An element of these studies is the focus of Ericsson, et al. ... This led to the specific study of violin students at the Music Academy of West ... The research addresses the basic question of expertise development with .... Two address primarily the content of what was learned and several others focus ..... Ballantine Books. pp.
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ScienceDirect Procedia Computer Science 44 (2015) 689 – 698
2015 Conference on Systems Engineering Research
Development of Systems Engineering Expertise James R. Armstronga, Dr. Jon Wadeb a
Stevens Institute of Technology, 400 Wildberry Court, Millersville, MD 21108, USA b Stevens Institure of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA
Abstract As systems become more complex, there is an increasing need for systems engineering expertise. At the same time, many senior practitioners are approaching retirement creating a need to more rapidly develop expertise in their replacements. There have been several studies in other fields addressing how experts develop their skills but not to a significant extent in systems engineering. This research addresses that gap with interviews of expert level systems engineers to determine how they learned the necessary skills to practice at that level. Several findings address important lessons learned that can be applied to improve development of systems engineers. © 2015 © 2015 The The Authors. Authors.Published Publishedby byElsevier ElsevierB.V. B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Stevens Institute of Technology. Peer-review under responsibility of the Stevens Institute of Technology. Keywords: Expertice development;
1. Introduction The need for increase in technical talent development is the theme of several authors. Augustine (2007) discusses the impact of the level of technical talent on the national economy and our competitive standing in a global economy. The Federal Government is looking at a technical work force of baby boomers who are reaching retirement age at increasing numbers with a likely shortage of replacements both in numbers and experience. (Junemann, 2009) identified the trend in NASA’s highly technical workforce that is typical within the government leading to loss of the experienced talent without the influx of new, young replacements that can learn on the job over time. This will result in an uneven distribution by age and a gap of mid-level workers to move into the most challenging positions. Similar situations exist within the US Department of Defense (Gelosh, 2009). A summary of the situation (Wade, 2014) is shown in Figure 1. At the same time, systems are becoming increasingly complex making the role of systems engineers more important than ever. The FAA’s Next Generation Transportation System is an example of the more highly complex
1877-0509 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( Peer-review under responsibility of the Stevens Institute of Technology. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.03.026
James R. Armstrong and Jon Wade / Procedia Computer Science 44 (2015) 689 – 698
systems of systems that are being developed. The Concept of Operations (Joint Development and Planning Office, 2007) describes a highly integrated technical system and accompanying advanced ways that air traffic will be controlled. Workforce Breakdown by Generation 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0%
National Workforce DoD Workforce
Civilian ATL Workforce NASA Engineers Workforce
30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%
Millenium (1990-present)
Generation Y (1977-1989)
Generation X (1965-1976)
Baby Boomers (1946-1964)
Silent Generation (born before 1946)
Figure 1. Workforce Trend (Wade, 2009)
The result of the reduced number of personnel going through the current long development process and the increased systems complexity will be the need to be able to rapidly develop systems engineers who have the capabilities of those who now have gained their skills through decades of work in multiple systems developments. The approach used by these departing experts relies heavily on years “in the trenches” to learn the various lessons of systems engineering. However, this approach is both time consuming and depends heavily random and anecdotal learning. An objective of the Experience Accelerator is developing systems engineering expertise faster as expressed in its Concept of Operations (Experience Accelerator Team, 2010). The Concept of Operations refers to an anecdotal belief in 15-20 years as the amount of time it currently takes to become a systems engineer. Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Romer (1993) cite 10 years as the time it takes to become expert in the various fields they studied. Gladwell (2009) refers the 10K rule as the amount of time actually spent working on developing the skills in an area to become expert. Bloom (1985) reaches similar conclusions about the amount of work required to become expert. An element of these studies is the focus of Ericsson, et al. (1993) on deliberate practice, “a highly structured activity, the explicit goal of which is to improve performance.” As such, on-the-job training and general experience would not count. The relationship to systems engineering is that much of what is now learned by just doing should be considered as candidates for translation to a structured learning more closely aligned to the concept of deliberate practice. While much has been written about what systems engineering is and what systems engineers do or should do, there is an absence of research similar to the referenced studies looking at how expert systems engineers get to that level of expertise. The concept of deliberate practice as applied to systems engineering has also not been addressed. This raises the question of not only what are the most valuable activities to include in an accelerated learning environment, but whether systems engineering actually has reached the level of expertise as a discipline that it is capable of. As a result, efforts to accelerate learning are based to a large extent on less formally acquired expert opinion and anecdotal cases. The differentiation between what needs to be provided as a single experience and what should be taught by a structured exercise in the vein of deliberate practice is not made evident. Also, the improvement that should be expected by condensing and amplifying the lessons of experience are not defined. A study has been conducted to determine how expert systems engineers developed their expertise. The purpose is to identify key learning events/lessons contributing to expert performance that can be applied to enhance learning of systems engineering skills and improve the quality and rate of learning from current practice.
