Development of Proxy Mobile IPv6 Using Flat Domain Model Test-Bed Nur Haliza Abdul Wahab, Liza Abdul Latiff
Sharifah H. S. Ariffin, Norsheila Fisal
UTM Razak School, UTM Kuala Lumpur , Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[email protected]
UTM MIMOS Center of Excellence, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai Johor, Malaysia
Abstract— Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) has been developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a network-based mobility management protocol. The development is aimed to guarantee and support mobility for IP devices or Mobile Node (MN) without the MN involving in any IP layer mobility related to signaling. Using global mobility protocol, managing localized mobility has many problems, therefore PMIPv6 is proposed. Although there are many related research on this PMIPv6 area, most of the research focus only on routing, handover and traffic handling, very few were on test-bed development. Several research works on test-bed development presented are different based on kernel version, software used, platform, to name a few. This paper will illustrate the setting up of the PMIPv6 test-bed for experimental use. In addition, this paper also describes the functions of PMIPv6 entities.
The handover-related signaling overhead can be reduced in PMIPv6 since it avoids tunneling overhead over the air as well as the remote Binding Updates either to the HA or to the Correspondent Node (CN). Location privacy. Keeping the mobile node‟s Home Address (MNHoA) unchanged over the PMIPv6 domain dramatically reduces the chance that the attacker can deduce the precise location of the mobile node.
Index Terms— Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), Mobile Access Gateway (MAG).
I. INTRODUCTION Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) was designed by IETF to support the IPv6 mobility. This MIPv6 protocol was developed to maintain IP connectivity for Mobile Node . MIPv6 provides MN with a permanent address set by the Home Agent (HA) which acts as an identifier and a temporary Care-of-Address (CoA) used as a locator. Figure 1 shows mobile IP routing flow. Although MIPv6 enable a MN to move but this ability is still not sufficient for true mobility. Enabling efficient handover is an additional and critical requirement thus IETF introduces the Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6). The main difference between PMIPv6 and MIPv6 is that MIPv6 is a „host-based‟ approach while PMIPv6 is a „network-based‟ approach. Network-based mobility means that MN does not participate in the exchange of signaling messages to process the mobility. There are three main advantages [1, 2] of PMIPv6 and they are: Handover performance optimization. PMIPv6 can reduce latency in IP handovers by limiting the mobility management within the PMIPv6 domain. Therefore, it can largely avoid remote service which not only cause long service delays but consume more network resources. Reduction in handover-related signaling overhead.
Fig.1: Mobile IP routing
There are two main entities in PMIPv6. Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) and Mobile Access Gateway (MAG). The function of LMA is to act as the topological anchor point for MN prefix assignments. LMA routes point to MAGs which manages the links to maintain the state of MN. LMA is responsible to detect MN movements and change of attachment. Packets sent to and received from MN are routed via tunnels between LMA and the corresponding MAG. Table I shows the comparison between MIPv6 and PMIPv6 based on several protocol criteria while Figure 2 shows the relation of LMA and MAG. MAG performs the mobility-related signaling on behalf of MN which is attached to it. MAG acts as an Access Router for MN, which is the first-hop router in the Localized Mobility Management (LMM). Figure 2 shows the signaling information
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transverse when a Mobile Node connects to the PMIPv6 network.
will present the results; and lastly Section V will conclude the paper. II.
Mobility Scope
Location Management
Required Infrastructure
Home Agent
MN Modification
Handover Latency
Over the past few years, there has been a huge interest in PMIPv6 research area after it was proposed to overcome the long registration delay problem. Also, with PMIPv6 tunneling overhead over the air can be reduced and support the hosts without any involvement in the mobility management. [3] discuss the recent localized mobility proposal and explore three major benefits of PMIPv6. A simple mathematical model for Fast Handovers for MIPv6 as in [3] is used to evaluate two aspects of handover performance. [3] also suggested some enhancements for PMIPv6 to further reduce handover latency. Thesis in [4] presented a network controlled IP-level mobility protocol called Simultaneous Binding Proxy Mobile IPv6 (SPMIPv6), based on the existing Proxy Mobile IPv6 protocol. In this thesis, the SPMIPv6 protocol was implemented in test-bed. [5] is the RFC5213 for PMIPv6. The contents in [5] are about the introduction and discussion on PMIPv6. The movement from MIPv6 to PMIPv6 also discussed in [5].
Local Mobility Anchor (LMA), Mobile Access Gateway (MAG)
Proxy Mobile IPv6 is the only network-based mobility management protocol standardized by IETF. There are two models deployed for PMIPv6 and they are Flat Domain Model and Domain Chaining. Table II shows the difference in architecture between Flat Domain Model and Domain Chaining. A. General Overview In this PMIPv6 test-bed project, the model used is Flat Domain Model. The architecture for this work is shown in Figure 3. From Figure 3, PMIPv6 architecture has several entities, which consist of LMA, MAG, (Cellular Network) CN and MN. As mentioned before, the function of LMA is to maintain a collection of host route and their associated mobility management domain under its control while MAG is a functional network element that terminates a specific edge link and tracks mobile node IP-layer mobility between edge links.
