0209005v4 17 Apr 2003 - CiteSeerX

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M a b of the group SUq (2). In Sec. 5, we consider an hybrid structure consisting of a noncommutative base space defined by a Moyal product and a q-deformed.
arXiv:hep-th/0209005v4 17 Apr 2003

KL-TH / 02-09

A Map between q−deformed and ordinary Gauge Theories∗ L. Mesref† Department of Physics, Theoretical Physics University of Kaiserslautern, Postfach 3049 67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Abstract In complete analogy with Seiberg-Witten map defined in noncommutative geometry we introduce a new map between a q-deformed gauge theory and an ordinary gauge theory. The construction of this map is elaborated in order to fit the Hopf algebra structure.

∗ Supported † Email:

by DAAD [email protected]




The concept of space-time as a space of commuting coordinates is perhaps too naive and must possibly be modified at the Planck scale. In their seminal paper Connes, Douglas and Schwarz [1] have found that noncommutative geometry [2] arises naturally in string theory. Quantum groups [3] provide another consistent mathematical framework to formulate physical theories on noncommutative spaces. They appeared first in the study of integrable systems [4] and are now applied to many branches of mathematics and physics. Although a tremendous amount of literature has been devoted to the study of quantum groups, we are still lacking a map which relates the quantum deformed gauge theories and the ordinary ones. In the present paper, we introduce such a map. This map is a quantum analog of the Seiberg-Witten map [5]. Let us first recall that Seiberg-Witten map was discovered in the contex of string theory where it emerged from 2D-σ-model regularized in different ways. Seiberg and Witten have schown that the noncommutativity depends on the choice of the regularization procedure: it appears in point-spliting regularization whereas it is not present in the Pauli Villars regularization. This observation led them to argue that there exist a map connecting the noncommutative gauge fields and gauge transformation parameter to the ordinary gauge field and gauge parameter. This map can be interpreted as an expansion of the noncommutative gauge field in θ. Along similar lines, we introduce a new map between the q-deformed and undeformed gauge theories. This map can be seen as an infinitesimal shift in the parameter q, and  thus as an expansion of the deformed gauge field in q = ei η = 1 + iη + o η 2 . This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we recall the Seiberg-Witten map. In Sec. 3, we present the SUq (2) quantum group techniques. In Sec. 4, we recall the Woronowicz differential calculus using the adjoint representation Mb a of the group SUq (2). In Sec. 5, we consider an hybrid structure consisting of a noncommutative base space defined by a Moyal product and a q-deformed nonabelian gauge group. This structure allows us to define a map which relate the q-deformed noncommutative and the ordinary gauge fields. We close this paper by constructing a new map relating the q-deformed and ordinary gauge fields.


The Seiberg-Witten map

Let us recall that in the noncommutative geometry the space-time coordinates xi are replaced by the Hermitian generators x bi of a noncommutative C ∗ -algebra of functions on space-time which obey the following algebra  i j x b ,x b = iθi j , 2


where θi j is real and antisymmetric with dimension of length squared. In this context the ordinary product of two functions is replaced by the GroenewoldMoyal star-product [6]

f (x) ⋆ g (x)

 i← − i j− → ∂ i θ ∂ j g (x) = f (x) exp 2  i = f (x) g (x) + θi j ∂i f (x) ∂j g (x) + o θ2 . 2 


For the ordinary Yang-Mills theory the infinitesimal gauge transformations and field strength are given by

δλ Ai Fi j

= =

∂i λ + i [λ, Ai ] ∂i Aj − ∂j Ai − i [Ai , Aj ]

δλ Fi j


i [λ, Fi j ]


where the symbols [., .] mean commutators. For the noncommutative gauge theory we just replace the matrix multiplication by the ⋆ product. The infinitesimal gauge transformations are given by

b δbb A λ i δbb Fb λ ij


= =

b +iλ b⋆A b bi − i A bi ⋆ λ ∂i λ

b ⋆ Fbi j − iFbi j ⋆ λ b iλ

bi − i A bi ⋆ A bj + i A bj ⋆ A bi . bj − ∂j A Fbi j = ∂i A



Using first order expansion in θ these relations give

b δbb A λ i

δbb Fb λ ij

= =

 b − 1 θjk ∂j λ b+λ bA b + o θ2 b ∂k A bi − A bi λ bi + 1 θjk ∂k A bi ∂j λ ∂i λ 2 2  b − iλ b Fbij − 1 θkl ∂k λ b + o θ2 . b ∂l Fbij + 1 θkl ∂k Fbij ∂l λ iFbij λ (6) 2 2 3

To ensure that an ordinary gauge transformation of A by λ is equivalent to b Seiberg and Witten have b by λ a noncommutative gauge transformation of A proposed the following relation b (A) + δb A b (A) = A b (A + δλ A) . A b λ


They first worked the first order in θ and wrote

b = A + A′ (A) A

b (λ, A) λ

= λ + λ′ (λ, A) .


