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Mar 15, 2005 - Appendices – Software Design Specifications & Photo Gallery ... Implementing TQM in seafood industry in Kerala, India, presented at Asian ...... They should also spend time in field service work so that they are exposed to the.
ICAR SCHEME No. F.No: 4 (62)/97-ASR-I


(Principal Investigator)

Ms. Smitha Nair

(Senior Research Fellow)

Mr. Sunil K.G.

(Senior Research Fellow)


MARCH 2005

Project on TQM in seafood industry CONTENTS Progress Report


Objectives of the study, Methodology and Chapter Framework


Chapters Chapter I.

Page No: Introduction to Seafood Quality Management Systems


Chapter II. Profile of Seafood Firms surveyed


Chapter III. Present Status of Quality Management System in Seafood Industry


Chapter IV. Work Measurement and Process Flow Studies


Chapter V. An Investigation on HACCP Implementation


Chapter VI. Evolving MIS for Seafood Industry


Chapter VII. Organizational Culture and Quality Management System


Chapter VIII. SWOT Analysis And Development Of Strategic Quality

Management Model


Chapter IX. Gap Analysis for Implementing TQM in Seafood Industry.


Chapter X. Applicability of the Concept of TQM in Seafood Industry


Chapter XI. Development of a TQM Implementation Model in Seafood Industry


Chapter XII. Conclusion


Appendices – Software Design Specifications & Photo Gallery

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry PROGRESS REPORT OF RESEARCH SCHEME 1. Project Title

: Development of a Total Quality Management System for Growth of Seafood Trade from India.

2. Sanction No:

: F.No:4-62/97-ASR-1,dtd 20th Nov 2000.

3. Date of Start

: 18-10-2001.

4. Date of Termination

: 17-01-2005.

5. Institution's Name

: School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science & Technology

6. Place

: Cochin

7. District

: Ernakulam

8. State

: Kerala

9. Dept./Div. Name

: School of Industrial Fisheries

10. Actual Location

: School of Industrial Fisheries,

(Location of research

Cochin University of Science & Technology,

scheme to be carried out)

Cochin - 682016.

11.Principal Investigator Details Name

: Dr. A.Ramachandran


: Professor


: School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science & Technology.


: 20 years


: Dr. A.Ramachandran Professor, School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT, Cochin - 682016. Presently Registrar, CUSAT, Cochin - 22

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Co-Investigator

: Mr. John Mohan Sr. Lecturer in Fish Processing Technology, School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Cochin - 682016.


: Details are enclosed.

Duration of Scheme

: 3 years and three Months

Papers Published  An investigation on the changes as a results of HACCP implementation in select seafood plants of Cochin-Alappuzha area, presented at SOFTI seminar, 2002 and appeared in the proceedings.  Implementing TQM in seafood industry in Kerala, India, presented at Asian Fisheries Forum, Penang, Malaysia  Role of organizational culture in influencing success of quality management systems in seafood industry in Kerala, India, presented at Asian Fisheries Forum, Penang, Malaysia  Applicability of the concept of TQM in seafood industry, published in Souvenir of SustainFish International Seminar, School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin  Development of a TQM implementation model for seafood Industry, presented at Workshop on TQM in seafood industry, School of Industrial fisheries, CUSAT.

Manuscripts Prepared: Proceedings of Workshop on TQM in seafood industry, conducted under the project, School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT, on March 14th –15th 2005

Technical Salient Achievements (only points):  Design of a TQM implementation model for seafood industry  Design of Process Control Information software  Conducted Gap Analysis with respect to the prospect of implementing TQM in seafood industry

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry  Design of suitable MIS for seafood industry  Design of Strategic Quality Management model and Quality Circle model for seafood industry  Inventory of present status of Quality Management system in seafood industry, namely HACCP  Conducted workshop on TQM in seafood industry, as part of information dissemination to the stakeholders in the seafood industry, namely processors, quality management consultants, seafood quality management faculty, researchers, and postgraduate fisheries students.  Published the Proceedings of the Workshop on TQM in seafood industry and distributed to the workshop participants  Conducted brainstorming sessions in the workshop to get quality feedback on the scope of the prospect of implementing TQM in the seafood industry, and the process of institutionalizing the same.  Video Documentation of the seafood processing activities in select processing plants was done

Principal Investigator

Head in charge







Date: 18/3/2005.

Comments of Project Co-ordinator

: Not available

Remarks of the Council

: Not available

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT

To assess the level of establishment & implementation of modern concepts of management like HACCP, ISO 9000 series, EC Directives etc., in the seafood processing plants in the two main centres namely Cochin & Mangalore.

To assess the various processing operations involved in the production of various IQF products in both plants having approval from the European Commission and plants exporting to countries other than the E.U.The assessment is to study the various activities and treatments involved in the processing of IQF products in these plants & to co-relate therewith the prescribed quality standards.

To evaluate the quality cost involved in the production & marketing of seafood in EU and Non EU plants.

To develop appropriate Total Quality Management Systems appropriate to seafood processing plants and export firms in India.

To conduct a workshop to disseminate the information and models developed out of the project as a precursor in establishing a national training centre for Seafood Quality Management for those working in seafood processing and export firms at the School of Industrial Fisheries of Cochin University of Science & Technology, in association with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry FIRST YEAR WORK PLAN 

Assessment of handling of fish onboard, at the landing centres and during purchase in the preprocessing centres as per the new HACCP system introduced in India in 1997.

To carry out work measurement studies on the various processes of seafood production and to establish standardized production methods to minimize handling, holding time of raw materials, in-process materials and finished goods and to reduce contamination and cost of production

To study the organizational structure and quality management information systems prevailing in the various processing plants.

To study the statistical quality control methods used in various plants.

SECOND YEAR WORK PLAN  To continue the study to be carried out in the first year.  To assess the various internal and external factors (Internal & External Environments) influencing the quality of seafood at various production centres.  To study the efficiency of machineries used in the processing of seafood in various factories.  To study the degree of acceptance and implementation of HACCP concepts, ISO 9000 series and EEC Directives by the processing plants.  To study the flow diagram and critical control points established by various seafood processing plants.  To study the human factor involvement at various levels of the hierarchy in maintaining the quality of the products both for domestic and international marketing.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry  To try the various models of total quality management already developed in other countries for its suitability for use in seafood industry. THIRD YEAR WORK PLAN 

To develop standard methods of handling of fish during catching, at the landing centre, during transportation, purchase and processing

To develop realistic CCPs for the processing of standardized products both for internal marketing and for international trade.

To develop suitable quality MIS for the seafood plants in India

To develop suitable Statistical Control Techniques and charts for process control

To analyze the human involvement at various levels of the hierarchy in maintaining the quality of the products and to develop suitable organizational structure and quality circles for effective human involvement for seafood processing factories meant for international trade

To develop TQM models for the seafood industry in India

To carry out SWOT analysis and develop a suitable Strategic Quality Management model for sustainable market development

Cost benefit analysis of adopting TQM concepts in seafood plants in India

To organize workshop for disseminating the information to the stakeholders

Presentation of report.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry RESEARCH MEHODOLOGY Selection of Processing Plants

Out of the earlier identified 78 plants, only 65 processing plants in the Cochin-Alappuzha area were segregated during the surveys conducted. The remaining plants were not studied as some of them had suspended operations, while the others had too erratic an operation to be studied, namely, whatever operations were there were done late in the night or done in other plants. Out of the 65 plants now taken for study, 40 were seen to be EU - exporting companies while the remaining 25 were non - EU exporting companies. The stratified random sampling system was used to select the plants for in-depth study. The plants were selected on the basis of initial division into various strata, based on various criteria, which are enumerated as follows: 

On the basis of type of freezing technology used: 1.Plate freezing 2.Blast Freezing 3.Spiral Freezing 4.Cryogenic Freezing

Type of Products: 1. Block Frozen Products 2. IQF and IF Products

Based on Location of Plants: 1. Aroor area 2. Chandiroor area 3. Edakochi area 4. Thoppumpady area & 5. Mangalore area.

Based on markets exported to: 1. E.U market 2. Non - E.U markets.

This being the criteria for segregation of the 65 processing plants, from survey studies conducted, the following information was collected.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry CHAPTER - I INTRODUCTION TO SEAFOOD QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS The seafood processing industry in India is a 52 year-old one, tracing its origin way back to 1953, in Cochin. Over the years, the industry has been turning out more and more quantity of seafood products, bringing in valuable foreign exchange to the country. But, it has been sadly acknowledged that the industry has lost its once famous stronghold. As is wont with every industry, competition brings in its wake demand for better quality and safer goods and the seafood processing industry was no exception to this phenomenon, and several firms had to close down, in the light of stringent regulations imposed by the EU and the US. But the slide had begun a long time back, slowly. Till the end of 1980s, India was listed in the most prestigious placement as the number one shrimp producing country (from capture source) and exporting countries in the world. In this period, India was also enjoying a distinct position in the global market as a “seller’s marketing country”. With the development of shrimp culture in the South-East Asian countries, India started sliding down from the first position step by step . Now instead India has become a “buyer’s market” starting from the middle of 1980’s, and is now barely retaining its identity as ‘one of the shrimp producing countries’ through aquaculture in the world. The once 104 strong seafood industry in Kerala has now dwindled to about 66% of its former size, even though new plants are coming in place of the old ones.

