Design and Implementation of Iris Recognition Based Attendance

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biometric-based attendance system that can automatically capture students' attendance by recognizing their iris. Iris recognition is regarded as one of the most ...
Design and Implementation of Iris Recognition Based Attendance Management System 1

Amena Khatun, 2A. K. M. Fazlul Haque, 3Sabbir Ahmed, 4Mohammad Mahfujur Rahman, 1,2,3,4 Department of Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering Faculty of Engineering Daffodil International University 1

[email protected],[email protected], [email protected], 4 [email protected]

Abstract— In the entire globe any educational organization is concerned in relation to the attendance of individuals because this has an effect on their overall performances. In conventional method attendance of students are taken by calling student names or signing on paper which is extremely time overwhelming. To eliminate this problem one of the solutions is a biometric-based attendance system that can automatically capture students’ attendance by recognizing their iris. Iris recognition is regarded as one of the most reliable, accurate and efficient biometric identification system due to the inner characteristics of iris, such as uniqueness, immovability and time invariance. The aim of this paper is to design and implement an iris recognition based attendance management system with the latest facilities at an accessible price to think about the financial situation of the large figure of developing countries. The paper includes two parts, hardware and software. The hardware part is responsible to capture images and run required program whereas the software part is responsible for accusation, processing, iris localizing, adjusting, matching and storing data; send the attendance report to the predefined E-mail address. Finally, the system detects, calculates, stores, and transmits the results by performing the MATLAB program. Keywords—Biometric; Iris Recognition; Calculation; MATLAB; Authentication.


I. INTRODUCTION In today’s world peoples are facing many problems and fake identity is one of the core problems in the whole world [1]. As move towards the digital era biometric technologies become more and more popular. Iris recognition is one of the most efficient

biometric based attendance management systems. Existing attendance management system is so much time consuming as it takes time to call students name or signing on the paper. An additional problem of having the hardcopy of the attendance record is that the attendance sheet may misplace [2]. A biometric based automatic attendance management system was proposed that use fingerprints for identification. For reliable recognition of persons an alternative approach is iris pattern which is very effective specially when need to search large databases without any false matches [3]. A person can be reliably identified by iris recognition because of its uniqueness and stability. It is becoming so popular because no two irises are identical, even irises of the left and right eye of the same person are not alike. Irises are also stable because one's iris is fully structured by ten months of age and remains the same for the period of their life span while other identifying features can change with age [4]. The accuracy of iris recognition technology is more as it uses 240 reference points of iris for matching. In 1936 Frank Burch, an ophthalmologist proposed the system to identify a person using iris pattern and the idea of identification a person by his iris pattern was first appeared in the film of James Bond [5]. Aran Safir and Leonard Flom, two other ophthalmologists patented this idea in 1987 and in 1989 these two ophthalmologists asked John Daugman to form algorithms for iris recognition. Iris extraction feature provides exceptional high dimensional information that clarifies the popularity of iris recognition based identification system [6, 7]. The iris is a circular diaphragm that punctured because of the pupil and lies between cornea and lens. How much light can enter through the pupil, a circular aperture area is controlled by the iris. The pupil size can vary from 10% to 80% of the iris diameter where the diameter is approximately 12mm [8]. Individual’s iris pattern

will be used for attendance instead of signing an attendance sheet, once a match is made he or she will be registered. The proposed system uses the camera to capture live images of human iris and stored this information in a data base. The proposed system calculates the radius of iris using Gray-coding algorithm in MATLAB data analyzing software. The system also uses MATLAB to match the radius of each person with the previous stored value and finally send the attendance report to the predefined Email address without human intervention.

checking, iris extraction, iris matching, data storing, authentication

II. PROPOSED SYSTEM In future numerous business enterprises will be relied on biometrics technologies since it is the only way to provide guarantee about the presence of an individual [9]. The proposed system provides iris recognition based biometric system in where the web-cam takes images of persons and sends to the computer for further processing and storing for future usages. The basic diagram of iris recognition system is illustrated in figure 1. The images are stored in data bases that will be used for comparing with the next images of person for authentication. If the next image gets matched with the stored one then the message goes to the administrative computer and if not matched then the previous process will run repeatedly. A webcam is a video camera typically connected by a USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable that sends the image to a computer or computer network. Computer is used for data storing, processing and analyzing for iris recognition process.

