Original Article
Double-loop PI controller design of the DC-DC boost converter with a proposed approach for calculation of the controller parameters
Proc IMechE Part I: J Systems and Control Engineering 1–12 Ó IMechE 2017 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/0959651817740006 journals.sagepub.com/home/pii
¨ zdemir and Zekiye Erdem Ayhan O
Abstract Parameters of digital proportional–integral/proportional–integral–derivative controllers are usually calculated using commonly known conventional methods or solution of discrete-time equations. In literature, a model-based compact form formulation for calculation of discrete-time proportional–integral/proportional–integral–derivative controller parameters has not been come across yet. The proposed model-based compact form formulations are introduced to calculate the proportional–integral parameters in discrete time as a new approach. Generally, different types of control techniques are chosen in similar studies for double-loop control for direct current–direct current boost converter control except proportional–integral/proportional–integral. In this study, double-loop proportional–integral controller is used as a different control method from literature. By this way, the most important advantages of the proposed study are to reduce different design methods to a unique proportional–integral design method and shorten all calculations. The accuracy of the double-loop proportional–integral controller’s parameters calculated using the model-based compact form formulations is validated both in simulation and experimental studies under various disturbance effects. Satisfactory performance of the proposed controller under model uncertainty and other cases are comparatively shown with the predefined performance criteria.
Keywords Compact form formulation, direct current–direct current boost converter, double-loop control, electrical parameter variation, proportional–integral control
Date received: 27 September 2016; accepted: 2 October 2017
Introduction Boost-type direct current–direct current (DC-DC) converters are used mostly in industry such as wind energy, solar energy and electrical vehicle systems where output voltage needs to be higher than the input. Controller design of DC-DC boost converters is more complex and difficult than the buck converters because of their non-minimum phase behavior.1 proportional–integral/proportional–integral–derivative (PI/PID) control methods are widely used and preferred in most of control applications. PI/PID controller parameters are calculated in literature using heuristic methods such as Ziegler Nichols, particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA) and simulated annealing (SA)2–7 or analytic methods such as frequency response, Bode plot and root-locus technique8–14 or intelligent methods15–19 such as neural network (NN) and fuzzy logic.
Boost converter has a Right Half Plane Zero (RHPZ) structure. Dynamic response is very important while designing the controller. However, heuristic methods do not use prior information on dynamic structure of controlled systems thus also may lead to stability problems. Besides, these methods may cause extreme overshoots and sharp rises and falls in the transient and steady-state response of the output.20 Although fuzzy logic–based controllers have a good adaptation to non-linear time variant systems, an expert understanding is needed in order to design a reliable Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey Corresponding author: Zekiye Erdem, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Sakarya University, Sakarya 54040, Turkey. Email:
[email protected]
2 fuzzy-based controller. Otherwise, a design error may occur. Moreover, a few tools are available for designing the fuzzy-based controllers. Similarly, NN needs wellchosen data and a good network design to get desirable performance from the controller. In addition, intelligent methods are more complex than conventional control methods in terms of implementation in embedded systems. PI/PID controllers are implemented around the complex conjugate dominant poles ensuring the predefined performance of system response. Stability is also guaranteed with these controllers. In literature, because of its easy implementation, the PID control is highly desirable in industrial applications likewise DC-DC Converters.9,21,22 However, single PID control is not enough to ensure the dynamic response of the voltage and current outputs simultaneously. This burden can be eliminated using a double-loop control, which provides the control of both voltage and current outputs. Generally, different types of cascaded discrete-time control techniques are given in literature such as PI– sliding mode controller (SMC)1,23 and PI-Fuzzy.24 Closed-loop analysis and cascaded control of a nonminimum-phase boost converter are applied to regulate the output voltage of a double-loop DC-DC boost converter. Among all these techniques, a double-loop