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M.A. Political Science, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, ... Lokchintan Granthamala, a series of anthologies on social science in Hindi,.


Education M. Phil. Political Science, Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 1985. First division. M.A. Political Science, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1983. Grade A Minus. B.A.

(Political Science, Economics, History), SGN Khalsa College, Sri Ganganagar, (affiliated to University of Rajasthan, Jaipur), 1981. First division.

Higher Secondary. SGN Khalsa Higher Secondary School, Sri Ganganagar (Affiliated to Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan). First division. Secondary. SGN Khalsa Higher Secondary School, Sri Ganganagar (Affiliated to Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan). First Division.

Work experience Senior Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, since April 2004. Fellow, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, October 1994 – April 2004. Research Associate, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, July 1993--September 1994 Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, April 1987 - July 1993 Instructor, Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh, December 1985 - April 1987 Awards/Honours Global South Solidarity Award by International Political Science Association, 2009 [First recipient of a new award instituted by the IPSA] Malcolm Adiseshiah Award for Development Studies, 2008. [Award conferred on one social scientist every year by Malcolm and Elizabeth Adiseshiah Trust, Chennai]


Professional responsibilities Founder Director, Lokniti: Institute of Comparative Democracy, a research programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, September 1997 – October 2003. CoDirector of the programme since then. Founder Convenor, Lokniti network: An all-India collective of scholars of Indian politics, December 1995—July 2000. A member of the network since then. South Asia Co-ordinator, South-South Exchange Programme on Democracy and Diversity (a programme of academic exchange between West African and South Asian scholars), 1998 – 2005. Founding Co-Director (with Professor Yun-han Chu of Academia Sinica, Taipei), Asian Barometer, an initiative to launch a coordinated social scientific survey of public opinions and attitudes in about 20 countries covering East, South-East and South Asia. [Asian Barometer is a constituent of Globalbarometer], 2001-2006. Editor, Samayik Varta, a monthly political magazine in Hindi, 2004 – Member, Editorial Board, Peoples’ Movement, 2004 – Member, International Advisory Board, European Journal of Political Research, 2002 – Member, Governing Body, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, 2009 -Member, Governing Council, Indian Council of Social Science Research (Apex autonomous body for social science research in India), 2008 -Member, Governing Board, Lokayan, Delhi, 1998 – Member, Governing Board, Gandhian Institute of Studies, Varanasi, 2003 – 2006 Honorary Fellow, Indian School of Political Economy, Pune, 2005 -Member (faculty representative), Governing Board, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, 2005 - 2007 Member, Steering Committee, NETSAPPE: Network on South Asian Politics and Political Economy, A Project of University of Michigan, 2001-2004 Policy advisory responsibilities Member, Expert Group to examine and determine the structure and functions of an Equal Opportunity Commission, Government of India, October 2007 – 2008 Member, sub-committee on content selection, National Translation Mission, Government of India, 2009


Member, Committee for Diversity Index, University Grants Commission, Delhi, 2008— Member, Steering Committee on Empowerment of SC, ST, OBC and Minorities for the 11th Five Year Plan, Planning Commission of India, 2006-2007 Chief Advisor (Political Science), National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi. Responsible for textbooks in Political Science for class IX to XII, 2005-2007. Visiting positions Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg Zu Berlin (Institute for Advanced Study at Berlin), 2009-10 Hughes Fellow, Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Michigan, April 2007. Senior Research Scholar, Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York, May 2005. Visiting Scholar, Department of Politics and Public Administration, University of Pune, May 2003. Visiting Fellow, CERI-MSH, Paris under the Indo-French Exchange Programme, April 1997. Member, Group of International Observers for elections to German Bundestag, October 1994 Visiting Associate, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, May- June 1993