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An interview process was used that is focused on identifying how individuals attain expert performance in systems engineering in similar fashion to the earlier studies of Bloom and Ericsson. Expert systems engineers were interviewed and their responses analysed to determine the key events and factors that affected the development of systems engineering expertise and to find application training and education. The study also first looked at fields that are similar to systems engineering to learn how their development relates to the results of the earlier studies. 2. Background and Literature Review Studies on expertise by Bloom (1985) looked at four separate types of expertise. Athletics addressed physical capabilities of tennis players and swimmers. The artistic fields included pianists and sculptors. The third was cognitive and included research mathematicians and research neurologists. A fourth area of interpersonal relations was considered but not addressed due to a lack of criteria to determine who is an expert in these fields. Selecting swimmers from the Olympic teams or research neurologists who are award winners, well cited, and recognized by leaders in the field can produce a reliable set of subjects that can be considered to have exceptional expertise. Such clear cut competition is not available in the areas that rely on interpersonal relationship mastery and Bloom chose not to include them in the study. Of the groups analyzed, the development of the research mathematicians and neurologists was most closely aligned to systems engineering. Others tended to have significant development prior to the college years. With regard to the mathematicians, Bloom states: “Each of the mathematicians has devoted at least ten years to intensive-nearly obsessive-effort in mathematics. This period typically begins with graduate school (although for a few it began in college).” Systems engineering also has some element of the issues with regard to interpersonal relationship fields in that there is not a well-established criteria for defining the highest level of practitioner expertise. Ericsson, Krampe, and Tesch-Romer (1993) reached a conclusion concerning the time it takes to become an expert in various fields. “We have shown that expert performance is acquired slowly over a very long time as a result of practice and that the highest levels of performance and achievement appear to require at least around 10 years of intense prior preparation.” This led to the specific study of violin students at the Music Academy of West Berlin (Hochschule der Kuenste) which analyzed the differences between three groups of students differentiated by ability – best, good, and a group studying to be music teachers. A key discriminator was the difference in practice hours attained by age 20 with the best students averaging nearly 10,000 hours. Gladwell (2009) restates this as the 10K rule which refers to the amount of time actually spent working on developing the skills in an area. He applies this to such seemingly overnight successes as Bill Gates and the Beatles and shows that they also achieved this mark before making it big. The foundation of both of these references is the work of Bloom (1985) and his studies of the development of top performers in varied fields. The common theme is the passing through three phases of development; early years, middle years, and later years. Much of the emphasis is on the increasing intensity of practice as the person progresses and the type of teaching received. One specific data point presented is that the average of the time it took the pianists to progress to winning a major competition is 17.14 years 3. Method Grounded theory, common in social sciences, is a method of addressing qualitative analysis in human situations. It can translate well to issues in technical fields as well as demonstrated by Leonard and McAdam in a study of TQM practices (2001). It was selected for this study because the research is focused on discovery of how systems engineers gain expertise rather than evaluation of a proposed method or approach for developing expertise. The method was introduced by Glaser and Strauss in The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for qualitative research (1967). The basis of the method is the reliance on qualitative data concerning the issue or problem to be investigated. The basic steps are described in various discussions of the general method by Bertero (2012) and Birks and Mills (2011) and of its application by Mutshewa, (2010), Leonard and McAdam (2001), and Sbaraini et. al. (2011). The details vary, but the methods are similar in many respects.