discrete-time PI-PI controller technique has not been studied yet. PI-PI-type controller method has been chosen for this study due to its easy implementation and design structure. Furthermore, the PI parameter calculations of the controllers are getting one step easier with the proposed model-based compact form (MBCF) formulations. Each cascaded controller could be designed with both proposed compact form formulations and conventional design methods. In PI-SMC or PI-Fuzzy–type double-loop controllers, which are used in literature have to be different theorems and design steps for each loop. Therefore, these bring extra design and calculation burden for application engineers and researchers. Output voltage control of DC-DC Boost converter has two different topologies in literature, one of this topology is entitled by voltage-mode control, and the other one is current-mode control. Although voltagemode control has a single-loop topology, current-mode control has the double loop, which is the industry standard method of controlling switching power.25 Therefore, in this study, current-mode control is selected, and the advantages of this control topology could be investigated from industrial applications in literature.25,26 There are only a few studies about formulations for PID parameter calculation. Pai et al.27 present a direct synthesis design (DS-d) formulation for the systems with dead time and inverse response in continuous time. However, these formulations are restricted by a specific type of a process with delay, and the DS-d formulations of PID parameters are only available in
Proc IMechE Part I: J Systems and Control Engineering 00(0) continuous time. Previous studies28–30 present a tuning formula derived especially for PID parameter calculations using phase and gain margins for only continuous time. These formulations are derived for a specific plant and are not generalized for all types of systems. MBCF formulations have been derived and implemented for a double-loop PI DC-DC boost converter controller design.31 In the following sections, first, transfer functions of the inner and outer loops are written from small signal analysis. Second, MBCF formulations are obtained. Implementation of the MBCF formulations for the calculation of the PI-PI parameters is also explained. Accuracy of proposed MBCF formulations is validated in three cases with simulation and experimental studies under parameter variations and disturbance effects. The satisfactory responses of the double-loop PI controllers are comparatively shown with the predefined performance criteria.
Model and control of DC-DC boost converter Proposed double-loop control diagram given in Figure 1 provides instantaneous output voltage and current control simultaneously. Because of its simple and failure tolerant structure and adequate performance in both industrial applications and literature studies,2,32–36 PI-type controllers are decided to be applied for both loops. The simplified block diagram of the experimental setup consisting of digital signal processing (DSP)based double-loop controller together with DC-DC boost converter whose output are connected to feedresistive loads in parallel is given in Figure 1. The operating parameters, switching frequency and sampling frequency of the DC-DC boost converter, are adjusted to 100 and 50 kHz, respectively. Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) current signal io is the envelope of the inductor current signal iL . Since the proposed MBCF formulations are model based, the model of the system to be controlled must be obtained.
Open-loop transfer functions of the DC-DC boost converter Considering Figure 1, during the double-loop DC-DC boost converter design, the output voltage and inductor current have to be measured. Therefore, the open-loop transfer functions ‘‘G1 (s)’’ and ‘‘G2 (s)’’ are derived, respectively, in the following equations. The transfer function G1 (s) between inductor ~ current and duty ratio ‘‘~iL (s)=d(s)’’ is obtained as given in equation (1) G1 (s) =
~iL (s) Vo Cs + 2(1 D)IL = ~ LCs2 + RL s + (1 D)2 d(s)
O¨zdemir and Erdem
Figure 3. Control block diagram of PI controller system.
The system response Y(s) fulfills the desired transient parameters, overshoot and settling time, when the digital PI controller assigns the two dominant poles of the closed-loop characteristic equation to the predefined poles given in equation (4). Characteristic equation of closed-loop control system in Figure 3 and redefined poles are given in equations (3) and (4), respectively
Figure 1. Double-loop control of DC-DC boost converter.
F(z) = 1 + GPI (z)Gp (z) = 0 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2ffi z1, 2 = es1, 2 T = eT(jwn 6jwn 1j ) = sz1, 2 + jwz1, 2
Figure 2. Closed-loop control block diagram of the doubleloop control.
(1 D)Vo LIL s v~o (s) = G2 (s) = ~ Vo Cs + 2(1 D)IL iL (s)
The derivation of the inner-loop G1 (s) and outer-loop G2 (s) transfer functions is given in Appendix B.
