Development of a Java Application for Parametric

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Import/export files design. ▫ Array handling. ▫ GUI design (SWT/JFace libraries, WindowBuilder). ▫ Building the CAD model (porting of the Open. CASCADE ...

Objectives 2

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Development of a software for aircraft preliminary design and MDO (aerodynamics, propulsion, structures, stability and control) Find the best configuration out of thousands A modern, user friendly, fast framework Support for simultaneous management/analysis of several aircraft and/or different configurations of same aircraft Conceived for collaborative design activities Interoperability with other tools/disciplines (CAD/CFD/FEM analysis)

From many to only one 3

Framework overview 4 

Several tasks, different priorities 

manage user input

perform the analysis of the aircraft

optimize the current configuration

Lean software design to manage the great amount of data and calculations Dual input method to ease batch analysis and integration with other software: 

GUI mode Command line mode (no-GUI)

Input methods 5

GUI controls

XML files • •

Custom file Serialized file

Output files 6

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 

XML file Microsoft Excel file (results and input parameters organized in sheets) Charts CAD model ready to be meshed

Interface with external CFD tools 7

The development of the application 8

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Java programming language (JDK 1.8) Eclipse IDE A lot of work for:    

Import/export files design Array handling GUI design (SWT/JFace libraries, WindowBuilder) Building the CAD model (porting of the Open CASCADE libraries) Arranging the CAD 3D viewer (JavaFX)

Java. Why? 9

Widely supported, continuously updated and improved Many open source libraries available, especially for I/O tasks and for complex mathematical operations Widely supported GUI framework and a GUI visual builder Promotes modularity: easier to work in an ever changing team

Data and analysis handling 10

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OOP extremely useful to separate concerns Large pool of static methods to ease testing, and enhance code reusability Three main classes that effectively exploit such methods: o o o

Top level executive class Aircraft class Analysis class

Executing an analysis 11

After performing an analysis, access parameters as: aircraft.getWing().getAerodynamics().getDrag()

Running the application 12

Conclusions 13

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Main features and general arrangement complete Work in progress:   

Loads Stability Collaborative features, i.e. dealing with:   

CPACS (Common Parametric Aircraft Configuration Schema) format designed by the DLR United States Air Force Stability and Control Digital DATCOM (DATa COMpendium) Flight gear simulator input xml file

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