Expanding (7) in powers of θ they found

 1 A′i (A + δλ A)−A′i (A)−∂i λ′ −i [λ′ , Ai ]−i [λ, A′i ] = − θkl (∂k λ∂l Ai + ∂l Ai ∂k λ)+o θ2 , 2 (9) where they used the expansion  1 f ⋆ g = f g + i θi j ∂i f ∂j g + o θ2 . 2


The equation (9) is solved by

bi (A) A

b (λ, A) λ

 1 = Ai + A′i (A) = Ai − θk l {Ak , ∂l Ai + Fli } + o θ2 4  1 ij ′ = λ + λ (λ, A) = λ + θ {∂i λ, Aj } + o θ2 4

The equations (11) are called the Seiberg Witten map.




The quantum group SUq (2)

Let A be the associative unital C−algebra generated by the linear transformations M n m (n, m = 1, 2)

Mn m =

a c

b d



the elements a, b, c, d satisfying the relations

ab = bd =

qba bc = cb ac = qca,  qdb cd = qdc ad − da = q − q −1 bc


where q is a deformation parameter. The classical case is obtained by setting q equal to one. The Uq (2) is obtained by requiring that the unitary condition hold for this 2 × 2 quantum matrix: n † n −1 Mm = Mm .


The 2 × 2 matrix belonging to Uq (2) preserves the nondegenerate bilinear form [7] Bnm

Bnm Mkn Mlm = Dq Bkl ,

l B nm Mnk Mm = Dq B kl ,

Bkn B nl = δkl ,



Bnm =

0 q 1/2

−q −1/2 0

B nm =


0 −q 1/2

q −1/2 0



and Dq = ad − qbc is the quantum determinant. SUq (2) is obtained by taking the unimodularity condition Dq = 1. Let us take q = ei η ≃ 1 + iη. This gives 5

1 B nm = ǫnm + ibnm 2

1 Bnm = ǫnm + ibnm , 2







0 1

−1 0

0 −η

η 0


ǫnm =


bnm =

0 1 −1 0 0 η

−η 0



The noncommutativity of the elements M nm is controlled by the braiding matrix R 

1  0 R=  0 0

0 0 0 q q 1 − q2 0 0

 0 0  . 0  1


R becomes the permutation operator Rnm kl = δln δkm in the classical case q = 1. The R matrix satisfy the Yang-Baxter equation Rijpq Rpklr Rqr mn = Rjkpq Rip rm Rrq lm .


The noncommutativity of the elements M nm is expressed as Rpq nm M nk M ml = M pn M qm Rnmkl .


With the nondegenerate form B the R matrix has the form

R+nm kl

= Rnm

R−nm kl


kl = δ −1nm R kl =


m nm Bkl , k δ l + qB n m −1 nm δ k δ l + q B Bkl .


The first equation, in terms of η, gives:



 1 1 = δ n k δ m l + ǫnm ǫkl + iηǫnm ǫkl + ǫnm bkl + bnm ǫkl + o η 2 . (23) 2 2 6


Woronowicz Differential Calculus

Now, we are going to consider the bicovariant bimodule [8] Γ over SUq (2). Let θa be a left invariant basis of inv Γ, the linear subspace of all left-invariant elements of Γ i.e. ∆L (θa ) = I ⊗ θa . In the q = 1 the left coaction ∆L coincides with the pullback for 1-forms. There exists an adjoint representation Mb a of the quantum group, defined by the right action on the left-invariant θa : ∆R (θa ) = θb ⊗ Mb a ,

Mb a ∈ A


The adjoint representation is given in terms of the fundamental representation [9] as: 

S (a) a S (a) b  S (a) c S (a) d (Mb a ) =   S (b) a S (b) b S (b) c S (b) d

S (c) a S (c) c S (d) a S (d) c

 S (c) b S (c) d   S (d) b  S (d) d


where S (.) means antipode. In the quantum case we have θa Mmn 6= M mn θa in general, the bimodule structure of Γ being non-trivial for q 6= 1. There exist linear functionals f ab : F un (SUq (2)) → C for these left invariant basis such that

 θa Mmn = ( f ab ∗ Mmn ) θb = (id ⊗ f ab ) ∆ (M mn ) θb = Mk n f ab M mk θb , (26) Mmn θa = θb

  f ab ◦ S −1 ∗ Mmn


where ∆ refers to coproduct. ∗ is the convolution product of an element Mmn ∈ A and a functional f ab [8]. Once we have the functionals f ab , we know how to commute elements of A through elements of Γ. These functionals are given by [10]: 1

f ab (Mmn ) = q − 2 Ran 7

mb .