Double-loop control Double-loop control shown in Figure 2 using proposed method is explained in two parts; first, proposed compact form formulations are introduced; second, discrete-time PI controllers’ parameters have been calculated with the proposed compact form formulations.1,23,24,37 When inner and outer-loop controller parameters are calculated, the interaction between two loops must be taken into account. Therefore, in this part, the calculation method of the proposed formulations for the double-loop control system is also explained. Proposed MBCF formulations. Proposed MBCF formulations using open-loop transfer function are introduced to calculate the PI controller parameters in Figure 3.
z1 is written in polar coordinates as given in the following z1 = sz1 + jwz1 = jz1 je jb
Equation (4) is the definition of s domain and z domain.38 Where j is the damping ratio and wn is the natural angular frequency. The control pole ‘‘z1’’ in equation (4) is replaced by ‘z’ in characteristic equation (3), and the characteristic equation (3) is arranged as follows F(z1 ) = GPI (z1 )Gp (z1 ) + 1 = 0
Similarly, transfer function between output voltage and the inductor current ‘‘~ vo (s)=~iL (s)’’ is derived as follows
From equation (6), the magnitude and angle of complex value are written as follows qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð7Þ jz1 j = s2z1 + w2z1 wz1 b = tan1 ð8Þ s z1 Similarly, Gp (z1 ) complex value can be written in polar coordinates as follows Gp (z1 ) = Gp (z1 )e jc ð9Þ c = \Gp (z1 )
If equations (7)–(10) are substituted in equation (5) and rearranged, following equation is obtained Kp + Ki
1 jz1 je jb = jb jz1 je 1 Gp (z1 )e jc
Proposed MBCF formulations36 for calculation of the PI parameters are obtained from equation (11) and given in equations (12) and (13), respectively. The derivation of equations (12) and (13) is given in Appendix 1 in detail
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Figure 4. Closed-loop control block diagram of inner loop controller.
sin c jz1 j 2 cos b + Ki = sin b Gp (z1 )
1 jz1 j
cos c sin c jz1 j cos b + Kp = sin b Gp (z1 ) Gp (z1 )
ð12Þ ð13Þ
Calculation of discrete-time PI controller parameters. This section guides the designer about how to calculate the PI parameters of inner and outer loops using MBCF formulations.36 The PI controller parameters in the loop design are calculated in two steps: 1.
The expressions jz1 j, b, Gp (z1 ) and c given in equations (7)–(10) are calculated using defined transient parameter overshoot and settling time. PI parameters are calculated from equations (12) and (13) using the expressions in the first step.
Inner loop controller design. The inner loop controller ‘‘D1 (z)’’ is designed due to calculation method mentioned above using G1 (z) and z1 . First, discrete-time transfer function of G1h (z) is obtained using the DC-DC boost converter parameters and given in equation (14). These parameters are used in both simulation and experimental studies. Inductor value L = 620 mF, capacitor value C = 1640 mF, duty cycle D = 0.33, desired output voltage Vo = 18 V, input voltage Vi = 12:2 V, steady-state inductor current IL = 1:289 A, load at operating point R = 20:6 O and sampling time T = 20 ms ( ) 1 esT V0 Cs + 2(1 D)IL G1h (z) = Z s LCs2 + RL s + (1 D)2 ð14Þ =
0:5808z 0:5801 z2 1:99z + 0:994
Second, dominant pole z1 is calculated using performance criteria; settling time ts1 = 4 ms and the percentage overshoot OS = 4:33% and sampling time T = 20 ms. Inductor current is controlled in the inner loop. Since the reference current Iref is produced by the outer loop, the inner-loop response must be faster than
Figure 5. Closed-loop control block diagram of outer-loop controller.