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The approach starts with the definition of the issue, problem or question to be addressed since the answer is assumed to lie in the yet uncollected data. This is different from quantitative methods that begin with a hypothesis. By not having a hypothesis, the researcher is free to go where the data leads instead of trying to stick to proving or disproving a pre-stated hypothesis. Data is gathered relative to the problem or issue. Interviews with members of the population being studied are a significant part of the source data. Note taking to record the observations, rather than rote recording of the interview is one possible approach to data recording. Coding looks for words or groups of words that have meaning within the context of the study question. The coded data is then analyzed to look for potential concepts that can be formulated into theories that explain the situation being studied. These steps are iterated and parallel with multiple cycles refining both the data and the theories until a satisfactory result has been achieved. Glaser (2012) states his view of the result as “the product will be transcending abstraction, NOT accurate description.” And, as an abstraction, the result need not be perfect. In fact, it is expected to be modified and changed by further research. A significant difference in grounded theory is that a literature review is not conducted until near the end of the research process. The idea is that the researcher should not be influenced by prior work on the topic that would lead to biases. Instead, the data should lead and literature information can be used later to refine or validate the theories. Christensen (2011) discusses this further and suggests that a literature review in the early phases is acceptable if limited to the purpose of framing the question, but definitely not for developing theories. 3.1. Grounded Theory as Applied to This Study The research addresses the basic question of expertise development with subordinate questions on specific issues. How do expert systems engineers develop their expertise? Are there lessons that can be constructed from experiential learning for more structured learning? To what extent is deliberate practice a part of expertise development? This study does include initial literature review. It has been primarily used to identify the information gap develop the questions and approach. The one area that is addressed in the literature is the view of experience being the primary means of development of systems thinking (Davidz, 2007). However, specifics on how it does so are not provided. Additional literature review was conducted to further refine and support the conclusions. The primary source of data for the research is interviews with expert systems engineers in a manner similar to Bloom’s research. Although there is not a clearly established award or contest that defines expert systems engineers as with some of the fields Bloom and Ericsson studied, there are other means of identifying candidate experts to interview. There is no international competition to determine the best systems engineers as Bloom was able to use in the fields of sports and arts. However, there are some existing means of recognizing top level systems engineers in a similar manner to the way Bloom selected expert neurologists and mathematicians. The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) has both identified top contributors to the field as Fellows and provides recognition of top performers as Expert Systems Engineering Professionals (ESEPs), Criteria are detailed at A third category of expert used in this study systems engineers who have been given corporate lead responsibilities in industry. Of the expert level systems engineers interviewed, 17 were ESEPS, 5 were INCOSE Fellows, and 9 were top systems engineers in their organizations. Most have been involved in local or international leadership positions within INCOSE including four past INCOSE presidents. The sample size of 24 is based on the grounded theory concept of saturation, additional data does not provide significant new information, and is consistent with the guidance for the method (Marshal, 1996 )(Marshal et all,2013)(Mason, 2010). 3.2. Addressing how they developed as systems engineers Initial interviews were conducted with systems engineers who meet the expert qualifications. This provided an opportunity to test the quality of the interview structure and make necessary adjustments before additional interviews. One of the differences between Bloom and Ericsson is the latter’s use of less expert groups to confirm that the findings actually correlated to a difference in performance. Similarly, a set of interviews will be conducted
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with systems engineers who do not fit the qualifications of the expert sample to determine whether the experiences are relevant to expert performance. This group includes a range of experience from early involvement in systems engineering to nearly the same as the expert group. The interviews have been conducted in person to the extent practical. Telephone or Skype was used when that was not practical. Sessions were recorded unless the interviewee declined to give permission. The interview results were analyzed to identify common aspects of development of the experts interviewed. The results were compared to the non-expert group to determine similarities and differences. The results were also compared to the findings of Bloom and Ericsson to determine the extent to which their findings apply to systems engineering. One of the challenges has been the broad scope of content that is included within the umbrella of systems engineering. There are certainly technology or market specifics that will be different for each expert. General themes that reflect patterns that are common across these divisions have been sought and defined. Another challenge was the memory and interpretation of the individuals interviewed. The interviews need to be open to allow the person being interviewed to express their main thoughts but also had to provide guidance to assure that the appropriate issues are considered. The most challenging part of the interviews was the expert’s preference to discuss what they did rather than how they developed their expertise. This was addressed through follow-up questions. However, the experience itself was often the answer. 3.3. Data Coding Data coding was used to find common themes and drive the development of theories. An initial set of general codes was used that address the research questions. The codes evolved as the interview results dictated and the more important responses drove the development of the research conclusions. Based on the initial responses and coding, theories were developed to answer the research questions. After an initial set of interviews and coding, the following are preliminary theories which were modified as the interviews and following research progressed. 1. 2.