Publications Series editor (with V. B. Singh) Lokchintan Granthamala, a series of anthologies on social science in Hindi, Vani Prakashan, Delhi. Volumes published under this series (edited by Abhay Kumar Dubey): 1. Loktantra ke saat adhyaya,’2002 2. Adhunikata ke aine mein Dalit, 2002 3. Bharat ka Bhoomandalikaran,2003 4. Beech Bahas mein Secularwad, 2004 (with V. B. Singh) Lokchintak Granthamala, a series on selected works of contemporary Indian thinkers in Hindi, Vani Prakashan, Delhi. Volume published under this series (edited by Abhay Kumar Dubey): 1. Rajniti ki Kitab: Rajni Kothari ka Kritatva, 2003 Edited Volumes: (with Sandeep Shastri and K.C. Suri), Electoral Politics in Indian States, OUP, New Delhi, 2009. (with D. L. Sheth) Electoral Politics, in a series Readings in Indian Government and Politics, New Delhi: Sage Publications (forthcoming)


(Guest Editor with Suhas Palshikar) Political Parties and Elections in Indian States: 1990-2003, special number of the Journal of Indian School of Political Economy, Vol. XV (Nos. 1 &2), January- June 2003. Edited (with Aditya Nigam) Special issue on ‘Electoral Politics in India, 1989-99’, Economic and Political Weekly, Volume XXXIV(No. 34 and 35), August 21-28, 1999. Co-author (With other members of SDSA Team) State of Democracy in South Asia, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2008 (With Alfred Stepan and Juan Linz) Democracy in Multi-national Societies, Johns Hopkins University Press, forthcoming Chief Advisor of School Textbooks (with Professor Suhas Palshikar) Democratic Politics I [Class IX], New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. English, Hindi and Urdu editions. Democratic Politics II [Class X], New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. English, Hindi and Urdu editions. Constitution at Work [Class XI], New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. English, Hindi and Urdu editions. Political Theory [Class XI], New Delhi: NCERT, 2006. English, Hindi and Urdu editions. Contemporary World Politics [Class XII], New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. English and Hindi editions. Politics in India since Independence [Class XII], New Delhi: NCERT, 2007. English and Hindi editions. Research Articles in Books/Journals “Between fortuna and virtu: Explaining Congress’ Ambiguous Victory in 2009”, Economic and Political Weekly, 26 September 2009. ‘Rethinking Social Justice’, Seminar, September 2009. (with Suhas Palshikar) Principal State-level Contests and Derivative National Choices: Mapping Electoral Trends in India, 2004-2009, Economic and Political Weekly, February 2009. (with Suhas Palshikar) “Ten theses on state politics”, Seminar, November 2008. (with D. L Sheth) ‘Editor’s introduction’ to Electoral Politics, eds. D. L. Sheth and Yogendra Yadav, New Delhi: Sage Publications (forthcoming) “The paradox of political representation”, Seminar, October 2008.


