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... notification from MetroPCS that they. will be terminating the lease with the Borough for communication. Page 3 of 5.
MINUTES OF DUBLIN BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETING MONDAY, JULY 14, 2014 CALL TO ORDER: The July 14, 2014 Council Meeting was held in Borough Hall at 119 Maple Avenue, Dublin, and called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Council Vice President Brent Smith. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Mayor: Chris Hayes Council: John Munley * Robert Pavlek Jeffrey Sharer * Matthew Mayes APPOINTED OFFICIALS Borough Manager: Borough Solicitor: Borough Engineer: Police Chief Fire Chief * Not present

Jamie Priester * Brent Smith Gary Mast

William Wert Michael Kracht, Esq. Thomas F. Zarko, P.E. Brian Lehman Kevin Nugent **late arrival

VISITORS REGISTERED: Florence Rodgers - 114 South Main Street, Carol & Rod Shultz – 100 North Main Street, Frank Knisely - Dublin Dairy Queen, Kenny Buchanan – 117 North Main Street. COMMUNITY COMMENTS: – None MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – JUNE 9, 2014: After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Matt Mayes, seconded by Gary Mast, all present voted in favor to approve the meeting meetings of June 9, 2014. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. RATIFY JUNE 20, 2014 BILLS LIST: Mr. Wert presented to Council for ratification the June 20, 2014 bills list. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Matt Mayes, seconded by Robert Pavlek, all present voted in favor to ratify the Bill List of the June 20, 2014. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. JULY 11, 2014 BILLS LIST: Mr. Wert presented to Council for approval the current bills list dated July 11, 2014. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Gary Mast, seconded by Robert Pavlek, all present voted in favor to approve the Bill List of the July 11, 2014. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. BOROUGH OFFICIALS REPORTS 1. Dublin Fire Company: Dublin Fire Chief Kevin Nugent presented a written report for the month of June. Gary Mast inquired how the Fire Company is doing with its volunteer recruitment. Mr. Nugent responded that the day time is the most difficult to staff due to work obligations of its members. They currently have thirtyfive (35) members but not all of them respond to calls.

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2. Mayor: No Report 3. Borough Manager: Mr. Wert presented some highlights from his written report as follows: a. PMRS Pension Audit: The Penna. Dept. of the Auditor General has completed its three-year audit of the Borough’s Uniform & Non-Uniform Pension Plans. The audit was clean with no findings. The only recommendation is to adopt written procedures as required by Act 44 detailing how professional services for pension management would be selected IF the Borough were to elect to leave the Penna. Municipal Retirement System. Accompanied Resolution is on the tonight’s agenda for consideration. b. Point Pleasant EMS Annual Audit: Mr. Wert provided a copy of the audit received from PPEMS’s Chief Mike Tuttle. 4. Police Chief: Chief Lehman presented a written report for the month of June. All officers successfully completed the mandatory, annual firearms training. 5. Borough Engineer: Mr. Zarko reported to Council the following items: a. The Water Tank Inspection was completed. In summary the exterior coating is in fair condition. The interior coating is in good condition. The report provided recommendations for upgrades and modifications to bring the tank into current standards. Nothing requires immediate attention and stated the tank should be inspected again in three – five (35) years. They are not recommending the Borough paint the tank for at least another five (5), perhaps seven (7) years which is good news because a new paint job would cost approximately $375,000.00. This will be incorporated into the Boroughs Capital Budget program accordingly. b. CKS has submitted a draft Sewage Treatment Plant discharge permit for its five (5) year renewal cycle to PaDEP. The DEP issued a draft permit that does not change any discharge requirements, which is a good thing. They did however incorporate proposed changes to the testing requirements, some of which are unusual. The Borough has thirty (30) days to respond to the draft so staff will be discussing these changes with them in the coming weeks. c. The Supplee Park Project contractor has been out on several occasions this spring to plant/replant grass as required under the contract however there are still bare spots. Mr. Zarko is estimating the site is 85% stabilized and the contractor will be back again in the fall growing season to complete the work. There is one area that is causing problems along the embankments of the basin by the playground. Erosion ruts are forming and CKS is looking into alternative erosion controls that may require additional expense to the project because it is outside the scope of the original project. The concern is, if let until phase two of the project, the paved path could be undermined and collapse. Mr. Zarko will report back to Council at its next meeting with recommendations. 6. Borough Solicitor: No Report


