High School Prom. Talking Dollars ... please find elementary sign-ups in the front lobby (until Wednesday ... Coalition
Friday, March 16, 2018 Student-led Conferences: NO CLASSES on Thursday and Friday, March 22 and 23 If you have not already signed up for a conference with your student/s, please find elementary sign-ups in the front lobby (until Wednesday afternoon), and for secondary please contact your student’s advisor to schedule a time. So that you may focus exclusively on your specific child during his/her conference, the school will cover the cost for childcare during the hours of 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. Only children that are current students at the Open School are eligible for this service AND only for the time you are in a conference for another Open School student/child. Additionally, on these days during conferences, the PTSO will be hosting their annual staff appreciation breakfasts and lunches. To find out how you can help, please follow the link and sign up: staff appreciation breakfasts and lunches
The Financial Office is CLOSED until after Spring Break (re-open on Monday, April 2) Fees can be paid online. Directions can be found here: Paying Fees
WE NEED YOU! Parent Volunteers Needed
The Open School includes all stakeholders in the hiring process for teachers/Advisors. We are in need of parent volunteers so that we may randomly select committee members for this process. Please email Paula at
[email protected] if you are interested and able to participate. The first hiring processes will be in the afternoon on Friday, April 28 (this is an early release day). It's time for Staff Appreciation Sign-ups! Staff Appreciation is during Student-led, parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, March 22 and Friday, March 23. Our amazing Staff works very hard all year! On these two days, they spend 12 hours each day at the school in order to meet individually with us parents. PTSO provides breakfast and lunch both days to nourish our teachers and staff. We are having street tacos on both days. We need volunteers to bring yummy breakfast and lunch items for our staff as well as folks to help on those two days. Please go to the Sign Up page with this link: staff appreciation Sign-Up to see what is needed and sign up! JCOS Film Fest
Submission Information for the 2018 Film Festival
Entry deadline is Friday, April 27 Event Date: Friday, May 4 from 1-3:30 PM
website: http://jcos.jeffcopublicschools.org/home office 303 982-7045 *attendance 303 982-7053 *use the attendance line to call in absences AND tardies
Stay Connected! Many of our teachers/Advisors/classes have their own websites. Please use the following link to check them out! Advisor/Teacher Websites Other tools to keep up-to-date and in-theknow with all things Open School include: JCOS Facebook Page JCOS PTSO JCOS Community Garden JCOS Breakfast and Lunch Menus Pot O' Honey JCOS Ultimate Website Education Blog from Jana and Jim
IN THIS EDITION Student-led Conferences Financial Office is CLOSED until April 2 We Need Parent Volunteers JCOS Film Fest UPCOMING DATES (Trips) Open School for High School? Support PTSO ~Support JCOS PTSO Playground FUNdraiser! Get your gift cards from PTSO School Safety Discussion High School Prom Talking Dollars and Sense with Dr Glass CMAS Testing Schedule and Info Jeffco Safe Schools Coalition
For items to be included in the Weekly Wire, submit to Paula by Thursdays at noon
Do you have a student at the Open School? Are you interested in learning more about the Open School for High School? During our Tuesday, March 20 Information Night we will be hosting a separate question and answer time for parents and students who are already enrolled at the Open School and would like further information about what it is like to attend Open School for LeaP and Walkabout (grades 9-12). This event begins at 6:00 PM in the theatre. Please help us prepare for this event by letting us know what kinds of questions you may have about Open School for high school via the following survey: Open School for High School Survey.
Support PTSO ~Support JCOS Spring After-School Enrichment! Your PTSO, through the generosity of our community at the Fall Ball, is sponsoring six offerings that begin April 3. We are offering Yarn Crafts with Jana, Yoga and Running with Karen and Liz, Martial Arts with David, Spanish with Aly, Chess with Jim, and a Cooking class with Lily (which is already full!). Classes are filling up fast! Register here Open School Playground Fundraiser The time is now to build the playground our amazing community deserves! Our current equipment does not meet the needs of our student community and needs an upgrade. We are working with a company called Whole Trees, which uses sustainably sourced wood to design our playground renovation. We are awaiting final approval from the district, so stay tuned for more details. Regardless of approval, all funds raised will be used to improve the playground for our kiddos. Now is the time to start giving generously. Please spread the word to family and friends and consider a monthly donation. This will take a whole community effort to fund our dream! Click here to donate! Follow link to give now!