This being the general framework of the industry, it was soon realized that the only chance Indian seafood firms have of surviving the various market upheavals would be developing a contingent strategy, involving all sections of the firm, so that the products get a new face-lift. What the need of the hour is, an altogether new positioning of the products in the market such that the firms are able to cave out a niche market for their products. Indian firms have to start from the design of a niche phase to finally becoming world – class competitive firms. Since the emphasis of seafood products, or any other food products, in that matter, is based on the food safety, as consumers more and more aware of their right to safe and cheap food, it makes sense to focus on the quality of the products. It makes even more sense to adopt a total quality system, for the whole firm so that there are no chances taken with the product quality and firms are able to produce good and consistent quality products, every

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry time. Total quality management advocates the philosophy of being right the first time and every time.

Hence this project attempts to do just that, that is, to devise a total quality management system specific to the seafood industry in Kerala, such that, at the completion of the project, this information as well as technology is transferred to the industry, which may at its own discretion choose to adopt it and reap benefits. The major stumbling blocks to this endeavour, which is at once innovative and industry specific, is the business mentality of the seafood processors. Most of them choose to remain in the industry only for a short time, maybe for a couple of years, try to cover their cost by maximum production at cheap rates, without paying minimal interest to the quality aspects of the job. These people are hardly likely to adopt this system, but for those people who realize that it pays to attach importance to quality in the long run, this work will prove to be very useful and informative. One of the main findings of the study is that the managers are not aware about total quality management and its tools. Therefore, this project aims to disseminate this information to the processors.

TQM has been widely adopted and practiced by several firms all over the world. TQM firms have been acknowledged as world leaders in their respective industry segments. Theses firms keep close touch with their customers and have realized that customers are willing to pay for quality products, and that quality has become the most important factor for purchase of any good/service. These firms therefore have adopted the TQM philosophy and are able to influence the market before the market influences them, and thereby maintain their market share and attention for a very long time, in contrast to firms which have not adopted TQM and which have dropped out of business in the long run. Studies on TQM are by no means meager. But, we came across very few instances where the information on TQM implementation by a firm, especially a food processing firm, has been made public. Such being the case we have tried our best to gather data on TQM companies and study what strategies have been followed by them and what all changes it takes to implement TQM. Our study has been based on information received from such instances, and was instrumental in forming the basis for evolving a TQM model and implementation strategy for the seafood industry.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry CHAPTER - 2 PROFILE OF SEAFOOD FIRMS SURVEYED NATURE AND TYPES OF FIRMS The studies revealed that the seafood industry in Cochin – Alappuzha area and Mangalore area is composed of export firms which are operating on various scales of magnitude, namely small- scale, medium – scale and large – scale. They are as given below. TABLE – 1 TYPE OF INDUSTRY Type of Industry

Percentage of Processing Plants

Small - scale


Medium - scale


Large - scale


Source : Own Data

The nature of the companies was either ownership companies (33%), partnership firms (55%) or Public Ltd Companies (12%). Only one of the companies has been set up with the aid of foreign collaboration. Figure 1 Nature Of the Seafood Companies in the Cochin Alappuzha & Mangalore Areas 12% Ownership



Public Ltd Company


67% of the firms had sister concerns in the form of other seafood processing companies, 8% in ice factories and cold stores, 5% in hotels,5% in jewellery shops 5% in other industries like fruit

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry processing (manufacture of jams, pickles etc), 5% in hatchery and meat factories and another 5 % in water supply through tankers. This is represented by the following pie diagram. Figure 2 Type of Sister Concerns Of Seafood Companies In Areas Under Study 5%

Seafood Companies Ice & Cold Store Factories




5% 5%

Jewellery Shops

8% 67%

Fruit Processing Units Hatchery / Meat Factories Water Tank Supply

Processing Details & Freezing Technology On the basis of type of freezing technology used it was found that around 93.3% of the plants surveyed had plate-freezing facilities, with around 30% employing plate freezers exclusively for processing. Blast freezing technology is employed in 46.7% of the factories under study. In 40% of total plants surveyed, Individual Quick Freezing technique is being utilized for freezing. An innovative method of freezing namely Cryogenic Freezing technique has been introduced in the area under study, by a processing plant. Efforts are on to gauge its efficiency. The figure shown represents the above data. Figure 3 – Freezing techniques SHARE OF DIFFERENT FREEING TECHNIQUES IN SEAFOOD INDUSTRY IN COCHIN - ALAPPUZHA AREA



Plate Freezing Blast Freezing 16.7%

IQF Cryogenic Freezing


School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry TYPE OF PRODUCTS On the basis, of type of frozen products, about 76.7% of plants produced block frozen products exclusively, while 10% of plants produced IQF products, out of which 33.3% of plants produced Cooked Individually frozen products and an equal % produces Blanched IQF products. 13.3% of the plants produce block frozen, cooked IQF and Ready-to-eat products, as shown in the table below: Table –2. Type of Products Produced Type Of Products

Percentage share of Different Processing Plants

Block Frozen Only


IQF Products Only


Block Frozen, IQF, RTE products


Source : Own Data

LOCATION The Processing plants under study were segregated into different blocks based on their location. About 22% of plants are located in the Aroor area, 12% in the Chandiroor area, 30% in the Thoppumpady area, while 8% is located in the Edakochi area. About 28% of the plants were found scattered within the area, without forming any precise belt. They have been listed under the Others category. In Mangalore area around 5 plants were taken for study purpose. Figure –4. Share of Locations of Seafood Plants Share % of Locations of Seafood Plants In Cochin Alappuzha Area Thoppumpady 30%

28% ers Oth

Edakochi 8% Aroor 22%

Chandiroor 12%

The firms were found to be established in the Industrial Estate areas, to avail of all facilities as is common to these areas. The total areas of the companies vary on an average between 30 cents to 3

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry acres, with around 97% of the surrounding area being covered to comply with all specified standards. Figure – 5. Average Net Acreage of Plants Average Net Acreage of Plants In The Area Under Study 10% Upto 50 cents

Between 50 to 100 cents

50% 40%

More than 1acre

The plants were further segregated in EU-exporting units & Non-EU exporting units, which amounted to 61.5% & 38.5% respectively. The Non- EU countries include the US, China, Japan, Korea, South Africa, the Middle – East countries, Tunisia, the Gulf countries etc. As part of the studies conducted, various aspects of the seafood industry in the Cochin – Alappuzha and Mangalore areas came into light. These have been summarized below under the various heads, such as the Procurement Section, Processing Section, Production Details, Market analysis and HRM studies, divided into the Top Level Management, Middle Level Management and the Floor Level workers.


SOURCES In the processing plants surveyed, it was seen that the raw material procurement, were namely by the following sources :  Direct Purchase, which accounted for roughly 16% of the total raw material purchase,  Suppliers, which accounted for roughly 35% of the total raw material purchase and  A combination of both, which accounts for roughly 49% of the total raw material purchase.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Figure – 6. Source of Raw Material SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL PURCHASE IN COCHIN - ALAPPUZHA AREA 16%



When enquiries were made of the processors whether they get adequate quantity of raw material either from their own purchase or through suppliers, 41% of them replied in the affirmative, 52% had causes for complaints about raw material availability, while 7% were of the opinion that they get their desired amount of raw material sometimes. Excluding around 7% of the processing plants under study, all the rest kept their suppliers informed regularly about the purchase specification of the raw material.


The major landing centres are the Cochin Fishing Harbour, Munambam, Quilon, Mangalore, Murikkumppadom, Kozhikkode, Alappuzha, Ambalapuzha, Beypore, Madras, Tuticorin, Cuddalore etc. For most of the plants in the Cochin – Alappuzha area, the Cochin Fishing Harbour is the nearest one, while some of the plants are located near the Munambam Harbour. For the processing plants in Mangalore area, the major landing centres include Mangalore, Malpe, Karwar, Goa, Honavar etc, with the Mangalore landing centre being the closest.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Figure – 7. Landing Centre Distribution % of Plants In Cochin - Alappuzha and Mangalore Areas Showing Nearest Fish Landing Centres 1%


Cochin Fishing Harbour Munambam


4% 1%

Murikkumpadom 13%

Ambalapuzha Pallithode Mangalore 76%


The erratic availability of raw material makes the raw material purchase job a very harrowing task for the processors. On an average, the processing plants of the Cochin – Alappuzha area, purchase 11.04 MT of raw material, daily. In Mangalore area, the per day purchase of raw material appeared to be, on an average, 19.25 MT.