The representation with the lower index of θa is defined by using the bilinear form B θb = θa Bab


which defines the new functional fbab corresponding to the basis θa fbcd = Bad f ab B cb


  θa Mmn = fbba ∗ Mmn θb .

(31) ∗

We can also define the conjugate basis θ∗a = (θa ) ≡ θa . Then the linear a functionals f b are given by θ b Mm n =


a b

 ∗ M mn θa




a b


(S (M mn )) = q 2 R− anmb .


We can easily find the transformation of the adjoint representation for the quantum group which acts on the generators M i j as the right coaction AdR :   AdR Mi j = Ml


 ⊗ S M i l Mk j .


As usual, in order to define the bicovariant differential calculus with the ∗−structure we have required that the ∗−operation is a bimodule antiautomor∗ phism (ΓAd ) = ΓAd . We found that the left invariant bases containing the j adjoint representation are obtained by taking the tensor product θi θ ≡ θi j of two fundamental modules. The bimodule generated by these bases is closed under the ∗−operation. We found the right coaction on the basis θi j    ∆R θi j = θ l k ⊗ S M i l Mk j . 8


We have also introduced the basis θij = θi θ j θab Mmn =

cd ab



 ∗ Mmn θcd = fAd


cd ab


d b

cd ab

 Mmk M k n θcd

∗ fbca .



The exterior derivative d is defined as


= =

 1 [X, Mmn ]− = χab ∗ Mmn θab N  χab Mmk Mk n θab


where X = B ab θab = q −1/2 θ12 − q 1/2 θ21 is the singlet representation of θab and is both left and right co-invariant, N ∈ C is the normalization constant which we take purely imaginary N ∗ = −N and χab are the quantum analog of left- invariant vector fields. Using equation (36)


= =

 1 k B ab θab Mmn − B ab δm Mk n θab N   1 k Mk n θab . B ab fAd cdab M mk Mk n θcd − B ab δm N


Then the left invariant vector field is given by

χab =

1 B cd fAd N

ab cd

 − B ab ǫ .


To construct the higher order differential calculus an exterior product, compatible with left and right actions of the quantum group was introduced. It can be defined by a bimodule automorphism Λ in ΓAd ⊗ ΓAd that generalizes the ordinary permutation operator:

Λ (ηab ⊗ θcd ) = θcd ⊗ ηab . 9


We found [10] Λef gh abcd = fAd

ef cd

 −f i −kj eg rh Ma g Mb h = Rak Rbd Rir Rjc .


The external product is defined by   θab ∧ θcd = δae δbf δcg δdh − Λef gh abcd (θef ⊗ θgh ) .


The quantum commutators of the quantum Lie algebra generators χab are defined as  ab cd  abcd χ ,χ = (1 − Λ)   ab cd   = Mi j χ ,χ


ef gh

 χef ∗ χgh ,


   χab ⊗ χcd AdR Mi j     χab Ml k ⊗ χcd S M i l Mk j


where the convolution product of two functionals [8] is given by:  χab ∗ χcd = χab ⊗ χcd ∆.


The χab functionals close on the quantum Lie algebra

 χab , χcd (Mn


 abcd ef ) = (1 − Λ)ef gh χef ∗ χgh (Mn m ) = Cabcd (Mn ef χ


), (47)

where Cabcd are the q-structure constants. They can also be expanded in ef terms of η as abcd Cabcd = Cef + cabcd ef ef ,


abcd where Cef is the classical matrix and cabcd is the quantum correction linear ef in η.


The quantum Lie algebra generators χab satisfy the quantum Jacobi identity 

     χgh , χab , χcd = χgh , χab , χcd − Λabcd


 gh kl  mn  . χ ,χ ,χ


The quantum Killing metric is given by     g ab,cd = T r χab Mi k χcd Mk j .


Let us recall that the quantum gauge theory on a quantum group SUq (2) is constructed in such a way that the gauge transformations fit the Hopf algebra structures [11]. Given a left F un (SUq (2))-comodule algebra V and a quantum algebra base XB , a quantum vector bundle can be defined. The matter fields ψ can be seen as sections: XB → V and V as fiber of E (XB , V, F un (SUq (2))) with a quantum structure group F un (SUq (2)). The quantum Lie-algebra-valued curvature F : F un (SUq (2)) → Γ2 (XB ) is given by Fmn = F (Mmn ) = ∇ml ∧ ∇l


= dAmn + Aml ∧ Al



We found the infinitesimal gauge transformations [10]

δα A

  = −dα + A ∧ α = −dαab χab + Aab · αcd χab , χcd  = −dαab χab + Aab · αcd χab ⊗ χcd AdR .


