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cost ACC started charging $25 for a green pass per semester to help pay part of the services offered. 8. Will faster int
Highland Campus Student / Board Forum Notes Wednesday, March 11, 2015, Social Staircase 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. Trustees Attending: Facilitators:

Allen Kaplan, Jeffery Richard, Guadalupe Sosa, and Vic Villarreal Garrett Grimmett, Carrie Woodruff, and James Bear


Will physical fitness facilities for students be included in future plans for new campuses, especially on the Highland Mall Campus? When will the trustees finally build a true gym with basketball court, and workout facilities for the 60,000 plus ACC students who attend? And why isn’t included in the future plans for the Highland Campus? We thought the recent bond election results were to benefit the students. Highland Learning Campus Master Plan includes a Wellness Center. It is a possibility that a gym could be built on campuses that are able to expand. Austin Community College currently rents facilities they are allowed to use. A list of those facilities was handed out.


Are daycare facilities going to be included in Highland Campus build out? Discussions of a daycare/childcare at Highland Learning Campus are occurring. It is included in Phase 2 of HLC Master Plan which begins next week. Currently the only childcare facility in ACC is located at EVC but the board is considering other childcare options.


Sometimes we feel ACC students are kept in the dark what the plans and timelines are for build outs. Especially at Highland Mall? ACC is very transparent and open. HLC plans can be found on ACC’s website. Students and the public are invited to attend the Board of Trustees meetings and Campus Advisory meetings held at every campus. Student Life, Student Government, Student Services, and many other resources are available to students who want to know.


When will the library expansion of the Highland Campus begin? Students are asking for more librarians, copy machines and research resources. Plans to expand the HLC Library will be considered in the future. There is not a specific timeline.


What can we do about better lighting in the Parking lots? The mall was purchased with some need for improvement, one of those being the lighting. Campus Police is available to walk students and staff to their vehicle. Lighting is about safety. Please keep in mind when renovations begin things will improve. When the population increase so will security.


Why can’t we have more convenient parking? The mall will be closing in 30 days. Tenants and mall visitors will not be using the current parking areas. This will open up more parking spaces.


Why do students have to pay for a bus pass? When the sustainability program was established, passes were offered to students for free at Austin Community College’s expense. Since then, the cost increased from $150,000 to $400,000. To help with the cost ACC started charging $25 for a green pass per semester to help pay part of the services offered.


Will faster internet speed and cell phone connectivity be available on campuses? What is the timeline? The structure of the building could be part of the wireless speed issue. The cell phone issue should be fixed soon and the internet speed is the same in all campuses.


ACC students want more cameras and better security in the parking lots at night? The mall was purchased with some need for improvement, one of those being the lighting. Campus Police is available to walk students and staff to their vehicle. Lighting is about safety. Please keep in mind when renovations begin things will improve. When the population increase so will security.

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10. ACC student persistent and retention rates are not good. We believe better organized tutoring must be available in more classes? Your response? Tutoring services are getting better. OIEA ran a study showing students that visited the Learning Lab consistently had better grades. Not all subjects are offered at every campus, but students are encouraged request subjects be added to the schedule through the Student Government Association. 11. We need your help to make it easier to match our course credits with college credits? Will you help us? Currently, 4 year colleges are not required to use the common course numbering system. The State Legislature is considering a bill that would require universities’ and colleges across the board to use the common course numbering system. 12. When will tours of this campus become available for AISD students as it with other school districts who visit? Tours are open to everyone. Students are always welcomed to tour the campus. LBJ and Reagan students visit the campus Mondays and Wednesdays. Students can be proactive and ask their principal to request a tour of the campus.

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