The raw material count and grade requirements as observed on purchase is of the range of +/-5% in most of processing plants in the area under study. Around 2% tolerance on the appearance of black spot was allowed during procurement of raw material by the processing plants. On deterioration & off-odour 0% tolerance was shown during purchase by the processing plants. The company policy on raw material specification on discolouration is – not exceeding 2%. In the case of broken pieces by weight, around 3-5% was admissible during raw material procurement in 35% of the processing plants, while in the case of uniformity, 5% from the higher grade was allowable.

PROCESSING SECTION The distance of the processing plants from the landing centres is a very important factor affecting the raw material quality. In the course of the study the distance of the plants from the nearest landing centre was noted as follows:

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Table –3. distance From Landing Centre Distance From Nearest Landing Centre

% Of Processing Plants within said Range

Within 1 Km


1 – 10 Kms


10 – 20 Kms


Above 20 Kms


Source : Own Data

Figure 8. Distance From Nearest Landing Centre DISTANCE OF PROCESSING PLANTS FROM NEAREST LANDING CENTRE IN % 2% 16% 20%

Within 1 Km Between 1 - 10 Km Between 11 - 20 Km Above 20 Km 62%

Since most of the plants were close by to the landing centres, the raw material arriving at the plants were fresh material, thereby contributing to the product quality, rather than material that has taken a day or two to reach the processing centre.

RAW MATERIAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT Assessment of raw material quality is done by the following methods, namely:  Sensory method,  Chemical method,  Physical method and  Microbiological method

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry All of the methods or a combination of two or three of the above or only a single method is used for raw material quality assessment.

Grade I and Grade II of raw material was used for processing in 26.9 % of the firms, while, 73.1 % of the firms used only Grade I of the raw material to ensure good quality of the raw material. The Second Grade material is usually sent off as local sale, to hotels, in the eventuality of there being no foreign takers. Grade I


73.1 %

Grade I & II


26.9 %

The various processing plants use various chemicals such as Sodium Tri Polyphosphate (STPP), salt, food colours such as oleorescein paprika. % Of plants studied use STPP, with the dip time in STPP being around 3-6 hrs for around 85.3 % of the plants, while 14.3 % of them dip the raw material in STPP for less than 3 Hrs, and the concentration being around 3-5% in about 42.9 % of the plants and 2 – 3 % in 57.1 % of the plants in the area under study. STPP was used for weight gain in the products. The duration of treatment time varied with the plants, dip times are as shown below. The % of STPP used varied depending on the salt concentration and the dip time used. The ratio between the salt & STPP is generally 2:1 or 3:1 or 4:1, with the first concentration showing the most effective weight gain in one hour, wherein roughly 25% increase was noted. Table –4. STPP Treatment in Plants with the Dip Time & % Concentration STPP Treatment

Dip Time in STPP

% Of STPP used

< 3 Hrs

3 – 6 Hrs



14.3 %

85.3 %

57.1 %

42.9 %

% Of Processing Plants Source : Own Data

Besides STPP, salt is also another chemical used in the plants during processing. Different plants use different concentrations as shown below: Table – 5. Use of Salt In Treatment In Plants - Percentage Concentration % Of Salt added

2 – 2.5 %

2 – 2.5 %

Above 3.5 %

% Of Plants

28.6 %

57.1 %

14.3 %

Source : Own Data

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Though the standard freezing temperature is specified to be –40C and the cold store temperature is about –18C, the survey revealed that in 11.11 %% of the plants, there is a temperature variation of about 4 - 6C in the case of freezing temperature and about 4 - 6C for the cold store temperature, in 6.9 % of the plants surveyed. Mostly the freezing temperature variation was about only +/- 1C, while it was around +/- 2 - 3C in the case of store temperature in 51.72 % of the plants surveyed. Table – 6. Analysis Of Freezer & Store Temperature Variations In The Processing Plants Of Cochin – Alappuzha Area. % Of Variation

Freezing Temperature Variation +/-1C

Store Temperature Variation

+/- 4 –

+/-2 - 3C

+/-2 -


6C % Of Plants


25.93 %

+/- 4 – 6C



41.38 %

51.72 %

6.9 %

Source : Own Data

In the case of lead time of products in store before shipment, it was noted that 42.9% of plants took a time gap of 15-30 days, while 14.3% had a lead time of about 2 months, while some took as long as more than one year. Table – 7 Average Lead Time of Finished Products in Cold store Lead Time in Store

% Of Plants

Upto 15



3 months &







14.3 %

14.3 %

Source : Own Data

In 66.7% of the plants, the core temperature of the product registered around –16 - -18C while 33.3% registered -18C and above, on an average for the various products. In the case of Individually quick frozen products (IQF products), where cooking was done, the cooking temperature was noted to be around 85 – 90C for 50% of the plants, while 40- 50 seconds was seen to be the cooking time in 66.7% of the plants. Table – 8. Cooking Time – Temperature Log In IQF Plants In Cochin – Alappuzha Area Cooking Time & Temperature % Of Processing Plants

Cooking time (in secs)

Cooking Temperature (in C)

35 – 40 secs

40-50 secs

78 – 80 C

83 – 85C

85 - 90C


66.7 %

33.3 %

16.7 %

50 %

Source : Own Data

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry In the processing plants, where chemicals were added during processing, it was seen that after chemical addition, the agitation was done mechanically in 57.9% of the plants, while 31.6% of the plants had manual agitation. Around 10.5% of the plants have both types of agitation.

All the plants have adopted the HACCP system of quality control in their factories. As adherent to the principles of HACCP, majority of the plants have adopted various measures for preventing cross-contamination, such as colour code, labeling, providing separate coloured uniforms for the workers, providing executive uniforms, providing disposable aprons etc.

Raw material, processed material and finished product sampling for quality monitoring is undertaken differently by the different plants, with some of them, in the case of IQF products, having a sampling frequency as of during the raw material receiving, after treatment before cooking, after cooking during freezing and after freezing before packing, while in the case of block frozen products, the sampling frequency included during raw material receiving, after freezing before packing and after packing.

As part of the HACCP system, the critical control points (CCPs) were clearly demarcated in all the plants, with majority of them having namely two CCPs, namely, in the case of shrimp processing – presence of sulphite, and in the case of cephalopods – presence of heavy metals. Critical Control Points are also in place for scombroid fishes and during cooking (cooking temperature) in IQF plants. Water supply was found to be one of the problems in the processing plants in the Cochin – Alappuzha area, with 8.33% of the plants having to procure water through agents, 41.67% receiving water bore wells, 30.56% from the Municipality, 8.33% through deep wells and the rest from a combination of all or some of the above sources.

The location of the plant, immediate areas adjacent to the factory and construction of the factor were found to be adequate in most of the plants. The lighting facilities, design and layout, drainage system, insect and vermin control, flow chart of the various products, plumbing diagram, established

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry critical limits, monitoring procedures, verification procedures, record keeping and corrective actions done, were found to be satisfactory.

The specified standards for chlorination levels in the various plants were found to be the following : Utensils


50 ppm

Raw material


< 2 ppm

Process Water


< 2 ppm



< 2 ppm

Floor Wash


200 ppm

Hand Dips


20 ppm

Foot Dips


100 ppm

Only 40 % of the plants were found to strictly adhere to all of the above chlorination levels. The ice used by the processing plants were found to be of the following types: Flake Ice



Block Ice



Tube Ice



Mixture of Flake Ice & Block Ice



Mixture of Flake Ice & Tube Ice



Outside Source



While the first five sources are present within the plants itself, around 5% of the plants depend completely on outside sources for ice procurement, namely in the form of block ice. FIGURE – 9. SOURCE OF ICE IN SEAFOOD PLANTS


Block Ice Only Flake Ice & Block Ice 17%

Tube Ice


Flake Ice & Tube Ice 17%

Outside Source

Source : Own Data

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry PRODUCTION DETAILS A large variety of products are being exported regularly form the processing plants in the areas under study. Some of the products include : Shrimps Frozen





blanched & cooked whole

Cephalopods (cuttle fish, squid) Whole, whole cleaned, full cleaned, rings, tentacles, stripes, fillets

Octopus Octopus whole, blanched

Fishes (whole, head–on–gutted, fillets) Ribbon fish whole, pomfrets, seer fish, reef cod, mackerel, tuna, etc

Crabs, Clams, Mussels etc

50-100gms of additional weight is added for different products to compensate for drip loss. The additional weights are as follows: Shrimps


50 gms

Squid & Cuttle fish


50-100 gms



100 gms

The yield percentage of different products from the raw material is around the following, in the different processing plants :

SQUID, CUTTLEFISH & OCTOPUS Squid, Cuttlefish & Octopus whole :


Squid / Cuttlefish Whole Cleaned :


Squid Rings



School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Tentacles



Rings / Stripes



Deep Sea PD



Deep Sea PUD



Karikkadi PD



Karikkadi PUD



Poovalan PUD






Head On/ Gutted





The peak season for production is after the trawl ban from the months of August - February for majority of processing plants. Similarly the slack season of production was during the ban period for almost all the firms surveyed. But some of the plants have full capacity production from raw material taken from neighbouring states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. To keep up with the requirements of workforce and shifts during these periods of peak and slack seasons, most of the firms employed its workers on contract basis.