3. 4.
Experience has been the primary contributor to the development of systems engineering expertise. Early experience in integration and test significantly aids in developing an understanding of potential problems and the need for better front end activities such as development of operational concepts and requirements. Soft skills are critical to being an expert level systems engineer. Deliberate practice as defined by Ericsson is missing as a significant part of the development of systems engineering expertise.
3.4. Validation Validation is, in part, built into the grounded theory approach. Grounded theory includes the concept that the end of data collection is reached when the data converges and does not lead to any new theories. In this sense, each group of interviews provides a validation step for the prior set. Further quality checks on completeness of the theories are provided by Gordon, Cutcliffe, and Stevenson (2011) as referenced in the earlier discussion of the general method. These will be addressed in the analysis of proposed theories. Three more specific approaches to validation of grounded theory research (Barbour, 2001) are multiple coding, triangulation (multiple data sources), and respondent validation. The latter has been applied to this study. Those interviewed are asked to confirm the findings as relevant to their experience. Each subject was asked to review the findings from both the individual and overall group view. Half of the subjects responded and all were in agreement with the results or provided additional support for the conclusions. 4. Results At the start of this study, it was anticipated that individual lessons learned might be found in the data collected from the interviews. That did not end up being the case. However, there were several general conclusions that can
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be reached from the interview data. Two address primarily the content of what was learned and several others focus on the manner in which learning occurred. 4.1. Learning Methods 4.1.1. Experience. Since the subjects are or have been practicing system engineers, all described the value of experience in the development of their expertise. This is in agreement with the results of Davidz’ (2007) surveys indicating that experience is viewed as the primary means of developing expertise. All not only described multiple decades of system engineering experience but also provided comments that related those experiences to their development in the field. However, experience was not presented in isolation from other methods of learning. It was often identified as either a forcing function to obtain learning by another method or an opportunity to apply prior learning. The most predominant situation was experience being a forcing function for learning the skills needed for the new work. It could be described as just-in-time learning. Some participants presented a longer term view of learning with a view to growth for the future assignments. This could be as simple as a tutorial or a full degree in systems engineering or in another technical subject. In those cases when the practitioner had already received training through courses or education, the experience provided an opportunity to reinforce this training through application. There were several comments related to the application of a prior master’s program or training course. This is similar to a typical educational pedagogy in which lecture are followed by exercises. The learning modes included structured training or courses but also unstructured approaches. An important aspect of this mode of learning is an ability in self-learning. Several interviewed experts specifically referred to this and have developed self-learning capabilities through attending schools that emphasized it, through music training, or self-help development activities. 4.1.2. Training. Twenty of the subjects also identified some form of training as a contributor to their development. This category includes training provided by their employer as well as training they took on their own. 4.1.3. Formal education. Thirteen of those interviewed had taken courses for academic credit in systems engineering or related subjects such as systems analysis or had systems thinking emphasis in their degree programs. In the 20th century, it is not surprising that there are few who did receive formal systems engineering training as there were far fewer programs addressing systems engineering than are currently available. 4.1.4. Unstructured and self-directed learning. All of those interviewed reported some type of unstructured or self-directed learning in their development. Twenty-two of those interviewed discussed the influence of informal mentors or observation of experienced practitioners. The mentors were not identified as being formally assigned as is sometimes the case. The mentors were senior practitioners who gave them advice on the practice. An indirect form of mentoring was described as observing those who were good at a skill to see how they did it. Twelve described self-directed learning such as reading books and papers, working with a mentor or peer, observing those who were accomplished at the skill, networking with experts, or finding other applicable reference material such as a CD. Another related method was writing papers or articles. This was described as an opportunity to structure their thinking as well as stimulating research into a subject. Networking and INCOSE events were also mentioned several times with references to local INCOSE chapter meetings, tutorials and presentations as well as the International Symposium and International Workshop or involvement in working groups. 4.1.5. Teaching as Systems Engineering Learning and Practice Experience Sixteen of the systems engineers interviewed performed some form of systems engineering teaching either for organizational training or graduate level formal education. Teaching was also identified as application of systems
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engineering when developing courses. One formal description of the application of the same basic activities in classic systems engineering is Instructional Systems Design. This method puts emphasis on defining requirements for the course, designing a course that effectively applies training technology, and verifying that the course meets the objectives. Teaching as a method of learning has not been included in previous systems engineering studies. It is an appropriate method for the more proficient practitioners and provides an incentive to further hone their skills. 4.1.6. Deliberate practice There was a very mixed response to the concept of deliberate practice. In part, this seems to be due to the difference between the manner in which Ericsson defines and applies it and the learning methods used by the systems engineers. A musician or athlete has specific drills or exercises that are repeated multiple times until a specific skill is engrained. This is not the case for systems engineering. Learning, in this case, is more similar to that of Bloom’s mathematicians who spent a decade working on various problems to develop analytical skills. For systems engineering, a more appropriate interpretation of deliberate practice is the focused learning that is applied through the various modes discussed above. These may provide learning through a degree program, structured class, self-instruction through reading or other means, observation of skilled practitioners, participation in an activity such as working groups or process teams, or teaching. The systems engineers interviewed all had significant involvement in these developmental activities and did so continuously over decades. 