Design and Implementation of Attendance Application Program with Quick Response Code Java Based at Wirya Inovasi N.V. Gia Muhamad Agusta Department of Computer Science Islamic State University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia e-mail :
[email protected] Abstract— Optimizing the performance of employees will have a positive impact on company performance. One is to fulfill the things that pleased with the discipline, which became an invaluable corporate assets, and may appoint a company to a level better. QR Code which is the development of Barcode technology of choice because of its advantages. This method was chosen because the QR Code can be in the scanning device by a web camera, can be easily processed by image processing without special tools and can be scanned from any rotation. Applications created using the framework ZXing and JMF to create scanners and image processing that has QR Code. Applications that are made can generate QR Code in accordance identification absent employees of Wirya Inovasi N.V., Employees who do miss their presence recorded time and time out, the application can recap an absenteeism so that executives of Wirya Inovasi N.V. can monitor employees. Keyword : QR Code, Attendance, Java, ZXing
In a company, can not be denied that employees play an important role in processes that occur within a company. It can be a reference that identifies that optimizing the performance of employees will have a positive impact on company performance. authors tried to exploit developments in information technology to make the program attendance using QR Code (Quick Response Code) which was previously a development of the barcode. This method was chosen because the QR Code can be in the scanning device by a Web camera and a scanning code can be in any rotation. II. THEORITICAL BASIS A.
Human Computer Interaction Humans are creatures who like to interact with other human beings. Hence the use of computers as simple as possible so that people can interact with the computer.
Digital Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Digital image is a representation of a real object in the form of two-dimensional and three-dimensional digital image into a form recognized by the computer. Pattern recognition is a field of study that make the process of analysis of the input image is a picture or digital image and produces an output of a description in order to obtain the information conveyed by the image or image. [1] C.
Computer Vision Computer vision is the study of how the computer can recognize the object being observed. Computer vision is a combination of image processing and pattern recognition. Computer vision with artificial intelligence will be able to produce visual intelligence system (Visual Intelligence System). [2] D.
QR Code Quick Response (QR) code is a code in the form of two-dimensional matrix that was developed by Japanese company Denso-Wave in 1994. [3]
Figure 1. QR Code
Some of the advantages in using QR Code is as follows: Compared with other two-dimensional barcode (for example: Datamatrix, PDF417 and others) QR Code can store enough information (Maximum 4296 characters for alfanmnerik or 7089 numeric digits). As an illustration, one dilnensi barcode standard that is widely used is only capable of accommodating as many as 20 digits of information.
Have the ability to error correction. Data can be repaired even if QR code is damaged or dirty part Can be printed with the optimum size of about l, 5cm x 1, SCM, where there are 57 x 57 modules that can store data up to 400 characters (alphanumeric). The process of rapid reading because it does not have to be read in a certain angular position as well as one-dimensional barcode. Standard (ISOiIEC18004) and has a lot of tenninal reader for mobile phones and PCs. Easy to carry around. Cheaper than the chip-based smartcard storage media. III.
Purpose of making the decomposition diagram of level 0 context diagram. The goal is to provide detailed information system to be built.
Analysis Previous attendance is still using the manual method by writing down the time and signature. take a long time in conveying information recaps employee absences and lack of experience in attendance impractical. Analysis of attendance QR Code application needs to run this system according to the authors is as follows: 1. It takes a computerized attendance thus improving employee discipline Wirya Inovasi N.V. 2. Often occurs when the queue employee absenteeism because it takes a long time to fill out the form manually attendance, then the required scanner that can read the code quickly absenteeism. 3. It takes a recap recap report every month and report on each employee making it easier for companies to see tinglcat discipline employees. B.
Architecture Design Purpose of making the context diagram is to provide a general view of the Information System to be built largely.
Figure 2. DFD Zero Level
Figure 3. DFD First Level
web cam should always be on standby, the application will continue to examine the QR Code image with each frame is recorded by the web cam. If there is no QR Code image then the application will do the scanning again. To perform decoding QR Code contained in the frame, the application uses ZXing framework. QR Code in order to be able to detect only the code for the employees of Wirya Inovasi N.V., then be checked with the prefix "WIR ::".
Figure 6. Main GUI
The application uses standard GUI for data input process and generate the QR Code in accordance employee identification.
Figure 4. Flowchart Scanner
Database to be used in building the information systems of this absence is due to MySQL MySQL is an open source application licensed free.
Figure 7. View Employee GUI
This menu is used for navigation include employee data, and the division of work.
Figure 5. ERD
GUI is displayed when the absentee application is run, if the QR Code of the employees of Wirya Inovasi N.V in the scan time of entry of employee information and employee absences and the photo will appear. Figure 8. GUI Menu
This form is used to enter edit employee data and their employees if there is a replacement employee data.
pekerjaan.nama as pekerjaan, waktu_masuk, waktu_keluar, tanggal FROM `absensi` join `pegawai` on pegawai.pegawai_id = absensi.pegawai_id join `divisi` on divisi.divisi_id = pegawai.divisi_id join `pekerjaan` on pekerjaan.pekerjaan_id = pegawai.pekerjaan_id WHERE tanggal = $P{tanggal}
Figure 9. Add Employee GUI
This report uses the design tools/JasperReports[4] framework, namely tools that can generate and have the ability to deliver content with lots of features, to the printer or into PDF, HTML, XLS, CSV, and XML files. JasperReports is fully used under programming in Java and can dYgunakan variation - Java, including J2EE or Web applications, to generate dynamic content.
Figure 11. Printed Report Implementation
Testing and Implementation The design was created is implemented in a Java programming language and practiced with tools such as web cam and print QRCode.
Figure 10. Report Design
$F{pegawai} : variable field employee $F{divisi} : variable field division $F{pekerjaan} : variable field job $F{waktu_masuk} : variable field time in $F{waktu_keluar} : variable field time out new java.util.Date() : object date of report $V{COLUMN_COUNT} : variable to display the number of records contained in the report $V{PAGE_NUMBER} : variable to display the report page $P{tanggal} : variable parameter to display the date the report daily attendance on a certain date. Report made by JasperReport require a query to retrieve data directly. SELECT pegawai.nama divisi.nama as
pegawai, divisi,
Figure 12. QR Code Scanning Implementation
Figure 13. QR Code Scanning Implementation with 90° Rotation
Testing aims to test the application of internal information systems are built and user interface are made. In the testing of this system will be shortages of all functions (facilities) that have been designed user interface. With the discovery of deficiencies that exist, it will be improvements to the system thus improving system performance and can meet the needs of users. Attendance is also testing must be done to test the application of the QR Code Scanning done some percobaa. With the discovery of deficiencies that exist, there will be improvements to the scanning so that the improved system performance and can meet the needs of users. IV.
Development of information systems is essential in the absence of an organization to support the company's activities, including the absence of time can accelerate, enhance employee discipline and employee performance by the executive in monitoring with a recap of attendance. The author hopes that this system can be applied in other companies, the system can be developed into a web-based information systems so that the executive is not only the monitoring of work sites but can be accessed anywhere. REFERENCES [1]. Gonzalez and Woods. Digital Image Processing, 2nd Edition. Jakarta: Prentice-Hall. 2002 [2]. Jain, Kasturi and Schunk. Machine Vision. Mc-Graw-Hill, Inc. 1995 [3]. BS ISO/IEC 18004:2006, Information technology. “Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code symbology, QR code”. [4]. “JasperReport Framework”, [Online]. Available:, accessed: April 26, 2011