The scheduling of raw material for processing is based on the first in first out basis (FIFO), while the finished products for export are scheduled as per export orders.

TECHNICAL DETAILS Direct survey methods and sampling techniques were used for tabulating the technical details of the various processing plants in the area under study and the following results were obtained: 

About 30% of the plants had two processing lines, while the rest 70% had only a single processing line. This assumes significance in that, within the given conditions, the processors are able to produce two different products simultaneously and there would be no crosscontamination and therefore no resulting bacteriological problems. The processors use two lines, one for shrimps and cephalopods and the other for fishes.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry 

Almost 91.9% of the EU-exporting plants have an integrated Pre-Processing Centre, in compliance with the EEC norms and the Directives laid down by the Indian export authorities. Three non-EU exporting plants are in the process of constructing new PPCs, integrated to the processing section and take up EU approval, in order to expand their markets.

The number of cold stores present in the plants was found to vary, in relation to their production capacity. As most of the plants were ones established long ago, with the process of up gradation and capacity expansion, the cold store capacity and number were found to increase proportionately. On an average the plants had a store capacity of100 –200 Metric Tonnes. TABLE – 9 COLD STORE CAPACITY

Cold Store Upto 100 100-150 T 150200-250 T 300-350 T 350-400 T 400Capacity T 200T 450 T % Of 20% 20% 13.3 % 10 % 10 % 6.7 % 3.3 % Processing Plants  The different processing plants were classified on the basis of their freezer capacity and expressed in the form of percentages as follows: TABLE – 10 TYPE OF FREEZERS Type of Freezer

25 T

 The daily production capacity of the various plants in the area under study were seen to be as follows: TABLE – 11 DAILY PRODUCTION CAPAPCITY Daily Production Capacity

0 – 10 T

10 – 15 T

15 – 20 T

> 20 T

% Of Processing Plants





Around 43.3% of the processing plants had a daily production capacity of less than 10 Tons, while, 23.3 % of them had a daily capacity between 10-15 Tons. A daily production capacity between 15 and 20 Tons were seen in 26.7%, and 6.7% have a above 20 Ton capacity. This is an average estimate keeping in mind the availability of raw material.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry CHAPTER -3 PRESENT STATUS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN SEAFOOD INDUSTRY The studies on the organizational set-up and human resources management show that, the top management of the different factories is familiar with the latest developments in the field of quality assurance in the seafood industry in the country and is supportive of the quality improvement programme in their companies.

It is seen that while the top management in 58.1% of the firms are given several quality motivating benefits, the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy are not privy to such benefits. Very few firms (16.1%) had the benefits spreading to the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy.

The survey revealed that there were very few motivational techniques prevailing in the various plants to stimulate production and quality, such as Incentive system, Job enrichment, Job enlargement, Zero defect, Quality circles and any other similar techniques. The most common techniques employed are the Incentive system, Job enrichment and Quality Circles. In 38.7% of the factories, incentive system was found to be prevalent as a motivational technique. 6.5% of the plants have implemented Quality circles in their departments, while in 6.5%, incentive system together with job enrichment was found to be in force.

Out of the total plants having incentive system, very few plants have quality oriented incentive system (only 12.9%), though production–linked incentive system is prevalent in all of the plants (38.7%) having incentive system. Promotion scopes in the firms are very low. Some of the companies have the system of job rotation, but it is confined only to the middle level management, mainly the technologists. The production-profit oriented incentive system in the different companies can, at an average, be divided among the different levels of the organizational ladder in the following percentage:  Manager level



 Middle level



 Workers



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Project on TQM in seafood industry

Most of the exporters hired their floor level workers on a contract basis. The survey revealed that on an average the daily wages for the workers are as follows: Male workers


Rs 75 /- daily

Female Workers


Rs. 65 /- daily

There is no job rotation for the workers, namely the peeling and processing staff, the cleaning staff, the storekeepers, the machine room operators and the other casual labourers. An allowance is given to night shift workers, in the form of Overtime. In some companies, food allowance, quarters for night shift workers etc is also given. Since the workers on a contract basis and are mainly illiterate and coming from poor families, the hygiene and sanitation issues become very relevant, even though monthly training is given by the Quality Control staff on basic sanitation and hygiene issue, as well as how to maintain quality standards, chlorination etc, it is not of much use as these workers are constantly changing. Hence the contract nature of these workers poses as problem to quality of the seafood products. Besides the inplant training, the MPEDA, EIA, and SEAI etc also give training.

CROSSTABS The statistical tool of Crosstab was employed to find the relation between specified variables. Cross tabs were held with each factor needed for total quality implementation, versus the general features like size of the company, type of firm and type of industry. Size of the firm was determined from employee number, while type of firm referred to the nature of management – ownership, partnership, private limited or public limited company. This data helps in determining the present position of the firms in the study area, vis-à-vis their state of readiness to implement TQM. The following data were generated from the study.

It was seen that the managements of all the firms were involved with quality improvement programmes and supported it strongly.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry TABLE – 12. Si ze of th e comp any :Number of Emplo yees * Does the to p man agement sup por t q uality impr ovement pr ogr amme Cr osstabu latio n

Size of the company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Does the top management support quality improv ement programme Y es 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

Motivational techniques to improve quality were offered in 56% of the firms, as shown below. TABLE –13 Size of the company :Number of Employees * Motivational techniques for improvi ng quality Crosstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Source : Own Data

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Motiv ational techniques f or improv ing qualit y Y es No No response 5 6 1 15.6% 18.8% 3.1% 9 5 28.1% 15.6% 2 2 6.3% 6.3% 2 6.3% 18 13 1 56.3% 40.6% 3.1%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Project on TQM in seafood industry Awareness about TQM tools was, on the whole, low. 56% of the firms answered in the negative when quizzed about their knowledge of TQM principles and TQM tools. TABLE - 14 Size of the company :Number of Employees * Awareness about TQM tools Crosstabulati on

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Awareness about TQM tools Y es No No response 5 6 1 15.6% 18.8% 3.1% 7 7 21.9% 21.9% 4 12.5% 1 1 3.1% 3.1% 13 18 1 40.6% 56.3% 3.1%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

All though many of the firms were not aware of TQM tools, a significant number of them were interested in implementing it, provided it would help improve quality and competitiveness. The figure below shows that 75% of the firms studied were interested in implementing TQM. This is a very encouraging perception that has emerged out of the study. TABLE - 15 Size of the company :Number of Employees * Are you interested in implementing TQM tools in your factory Crosstabul ation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Are y ou interested in implementing TQM tools in y our f act ory Y es No No response 7 3 2 21.9% 9.4% 6.3% 12 2 37.5% 6.3% 4 12.5% 1 1 3.1% 3.1% 24 6 2 75.0% 18.8% 6.3%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Project on TQM in seafood industry Source : Own Data




Ready to use TQM Yes

No response

No No response 0








Awareness of TQM tools

The study showed that all the workers were actively involved in the quality improvement programmes, as in the present HACCP system. This augurs well for implementing TQM TABLE - 16

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Project on TQM in seafood industry Si ze of th e comp any :Number of Emplo yees * Ar e you r wor ker s invol ved in qu ality impr ovement pro gr amme Cro sstabul ation

Size of the company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Are y our workers inv olv ed in qualit y improv ement programme Y es 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

The workers in 59.4% of the firms expressed suggestions for improvement of quality. This showed the level of workers’ initiative. If TQM is to be implemented, the workers should use their initiative for all the tasks they do to produce high and consistent quality products all the time. This is one of the standing principles of TQM. Human resources in a firm is the most important resource of the firm, and TQM oriented firms have realized this, and actively encourage full commitment of the of the workers, as no one knows more about the job, than a worker who does it day – in and day - out. TABLE - 17 Size of the company :Number of Employees * Do the workers express any suggestion for qual ity improvement Crosstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Do the workers express any suggestion f or quality improv ement Usually Sometimes Rarely Nev er 3 3 5 1 9.4% 9.4% 15.6% 3.1% 7 2 3 2 21.9% 6.3% 9.4% 6.3% 2 1 1 6.3% 3.1% 3.1% 1 1 3.1% 3.1% 12 7 9 4 37.5% 21.9% 28.1% 12.5%

Source : Own Data

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Project on TQM in seafood industry The figure below shows the nature of dealings between the top management & middle management, towards lower management, and between top management and middle management TABLE - 18 Si ze of the company :Number of Employees * Do you consider their suggestion & straightaway implement it if good Crosstabul ation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Do y ou consider their suggestion & straightaway implement it if good Not Alway s Usually Somet imes Rarely Nev er Applicable 2 5 4 1 6.3% 15.6% 12.5% 3.1% 1 6 1 4 1 1 3.1% 18.8% 3.1% 12.5% 3.1% 3.1% 1 1 2 3.1% 3.1% 6.3% 1 1 3.1% 3.1% 1 9 7 11 2 2 3.1% 28.1% 21.9% 34.4% 6.3% 6.3%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