4.2. Development of breadth of knowledge The experiences described provided a better description of learning breadth of knowledge than depth. While there were occasional specific examples mentioned of learning a specific skill, a more important and significant impact of experience was its contribution in developing breadth in multiple dimensions. Breadth is a common feature in the discussion of what makes a systems engineer as opposed to a discipline specific engineer. For INCOSE certification at the CSEP and ESEP levels, breadth is defined only in terms of 14 systems engineering functional areas (INCOSE, n.d). The results of the interviews, as noted below, provide several additional dimensions to breadth that should be considered in addressing that attribute as it relates to development of a systems view. 4.2.1. Systems Engineering Functional Areas: The 14 functional areas defined by INCOSE certification are all addressed by the participants. The most frequently mentioned were requirements engineering and qualification, verification, and validation. The least were quality assurance and specialty engineering. The participants who were ESEPs would have identified at least six areas with two or more years of experience; however, not all ESEPS discussed the full breadth in the interviews. The fourteenth area of “other” is not specifically defined by INCOSE. Activities that participants described that may fit this area are mostly those related to the soft skills described later in this article. They include leadership, teamwork, negotiation, and communications skills. One example frequently mentioned is the role of translator between various specialties. 4.2.2. Life cycle: The functional areas and life cycle phases are related. The time spent in various phases of the life cycle varied among the interviews. However, there was a consistency in covering the full life cycle at some point during their careers. This correlates to the two highest areas being at opposite ends of the program life cycle. While most were deeply involved in front end requirements development and conceptual design, the value of experiencing the end result of test, deployment, operations, and support was confirmed as providing real meaning of the importance of early systems engineering activities and helped in understanding how to do them more effectively. 4.2.3. Level: Several participants started at the component level progressed to higher levels of assembly within the system architecture. Their view changed from a part meeting a limited set of requirements to the entire system and environment with an expanded objective of meeting user needs.
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4.2.4. Disciplines: Several of those interviewed started as an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, software developer, or other specialized area. Often related to the change in levels and increased project scope, their experiences involved interfacing with or learning to perform other technical disciplines. They were motivated to develop at least a basic understanding of other technical disciplines than the one in which they started. In some cases, this included seeking additional education in another field such as a degree electrical engineering or software development. 4.2.5. Technologies/products: Individual experience also varied in the type of product and its technology. Products addressed ranged from simple appliances to ships and planes to large air traffic control systems. Technologies changed as a person moved from one product to another and also within the same product over time. The change in products particularly helped develop a larger system view, recognition of common principles, and an awareness of patterns. 4.2.6. Customers and customer/supplier relations: Along with the variety of products, most also had a variety of customers during their careers and several worked on both the customer and supplier side of the relationship. This provided a better understanding of the other side’s issues and needs. 4.2.7. Government/commercial: Almost half had experience with commercial companies of various sizes. In some cases, the expert actively sought out this experience to broaden their experience base. 4.2.8. Management: Most of the participants became technical or project managers at some point in either a discipline area, teams, or projects. This led to the development of skills in management related tasks such as planning, budgeting, scheduling, as well as interpersonal relationships. The latter will discussed more below. 4.3. Soft Skills The most emphatic comments in the interviews were with regards to the value of soft skills, the need for their development in systems engineers, and the lack of significant training and education for these skills. Since systems engineers work with teams, interpersonal skills and communications are absolutely necessary. Yet, these are not seen as emphasized in most educational curricula. As system engineers develop and take on larger responsibilities with larger teams, leadership becomes more important. Given the noted importance of these skills for success in Systems Engineering, these should have increased emphasis in academic and training curricula. 5. Conclusions and Implications For development of the systems engineer with a full systems view, breadth of experience is critical. This type of experience is already common in many development programs. However, where the focus may be on life cycle or organizational components, there are other dimensions that should be considered by both the organization and the individual. The dimensions listed above are candidates for improvement in training and development programs. The learning resulting from experience is not viewed as significant in isolation. Some form of learning activity should be tied to the experience, whether it is formal education, training, mentoring, availability of material on the subject, or other forms. Since much of the learning performed by the systems engineers interviewed was not formal or structured, availability of self-directed learning materials and support help the development of systems engineers. Early development of self-learning skills would also be very beneficial. This indicates a need for development and availability of just-in-time learning such as self-study courses, books, or mentors and training in self-learning. Experience in later phases of a project - integration, test, deployment, operations, or support – provide critical insights into the importance of good front-end systems engineering. This should be considered in planning either individual or organizational development of systems engineers.
