The Mysterious Benedict Society & the Perilous Journey. The Mysterious
Benedict Society & the Prisoners Dilema. Various authors. 39 Clues(series).
Demarest Middle School Suggested Summer Reading List
FICTION Realistic Fiction Alcott, Louisa May
Little Women
Nothing But the Truth Crispin
Bloor, Edward
Blume, Judy
Just as Long as We’re Together Deenie Blubber Fudge-a-Mania Double Fudge
Cabot, Meg
Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls(series) The Princess Diaries(series)
Carter, Ally
I’d tell you I love you, but then I’d have to kill you Cross my heart and hope to spy Don’t judge a girl by her cover Only the good spy young
Cheng, Andrea
Brushing Mom’s Hair
Choldenko, Gennifer
Al Capone Does My Shirts Al Capone Shines My Shoes If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period No Passengers Beyond this Point
Colfer, Eoin
Benny & Omar
Creech, Sharon
Love that Dog Walk Two Moons
DeFelice, Cynthia C.
Derby, Sally
Kyle’s Island
DiCamillo, Kate
Because of Winn Dixie The Magician’s Elephant The Tale of Despereaux
Dionne, Erin
The Total Tragedy of a Girl Named Hamlet
Draper, Sharon
Out of My Mind
Erskine, Kathryn
Mockingbird (Mok’ing-bird)
Henson, Heather
Here’s How I See it: Here’s How it is
Hiassen, Carl
Hoot Flush Scat Chomp
Hobbs, Valerie
The Last Best Days of Summer
Howe, James
The Misfits
Keller, Julia
Back Home
Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid(series)
Look, Lenore
Alvin Ho: (series)
Martin, Ann M.
A Corner of the Universe The Doll People
Mass, Wendy
11 Birthdays Finally 13 Gifts A Mango Shaped Space Every Soul a Star
Finally Jeremy Fink & the Meaning of Life The Candymakers McMullan, Margaret
Sources of Light
Montgomery, L.M.
Anne of Green Gables
Morgan, Melissa
Camp Confidential series
Myers, Walter Dean
Monster Sunrise Over Fallujah Handbook for Boys: A Novel
Myracle, Lauren
Eleven Twelve Thirteen
Peirce, Lincoln
Big Nate series
Preller, James
Resau, Laura
The Indigo Notebook
Russell, Rachel Rene
Dork Diaries series
Selznick, Brian
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Sheth, Kashmira
Boys Without Names
Slayton, Fran Cannon
When the Whistle Blows
Sonnenblick, Jordan
After Ever After
Spinelli, Jerry
Crash Eggs Smiles to Go Stargirl Love, Stargirl
Stead, Rebecca
When You Reach Me
Walters, Eric
Special Edward
Fantasy/Fairy Tales Babbitt, Natalie
Tuck Everlasting
Colfer, Eoin
Artemis Fowl(series)
Crabtree, Julia
Discovering Pig Magic
DuPrau, Jeanne
Book of Ember series
Gaimen, Neil
The Graveyard Book Coraline
Gutman, Dan
Baseball Card Adventure series
Halpern, Jake
Levine, Gail Carson
Ella Enchanted Ever A Tale of Two Castles
Lin, Grace
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon
Paolini, Christopher
Eragon Eldest Brisingr
Riordan, Rick
Percy Jackson (series) The Red Pyramid The Lost Hero
Rollins, James
Jake Ransom and the Skull King’s Shadows
Rowling, J.K.
Harry Potter(series)
Rutkoski, Marie
The Celestial Globe
Scott, Michael
The Alchemyst The Magician The Sorceress
Stroud, Jonathan
The Amulet of Samarkand The Golem’s Eye Ptolemy’s Gate
Wharton, Thomas
The Shadow of Malabron
Yep, Laurence
City of Fire
Historical Fiction Anderson, Laurie Halse
Chains Forge Fever, 1793
Chapman, Fren Schumer
Is it Night or Day?
Giff, Patricia Reilly
Wild Girl Nory Ryan’s Song Lily’s Crossing All the Way Home Willow Run Water Street
Hughes, Dean
Missing in Action
Kelly, Jacqueline
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
Marsden, Carolyn
Take Me With You
Spinelli, Jerry
Science Fiction Collins, Suzanne
The Hunger Games Catching Fire Mockingjay
Cottrell Boyce, Rank
Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Shadow Children (series) Sent
Haddon, Mark
Lowry, Lois
The Giver Gathering Blue The Messenger
Lyga, Barry
Scott Westerfeld
Uglies (series)
Sports Green, Tim
Football Champ
Gutman, Dan
Baseball Card Adventure(series)
Lupica, Mike
The Batboy Million Dollar Throw The Big Field Heat Miracle on 49th Street
Brennan, Herbie
The Shadow Project
Horowitz, Anthony
Alex Rider (series)
Paulsen, Gary
Woods Runner Notes from the Underdog Hatchet Mr. Tucket
Snyder, Zilpha Keatley
William S and the Great Escape
Stewart, Trenton Lee
The Mysterious Benedict Society(series) The Mysterious Benedict Society & the Perilous Journey The Mysterious Benedict Society & the Prisoners Dilema
Various authors
39 Clues(series)
Mystery Assorted authors
39 Clues (series)
Murder at Midnight
Snicket, Lemony
Series of Unfortunate Events(series)
Adam, Paul
Max Cassidy: Escape from Shadow Island
Babymouse (series)
Jacques, Brian
Redwall: The Graphic Novel
Krosoczka, Jarrett
Lunch Lady (series)
Lobdell, Scott
The Hardy Boys(series)
O’Connor, George
Olympians. (series)
Smith, Jeff
NON-FICTION Bausaum, Ann
Unraveling Freedom
Claybourne, Anna
100 Most Awesome Things on the Planet
Earner, Claire
Spiked Scorpions & Walking Whales
Freedman, Russell
Lafayette and the American Revolution
Gifford, Clive
10 Kings & Queens who Changed the World
Hirshfield, Lynn
Girls Gone Green
Hoose, Phillip M.
Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice
Levy, Debbie
The Year of Goodbyes
Mazer, Anne
Spilling Ink: A Young Writer’s Handbook
Mitchel, Don
Driven: A Photobiography of Henry Ford
Murphy, Jim
Truce: The Day the Soldiers Stopped Fighting
O’Meara, Stephen James
Are You Afraid Yet? The Science Behind Scary Stuff
Partridge, Elizabeth
Marching for Freedom
Sandler, Martin W.
The Dust Bowl Through the Lens
Schwartz, John
Short: Walking Tall When You’re Not Tall at All
Sheinkin, Steve
Which Way to the Wild West?
Skurzynski, Gloria
This is Rocket Science
Spinelli, Eileen
Today I Will: A Year of Quotes, Notes, and Promises to Myself
Walker, Sally M.
Written in Bone
Wilbur, Helen L.
Z is for Zues: A Greek Mythology Alphabet
Candlewick Press
Funny Business: Conversations With Writers of Comedy