 δβ (α) = α ∧ β = αab · βcd χab ⊗ χcd AdR


   δα F = F ∧ α = Fab · αcd χab ⊗ χcd AdR = Fab · αcd χab , χcd


where α = αab χab : F un (SUq (2)) → XB and where the product (·) denotes the exterior product of two forms on the base XB . We can write the last relation in terms of components as:

δα Fm n

= =

δα Fab χab (Mm n ) = (F ⊗ α) AdR (Mm n )    Fcd χcd Ml k ⊗ αef χef S M ml Mk n 11



q−Deformed noncommutative Gauge Symmetry vs. Ordinary Gauge Symmetry

Let us consider the quantum vector bundle E (XB , V, F un (SUq (2))) where the base space XB is the Moyal plane defined through the functions of operator valued coordinates x bi satisfying (1) and where V is a left F un (SUq (2))-comodule algebra. We define the q-deformed noncommutative gauge transformations as b δbα bA = =

  b∧α bab ⋆ α −db α+A b = −db αab χab + A bcd χab , χcd

b⋄α b −db α+A b−α b⋄A

δbβb (b α) = =


 α b ∧ βb = α bab ⋆ βbcd χab ⊗ χcd AdR   α bab ⋆ βbcd χab , χcd α b ⋄ βb − βb ⋄ α b

   b b b = Fbab ⋆ α bcd χab , χcd δbα bcd χab ⊗ χcd AdR = Fbab ⋆ α bF = F ∧ α




where ⋆ is the Groenewold-Moyal star-product defined in (2), the convolution product ∗ is defined in (46) and where the new product ⋄ is defined as  α b ⋄ βb = α bab ⋆ βbcd χab ∗ χcd .


The classical case is obtained setting q = 1 and θ = 0. Using first order expansion in θ and q = 1 + iη these relations give

b δbα b Ai ef

b δbα b Fij


= =

h i 1 i h  abcd jk b b ∂i α bef + α bab , Acd i − θ Cef + cabcd ∂j α bab , ∂k Aicd ef 2  h h i 1 i  kl abcd b b . (60) b cd − θ ∂k α Cef + cabcd b ab , ∂l Fcd ij i Fij ab , α ef 2

The map between q-deformed noncommutative gauge field and ordinary gauge field is given by: 12

bief (A) A

α bef (α, A)


  1 abcd + o θ2 + cabcd = Aief + A′ief (A) = Aief − θk l {Akab , ∂l Aicd + Flicd } Cef ef 4   1 abcd (61) + o θ2 . = αef + α′ef (α, A) = αef + θi j {∂i αab , Ajcd } Cef + cabcd ef 4

q−Deformed Gauge Symmetry vs. Ordinary Gauge Symmetry

We consider now a Manin plane xi = (x, y), defined by xy = qyx, as a base space XB of the quantum vector bundle. Instead of the Groenewold-Moyal star-product we use the Gerstenhaber [12] star product which is defined by: f ⋆ g = µ ei η x ∂x ⊗y ∂y f ⊗ g


q = eiη .


where µ (f ⊗ g) = f g, We can write this product as:

f ⋆g


r ∞ r  X (iη) ∂ x f r! ∂x r=0


f g + iη x

r  ∂ y g ∂y

 ∂ ∂ f y g + o η2 . ∂x ∂y


b is given by: The quantum Lie-algebra valued potential A b=A bab i dxi χab , A


Using the same method we find: b δbα bef + b Ai ef = ∂i α

 i  h   abcd biab y∂y α bicd − x∂x A bcd i − η x∂x α Cef + cabcd bcd +o η 2 , bab y∂y A α bab , A ef (66) 13

and the new map is given by: bief (A) A α bef (α, A)

= Aief + A′ief (A)

  abcd + o η2 , = Aief + η (yA2ab xF1icd − xA1ab y∂y Aicd − ∂i (xy) A2ab A1cd ) Cef + cabcd ef   abcd (67) + o η2 . = αef + α′ef (α, A) = αef − η (xA1ab y∂y αcd ) Cef + cabcd ef

We can also take a Jordanian plane as a base space of the Jordanian vector bundle [13, 14]. These give a new map for the corresponding deformed structure. Acknowledgements I would like to thank W. R¨ uhl and S. Waldmann for the usefull discussions and the referee for his remarks.

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