UPCOMING DATES (Trips) use the links below for the most up-to-date information and for dates into the future Community Calendar Trips Calendar Archaeology Trip: Dave, Jacob (return on Wednesday, March 21) Monday, March 19 Brandon and Jenny T to Red Rocks Amphitheater 1:30-3:15 PM Tom’s Advising Overnight 4:00-5:15 PM Jeffco Safe Schools Coalition at Creighton Middle School (50 S Kipling St, Lakewood) Tuesday, March 20 6:00-7:30 PM Information Night for grades 6-12 ONLY 6:00-8:30 PM School Safety Discussion with Superintendent, Dr Glass, at Lakewood High School Thursday, March 22 and Friday, March 23 Student-led Parent Teacher Conferences Sunday, April 1 Borders Trip: Tucson, AZ – Roberta / Jen (return Sat, Apr 7)
SPRING BREAK Monday, March 27-Friday, March 30
A new way to order gift cards you need! The PTSO now has an online order form where you can select which gift cards you would like. The gift cards will then be available for pick up on Fridays, in the mornings at coffee and conversation or at pick up in the afternoon. You will pay the cards when you pick them up with cash or check to PTSO. If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Ward at
[email protected] or Brooke Epps at
[email protected]. Thanks! Link to the form: https://form.jotform.com/80464925945164 Thank you for all you do to make our community great! Questions, comments, suggestions, life advice, and encouragement is always welcome at
[email protected]
School Safety Discussion On Tuesday, March 20, there will be a School Safety Panel Discussion at Lakewood High School from 6:00-8:30 PM. This meeting will be hosted by Superintendent Dr. Jason Glass, and will feature members of our law enforcement community, as well as school district safety professionals. Because the District Accountability Committee feels this is an important community discussion, we will be using this event in place of the Spring District Accountability Committee / School Accountability Committee meeting and encourage everyone that is able to attend. The attached flyer School Safety Discussion Flyer includes the panelists as well as a link to the livestream for those unable to attend.
High School Prom For students in grades 9-12 and their approved guests ages 15-20. Date: Thursday, May 3, 2018 Location: Baldoria on the Water 146 Van Gordon St, Lakewood, CO 80228 Time: 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Ticket Price: $25 Participating students must have a completed PROMise form signed by their parent, Advisor, and student, agreeing to the following:
Talking Dollars and Sense with Superintendent Jeffco Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Jason Glass will be facilitating four community conversations about school district finances in arch and April. The meetings will include a high-level overview of the school district budget, the goals of the new Jeffco Generations vision, and invite discussion on how to utilize funding to meet the needs of our students. Parents, students, staff, and community members are welcome to join in the conversation. What do you think is the most important thing for schools to address? How do you think funds should be allocated to support educational goals? Where would you invest funds to help the Jeffco Generations vision become a reality? Join us for an informative, engaging discussion. Click here to view the flyer (Spanish). Tuesday, April 3 6:00-7:30 PM Conifer High School 10441 Highway 73, Conifer
CMAS Testing Schedule and Information For important information regarding the upcoming CMAS, PSAT, and SAT assessments in March and April, please read this letter CMAS PSAT SAT Assessments 2018
Mon 19
Tue 20
Wed 21
Gr 7-8
Gr 7-8
Gr 7-8
Mon 2
Tue 3
Wed 4
Thu 5
Fri 6
Gr 7-8 Gr 4-5-6
Gr 7-8 Gr 4-5-6
Gr 7-8
Gr 4-5-6
Fri 13
It will be helpful to plan for appointments or any other reason you may need to have your student arrive late or released early during this testing season. Other helpful things to keep in mind are getting a good night sleep and eating breakfast! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your student’s advisor, or Alicia, our School Assessment Coordinator.
Thu 22
Fri 23
Mon 9
Tue 10
Wed 11
Thu 12
Gr 5 Gr 7-8
Gr 3, 5, 9, 11 Gr 7-8
Gr 3, 5 Gr 7-8
Gr 3, 10-11
Mon 16
Tue 17
Wed 18
Thu 19
Fri 20
Gr 4-5-6
Gr 4-5-6
Gr 4-5-6
Gr 3
Gr 3
Gr 3
Make-ups as needed
Tue 24
Wed 25
Thu 26
Fri 27
Mon 23
Make-ups as needed
Jeffco Safe Schools Coalition