District Superintendents Charter School and Renaissance School ...
Recommend Documents
May 27, 2018 - ACCEPTABLE INTERNET USE POLICY: PARENT AGREEMENT. 32. RENAISSANCE ..... profane, abusive or slang languag
May 27, 2018 - discourage sugary foods, candy, cookies, gum, and foods heavy in ... Chewing gum in the school building i
Since 200 2, the Center for School Change has been compiling demographic data about K-12 public school enrollment in Min
Jan 30, 2018 - and members of the virtual charter school oversight working group1, which provided valuable insights and
Your student must continue enrollment and attendance at their current school
until accepted, enrolled, and ready to begin at Whitmore Charter High School.
UNIT COVER PAGE. Unit 5. School District: BHSD 228 Department: Social
Studies Course: World. Civilizations. Unit Title: Unit 5 - Renaissance &
politicized environments of big city school districts, superintendents must serve as collaborators, visionaries, good ..
The Performance Framework provides information necessary for merit-based charter renewal decisions. Decisions will be ma
Sep 30, 2014 - Kansas Development Finance Authority; Craig Neuenswander, Kansas State. Department of Education ... Cathe
Given this backdrop, the Council of the Great City Schools (CGCS) prepared this ... CGCS represents the nation's largest
effective wav for charter school advocates to talk about charters. This guide explains those ..... Business Journals {to
Vice Principal. School Support. Anne Marie Felix. Prof. Development Coordinator. Calvin Hooks. Dean of Academics. Darryl
Nov 1, 2013 ... desserts for the Nov. 22nd auction. Auction contacts are Stephanie. LaRousse (
[email protected]) and Joanna Stokinger.
Jul 7, 2014 - In April 2014, AASA, The School Superintendents Association, and the .... out of classrooms and into the j
Jul 7, 2014 - and lists different infractions (often categorized by varying degrees of discipline ..... Bloomington, IN:
Jul 7, 2014 - In April 2014, AASA, The School Superintendents Association, and the .... other students out of classrooms
to share, please feel free to bring them to my attention. ... I am always happy to schedule an in person meeting as well
changes that may be needed to ensure continued compliance with federal, state, ..... Athletic shoes and socks are requir
District Superintendents Charter School and Renaissance School ...
Sep 9, 2015 - ASVAB-AFQT Composite >=31 or. Meet the Criteria of the NJDOE Portfolio Appeal. Meet the Criteria of the
September 9, 2015
District Superintendents Charter School and Renaissance School Project Lead Persons High School Principals and Supervisors School Counselors
David C. Hespe Commissioner
Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2019
At the beginning of last school year, I notified you that, during New Jersey’s transition from the High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) to the Partnership for the Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) End-of-Course assessments, the students in the classes of 2016, 2017, and 2018 would be able to demonstrate the proficiencies in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics by either passing the PARCC assessments, meeting the ‘cut score’ on a substitute assessment, or by meeting the criteria of the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) portfolio appeal process. In addition, Special Education students, whose Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) specify an alternative way to demonstrate proficiencies, will continue to follow the graduation requirements set forth in their IEPs. Please be advised that, to ensure adequate time for transition to the new assessments, the NJDOE is extending the transition period for the graduation requirements that were identified in the September 30, 2014, memorandum to now include students in the class of 2019. We anticipate that we will announce final ‘cut scores’ for the PARCC assessments in October. Below is an updated list of options for demonstrating graduation proficiency for the classes of 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019, incorporating updated ‘cut scores’ for the substitute competency assessments to account for some of the changes anticipated in the PSAT/SAT and ACT programs. The Study Commission on the Use of Statewide Assessments will be making recommendations shortly regarding graduation requirements for the class of 2020 and thereafter.
English Language Arts
Passing score on a PARCC ELA Grade 10 or
Passing score on PARCC Geometry or
Passing score on a PARCC ELA Grade 11 or
Passing score on PARCC Algebra II or
SAT Reading >= 400 or
SAT >= 400 or
ACT Reading or ACT PLAN Reading >= 16 or
ACT or ACT PLAN>= 16 or
Accuplacer Write Placer >= 6 or
Accuplacer Elementary Algebra >= 76 or
PSAT10 Reading or PSAT/NMSQT Reading >= 40 or
PSAT10 or PSAT/NMSQT >= 40 or
ACT Aspire Reading >= 422 or
ACT Aspire >= 422 or
ASVAB-AFQT Composite >=31 or
ASVAB-AFQT Composite >=31 or
Meet the Criteria of the NJDOE Portfolio Appeal
Meet the Criteria of the NJDOE Portfolio Appeal
Passing score on a PARCC ELA Grade 9 or
Passing score on PARCC Algebra I or
DCH/BAE c: Members, State Board of Education Senior Staff Jeffrey Hauger Executive County Superintendents Executive Directors for Regional Achievement Centers Garden State Coalition of Schools NJ LEE Group