69% of the employers usually took pains to explain the drawbacks of any suggestions to the employees, while a 13% of the respondents didn’t answer the question. TABLE - 19 Size of the company :Number of Employees * If the suggestion made is not worthwhile do u discuss the drawbacks of the same with them Crosstabulation

Size of the company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

If the suggestion made is not worthwhile do u discuss the drawbacks of the same with them Not Usually Sometimes Rarely Nev er Applicable 7 3 2 21.9% 9.4% 6.3% 11 1 1 1 34.4% 3.1% 3.1% 3.1% 3 1 9.4% 3.1% 1 1 3.1% 3.1% 22 4 1 1 4 68.8% 12.5% 3.1% 3.1% 12.5%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

Around 78% of the firms gave regular training to their workers, as is observed fro the table below, while 22% gave heir workers training sometimes. As such no firm’s workers reported of not having

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry received any training. Thus it is clear that the implementation of HACCP has given way regular training to its employees. TABLE - 20 Size of the company :Number of Employees * Are the workers receiving any training from the company? Crosstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150

Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Are the workers receiv ing any training f rom the company ? Alway s Usually Sometimes 8 4 25.0% 12.5% 1 11 2 3.1% 34.4% 6.3% 4 12.5% 1 1 3.1% 3.1% 1 24 7 3.1% 75.0% 21.9%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

All the firms’ managements

irrespective of the size were satisfied with the present quality

management system, namely HACCP. TABLE - 21 Si ze of the comp any :Nu mber of Emplo yees * Whether mgmt is satisfi ed with presen t QC system Cro sstabu lation

Size of the company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Whet her mgmt is satisf ied wit h present QC sy stem Y es 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

40.6% of the firms felt that HACCP system was not sufficient and need improvements.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry TABLE - 22 Size of the company :Number of Employees * Do you feel whether the HACCP system needs improvement Crosstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Do y ou f eel whether the HACCP sy stem needs improv ement Y es No No response 6 5 1 18.8% 15.6% 3.1% 7 7 21.9% 21.9% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 13 18 1 40.6% 56.3% 3.1%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

The present organizational structure, which was strictly traditional, was deemed enough, by 88%, while 9% were of the opinion that changes were required to the structure, so as to become more effective, while 3% were unsure about it. This shows that, the firms are still firmly rooted in the present scheme of reporting and rigid traditional setup. For TQM, the organizational structure should be made flexible, i.e. the vertical lines should be reduced, while the horizontal distribution should be increased. The formal setup should be made informal and reporting lines should not as strictly emphasized, because in the case of TQM, all employees, irrespective of seniority and authority, should be working shoulder to shoulder. Functional groups and quality circles will increase the effectiveness of the business. TABLE 23 Si ze of th e comp any :Numb er o f Emp loyees * Does th e or ganizati onal stru ctur e req uir e any chan ges Cro sstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Source : Own Data

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Does the organizational structure require any changes Y es No No response 2 9 1 6.3% 28.1% 3.1% 14 43.8% 1 3 3.1% 9.4% 2 6.3% 3 28 1 9.4% 87.5% 3.1%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Project on TQM in seafood industry 81% of the firms were satisfied with the supplier’s quality commitment, while 13% had backward integration and procured raw material on their own. TABLE 24 Si ze of th e comp any :Numb er o f Employees * Ar e you satified with th e supp lier's q uality commitment Cr osstab ulatio n

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Are y ou satif ied wit h the supplier's quality commitment Not Y es No Applicable 10 1 1 31.3% 3.1% 3.1% 13 1 40.6% 3.1% 3 1 9.4% 3.1% 2 6.3% 26 2 4 81.3% 6.3% 12.5%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

3% of the firms did not do processing in their own firms, while 6 % were not happy with the present online QC routine, while on the whole 91% were happy with the online processing procedures. TABLE 25 Si ze of the company :Number of Employees * Are you satisfied with the present online QC procedure Crosstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Are y ou satisf ied wit h the present online QC procedure Not Y es No Applicable 9 2 1 28.1% 6.3% 3.1% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 29 2 1 90.6% 6.3% 3.1%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

31% of the firms were either dissatisfied with the production levels, or unsure, while the remaining were satisfied. This maybe attributed to scarcity of raw material.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry TABLE 26 Size of the company :Number of Employees * Are you satisfi ed with the present l evel of production output Crosstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Are y ou satisf ied with t he present lev el of production output Y es No No response 9 3 28.1% 9.4% 9 5 28.1% 15.6% 2 1 1 6.3% 3.1% 3.1% 2 6.3% 22 9 1 68.8% 28.1% 3.1%

Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Source : Own Data

94% of the firms responded in the affirmative to the question whether their customers were happy with their products, while 4% said no or were unsure. TABLE - 27 Si ze of the company :Number of Employees * Are your customers happy with your product quality Crosstabulation

Size of t he company :Number of Employ ees

below 150 150-300 300 - 400 400-500


Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total Count % of Total

Source : Own Data

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Are y our customers happy with y our product quality Y es No No response 11 1 34.4% 3.1% 13 1 40.6% 3.1% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 30 1 1 93.8% 3.1% 3.1%

Total 12 37.5% 14 43.8% 4 12.5% 2 6.3% 32 100.0%

Project on TQM in seafood industry MATERIAL HANDLING ONBOARD & IN THE HARBOURS AND LANDING CENTRES It was seen that raw material handling onboard and in the landing centres was poor. On-board, it was noted that the fishermen normally go in for a 3-day catch or for a 5-6 day catch depending on the availability. When setting off from the landing centre or harbour, the fishermen, take provisions to last for a week at sea, and depending on the catch they land, they decide how long to stay. Sequencing of operations was done onboard. The maintenance of hygienic conditions onboard, use of good quality ice, insulation of fish hold, from other parts, washing of deck with potable water before and after catch sorting, neat stacking of the fishing equipment, washing and sorting of catch immediately after catching, and quick storage in fish hold, will help in retaining good quality. Instructions to the fishermen on how to maintain good quality can be given by holding of regular classes on off days by the regulatory and governmental agencies, with small compensations, will help in improving the hygienic and sanitary problems. Regular maintenance and efficient use of equipment and the vessel will also help in the overall management of quality.

Hygienic conditions at the harbours/landing centers were not very good. Sorting of the catch and auctions were initially done on the floor of the harbour, but now due to the special constructions made of concrete, for the purpose, the material is sorted for auction on these raised platforms. But when the catch is heavy, these platforms, which are slanting to let the water drain off, are not enough for keeping the whole catch, although there are several other platforms all along the harbour, widely spaced between each other. Then the fishermen revert back to the floor. Icing is also not done in hygienic conditions. The block ice is broken on the floor, so as to spread it on the catch. Provisions for flake ice machine, bigger platforms and inspection squad to keep the fishermen form following unhygienic procedures will go a long way in retaining the product quality. Use of proper clothing or uniforms to avoid contamination would also help. The allotment of supervisory staff on government pay, would help not only in providing quality service, but also help some people to become employed. There are a number of qualified unemployed youth, who could do a good job of it. Immediate icing, quick auctions, and quick transportation to processing centres in insulted vans, will also help in maintaining product quality.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry WATER ANALYSIS AND MICROBIOLOGICAL STUDIES IN THE SEAFOOD FIRMS Water analysis studies of the process water used in the plants are important, and were conducted using the Nova 60 spectrophotometer to analyze the content of nitrate, chloride, nitrite, ammonium, copper, manganese and magnesium. Samples were drawn from the various processing plants once in two months, from the different sampling areas like Aroor, Chandiroor and Thoppumpady and tested for the above. The analysis of the samples lead to the following graphs: 

Nitrate content – The Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) value is 50mg/l NO 3. The values obtained showed that the concentration was well below the MAC, while fluctuations were noted in the values. This is due to the effect of the seasons and the difference between the water content of different sampling stations. The range of the concentration of the samples was from 0.11 mg/l to 3.1 mg/l. Fig 10. Nitrate Content in Water Samples

Concentration Range of Nitrate in mg/l

3.5 3.1









1.1 0.56








0 1











0.05 9







Number of Samples

Chloride content – The Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) value is unspecified. The range of the concentration of the samples was from 5.7 mg/l to 43 mg/l.

Concentration Range of Chlorine in mg/l

Fig 11. Chloride Content in Water Samples 50





32.4 31.7















0 1









Number of Samples

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Project on TQM in seafood industry 

Nitrite content – The Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) value is 0.1 mg/l. The range of the concentration of the samples was from 0.001 mg/l to 0.015 mg/, well below the MAC.

Concentration Range of Nitrite in mg/l

Fig 12. Nitrite Content in Water Samples 0.016


0.014 0.012


0.01 0.008





0.007 0.005











0 1















Number of Samples


Ammonium content – The Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) value is 0.5 mg/l. The range of the concentration of the samples was from 0.03 mg/l to 1.82 mg/, showing peaks over the MAC, sometimes leading to more than three times.

