Development of Wireless Sensor Network for ...

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Dec 28, 2015 - with limitations in Software and Non-continuous monitoring. [3,4,6]. Our objective is to ... compressive strength measurement in field of civil engineering, but .... Dispatch Software”, ACM Computing Surveys. [15] Ashley Norris ...
International Conference on Functional Materials and Microwaves ICFMM - 2015 December 28-30, 2015

Development of Wireless Sensor Network for Monitoring and Analysis of Concrete Compressive Strength Development in Early Age Concrete Structure D.S.Kumbhar#1 , H.C. Chaudhari#2 Department of Electronic Science, Modern College, Ganeshkhind, Pune(India) [email protected] #2 Department of Physics, J.E.S. College, Jalna, (India) [email protected]


_________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: Concrete is widely used in civil engineering for making various architectural structures. This paper presents a proposed wireless system to monitor, analyze and predict compressive strength of the concrete which will help to prevent architectural structure failure. A Wireless Sensor Network is used to measure temperature development in early age concrete structure using Arduino platform which can be further used to determine concrete compressive strength. A new technique using Raspberry Pi is used to monitor, store, analyze, predict and transmit Concrete compressive strength of the structure over the network. Wireless nodes will be installed at distinct places within concrete structure to collect continuous and real time temperature parameter of the concrete structure during the Curing process at early age concrete. The proposed wireless sensor network based monitoring method will be useful for concrete structure designers and contractors for the perfect analysis and prediction of Concrete Maturity and Compressive Strength relationship to take the preventive action using a non-destructive way. Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Concrete Strength, Wireless Sensor Network, Sensor nodes


1 INTRODUCTION Concrete is widely used in civil engineering for making various architectural structures viz. pavements, bridges, roads, runways, parking structures, dam and pipes etc.The most probable causes of the failure like early cracking, structure collapse and leakages etc. in the concrete structure are seen due to premature construction work. [1, 2] The strength monitoring is important to determine the readiness of the structure for service at early ages of concrete structure. The strength development of concrete is a result of the hydration process. The temperature effect is an important phenomenon of the concrete hydration process. Normally, the temperature inside the concrete will be below 60-80degree Celsius.There are two major methods used for measuring the concrete compressive strength, viz. destructive and nondestructive method. Due to time required and high cost; the destructive method is not suitable for the early age of concrete strength monitoring. Therefore, it is very essential to monitor strength of the concrete in a non-destructive way to prevent failure during the Curing process at early ages of concrete. [2]. The present available non-destructive methods are based on Thermocouple, Dallas Semiconductor iButton® ,Nomadics intelliRock™ and Identec Solutions i-Q Tag devices. But these methods are bulky in size, high cost, limited channel, with limitations in Software and Non-continuous monitoring. [3,4,6] Our objective is to develop Arduino platform based Wireless Sensor Network nodes to measure continuous temperature parameter with respective to time within concrete structure.

This measured parameterfrom the different nodes will be then used for analysis and predictionof Concrete compressive strength using Raspberry Pi.The strength data obtained from the structure on each day in the first week, the 14 th day, and the 28th day at regular internal of time will be stored in Micro SD card of the Raspberry Pi. For the prediction of the compressive strength of the structure, it is represented in graphical format i.e. variation of concrete compressive strength verses age using application software.It will be alsoimprovements in the compact size and portable, on site wireless measurement,multichannel facilities, Smart Apps Software support, 24X7- 30 days continuous wireless monitoring and low cost.

2 LITERATURE SURVEY In the concrete structure development, the main emphasis is on strength measurement of the concrete structure. After going through the extensive literature survey, it is understood that there is lot of work done related to concrete compressive strength measurement in field of civil engineering, but have a scope for improvement in the field of wireless concrete compressive strength measurement. The literature survey indicates that for concrete compressive strength measurement, researchers have attempted different methods.[2,4,6] These methods can be classified into two major categories, 1) hydration-heat-based monitoring and 2) physical-property-based monitoring. 1 ICFMM 2015

International Conference on Functional Materials and Microwaves ICFMM - 2015 December 28-30, 2015

Mostly, the concrete compressive strength evaluated using the Nurse-Saul and Arrhenius mathematical model [4, 5]. In this paper, the proposed system based on theNurse-Saul and Arrhenius mathematical model and is totally wireless technique using Arduino and Raspberry Pi platform.[13,15] In this proposed system, we will develop an embedded Wireless Network using Arduino platform for temperature measurement using temperature sensor within concrete structure i.e. called Sensor Nodes. The system using Raspberry Pi is used to remotely monitor Temperature from the WSN nodes and evaluate the compressive concrete strength of the concrete structure. The whole system provides necessary information related to maturity and compressive strength gain of the concrete structure during the curing process at early ages of concrete.

3 PROPOSED DESIGN BLOCK DIAGRAM The device level block diagram of the system is divided into two parts Transmitter Section using Zigbee and Arduino Platform and Receiver Section using Zigbee and Raspberry Pi Platform as shown in Fig 1.andFig.2 respectively.

