary first to compute the quantity h0L |φ(x,

ˆ ′ , t′ )|0L i. In terms of deformation quantization we have (compare with (4.44)) φ(x ˆ t)φ(x ˆ , t )|0L i = h0L |φ(x, ′


P )φ(x, t) ∗ φ(x′ , t′ )ρL DQD( 2π¯ W0 [Q, P ] R h , P L DQD( 2π¯ )ρ [Q, P ] h WO



where ρL W0 [Q, P ] is the Wigner functional of the ground state (see (3.21)) ρL W0

   1X 1 2 2 2 ∝ exp − P (k) + ω (k)Q (k) ¯h ω(k)



and (see (3.11))     1 1 X Q(k) cos kx − ω(k)t − P (k) sin kx − ω(k)t . φ(x, t) = √ ω(k) L k


After straightforward calculations we get   X exp i k(x − x′ ) − ω(k)(t − t′ ) ¯ h ˆ t)φ(x ˆ , t )|0L i = h0L |φ(x, . 2L ω(k) ′



Substituting (5.7) into (5.3) and using some considerations given by Kay37 one finds     a2  1 1 1 m¯h − ln 2 sin(z/2) dL − 2 +2π¯h lim ∂L 2 S(a)+O(z)− σ→0 2L L 4 sin2 (z/2) 2 (5.8) 

hTˆ00 i(L) =


where z =

2π σ, L


mL 2π

and ∞ p X

 a2 + −n− S(a) = , 2n n=1   2 X p a cos(nz) − 1 . O(z) = n2 + a 2 − n − 2n n=1 n2



Hence  hTˆ00 i(L) = 2π¯h −

 1 m S(a) m2 + + 2 + 2 ln(mL) + D, 12L2 4πL L 8π


where D is the integration constant which can be computed by the condition limL→∞ hTˆ00 i(L) = 0. Thus

D = −2π¯h lim


m2 S(a) + ln(mL) L2 8π 2

m2 ¯h =− lim 2π a→∞


 1 m2 ¯h 2 F (a ) − ln(2π) a2 4π

 ∞ p X a2 a2 2 2 F (a ) = n +a −n− + ln a2 . 2n 4 n=1 2


Employing the relation involving the K0 Bessel function39 ∞

∞ X

X x π 1 )+ +π K0 (nx) = (C + ln 2 4π 2x n=1 l=1

 1 1 √ − , 2πl x2 + 4π 2 l2


where C is Euler’s constant and setting x = 2πa we find the following relation ∞ ∂F (a2 ) X 1 1 1 1 = K0 (2πna) − C + ln 2 − + . 2 ∂a 2 2 4a 4 n=1


Integrating (5.13) with respect to da2 and dividing the result by a2 one finally gets   1 1 1 2 . F (a ) = − C − ln 2 − lim a→∞ a2 2 2


Substituting (5.14) into (5.11) we get the integration constant to be   m2 ¯h 1 D= C − − ln 4π . 4π 2


The formulas (5.10) with (5.15) give the final result which for standard quantum field theory has been obtained by Kay37 . For the massless case (m = 0) we get37,38,40 π¯h lim hTˆ00 i(L) = − 2 . m→0 6L


5.2. Scalar Field on The M¨ obius Strip Here we deal with the case of scalar field on the M¨obius strip38,40 . Now the quantization rule gives k =

2π(n+ 21 ) . L

Analogous calculations as in the previous case lead to the

  1 cos(z/2) a2 1 ′ ′ S (a) + O (z) − ln[cot(z/4)] , (5.17) + L2 4 sin2 (z/2) 2


hTˆ00 i(L) = 2π¯h


dL lim ∂L σ→0


where z =

2π L σ,

mL 2π

a= ′


S (a) =

∞ r X


O (z) =

∞ r X


 1 a2 1 2 2 (n − ) + a − (n − ) − , 2 2 2(n − 12 )

1 a2 1 (n − )2 + a2 − (n − ) − 2 2 2(n − 12 )

 1 cos[(n − )z] − 1 . 2


Hence  ′  2 S (a) 1 m hTˆ00 i(L) = 2π¯h + + 2 ln(mL) + D′ . 2 2 L 24L 8π


The integration constant can be computed from the condition limL→∞ hTˆ00 i(L) = 0 and it yields