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Where structured training or courses are provided, they must connect with the work environment practices to be effective. When a student later comments that they loved a course but can’t use it at work because management doesn’t want to do it that way, the benefit of the training investment is minimal. While junior systems engineers can work on tasks that are individually performed, the more advanced systems engineers will be of best value if they are capable with working on teams and with others in general. Development of the soft skills of communications, leadership, and interpersonal relationships are essential to being expert level systems engineers. While these are mentioned in various competency discussions, they are not seen as having major emphasis in many development programs. Increased emphasis is needed to produce high functioning systems level leaders. Soft skills are included to some extent in various systems engineering competency models and frameworks (NAPA, 2008) (INCOSE UKAB Working Group, 2010) (Armstrong, et al, 2011) (Kasser, et al, 2013). They include leadership, communication, teamwork, negotiation and interpersonal skills. The Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering (GRCSE™) (Pyster, et al, 2012) includes teamwork and ethics under the heading of professional development. A graduate curriculum framework proposed by Jain and Verma (2007) also includes consideration of soft skills. And, the INCOSE ESEP requirements include leadership as a critical qualification factor (INCOSE, n.d.b). However, the emphasis on the reference curriculum and the framework is still on the technical side of systems engineering and the participants in this study strongly felt that this aspect is underrepresented. There is certainly more than enough technical learning required for practicing systems engineering to fill a graduate program. However, the appropriate time and place for adding the soft skills to be a more senior systems engineer needs to be defined. Most of the soft skills training reported were either during military service or as part of management training. Teaching should be seen as a learning experience for the teacher as well as the students. The need to improve understanding to teach correlates to the definition of higher levels of ability as defined in Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom, 1956). The first three levels address the ability to be a practitioner. Knowledge (recall), Comprehension (understanding), and Application (use) address the abilities to work as a systems engineer. However, the higher levels of Analysis (compares, differentiates, illustrates…), Synthesis (explains, relates, tells, writes…), and Evaluation (appraises, criticizes, critiques, describes, evaluates…) address increased understanding necessary to prepare for and conduct training. This provides a stimulus to improve knowledge to these levels when planning and preparing to teach. 6. Limitations and Future Research The most direct opportunity for additional research is to investigate application of the findings including defining additional dimensions for breadth of experience, finding closer ties of experience and learning including better availability of self-directed learning material, discovering more identifiable application of deliberate practice, developing teaching as a learning method with possible use of a teachable agent, and improving the incorporation of soft skills in systems engineering education and training. By relying on the INCOSE identification of experts in the primary two of the three qualifications, the study does not address the full range of practitioners who are not affiliated with that organization. Also, this sample does not include systems engineers from other countries. These are two areas for further research. This study provides insight into how expert systems engineers develop their abilities. It does not answer the question of why these participants took the path to being recognized as experts in systems engineering and others did not. One participant noted that peers with the similar starting positions progressed as engineers in their original discipline and did not pursue the systems perspective. Bloom (1985) posits that “What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with appropriate prior and current conditions of learning.” However, the studies do not resolve the extent to which natural talent or hard work prevails. Further study can be performed to determine the factors that relate to the decision to become systems engineers. This study also does not determine is how long it takes to develop expert level performance. Two elements of the results of this study that are likely drivers of the development time are the multiple dimensions of breadth and the availability of learning activities and materials at the point of need.
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