(With Peter R. deSouza and Suhas Palshikar) “Democracy Barometers: Surveying South Asia” Journal of Democracy, January 2008 “Epilogue: What does fieldwork do in the field of elections?” in A M Shah, The Grassroots of Democracy: Field Studies of Indian Elections, Delhi: Permanent Black, 2007 (with Alfred Stepan and Juan J. Linz) “Nation State” or “State Nation”? India in Comparative Perspective in Shankar Bajpai, ed. Democracies and Diversity: India and the American Experience. Delhi and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. (With Suhas Palshikar) “How Deep is Support for Democracy in South Asia?” Forum, [A journal published from Dhaka] Volume 1, Number 1, October 2006. (with Satish Deshpande) “Redesigning Affirmative Action : Castes and Benefits in Higher Education”, Economic and Political Weekly, Volume 41 No 24 June 18, 2006. ‘The Elusive Mandate of 2004’ Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XXXIX (No 51), December 18, 2004. Pp 5383-98. ‘Open contest, closed options’. Seminar, February 2004 ‘Ikkeesween sadi ka kujat Lohiyawad’ Samayik Varta, 2003 ‘The new Congress voter’. Seminar, June 2003 ‘From hegemony to convergence: Party system and electoral politics in the Indian states, 19522002’ Journal of Indian Institute of Political Economy, XV (1&2), January-June 2003. (with Rajeeva L. Karandikar and Clive Payne) ‘Predicting the 1998 Indian Parliamentary Elections’ Electoral Studies, vol. 21 (2002), pp.69-89. ‘A Radical Agenda for Political Reforms’ Seminar, vol. 506 [Reforming Politics], October 2001 “Whose democracy? Which Reforms?: A Plea for Democratic Agenda for Electoral Reforms” in Subhash C. Kashyap et.al.(eds) Reviewing the Constitutions? Delhi: Shipra, 2000 “Understanding the Second Democratic Upsurge: Trends of Bahujan Participation in Electoral Politics in the 1990s” in Francine R. Frankel, Zoya Hasan, Rajeeva Bhargava and Balveer Arora eds., Transforming India: Social and Political Dynamics of Democracy, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 120-145 . Marathi version in Bharatiya Rajkeeya Vyavastha: Prakiya Ani Swaroop (eds.) Prakash Bal and Kishore Bedkihal, Satara: Ambedkar Academy, 2002.


“Politics” in Marshall Bouton and Philip Oldenburg eds. India Briefing: A Transformative Fifty Years, New York: M. E. Sharpe, 1999, pp. 3-38. Hindi version in Abhay Dube (ed.) Rajneeti ke Saat Adhyay, New Delhi: Vani Prakashan, 2002. “Bharat ko loktantra ka naya shastra garhana hoga”, Samayik Varta, Annual Number, AugustSeptember 2000. “Uttaradhunikatavadiyon se kuchh sawal” Hans, September 2000. “The Third Electoral System”, Seminar [480: A symposium on the state of our polity and the political system], August 1999 “Electoral Politics in the Time of Change: India’s Third Electoral System, 1989-99”, Economic and Political Weekly, Volume XXXIV(No. 34 and 35), August 21-28, 1999, pp. 2393-9. (with Anthony Heath) “The United Colours of Congress: Social Profile of Congress Voters, 1996 and 1998”, Economic and Political Weekly, Volume XXXIV(No. 34 and 35), August 21-28, 1999, pp. 2518- 2528. “Vaikalpik Rajniti ki Vaikalpik Ran-niti” , Samayik Varta and Andolan, 1999 “India, Monograph No. 2 in the series Comparative Electoral Systems in South Asia (Colombo: International Centre for Ethnic Studies, 1997). “CTBT aur Bharatiya Paramanu Bomb ka Charitra” Samayik Varta, August 1998 “Bebas Matdata aur Nikkami Sarkaren” Samayik Varta, December 1998 `Electoral Reforms: Beyond Middle Class Fantasies', Seminar, 440 [The Election Carnival: A Symposium on Issues Thoughts and Theories around the 1996 Election] , April 1996. `Reconfigurations in Indian Politics: State Assembly Elections, 1993-95' Economic and Political Weekly XXXI (2&3) January 13-20, 1996. Hindi Translation in Samay Chetna. `On the Necessity of Politics' (with Kishen Pattnayak) Lokayan Bulletin, 11(4), January-February 1995. `Electoral Prospects' Seminar, 417 [The BJP: A Symposium on the Party's Views and Prospects], May 1994: 59-63. `Political Change in North India: Interpreting Assembly Election Results', Economic and Political Weekly, XXVIII (51), 18 December 1993: 2767-74. `Towards an Indian Agenda for the Indian Left', Economic and Political Weekly, 9 October 1993: 2199-201. `Four Questions for Gandhians', Lokayan Bulletin, 10(2), September-October 1993: 37-42; Hindi translation, Samayik Varta, May 1994.