3.1 Transmitter Section Fig.1 show transmitter section includes temperature sensors, signal conditioning circuit, RTC circuit and Zigbee circuit with Arduino. The wireless network application for Zigbee module has been developed based upon IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The configuration of Zigbee S2 has done through the X-CTU software by Digi International. For each node, the temperature sensors are installed within concrete. There outputs are attached to signal conditioning circuit and then to Arduino Platform and Zigbee S2. Here the Zigbee S2 configured as END device. At Transmitter, Zigbee configured as Coordinator device to receive the time-temperature data coming from different WSN nodes and then transmitted collected information toward the receiver.[9,17] 1) Arduino Platform: Arduino Uno will be the main part of transmitter section. It is used to collect, store and then transmit the measured parameters to receiver end. It is used due to its flexibility, open source and easy to interface with other system. Arduino Uno is very useful due following features. [22] Processor Clock Speed RAM Flash EEPROM Min. Power Digital GPIO Analog Input PWM I2C SPI UART

ATMega 328 16MHz 2KB 32KB 1KB 42ma(.3W) 14 6 10-bit 6 2 1 1

Table1. Features of Arduino Uno

2) 3) 4) 5)

Fig.1Block Diagram of Transmitter Section

Temperature Sensor: K-type thermocouples Signal Conditioning: AD595 RTC Circuit: Zigbee: XBee S2 modules

The proposed k-type thermo-couple temperature sensorscan be embedded into concrete structure at the centre position to measure temperature during the curing processat different locations using WSN nodes. At Transmitter, Zigbee coordinator received the temperaturetime information from the different nodes using polling method. The purpose of polling is to avoid interference from multiple nodes transmitting to the Coordinatorsimultaneously. Then the received information transmitted by the coordinator toward the receiver section.

Fig.2 Block Diagram of Receiver Section

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International Conference on Functional Materials and Microwaves ICFMM - 2015 December 28-30, 2015

3.2 Receiver Section Fig.2 show receiver section includes Zigbee and Raspberry Pi with Micro SD card, HDMI interface, Ethernet interface and GSM.[13,16]At the receiving end the information is collected and stored in the computer to monitor and evaluate the measuring parameters to find out the concrete compressive strength during curing process at early ages of concrete.

This received information at the receiver section is used to monitor and display concrete maturity and compressive strength relation in the graphical format with help of application software using Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi unit does the additional function of updating the status using a Local Area Network; this helps the site Engineer to monitor the status of construction sitting at their site office only. It also has the feature of sending SMS using GSM SIM900 to concrete structure designers and contractors for action, when the parameter under monitoring condition are below the defined threshold value.

4 PRACTICAL APPROACHES Development of a Wireless Sensor Network consists of 12 sensing nodes (node1 to node12) and each node will work independentlyinstalled inside the concrete structure as shown in fig.1. Each of these nodes collects temperature value with respect to time from the concrete structure during the curing process at early ages of concrete. These nodes communicate with the coordinator for the collection and displaying of timetemperature parameter using polling method as shown in fig. 4.

Fig. 3 Raspberry Pi Model B

1) Raspberry Pi Platform: Raspberry Pi will be the main part of receiver section. It is used to collect, store, display and then transmit the evaluated information through LAN or GSM network.[13] Raspberry Pi is very useful due following features. Processor Clock Speed RAM Flash Min. Power Digital GPIO Analog Input I2C SPI UART Ethernet USB Master Video Out Audio Output

ARM11 700MHz 256KB Micro SD Card 700mA(3.5W) 8 N/A 1 1 1 10/100 MB 4 X USB 2.0 HDMI, Composite HDMI, Analog

The received information from the coordinator will be then displayed and also stored wirelessly using Raspberry Pi system as shown in fig.5.Here the Raspberry Piacts as a mini computer.[13] After processing on the stored information it will presented in tabular form , graphical format for the analysis andevaluatingthe maturity and compressive strength relation of concrete structure.This information can be send anywhere using internet technology available with the Raspberry Pi. It also sends SMS alert if any variation in the predefined values.

Fig.4 LCD display Transmitter Section

Table2. Feature of Raspberry Pi

2) 3) 4) 5)

Display:HDMI monitor/Screen LAN Router: TP link GSM: SIM900 Zigbee: XBee S2 Module

The receiver section basically has Raspberry Pi with a Zigbee configured as coordinator to receive the temperature and time data coming from transmitter section. The data coming from transmitter section is received and stored into Micro SD card.

Fig.5 Display Receiver section

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International Conference on Functional Materials and Microwaves ICFMM - 2015 December 28-30, 2015

5 Conclusions Through this research paper we are proposing a simple realtime wireless module for monitoring and analyzing of the compressive strength of concrete at early ages of concrete structure. The designed system will besuitable forwireless, real-time measurements and continuous monitoring of concrete maturity and compressive strength relation of the concrete structure using non-destructive way.

6 Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Construction Research & Development Laboratory,Pune and would like to thanks Mr. Ramakant Bhujbal,Director of Future Chip Technologies, Pune for his funding the research work.

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