Fig. 2: Signaling When Mobile Node Connects to PMIPv6 Network.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II will discuss related research work done in this field.; Section III will describe the setup of the test-bed; Section IV
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TABLE II :Architecture For Flat Domain And Domain Chaining
Flat Domain Model
Domain Chaining
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. All the system from LMA, MAG1, MAG2, CN and MN use this OS. The kernel used is The software to build up PMIPv6 is open air interface‟s (OAI) software and the version is 0.4.1 [8]. This software will be configured and installed into LMA, MAG1 and MAG2 system. C. Kernel Setup and Installation As mention previously , kernel version used in this PMIPv6 test-bed is The kernel will enable several features to support PMIPv6 environment . The kernel features are listed as follows that should be enabled:
The key properties for PMIPv6 technology proposed is that no client software is required, therefore CN and MN is a single device without any settings needed to be changed in them. The CN and MN can be either an IPv4 client, IPv6 client or a dual stack client but in this project, the CN and MN is a dual stack client which have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Several packages need to be installed into the devices (LMA, MAGs). Packages needed for PMIPv6 test-bed are: Fig. 3: Proxy Mobile IPv6 Architecture.
B. Software and Hardware Requirement The general software requirement to build up the PMIPv6 test-bed is Linux Open Source (OS). The Linux version is
libpcap-dev indent bison flex proute-dev macchanger libc6-dev libssl-dev autoconf libtool python-netaddr
D. OAI PMIPv6 Open Sources The main software used in this PMIPv6 test-bed is OAI PMIPv6 software version 0.4.1. This software needs several configurations to be made before it can be used.
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LMA Setup: FreeRadius Server and Client needed to be installed in the LMA device. This software is a modified version by OAI from MAG Setup: All MAGs need to run the SYSLOG Server so MAGs machines needed to be installed with functions socklog and syslogd packages. MAGs are also needed to be installed with the FreeRadius Client. Access Point (AP) Setup: AP that connects to the MAGs needed to be configured to enable their SYSLOG client. MN, CN and Hub: These devices do not require any configuration or modification. IV.
MAG entities to make sure that all settings to develop the PMIPv6 test-bed is a success.
Fig. 6: Proxy Mobile IPv6 Architecture.
To allow IPv6 addresses to be used in the system, the kernel setting should enable the IPv6. As mention in previous section, the kernel 2.6.32 should be setup to meet IPv6 forwarding. Figure 4 shows that the LMA system has been successfully enabled in the PMIPv6. To see this result, the LMA need to be run and the script in Figure 4 will be seen.
The aim of this project is to develop PMIPv6 test-bed for experimental use. This PMIPv6 test-bed was developed via open air interface software on top of Linux based system Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and the kernel used is version 2.6.32. This PMIPv6 framework consists of three (3) computers which is the LMA, MAG1 and MAG2, two (2) notebooks which act as MN and CN and lastly two (2) routers. This PMIPv6 test-bed was successfully run without errors. In future, this PMIPv6 test-bed will be used for experimental testing. In addition, the comparison result between experimental result via this PMIPv6 test-bed and simulation via NS3 will be compare.
Fig. 4: Proxy Mobile IPv6 Architecture.
Along with this execution of LMA system, thje screen capture in Figure 5 will be seen in the LAM‟s terminal.
Fig.5: Proxy Mobile IPv6 Architecture.
[1] Jun Lei, Xiaoming Fu, “Evaluating the Benefits of Introducing PMIPv6 for Localized Mobility Management”, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, 2008. IWCMC '08. International, 74 – 80 [2] J. Kempf, K. Leung, P. Roberts, K. Nishida, G. Giaretta, and M. Liebsch, “Problem Statement for Network-based Localized Mobility Management,” RFC 4830, IETF, 2007. [3] Gundavelli, S., Leung, K., Devarapalli, V., Chowdhury, K., and Patil, B., "Proxy Mobile IPv6", RFC 5213, Aug 2008. [4] Liebsch, M., "PMIPv6 Localized Routing Problem Statement", draft-ietf-netext-pmip6-lr-ps-02, Jan 2010. [5] IETF, “Proxy Mobile IPv6,” RFC 5213, Aug. 2008. [6] Jin Ho Kim, Rim Haw, Choong Seon Hong, "Development of PMIPv6 based 6LoWPAN Sensor Node Mobility Scheme”, The third AsiaFI Winter School, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, ebruary 27, 2010 [7] K. Idserda, “Simultaneous Binding Proxy Mobile IPv6”, Master‟s Thesis, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. [8] PMIPv6 Open Source,
The MAGs will all be connected to the LMA to make sure all settings in the LMA can be forwarded to MAGs and also to MN and CN. Figure 6 shows the MAG is successfully run as
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