Concentration Range of Ammonium in mg/l

Fig 13. Ammonium Content in Water Samples 2 1.5 1 0.5 0



1.21 0.71








0.42 0.07 4


0.07 6

0.64 0.35










Number of Samples




Manganese content – The (MAC) value is 50g/l. The range of the concentration of the samples was from 0.01 mg/l to 0.327 mg/, well below the MAC.

Concentration Range of Nitrate in mg/l

Fig 14. Manganese Content in Water Samples 0.35


0.3 0.25 0.2




0.15 0.144










0.048 0.01


0 1









Number of Samples

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT









Project on TQM in seafood industry 

Copper content – The Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) value is unspecified. The range of the concentration of the samples was from 0.007 mg/l to 0.07 mg/l. Fig 15. Copper Content in Water Samples

Concentration Range of Copper in mg/l

0.08 0.07


0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03






0.011 0.009




0.013 0.009





0 1














Number of Samples



Magnesium content – The Maximum Admissible Concentration (MAC) value is 50mg/l. The range of the concentration of the samples was from 0.19 mg/l to 1.81 mg/, well below the MAC.

Number of Samples

Fig 16. Magnesium Content in Water Samples Magnesium 2

1.81 1.6


1.3 1

1.07 1.03 0.42











0 1















Concentration Range of Magesium in mg/l Except for Manganese, the other parameters under study were below the MAC, in the taken samples.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Microbiological Studies The microbiological studies conducted on the products, in various forms, from receiving to finished state was studied. The tests were conducted in-house, and also in the plants where permission was received to do the tests in their labs, along with the lab technologists. Around The TPC counts over a period of two years was monitored every month to find out the range and presence of contamination in a variety of products both frozen and cooked. It was seen that the range in TPC was between 2263 to over 106. The study also revealed instances of contamination, in six different cases, wherein, the pathogens like Staphylococcus aureus (4 cases) and coliforms, (E.coli [1], other coliforms [1]), were detected. The rate of incidence of presence of pathogens on the whole was found to be 24%, while Staphylococcus had an independent incidence rate of 16%, while coliforms had an incidence of 8%.

Thus the need for proper sanitation and hygiene conditions cannot be stressed upon enough. The incidence of food being contaminated and people consuming this food is high and therefore the basic sanitation plans need to be revised, communicated, taught, reinforced and maintained. TQM adoption will help maintaining the basic sanitation, hygiene and safety of food products and health of customers and employees alike.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry DESIGNING QUALITY CIRCLES FOR SEAFOOD PROCESSING FIRMS Quality circles are a technique which have played an important role in the success of Japanese manufacturing companies. They are currently being adopted by many European and American enterprises. They are normally composed of a small number of volunteers (typically between six and ten) from a particular work area or department who focus on improving quality, productivity and cost reduction. The circle meets under the guidance of a facilitator to identify problems and suggest possible solutions. When possible solutions are generated the circle meets to identify which of these are likely to be most appropriate given the company's culture, structure and the costs and time frames of implementation. In most quality circle programmes there are no direct financial rewards for coming up with good ideas or cost savings. However, people are indirectly paid for attendance in the sense that circle meetings occur in company time. Quality circles normally meet on a regular basis, often at two-week intervals, for perhaps one or two hours. The formation of Quality circles is an integral part of TQM. They are regular short meetings set up to aid work-related problems. The design of a QC circle for a seafood processing firm is given as follows: 

5 – 10 people attend the meeting in work time

Organizing a quality circle programme: These include: 1. A steering Committee, 2. Facilitators, 3. Circle Leaders and 4. Team members.

Flip Charts, audiovisual equipment, notice boards etc, are utilized

Key elements of quality circle meetings: The key elements are to enhance self initiative, interaction, free and open discussions, and team building by solving common problems.

Problem areas are put forward by the group

Problems are prioritized

Information is collated, ideas are generated via brainstorming, force-field analysis etc

Effectiveness, costs, savings, consequences to other departments etc, considered

Final solution is put forward to manager and implemented by the Quality Circle group

Success Factors:

The success of the program depends upon a number of factors including:

Management participation, voluntary employee participation, an emphasis on people growth, integral training, effective team building, an attitude towards problem solving, and continuous improvement.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry

These quality circles serve a broad variety of goals: •Quality oriented goals: avoid mistakes, increase customer satisfaction, constant improvement •Efficiency oriented goals: increase productivity, decrease costs, strive to establish unimpeded processes •Staff oriented goals: enhance work place satisfaction and motivation, improvement of cooperation It is a concept that is completely dependent on the staff members.

QCs are somewhat similar to the HACCP team meetings, in its composition. That is, it involves members from different departments, grouped together to solve a particular problem. Brainstorming is usually a technique used in the QC meetings. The members of the QCs include those who have a direct bearing to the problem in hand. There is no hierarchy observing procedure here, each member is free to air his opinion, while always keeping in mind the propriety and gravity of the situation. Since the membership is voluntary, only those people who are genuinely interested take part in these quality circles.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry CHAPTER 4 WORK MEASUREMENT AND PROCESS FLOW STUDIES Introduction Ability to measure work is important for operations management. Methods study seeks improved methods and in the search for continuous quality improvement every member of the work force can be a methods analyst. This is the Toyota/Japanese, TQM/quality circles way. Data on how long it takes to do a job is important for:  Contract estimating - how many staff hours are needed  Costing - what are the staff costs for a project 

Facility planning - translating sales forecasts into production or service plans i.e. assessing system capacity (machines and people capabilities).

 Scheduling and balancing -capacity and work content data is needed to calculate loading and

improve balances 

Rewards - measured work payment (bonus) schemes in manufacturing are fewer today compared to the 1960's and 70's but they do still exist (measured day work). Even without work measured rewards system, the availability of such data helps with proper evaluation of job loading. Has a member of staff got too much work physically to do? Can it be done in the time available or will it just pile up affecting employee motivation or stress and leading to operational inefficiencies.

Work measurement involves assessing the time it should take to do a job with steps similar to method study: select, record, analyse, calculate and agree the task and its related time. We seek to determine the time for a qualified worker to do a job at a required level of performance. "Qualified" means 

specifying the worker's characteristics and competences

the job/task is stable and known

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Project on TQM in seafood industry 

we understand the characteristics of performance (the quality standard required, the quantity

of work, the safety and other regulative aspects, the methods, equipment, materials used and the working conditions for performance). Performance reflects the work rate or rate of output - in the defined working period (a day, a shift etc). It is sensible that performance standards are set at a level which can be reasonably achieved by a qualified and "motivated" worker (someone who wants to do the job, who is able to do it and who feels that the rewards - tangible and intangible are equitable to them). The Basic Steps for Work Measurement The industrial engineer observes work and records times (stop watch or synthetic time data) and from this calculates basic and standard times. The steps involve: 1.

decide the task(s) to be measured and understand the work/task cycle including the start up, perform and wind-down/put away phases


identify the elements of each task


observe the task being done (reliable, sufficient, valid observations).


record (stop watch and time sheet) the observed times for each element in the task cycle


calculate basic times for these (average the observed times).


add defined percentage allowances to each element to the basic time


appraise the observed performance and give a rating. Apply an effort/performance rating as an adjustment to each element and then total.

Alternatively, we can first total these basic + allowance element times and then apply a performance rating percent to the whole. Work measurement has problems of inaccuracy, subjectivity, variety, human variability and averaging. Performance rating is subjective and prone to analyst inaccuracies. Managing people within operations involves actual design decisions about jobs, methods, relationships between jobs and machines and systems of control and communication. Work design involves complex "people" relationships between operative staff, supervisors and specialists e.g.

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Project on TQM in seafood industry engineering managers and staff who commission new machines and maintain them. Other specialists may co-ordinate health and safety systems or monitor performance and plan maintenance People are not mere extensions to machines or horsepower to be switched on and off. A worker's performance may be better than a machine's capability - yet a machine may outstrip the human being for many tasks. People can be hurt/injured physically by operating environments or trapped socially and psychologically in them/by them. How operational systems are designed and the jobs and performance relationships within them are of great operational, economic and social importance. In this context then work study is a “collection of techniques used to examine work - what is done and how it is done - so that there is systematic analysis of all the elements, factors, resources and relationships affecting the efficiency and effectiveness of the work being studied”. Considerable diplomacy and sensitivity is needed by the industrial engineer or operations manager who becomes involved in work study (or business process improvement) investigations. Method study and work measurement are two principal activities of work study, which originated in the work of F. W. Taylor (see Rose: 1978). FW's "scientific management" imperatives are:  investigate the work situation and identify weaknesses - where and why is poor performance

happening? The "scientific" title for this approach to management means placing emphasis on  data gathering and rational analysis  certain narrow assumptions about the objectivity of efficiency criteria  the existence of direct, deterministic relationships between worker performance and incentive

payments and  consideration of the worker to some extent as a machine. Thus, we can evaluate and introduce

improvements in operating methods. This includes type of equipment, its use, layout of operations, supply and use of materials, materials handling, work organization, effectiveness of planning procedures and so on. Productivity improvement is the aim.