the outer-loop response. Settling time, which is a performance parameter, should be selected by considering this restriction. The complex conjugate dominant poles are calculated from equation (4) using defined j and wn values z1, 2 = 0:973160:0262j
The values of expressions in equations (7)–(10) are calculated as follows jz1 j = 0:9735 b = 0:0269 jG1h (z1 )j = 15:2049
c = 2:5065
The Kp and Ki parameters of D1 (z) controller in the inner loop are obtained using the MBCF formulations (12) and (13). The results are as follows Kp1 = 0:0909 Ki1 = 0:0021
Outer-loop controller design. Design of the outer-loop controller D2 (z) according to calculation method mentioned above is slightly different than the inner loop design. First, designer has to be calculated Gd (z) transfer function which is given in Figure 5. G12 (z) transfer function is calculated as 1 esT G12 (z) = Z ðG1 (s)G2 (s)Þ = s ð18Þ 0:01286z2 + 0:3142z 0:01855 z3 2:998z2 + 2:996z 0:9982 It can be seen that the order of the Gd (z) is equal to seven when Table 1 and Gd (z) transfer function are taken into account Gd (z) =
vo (z) D1 (z)G12 (z) = iref (z) 1 + D1 (z)G1h (z)
the discrete-time closed-loop transfer function of the outer loop is given as follows
vo (z) 0:0012z6 + 0:0078z5 0:020z4 + 0:028z3 0:022z2 + 0:009z 0:001 = iref (z) z7 6:94z6 + 20:6z5 34:1z4 + 33:8z3 20:1z2 + 6:6z 0:94
O¨zdemir and Erdem
Table 1. Order of the transfer functions. Transfer function
G12 (z) G1h (z) D1 (z) Gd (z)
3 2 1 7
The performance criteria of the outer loop are determined as settling time ts2 = 16:2 ms, percentage overshoot OS = 4:33% and sampling time T = 20 ms. In this study, ts2 = 4:05ts1 has been chosen. The values of expressions in equations (7)–(10) are calculated using the defined performance criteria. The Kp and Ki parameters of the outer-loop D2 (z) controller are obtained using the MBCF formulations (12) and (13). The results are given as follows Kp2 = 1:2863 Ki2 = 0:0134
Experimental and simulation results of the openloop transfer function verification and the transient and steady-state analysis of the output voltage/current are given in the following section. In the experimental studies, since IGBT current signal io is the envelope of the inductor current signal iL , instantaneous value io is measured instead of instantaneous value iL .
Simulation and experimental results To demonstrate the performance of the proposed MBCF formulations, switching frequency and sampling frequency of 50kHz and 100kHz, respectively, are chosen. The DC-DC boost converter is implemented using the nominal values: 18 V, 2 A, L = 624 mH, C = 1640 mF, Diode 30CTQ060STRLPBFCT and IGBT IRFR3607TRPBFCT DPAK. Measurement and control algorithms are executed by 80 MHz DSP F28M35H52C1–based development kit. Experimental setup is given in Figure 6. Experimental and simulation studies have three stages: 1. 2. 3.
Model verification. Performance analysis of the proposed method. Performance in electrical parameter variations.
Model verification Model verification of the open-loop transfer function ~ shown in Figure 2 is performed under a of v~o (s)=d(s) defined duty ratio operating point using the given electrical parameters. Simulation and experimental results, which validate the model accuracy of the DC-DC boost converter, are given in Figure 7. The proposed method is model based. Hence, the error should be lower than the acceptable value.
Figure 6. Experimental setup.
Table 2 shows that the simulation and experimental result errors are lower than 1%. This shows that the model used for controller design is appropriate. Moreover, the robustness of the DC-DC boost converter against electrical parameter variations is given in case 3.
Performance analysis of the proposed method DC-DC boost output voltage has been regulated via PI controllers whose coefficients are calculated using the proposed method for inner and outer loops. Because of its analytical calculation methodology, which is based on pole placement, MBCF formulations are also ensured of the stability of the control system. Further details could be found in Ozdemir and Erdem.31 The performance analysis is given in detail with both simulation and experimental results for the three cases as given below. Case 1: dynamic response performance. In this section, dynamic responses of the DC-DC boost converter’s output voltage are analyzed as follows: 1. 2.
Step changes in the reference input. The input voltage sag during step changes in the reference input and step load changes for both cases.
Step changes in the reference input. While DC-DC boost converter is operated at the 14 V steady-state value, the input voltage is step changed to 18 V with load change in t = 2 ms. Related waveform for the responses is depicted in Figure 8. The values related to transient and steady-state responses are obtained by considering the simulation and the experimental waveforms shown in Figure 8. These results are tabulated and comparatively given in Table 3. Two different assessments can be made for the values given in Table 3: 1.