`A Report on Narnaul (Haryana) Firing' PUCL Bulletin, XIII(10), October 1993: 2-3, 6. First published as `Police Went Berserk in Narnaul' The Tribune, 15 September 1993. `Future of a Pidgin Socialism', Seminar, 407 [Left Dilemmas: A Symposium on the Future of the Indian Left], July 1993: 20-26. `Soviet Collapse: Does it Make any Difference to the Indian Left?' in Bhupinder Brar, ed., Soviet Collapse: Implications for India, Delhi: Ajanta, 1993: 21-33. `The Problem' and `Polls, Predictions, Psephology', Seminar, 385 [Beyond the Vote: A Symposium on 1991 Election and After], September 1991. `JP's Changing Ideas on Social Change' in Nageshwar Prasad, ed., J.P. and Social Change, Delhi: Radiant, 1992: 48-63. `Theories of the Indian State', Seminar, 367 [Politics of the State], March 1990: 16-20. `Whither Subaltern Studies?' New Quest, 76, July-August, 1989: 245-50. `Marxian-Socialism to Democratic Socialism: Ideology of the Congress Socialist Party, 1934-47' Punjab Journal of Politics, XI (1-2) 1987: 75-92. `Political Science: Positivist Method and Philosophic Critiques' Indian Journal of Political Science, October - December, 1986: 502-17. `Colletti's Critique of Marcuse', Teaching Politics, XI (3 & 4) 1985: 59-71.

Articles in Newspapers/Magazines About 250 articles including the following: ♦ A series of sixteen articles on making sense of general election to Lok Sabha, most of the articles simultaneously published by The Hindu (English), Dainik Bhaskar and Prabhat Khabar (Hindi), Rashtriya Sahara (Urdu), Ajeet (Punjabi), Divya Bhaskar (Gujrati), Lokmat (Marathi), Mathrubhumi (Malyalam), Sakshi (Telugu), Vijaya Karnataka (Kannada), Sambad (Oriya), Ananda Bazar Patrika (Bangla), Janmabhoomi (Assamiya), March –May 2009. ♦ ‘Beyond the Blue’ A series of seven articles on the outcome of the assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Indian Express and Jansatta, May 2007. ♦ ‘State of the Nation’, A series of articles on the six monthly nation-wide poll. Published in Hindustan Times and The Hindu, 2006-07. ♦ A special series of 30 articles on electoral battleground of the fourteenth general elections to Lok Sabha, The Hindu, April-May 2004. Hindi versions on the website of BBC Hindi service. Translations published in Dainik Bhaskar, Prabhat Khabar (Hindi), Eenadu (Telugu), Prajavani (Kannada), Anandabazar Patrika (Bengali) and Loksatta (Marathi)


♦ A daily column for 20 days in Dainik Bhaskar on the experiences of the Sampoorna Kranti Yatra in Haryana, March 2002 ♦ A weekly column in Hindi in Hindustan, Nai Dunia, Deshbandhu, Nai Dunia (Urdu), Sakal (Marathi), Ajit (Punjabi), Vartha (Telugu) and Samaj (Oriya) during 2000-2001 ♦ A ten-part series on psephology in India Today in 1998 ♦ Regular commentaries on election results in Frontline, 1992 – 2001 ♦ Commentaries on electoral prospects or outcome based on analysis of aggregate and survey data in Frontline, The Hindu, The Hindustan Times, India Today, Indian Express etc. Projects completed/ undertaken (with Rajeev Bhargav) Global Conversations on Democracy, a project to carry our a series of dialogues on democracy with practitioners, activists and academics across the globe, 2008 Principal Investigator (with Peter deSouza and Suhas Palshikar) State of Democracy in South Asia, a research programme that combines various projects. Funded by Ford Foundation, International IDEA and European Union, 2003-2006. (with V.B Singh & Sanjay Kumar) Profile of MLA’s in India. The project was jointly undertaken with the CERI, Paris and CSH Delhi. National Coordinator, National Election Audit, 1999. Sponsored by the Election Commission of India. Principal investigator or Director or Member of the core team of the following national surveys of political opinions, attitudes and behaviour: 1. National Election Study 2009: post poll 2. National Election Study, 2004: post poll 3. National Election Study, 1999: post poll 4. National Election Study, 1998: pre and post poll 5. National Election Study, 1996: pre, mid, exit and post poll Principal Investigator or Director or member of the core design and interpretation team of the following state-wide surveys of political opinions, attitudes and behaviour: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election Study 1996: Exit poll Punjab Assembly Election Study 1997: Exit poll Delhi Assembly Election Study 1998: pre-poll Rajasthan Assembly Election Study 1998: Exit Poll Delhi Assembly Election Study 1998: Exit Poll Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election Study 1998: Exit Poll