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Project on TQM in seafood industry  we can select staff with characteristics that fit the job, train and reward them using payment

schemes the offer particular economic incentive by linking payment to measured performance.

Work measurement - involves assessing the time a job should take to do. Similar steps are involved as to method study 1. select the tasks 2. record the facts 3. analyse them 4. calculate basic and standard times for the task 5. agree the method and its related time The scope for work study definition and evaluation is useful for operations managers in a general sense. Such roles require data on operational capacities and effectiveness and the use of time and resources. Methods need regular re-evaluation. Some may have evolved and changed over time to become disjointed, patch works that no longer fully serve requirements. The case may need to be put for more staff or new methods and equipment. Such arguments call for data and measurement. How many extra hours/people are needed? Why? What will the new method offer? Is it possible to change methods? What will be the costs/benefits? Thus the techniques, assumptions and weaknesses of work study reflect important know-how for the operations manager generally - and not just those working in engineering or manufacturing environments. However, the assumptions, difficulties and limitations of the claims must be understood. In simple terms work study measures work and defines (some) performance standards. There are many uses for time estimates for tasks. Operations managers can guess or assume that a job is done in the correct time (whatever that is!) or they can be systematic and use time data gathered by a systematic technique which has reasonable accuracy. Whether or not the worker likes it - pushed hard in trying to complete a job with very tight measured work standards which don't anticipate the knotty problem encountered with a particular task - is another matter.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Work study/industrial engineers need time data to plan and evaluate production/transformation processes. Rewards systems need such data for performance related bonuses. Cost calculations need to incorporate operative and machine job times Costing systems reference work study data. Work study data contributes to:  Improved methods to raise output, quality, reduce wastage, enhance reliability and ensure safety.  Standard time data contributes to capacity planning, scheduling, control of staff, asset utilization

and quality improvement. Service and after-sales method improvements may be obtained as well as process improvement and better raw materials usage.  Implementation planning for product/service and process design requires a detailed understanding

of methods and timings. In a distribution/transport system, we can evaluate logistical efficiencies. We need to remember always that performance inefficiency may arise from many reasons outside of worker control - a cumbersome planning system, a slow computer system with heavy overheads, lack of investment or uninformed, disorganized management. It is crass to assume that the problems will only be due to staff inefficiencies or inappropriate methods. Work Measurement Studies in Seafood Processing Plants Very few studies have been conducted in this area. Even though the importance of work measurement is somewhat understood, there have been very few implementers in this industry. Further research can shed more light on this important yet neglected aspect of production management and job design and sequencing. Efforts were made to study the basic process flow in the various processing plants, in order to minimize handling of the material so as to lower the level of contamination. Work-studies were conducted in select plants to identify the various points where the product quality may be compromised and to determine how to eliminate the unwanted handling without affecting the necessary process flow cycle activities.

Studies conducted by Ramachandran (1988), Shassi (1998) etc have put forward the time study measurements of important products like Frozen Headless Shell-on shrimp (2 Kg block), Frozen PUD Shrimp (2 Kg block), Frozen PD Shrimp (2.27 Kg block), Frozen Squid Whole (2 Kg block), Frozen Cuttlefish Whole (2 Kg block), Frozen Squid Tube (2 Kg block), Canned Shrimp (128 gms

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Project on TQM in seafood industry pack), IQF Headless Shrimp and IQF Peeled and Cooked Shrimp. The present study conducted work studies to find the standard time for three products namely, Peeled and Undeveined in the case of Shrimps, Whole Cleaned Cuttle Fish and Squid, in the case of cephalopods. The above products are three of the fastest moving items in the seafood market.

Methodology Select plants were chosen for this study using standardized sampling methods and their process flow was studied in detail. The process flow for shrimps and cephalopods, the two major export items, were studied. Work Studies in these were obtained.

The Time Study observations for the above process is as given below. For time study, the method suggested by Levin, et al (1972) is followed. This includes recording of the various activities, the start and end events, the number of workers involved, the turnover quantity, the number of observations taken, the range of observations, the normal time, the allowances and finally the standard time.

The formulas used for computing the standard time include: 

Number of observations to be taken, N = {k/s  N x² - (x) ²} / x, where N = number of cycles needed to produce the desired precision and confidence level k/s = confidence – precision factor


= representative element times


= number of representative element times

Standard Time


Normal Time x Allowance Factor, where

Allowance Factor


1 + Total Allowance % / 100.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry The process flow charts for the two major items are as given:

Process Flow Chart 1- for Peeled and Deveined Shrimp Peeling of Raw Material Grading and Washing Raw Material transportation to processing table Washing Sorting & Grading Weighing and Coding Setting of Trays Glazing & Packing the material on trays Loading trays on trolley Loading trays into freezer Freezing Removal of frozen packs arranging duplex materials in master carton Strapping master cartons Carrying strapped cartons to store Preliminary arrangements for duplex cartons & polythene wrapping

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Project on TQM in seafood industry


No: Name of Activity PRE - PROCESSING SECTION 1 Peeling of Shrimp & preliminary grading 2 Grading & Sorting PROCESSING SECTION 3 PPC material transport to processing table 4 Washing 5 Sorting & Grading 6 Weighing and Coding 7 Filling the material and glazing 8 Setting of Freezer Trays 9 Loading trays on trolley 10 Loading trays into freezer 11 Freezing 12 Removal of frozen packs 13 Master cartoning 14 Strapping master cartons 15 Carrying strapped cartons to store

1F 2M 2F same 2 F of above 5F 1F 1F 2F 1F 2M 2M 2M 2 M, Strapping machine same 2 M

40 40 m 40 m

Cover with material arranged on tray

TIME STUDY CONDUCTED ON PROCESSING OF DEEP SEA PUD SHRIMP HAVING 10x2 Kg No: Name of Activity No: of workers involved Turnover Qty Normal Time Allowan PRE - PROCESSING SECTION 1 Peeling of Shrimp & preliminary grading 1F 1000 Kg 12850 1 2 Grading & Sorting 2M 500 Kg 1155 1 PROCESSING SECTION

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

PPC material transport to processing table 2F 500 Kg Washing same 2 F of above 500 Kg Sorting & Grading 5F 500 Kg Weighing and Coding 1F 200 slabs Filling the material and glazing 1F 200 slabs Setting of Freezer Trays 2F 200 slabs Loading trays on trolley 1F 200 slabs Loading trays into freezer 2M 200 slabs Freezing 200 slabs Removal of frozen packs 2M 200 slabs Master cartoning 2M 40 master carton Strapping master cartons 2 M, Strapping machine 40 master cartons Carrying strapped cartons to store same 2 M 40 master cartons

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


22.25 18.4 27 29 19.6 71 173.4 6.12 90 31.65 51.2 8.4 58.4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1

Project on TQM in seafood industry PROCESS FLOW CHART 2 - FOR CUTTLEFISH / SQUID WHOLE CLEANED Peeling of Raw Material Grading and Washing Raw Material transportation to processing table Washing Sorting & Grading Weighing and Coding Setting of Trays Glazing & Packing the material on trays Loading trays on trolley Loading trays into freezer Freezing Removal of frozen packs

Arranging duplex materials in master carton

Strapping master cartons

Carrying strapped cartons to store

Preliminary arrangements for duplex cartons & polythene wrapping

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Project on TQM in seafood industry


No: of Normal R Turnover workers Time O involved Qty

Name of Activity

Start Event

End Event

RM transportation to processing table

rolling in tubs containg material ready to scoop out material install from chill room basins

Washing Sorting & Grading

scooping out basins of material Dipped in chill water for 5 secs,drained 25 Kg sorting and grading 25 Kg washed material put on processing table

same 2 F 0.67 5F 1.35

Weighing and Coding

loading material onto balance Weighed material unloaded to plastic 1 slab to required weight basin, and passed for packing.