Simulation results are validated by experimental results.
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Figure 7. Open-loop transfer function response: (a) simulation and (b) experimental results (12.3 V input voltage, 20.6 O load and 0.2 duty cycle rate).
Figure 8. Step changes in the reference input (22%) and load (25%): (a) simulated output voltage and current responses and (b) experimental output voltage and current responses (input voltage is stepped up to 14–18 V at t = 2 ms and the load is increased by 25% at t = 20 ms).
Both simulation and experimental results ensured the following predefined performance criteria.
Settling time tsper . tsreal , tssim ; Percentage overshoot OSper . OSreal , OSsim ; peak voltage value Vopper . Vopreal , Vopsim ; Desired output voltage Voper = Vosim = Voreal . Input voltage sag. Simulation and experimental resultant waveforms for the voltage sag, output voltage and the load current are shown together in Figure 9(a) and (b), respectively. The input voltage sag in Figure 9(a) is generated by signal builder block in MATLAB/Simulink. The step
loads are switched on and off between time intervals of 40 and 74 ms. Steady-state values of output voltage are same (16 V), and percentage overshoots are measured as 4.3% and 3.75% for simulation and experimental study, respectively. It can be clearly seen in Figure 9 that the disturbance effect of voltage sag is suppressed by the controller, and thus, the system response does not deteriorate. Case 2: soft start response. Soft start provides wide scale in the DC-DC boost converter reference input voltage change. In addition, soft start avoids over current and protect power switching component. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method,
O¨zdemir and Erdem
Table 2. Transient parameter comparison of the open-loop response. Parameters
Error (%)
Peak value Settling time (2%) Percentage overshoot Steady-state value
Vopsim = 15:8 V tssim = 7:5 ms OSsim = 6:04% Vsssim = 14:9 V
Vopreal = 15:9 V tsreal = 7:44 ms OSreal = 6:71% Vssreal = 14:9 V
0.62 0.81 0.67 0
Table 3. Transient response variables under reference and load variation. Parameters
Performance criteria
Peak value Settling time Steady-state value Percentage Overshoot
Vopsim = 18:5 V tssim = 9 ms Vosim = 18 V OSsim = 2:78%
Vopreal = 18:7 V tsreal = 7 ms Voreal = 18 V OSreal = 3:89%
Vopper = 18:77 V tsper = 16 ms Voper = 18 V OSper = 4:33%
Figure 9. Input voltage sag and output voltage and load step change: (a) simulation and (b) experimental results—reference voltage step changes from 12 to 16 V at 8 ms, load step change increased 25% (20–15 O) and reduced 25%, and voltage sag of 58% (12–6.96 V).
two different disturbances are sequentially applied within soft start period. In experimental application, soft start is achieved with DSP-based software, and no additional hardwares are used. Transient and steadystate responses are shown in Figure 10. The parameter values given in Table 4 and Figure 10 shows that the controller performance under disturbance effects assures the desired performance in both simulation and experimental studies. The transient parameters such as settling time, steady-state value of output voltage, overshoot and undershoot illustrate that the system controlled by proposed method has a satisfying dynamic response.
Table 4. Soft start results for both simulation and experimental. Parameters
Settling time Steady-state value
tssim = 7:2 ms Vosim = 19 V
tsreal = 7 ms Voreal = 19 V
Case 3: Robustness against the electrical parameter variations. In experimental applications, generally those parameters (L and C) cannot be measured accurately, or their nominal values may be changed by environmental effects. Proposed MBCF formulations are
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Figure 10. Soft start response while input voltage is decreased (16%) and load step is changed (25%): (a) simulation results and (b) experimental results—output voltage reference changes from 14 V to 19 V; soft start duration is 50 ms; source voltage changes from 12.2 to 10.2 V (decreased by 16%).