7. Mizoram Assembly Election Study 1998: Exit Poll 8. Bihar Assembly Election Study 2000: post-poll 9. Haryana Assembly Election Study 2000: post-poll 10. Orissa Assembly Election Study 2000: post-poll 11. West Bengal Assembly Election Study 2001: post-poll 12. Assam Assembly Election Study 2001: post-poll 13. Tamil Nadu Assembly Election Study 2001: post-poll 14. Kerala Assembly Election Study 2001: post-poll 15. Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2000: pre-poll 16. Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2002: post-poll 17. Uttaranchal Assembly Election Study 2002: post-poll 18. Manipur Assembly Election Study 2002: post-poll 19. Punjab Assembly Election Study 2002: post-poll 20. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election Study 2002: post-poll 21. Gujarat Assembly Election Study 2002: pre-poll 22. Gujarat Assembly Election Study 2002: post-poll 23. Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2003: pre-poll 24. Himachal Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2003: post-poll 25. Delhi Assembly Election Study 2003: pre-poll 26. Delhi Assembly Election Study 2003: mid-poll 27. Delhi Assembly Election Study 2003: post-poll 28. Rajasthan Assembly Election Study 2003: post-poll 29. Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2003: post-poll 30. Chhattisgarh Assembly Election Study 2003: post-poll 31. Mizoram Assembly Election Study 2003: post-poll 32. Maharashtra Assembly Election Study 2004: post-poll 33. Bihar Assembly Election Study February 2005: post-poll 34. Jharkhand Assembly Election Study 2005: post-poll 35. Haryana Assembly Election Study 2005: post-poll 36. Bihar Assembly Election Study October 2005: post-poll 37. Assam Assembly Election Study 2006: post-poll 38. Kerala Assembly Election Study 2006: pre-poll 39. Kerala Assembly Election Study 2006: post-poll 40. West Bengal Assembly Election Study 2006: pre-poll 41. West Bengal Assembly Election Study 2006: post-poll 42. Tamil Nadu Assembly Election Study 2006: pre-poll 43. Tamil Nadu Assembly Election Study 2006: post-poll 44. Punjab Assembly Election Study 2007: pre-poll 45. Punjab Assembly Election Study 2007: post-poll 46. Uttarakhand Assembly Election Study 2007: pre-poll 47. Uttarakhand Assembly Election Study 2007: post-poll 48. Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2007: pre-poll 49. Uttar Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2007: post-poll


50. Gujarat Assembly Election Study 2007: pre-poll 51. Gujarat Assembly Election Study 2007: post-poll 52. Karnataka Assembly Election Study 2008: pre-poll 53. Karnataka Assembly Election Study 2008: post-poll 54. Rajasthan Assembly Election Study 2008: post-poll 55. Delhi Assembly Election Study 2008: post-poll 56. Madhya Pradesh Assembly Election Study 2008: post-poll 57. Mizoram Assembly Election Study 2008: post-poll 58. Jammu and Kashmir Assembly Election Study 2008: post-poll Select academic talks/presentations/lectures: •

Keynote address to national seminar on Positive Discrimination, Institute of Development Studies, University of Mysore, Mysore, March 2009.