0.167 0

Basin containing material is brought to 1 slab the tray


0.189 0

Setting of Trays

Washed tray arranged on table & polythene cover draped Material is arranged inside Glazing & Packing the polythene sheet in tray. Glaze material on trays Water is added. Loading trays on trolley Tray on trolley,taken to freezer Loading trays into freezer Trays from trolley loaded into freezer Freezing

100 Kg

polythene wrapping is completed, duplex carton is closed Newly washed tray,for next packing Freezer doors closed

Removal of frozen packs Freezer doors opened,trays out removal of frozen packs arranging duplex frozen packs in duplex cartons when full master carton is closed materials in master arranged on master cartons carton Strapping master cartons Closed master carton strapped Next master carton is made ready for Carrying strapped cartons to store

using strapping machine


strapped master carton taken to cold store

return to take the next load of strapped material



2 slabs



1 No: 200 slabs 200 slabs 200 slabs 2 MCs

1F 2M

0.867 6.12 90 31.65 1.28

2M 2M


0 1

2 M, 0.21 Strapping machine 40 MC same 2 M 26.31 1 MC

TIME STUDY ON PROCESSING OF WHOLE CUTTLE FISH / SQUID,5x4 Kg NET BLO Name of Activity RM transport to processing table

Turnover Qty

No: of workers

Normal Time

Turnover Qty

Normal Time

100 Kg



500 Kg


School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry


25 Kg

same 2 F


500 Kg


Sorting & Grading

25 Kg



500 Kg


Weighing and Coding

1 slab



200 slabs


Setting of Trays

1 slab



200 slabs


Glazing & Packing material on trays

2 slabs



200 slabs


1 No:



200 slabs


Loading trays into freezer

200 slabs



200 slabs



200 slabs


200 slabs


Removal of frozen packs

200 slabs



200 slabs


arranging duplex materials in MCs

2 MCs



40 MC


Strapping master cartons

1 MC



40 MC


Carrying strapped cartons to store

40 MC

same 2 M


40 MC


Loading trays on trolley

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Analysis The work measurement studies helped in standardizing the time required to produce a unit of the product under normal working conditions, with normal efficiency, by a skilled worker/s. The finding of the Standard time is useful in standardizing the whole process, thereby reducing unwanted handling, waste of time, energy, raw material and finally productivity. It helps in producing a good quality product at the as minimum cost as possible, which is the need of the hour, bearing in mind the precarious state of the seafood industry. The study helped in finding the time required to produce unit quantity of the product, without involving any delays. The steps taken for the processing was thus standardized for the products concerned, as there appeared to be a difference between different firms producing the same product. The CCPs for the products appeared to be standardized for all the firms concerned, but there differ from one plant to the other, based on the unique features of the plant and the working environment there. The following CCPs have been standardized: TABLE - 28 Stage in

Critical Control Points at the concerned stage

Processing Raw

Material Decomposition of material, pesticides, heavy metals in cephalopods, antibiotics,


sulphites in shrimps


Temperature - Raw material is immediately stored in chill rooms, in case of



excessive delays, care being taken to maintain the product temperature below 50C.

IQF - Soaking

Excess chemical residue, use of non-GRAS additives

IQF - Cooked Product internal temperature = +67 degree Celsius, for a minimum of 45 sec. Product Bagging

Metal pieces

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry STUDY OF FLOW DIAGRAMS ESTABLISHED BY THE SELECT PLANTS The flow diagrams for the various products are as shown below:  SOP For Block Frozen Raw Head On / Headless Shrimp, Block Frozen PD / PUD / Tail On Shrimps, Whole, Whole Cleaned Block Frozen Squid / Cuttle Fish / Octopus.

Raw Material (Deiced 1 sample / 1000 Kg – Malachite Green [for Shrimp], Ice in 1:2 ratio)

Pre-processing (Excess quantity in plastic containers of 30 L capacity with adequate ice in chill rooms below 5 0C)

Weighing & Setting (Tray divided into 4 sections for 4 slabs of 2 Kg, glaze water at 40C added.)

Freezing (-400C, 90 mins for core temperature –180C, supervised by Production Supervisors.)

Packaging (From Freezer transferred to master cartons according to buyer specifications)

Storage (-20 +/- 20C). 2 Thermometers are kept for recording, monitored by engineers & QC supervisors.

Shipment (Directly from store transferred to pre-cooled containers. Stuffed containers are then taken to the Port of Discharge)

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry  SOP For Raw Spiral Frozen IQF Raw Head On / Headless Shrimp, Spiral Frozen IQF Raw PD / PUD / Tail On Shrimps, Spiral Frozen IQF Raw Squid / Cuttle Fish / Octopus, Spiral Frozen Raw Crab, Raw Fish.

Raw Material Reception

(Iced in 1:2 ratio. Deiced for organoleptic &

microbiological examination. 1 sample / 1000 Kg – Malachite Green test for Sulphite [for Shrimp], Washed, weighed & re-iced.) Pre-processing

(Chill room 0 - 50C)


(Spiral Freezers. Freezing time depends on size of materials. The Engineering Supervisor adjusts feeding of Raw Material into freezer in feed depending on material size. –400C for 90 mins, so that the core temperature is –180C)


(In master cartons according to buyer specifications. Production Supervisor monitors packaging) (Cold store temperature -20 +/- 20C). 2 Thermometers are kept for


recording temperature. Temperature recorded using continuous thermo printer, monitored by engineers & QC supervisors. Shipment

(From store directly transferred to pre-cooled containers without disturbing cold chain. Stuffed containers are then taken to the Port of Discharge)

 SOP For Frozen IQF Raw PD / PUD / Tail On Shrimps

Raw Material Reception

(Iced in 1:2 ratio. Deiced for organoleptic &

microbiological examination. 1 sample / 1000 Kg – Malachite Green test for Sulphite


Mixed With Additives

(Pre-processed material soaked with additives likes STPP, salt or colour. No other additives are used. Concentration of chemicals &

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry soaking varies according to buyer requirement). Soaked material is fed into the infeed hopper. Then it is taken to the dewatering elevator where the water gets drained off.


(Freezing in Flo freezer where the product is initially frozen, which then falls into the glazer belt, then into the Glazo freezer where glaze hardening occurs)


(Material from Glazo freezer to the stainless steel bucket, from bucket, materials fed into pneumatically operated packing machine. Weighed & packed in polybags of different sizes. Polybags packed in MCs according to buyer specifications)


(Cold store temperature -20 +/- 20C). 2 Thermometers are kept for recording temperature. Temperature recorded using continuous thermo printer, monitored by engineers & QC supervisors.

Shipment  SOP For Frozen IQF Blanched PD / PUD / Tail On Shrimps, Block Frozen IQF Squid Rings / Tentacles

Raw Material Reception

(Iced in 1:2 ratio. Deiced for organoleptic &

microbiological examination. 1 sample / 1000 Kg – Malachite Green test for Sulphite (for shrimps only)


Mixed With Additives (Pre-processed material soaked with additives likes STPP, salt or colour. No other additives are used. Concentration of chemicals & soaking varies according to buyer requirement). Soaked material is fed into the infeed hopper. Then it is taken to the dewatering elevator where the water gets drained off.

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Blanching

(Materials fed onto the bed of the blancher & a minimum of 25 secs contact time is maintained while blanching. The temperature is varied according to different size grades of the materials fed.)


(Freezing in Flo freezer where the product is initially frozen, which then falls into the glazer belt, then into the Glazo freezer where glaze hardening occurs)


(Material from Glazo freezer to the stainless steel bucket, from bucket, materials fed into pneumatically operated packing machine. Weighed & packed in polybags of different sizes. Polybags packed in MCs according to buyer specifications) (Cold store temperature -20 +/- 20C). 2 Thermometers are kept for


recording temperature. Temperature recorded using continuous thermo printer, monitored by engineers & QC supervisors. Shipment  SOP For Frozen IQF Cooked PD / PUD / Tail On Shrimps

Raw Material Reception

(Iced in 1:2 ratio. Deiced for organoleptic & microbiological

examination. 1 sample / 1000 Kg – Malachite Green test for Sulphite


Mixed With Additives

(Pre-processed material soaked with additives

likes STPP, salt or colour. No other additives are used. Concentration of chemicals & soaking varies according to buyer requirement). Soaked material is fed into the infeed hopper Then it is taken to the dewatering elevator where the water gets drained off.


School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT


Project on TQM in seafood industry Cooking

(Materials fed onto the bed of the steam cooker & a minimum of 45 secs contact time is maintained. The temperature is varied according to different size grades of the materials fed.)




Shipping  Individually Frozen Stuffed Squid Receiving (Fresh Raw Squid) Excess Qty / Delay in process Washing (With potable water of Cl. 2 ppm)

Properly iced & Stored in Chill room I

Reprocessing (Peeling & separating head, Tentacles, wings & removing pen, skin, eyes & internal organs). Excess Qty / Delay in process Washing

Properly iced & Stored in Chill room 2

Stuffing Sq. tubes with smaller tubes, Ttncles & wings

Sorting & Grading

Setting in trays Loading to tunnel freezer

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Project on TQM in seafood industry

Freezing at –400C


Glazing in chilled water

Weighing in Units Packing in MCs

 Squid / Cuttle Fish / Octopus Whole Round IQF Raw Material Receiving


De - icing Washing Weighing


Crushed Ice

Peeling & grading

Waste Removal of Water




School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT

Crushed Ice, Salt & Chemicals


Project on TQM in seafood industry Chlorine Dipping

20 ppm chlorinated chilled water CCP, -400C


Weighing < 10 ppm chlorinated chilled water



LDPE, label master carton (5 plyed)

Storing (-180C)  Flow Diagram of Cut Crab IQF Whole crab Receiving




Cleaning & Cutting

Removal of wastes

< 5 ppm chlorinated water


Crushed ice Icing

Grading / Sorting

School of Industrial Fisheries, CUSAT



Project on TQM in seafood industry Weighing


Duplex carton


CCP – 400C