Figure 11. Experimental transient response of the DC-DC boost converter output voltage and current under 610% electrical parameter change: (a) voltage output and (b) load current.
model based. In this case, the PI controller coefficients are calculated using MBCF formulations for nominal + 10% and 210% electrical parameter L and C variation combinations. Each calculated PI controller coefficients are applied to the DC-DC boost converter in real time and the results are compared. Comparison results show that the MBCF formulations are robust against the variation in the electrical parameter values. The L (inductor) and C (Capacitor) parameters on the DC-DC boost converter circuit shown in Figure 1 are not changed during this case. Output voltage and load current waveforms are obtained as shown in Figure 11 for the step changes in load and reference input voltage. Figure 11(a) waveform shows that the DC-DC boost converter’s steady-state value of the output voltage
remains within 61% tolerance dependent on the parameter variation. This tolerance is within the 62% band which is predefined for calculating the settling time value ts . As an example, nominal values of the L (inductor) and C (capacitor) are L = 620 mH and C = 1640 mF, respectively. Waveform number 1 shows the DC-DC boost converter output voltage, and current results with nominal value of the electrical parameters and the PI parameters of the double-loop controller are Kp1 = 0:0909 and Ki1 = 0:0021 for the inner loop and Kp2 = 1:2868 and Ki2 = 0:0134 for the outer loop. However, to demonstrate the environmental effect on the parameter variation, the electrical parameters are assumed to be L = 558 mH and C = 1476 mF while calculating the PI controller parameters using MBCF formulations. The PI coefficients
NA: not available; CCM: continuous conduction mode; DCM: discontinuous conduction mode; VSL: variable structure linear controller; ABC: adaptive back stepping current; S: simulation; R: real time; (o): overshoot; (u): undershoot; CLF: common Lyapunov function.
S S S+R S+R S+R 10% 50% NA NA 16% 10% 35% NA 50% 2.78% 0.018 0.8 NA 0.15 0.009 PI + Sliding Mode Control PID + PID PI + switching base CLF PI + Fuzzy PI + PI Gundemir40 Salimi41 Ren et al.37 Agorreta et al.24 Proposed study
0.018 0.8 0.2 0.15 0.009
10.7% 15%(u) 1.33% 50% 2.78%
0.023 VSL + PI–ABC Salimi et al.39
DC/DC Buck-Boost Converter DC/DC Buck-Boost Converter Boost Converter Flyback Controller Boost Converter Boost Converter Boost Converter PID-Sliding Mode Chen1
17%(u) 15%(u) 6.67%(u) NA 3%(o)
8%(o) 30% 12%
10%(o) 20%
Output voltage overshoot or undershoot via input voltage step change Overshoot– output current Settling time–output current Overshoot– output voltage Settling time–output voltage Mode System type Method Study
Table 5. Benchmark table.
Input voltage step change
O¨zdemir and Erdem
are recalculated for the inner loop as Kp1 = 0:1142 and Ki1 = 0:0033 and for the outer loop as Kp2 = 1:3075 and Ki2 = 0:0171. DC-DC boost converter output voltage and current waveform are shown with number 9 in Figure 11(a) and (b). Despite the change in the double-loop controller parameters, Figure 11 shows that system response is robust against variation in the electrical parameter values or incorrect measurements and environmental changes. Case 3 results also indicate that the 610% parameter variation does not affect the controller performance, nevertheless the MBCF formulations are model based. Benchmark with previous studies. A benchmark table is created with similar previous studies to compare proposed study. Six different studies selected from literature and results are given in Table 5.
Conclusion This study is presented to indicate that the double-loop PI controller’s parameters could be accurately calculated using the proposed MBCF formulations. Case 1– 3 studies validate that the double-loop PI controllers fulfill the desired performance criteria despite step changes in reference input and disturbances such as voltage sag, input voltage step change, load step change and soft start. In this study, the simplest model of the DC-DC boost converter is obtained with linearization and using the ideal L and C equivalent circuits. Although the PI controller’s parameters are calculated by proposed MBCF formulations using the simplest DC-DC boost converter model, experimental results are approved by the simulation results. Furthermore, the robustness of the MBCF formulations against the variations such as electrical parameters (L and C), capacitor equivalent series resistance (ESR), non-linearity of pulse width modulation (PWM) modulator, quantization effects and so on are demonstrated by regulating DC-DC boost converter’s output voltage within 61% tolerance as shown in Figure 11. Simulation results for all cases mentioned above were experimentally validated with predefined performance criteria. Proposed MBCF formulations provide easy and accurate calculation of PI controller parameters for industrial application engineers and researchers. Declaration of conflicting interests The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. Funding The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article.