Adisheshiah Memorial Lecture, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai, November 2008

Distinguished public lecture, Centre for South Asian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 2007.

Lecture in the Distinguished Lecture Series, Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York, May 2005 Talk to the National Election Study group at Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 2005 Special Address to International Planning Workshop of Afrobarometer, Accra, February 2005. Special presentation to Conference of Commonwealth Chief Electoral Officers, New Delhi, February 2005. Keynote address to West Bengal Political Science Association, December 2004. Presented a paper at the Ninth Indira Gandhi Conference, RGF, New Delhi, November 2004. Presentation to planning workshop of Asianbarometer, Bangkok, October 2004. Presented a paper at the third NETSAPPE meeting, CERI, Paris, July 2004. Presentation to the Conference on Electoral Democracies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, July 2003. Presented a paper in international consultation on Burma and the role of state constitution in protecting minority rights, New Delhi and Chiangmai, November 2002. Talk at Kennedy School of Governance, Harvard University, Cambridge, October 2001. Panelist at American Association of Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 2001. Presented a paper in the International Symposium on the State in India, Kyoto University, Kyoto, December 1999. Talk at the Daitabunka University, Tokyo, December 1999. Panelist on World Movement for Democracy, Warsaw, 1998.

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Presentation at International Conference on Democracy in Africa, Lagos, 1998. Talk at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 1997. Presented a paper in a Conference on Electoral Reforms in South Asia, Colombo, 1995. Talks given in various Refresher Courses held in JNU, Delhi University, MG University, Kottayam, Kurukshtra University and MS University, Udaipur.

Select Public lectures: • •

Annual PUCL Lecture, Delhi Gandhi Smriti Vyakhyan, Gandhi Shanti Pratishthan, Delhi

Madhu Limaye Memorial Lecture, Mumbai

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New India Foundation Annual Lecture, Mumbai Kishen Pattnaik Memorial Lectures at Bhubaneshwar and Ranchi

S M Joshi Memorial Lecture, Pune

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Vicharvedha Sammelan, Aurangabad P. V.Kurien Memorial Lecture, Kottayam Prabhat Khabar Vyakhyanmala, Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Dhanbad Bihar Vidhan Parishad, Patna Lohia Vyakhyanmala, Thane Inuagural address to the National Convention of BAMCEF, Ahmedabad Bhagwan Das Memorial Lecture, Jaipur Bharatiya Bhasha Parivar, Nagpur Address to Uttar Banga Sanskriti Utsava, Jateshwar, North Bengal Sakal Annual Lecture, Pune Poora Sach Lecture, Sirsa Radhanath Rath Memorial Lecture, Sambalpur Janata Bank Annual Lecture, Sholapur

Television/Radio Programmes Political analyst and commentator on more than 150 television programmes related to the preelection assessment and the live programmes at the time of the counting of results. Since 1996, these programmes have appeared on various channels: • Doordarshan National Network • Star News • NDTV 24x7 • NDTV India


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Two series of programmes on understanding the fifteenth general elections, BBC Hindi service, March-May 2009 Sansad Ki raah, a 26 part radio programme on the electoral background in different states in the fourteenth general elections, BBC Hindi service, April-May 2004. Moderated the official all-party debate on the issues for the Lok Sabha Elections 1999, Akashvani, National Programme, August 1999 Personal Details Date of Birth : 5 September 1963 Marital Status : Married, two children Nationality Address: Email

: Indian

[email protected]


XB-4, Sahvikas C.G.H.Soceity 68, Patparganj, I.P. Extension, Delhi 110092 India Phone: 011-2221846


Centre for the Study of Developing Societies 29 Rajpur Road, Delhi 110054 India Phone: 011-23981012, 011-23942199; Fax: 011-2394 3450, Email: [email protected]