D = −2π¯h lim



F (a ) =

m2 S ′ (a) + ln(mL) L2 8π 2

∞ r X


m2 ¯h =− lim 2π a→∞

 m2 ¯h 1 ′ 2 F (a ) − ln(2π), a2 4π

1 a2 1 (n − )2 + a2 − (n − ) − 2 2 2(n − 21 )


a2 ln a2 . 4



Now using the following relation39

∞ X

X 1 x (−1) K0 (nx) = (C + ln )+ 2 4π n=1 n


1 1 p − 2l (2l − 1)2 + ( πx )2

and setting x = 2πa we find ∞ 1 ∂F ′ (a2 ) X 1 1 (−1)n K0 (2πna) − C − ln 2 + . = 2 ∂a 2 2 4 n=1


Integrating (5.22) with respect to da2 and dividing by a2 one obtains   1 1 1 ′ 2 . F (a ) = − C + ln 2 − lim a→∞ a2 2 2 29


Substituting (5.23) into (5.20) we have   1 m2 ¯h C − − ln π . D = 4π 2 ′


Finally, for the twisted scalar field one gets   ′ mL 2 2  S ( ) 1 m m 1 2π hTˆ00 i(L) = 2π¯h + + 2 ln(mL) + 2 C − − ln π . 24L2 L2 8π 8π 2


For m = 0 we recover the result found by Isham40 (see also Ref. 38) hTˆ00 i(L) =

¯π h . 12L2


5.3. New Normal Ordering We end this section with some comments which will be developed in further work. The results obtained suggest that it seems to be reasonable (and perhaps necessary) to deal with new normal ordering Nˆ ′ when spaces of non-trivial topology are considered. In the present case Nˆ ′ should satisfy the following condition ˆ ′ i(L) = hH


P L ˆ′ DQD( 2π¯ h )(N H)ρW0 [Q, P ] R P L DQD( 2π¯ h )ρWO [Q, P ]


ˆ ′ i(L) is the vacuum energy. The simplest and natural assumption is (see (3.28)) where hH X   1 ∂2 ′ ˆ N = exp − + γ(k) . 2 ∂a(k)∂a∗(k)



Inserting (5.28) into (5.27), employing the formulas (3.31) and (3.35) one gets the condition on γ(k)


X k

ˆ ′ i(L). γ(k)ω(k) = hH 30


Thus, for example, in the case of the massless scalar field on cylindrical space time we have (see (5.16)) X



1 2πn )=− . L 12


Of course, there is infinite number of solutions to (5.29) or (5.30). Given Nˆ ′ one can define new star product ∗′ which is cohomologically equivalent to the Moyal ∗-product   ′ ′ ′−1 ˆ ˆ ˆ N F1 ∗ N F2 . F1 ∗ F2 = N ′


The star product ∗′ gives a new quantization of classical field. Consider now λφ4 -field theory on the cylindrical space time. We have 1 H= 2


dx[(̟)2 + (∂x φ)2 + m2 φ2 + λφ4 ].


To fulfill condition (5.27) in first order of perturbation theory we take now

X   1 ∂2 ∂4 ′ ˆ N = exp − + γ(k) . + ν(k) 2 2 ∂a(k)∂a∗(k) ∂a (k)∂a∗2 (k)



Straightforward calculations show that the condition (5.27) leads to the following relations X γ(k) = 0, ω(k)

X γ(k) =0 ω 2 (k)



X k

where k =

2πn L

and ω(k) =

been found by Kay37 ).


3¯ h2 λ X ν(k) ˆ ′ i(L), = hH γ(k)ω(k) + 2 4L ω (k)




4 2 2 ˆ′ ( 2πn L ) + m with n ∈ Z. (hH i(L) for λφ -field theory has


Further developing of non-linear field theory in terms of deformation quantization formalism is a very difficult problem as in that case we must look for other cohomologically equivalent star products to avoid divergences (Dito8 ). We are going to consider this question in a separate paper.

6. Final Remarks In this paper we have generalized some aspects of deformation quantization to noninteracting field theory. We were able to show that many well known results of deformation quantization in quantum mechanics could be extended to the case of quantum field theory. This was possible because a free field can be represented as an infinite number of independent harmonic oscillators. One can apply the usual deformation quantization formalism to each oscillator to obtain deformation quantization of the whole theory. Consequently it is expected that phase space interpretation of quantum field theory can be also extended to perturbative field theory. Some work in this direction has been done by Dito8 , but many problems remain to be investigated. For example the deformation quantization of σ-model and Chern-Simons gauge theory, which have non-trivial phase spaces. Interesting is if Fedosov’s approach4 can be applied in the later cases. We intend to devote a forthcoming work to these questions.

Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by CONACyT and CINVESTAV (M´exico). One of us (M.P.) is indebted to the staff of Departamento de F´ısica, CINVESTAV, M´exico D.F., for warm hospitality. We are grateful to Referee for valuable comments and especially for pointing out the error in Sec. 4 of the previous version of our paper.


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