Figure 1: Basic diagram of hardware processing of iris recognition of attendance management system. After capturing and storing of images, MATLAB data analyzing software, is used for iris image acquisitions, iris localization, iris adjustments, iris

Figure 2: Web-cam with a Laptop. and to send E-mail. After capturing the image only iris need to localize from the whole image. Iris can be localized from the edge color of the pupil that is used in MATLAB coding to extract eye. MATLAB extracts the appropriate images of eyes to get an accurate value that will be stored in the database for authentication. The system uses different parameters for running the program such as Gray coding, color adjustment, and pixel adjustment. If given images are not in appropriate position then the calculation will not be held and it will require again input images or reject the program. Only eye part is extracted from snap short by MATLAB imcrop tool which uses some parameters such as position, line width, line style, edge color to calculate the radius. Iris matching process is a comparing coding system that takes images and compare with the store database. If this process match then the attendance will transmit or it will required the same process again. The taken data and the calculation are stored in the specified drive of the computer. When data are needed then it calls the data for comparison. Authentication is a process of providing access to a system for security reason based on individual’s identity. It ensures who is the right person or who has the right to access. But the data identity of a person has to store before in the database and when his or her image is given then the input images will be compared with stored image. If this process gets matched then it goes to the next steps as shown in the flow chart (figure 3).

Figure 5: Steps followed sending g an E-mail through the SMTP serv ver Figure 3: Simplified block diagram off the process. The system also sends the attendaance report to predefined E-mail address withhout human intervention. To enable automated E E-mail sending system, one will have to access a pportable SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server, an internet standard offered by Gmail to send m mail from any network to any E-mail address. To acccess it, one has to develop email client software. This task has done in MATLAB using the built in ffunctions. The architecture of the system has shown inn figure 4. For this service the PC must be connected with the internet, here citycell zoom modem iss used for data connectivity. The E-mail can be sent tto the given Email address through SMTP server.

III. RESULT AND AN NALYSIS A. IMAGE ACQUISITION AND RESIZING R Firstly, the system will ask for permission to take images using the MATLAB code. c After getting permission the system captures im mages. The captured images are then stored for further analysis. After capturing the image MATLAB imcrop tool detect only the eye part from the whole image and calculate the radius of iris.

Figure 4: Simplified block diagram forr implementing Automated E-mail Service The step of sending report to the E-mail address are shown in figure 5.

Figure 6: Image capturin ng window.

Figure 7: Automatically cropped part of eye

Figure 8: Pixel of iris C. AUTHENTICATION

B. RADIUS CALCULATION Angular Radial Partitioning (ARP) method is used to compute the radius of iris from the cropped part of eye. The system automatically calculates data of radius which will be stored in the database simultaneously. For the first person the radius of iris is 159.625 pixels as shown in MATLAB window in Figure 8.

Authentication is the method of ensuring the identity of an individual. Authentication plays a significant role which can provide the assurance of person’s whether he or she has the right to access. In this proposed system after processing and calculating radius of the image the result are stored in the data bases that will be used for comparing with the next person’s image for authentication. If the next image is matched with the stored one then the system shows that the value is matched with stored value and takes this person’s attendance.

Figure 7: Radius of iris in MATLAB command window

Figure 9: Authentication message

If the value of radius is not matched with the previous stored value on the database, the system shows that the value is matched with stored value so the process will be continued.

E. Accuracy

Figure 12: Result of the system Figure 10: Not Authentication message. D. AUTOMATED E-MAIL SERVICE After completion of authentication the report will be sent to the predefined E-mail address. In the MATLAB coding the E-mail address has already been defined. The PC must be connected by the internet for this purpose. In this work city cell zoom modem is used for internet connection in the system that take about 3 seconds to automatically send the attendance report with some information to the predefined E-mail address after the completion of acquisition and post processing.

The result of the system, illustrated in figure 12 presents the radius values of iris of a same person in different times. So the accuracy can be determined by the following way. Test1-Test2= (135.7315-135.4277) = 0.3031 Test1-Test3= (135.7315-135.5213) = 0.2102 Test1-Test4= (135.7315-135.7101) = 0.0214 = 0.5347/3 = 0.1782x100 = 17.8% Accuracy is = (100 – 17.8) % = 82.2% After analyzing, the error and accuracy can be calculated. The values of iris radius of an individual have taken several times, comparing these values with the stored value of this person error and accuracy is 17.8% and 82.2% respectively.


Figure 11: Automated E-mail

Now-a-days attendance management system plays an important role for many organizations. The paper has

presented an automated attendance technique in which an iris recognition system is used. This system possesses the functions of iris image acquisitions, iris localization, iris adjustments, iris checking, iris extraction, iris matching, data storing, authentication and sending E-mail to the pre-defined E-mail address without human intervention. The performance of this system meets the needs of daily attendance management in various enterprises and institutions. By exploiting the benefit of advanced data analyzing techniques, the cost of basic hardware unit was successfully reduced. The proposed outcomes will help one to go for a low cost attendance system just using a pc, web-cam and wireless server. This work can initiate a new era of attendance management system. REFERENCES [1]



[4] [5]





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