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DISCUSSION/ACTION ITEMS: 1. Grand View Hospital Sign Ordinance Appeal Request: Mr. Wert introduced Dave Howells from Grand View Hospital (GVH). Grand View Hospital recently expanded their medical equipment retail space in the Dublin Shopping Center. As a result, they submitted a sign permit seeking approval to install a new sign on the facade of the building center between the two units they now occupy. Based on Section 8-D.4.A.4 – Permanent Signs Requiring a Permit – Joint Use of Property - Individual Establishment Signs: One (1) wall sign PLUS window sign. The maximum size of a window sign, or of two (2) window signs combined if the window signs are split between two windows, is twelve (12) square feet. The total area of all signs together shall not exceed a total of one (1) square foot of sign area for each linear foot of individual establishment length measured along the front of the building, but not exceeding a maximum of thirty (30) square feet. The permit application submitted requests a window sign measuring 2.91 square feet and a wall sign of 60 square feet for total square feet of 62.91. This exceeds the sign ordinance requirements above by 32.91 square feet. The applicant is request a waiver of this requirement to permit the signage as submitted based on similar existing signs within the Dublin Shopping Center. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Robert Pavlek, seconded by Matt Mayes, all present voted in favor to approve the request to allow for the new sign as submitted, not to exceed 62.91 square feet provided the applicant paint a uniform color on the facade underneath the new sign. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 2. RESOLUTION 2014-09 – Adopting written procedures detailing how professional services are chosen for Pension Plans to comply with Act 44 and the Auditor General’s recommendation: As Mr. Wert reported the Penna. Dept. of the Auditor General has completed its three-year audit of the Borough’s Uniform & Non-Uniform Pension Plans. The audit was clean with no findings. The only recommendation is to adopt written procedures as required by Act 44 detailing how professional services for pension management would be selected IF the Borough were to elect to leave the Penna. Municipal Retirement System. Mr. Mayes pointed out typographical errors to be corrected. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Matt Mayes, seconded by Gary Mast, all present voted in favor to adopt RESOLUTION 2014-09 – Adopting written procedures detailing how professional services are chosen for Pension Plans to comply with Act 44 and the Auditor General’s recommendation as corrected. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. 3. Water Tank Communication Leases: a. Mr. Wert provided for Council written notification from MetroPCS that they will be terminating the lease with the Borough for communication 3

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equipment on the Borough’s water tower effective September 30, 2014. This is the second carrier to terminate lease agreements with the Borough, the other being Nextel earlier this year. b. Mr. Wert also provided Council with a Tower Rental Revenue spreadsheet showing all the carriers on the water tower. It also demonstrates how the terminations of these leases will result in decreased revenues in the General Fund both this year and in 2015 (approximately $12,000.00 for the remainder of 2014 and $38,000.00). c. AT&T Lease Extension: Mr. Wert reported the current lease agreement with AT&T is due to expire later this fall. Mr. Wert stated that he reached out to the members of the Bucks County Consortium to see what the current rents are for cellular equipment on municipal towers. Based on this research, Mr. Wert is requesting authorization to negotiate the best possible rent from AT&T to compete with the current market. Discussion occurred and with there being no objections, by consensus, Mr. Wert was authorized to negotiate the best possible terms on behalf of the Borough. Mr. Mast suggested looking into working with a broker to assist the Borough fill the vacancies now available on the water tower. Mr. Wert will investigate. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Committee: Mr. Wert reported that the Finance Committee met prior to this Council meeting to discuss the certificate of deposit currently held with TD Bank that is due to expire on July 24, 2014. The current value of the CD is $322,204.15. Mr. Wert provided the Committee with current rates from TD Bank, PLIGIT, and QNB. It was the recommendation of the Finance Committee to Council to rollover these funds into another CD with QNB Bank for a 37-month term at a rate of 1.37%. After some discussion and questions, ON A MOTION by Robert Pavlek, seconded by Matt Mayes, all present voted in favor to authorize Mr. Wert to execute all necessary documents with QNB Bank to rollover $322,204.15 and establish a new certificate of deposit for a term of 37-months at a rate of 1.37%. MOTION CARRIED 4-0. OTHER BUSINESS: Mr. Mast inquired about the status of the fence around the Twin Oaks Road Pump Station. Staff responded that the permit submitted to Bedminster Township was denied due to objections from the property owner. Staff will revisit the issue at a later date. COMMUNITY COMMENTS: None COMMENTS FROM COUNCIL: None


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ADJOURNMENT: ON A MOTION by Gary Mast, Mr. Smith declared the meeting adjourned at 8:28 pm. Respectfully submitted, Date Approved: ____________

_____________________________________ William Wert, Manager/Secretary/Treasurer