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Appendix 1 Where Euler’s formula expressions are substituted into equation (11) and rearranged as follows Kp + Ki
cos c + j sin c jz1 j(cos b + j sin b) = Gp (z1 ) jz1 j(cos b + j sin b) 1 ð21Þ
where Kp and Ki parameters are obtained by rearranging them as the real part and imaginary part as given in equations (22) and (23), respectively Real part jz1 j2 jz1 jcos b
cos c Kp = Ki 2 Gp (z1 ) jz1 j 2jz1 jcos b + 1
jz1 jsin b
sin c = G jz1 j 2jz1 jcos b + 1 p (z1 ) 2
Further information about MBCF formulations could be found in Ozdemir and Erdem.31 Appendix 2 Derivation of inner- and outer-loop transfer functions from state equations42 is given below "
d~iL (t) dt d~ vo (t) dt
(1D) L 1 RC
~ ~iL = ½ 1 0 iL |fflfflffl{zfflfflffl} v~o C1
zfflfflffl}|fflfflffl{ Vo
zffl}|ffl{ 1
~iL L d~ + L v~g + 0 v~o ICL |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflffl{zfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} 0
1D C
~i v~0 = ½ 0 1 L |fflfflffl{zfflfflffl} v~o
ð27Þ ð28Þ
From the state equations (26), (27) and (28), Gn (s) = Ci (sI A)1 B1 (n = 0, 1, 2 and i = 1, 2) is used ~ open-loop transto obtain G1 (s) and G0 (s) = v~o (s)=d(s) fer functions G1 (s) =
~iL (s) = C1 (sI A)1 B1 ~ d(s)
State equation coefficients C1 , A and B1 are replaced in equation (29) and can be rewritten as #!1 " (1D) Vo 0 s 0 L L G1 (s) = ½ 1 0 (1D) 1 0 s ICL RC C ð30Þ
Rewriting equation (30), G1 (s) is obtained as follows G1 (s) =
~iL (s) Vo Cs + 2(1 D)IL = G1 (s) = ~ LCs2 + RL s + (1 D)2 d(s) ð31Þ
ð22Þ v~0 = 0 !
where Ki parameter is obtained as follows sin c jz1 j2 2jz1 jcos b + 1 Ki = jz1 jsin b Gp (z1 )
cos c sin c jz1 j cos b + Kp = Gp (z1 ) sin b Gp (z1 )
Where small derivations in v~0 is assumed as zero
Imaginary part Ki
when the Ki parameter is substituted in equation (22), Kp is obtained as given in equation (25)
V0 = ð1 DÞIL R
Outer-loop transfer function G2 (s) = v~o (s)=~ iL (s) is obtained from v~o (s) ~ d(s)
G2 (s) =
G0 (s) = G1 (s)
G0 (s) =
v~o (s) = C2 (sI A)1 B1 ~ d(s)
~iL (s) ~ d(s)
v~o (s) ~iL (s)
ð33Þ ð34Þ
Proc IMechE Part I: J Systems and Control Engineering 00(0)
(1 D)Vo LIL s v~o (s) For the derivation of G0 (s) state equation, coefficients = G0 (s) = ð36Þ ~ C2 , A and B1 are replaced in equation (34) and rewrite LCs2 + RL s + (1 D)2 d(s) #!1 " G (s) outer-loop transfer function is derived from equa(1D) Vo 2 0 s 0 L L G0 (s) = ½ 0 1 (1D) tion (33) and obtained as follows IL 1 0 s RC C C G0 (s) (1 D)Vo LIL s v~o (s) ð35Þ = = G2 (s) = ð37Þ ~ G1 (s) Vo Cs + 2(1 D)IL iL (s) G0 (s) is derived from equation (35) and obtained as follows