Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
INDOOR AND OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS OF MASS CONCENTRATION AND SIZE DISTRIBUTION OF AEROSOL PARTICLES Mona Moustafa, Abdel-Rahman Ahmed, Amer Mohamed, and Hyam Nazmy Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Minia University, Minia/Egypt
[email protected] ABSTRACT Mass concentrations and size distributions of atmospheric aerosol particles were measured at three different regions of El-Minia governorate (Upper Egypt); Maghagha, Abo-Qurqas and Etsa. The study was conducted during March and April, 2012. Measurements were performed using low pressure Berner cascade Impactor as an aerosol sampler. The Impactor operates at 1.7 m 3/h flow rate with aerodynamic "cut-off" size range from 0.06 up to 16 µm. It was found that the average mass concentrations measured at three sampling sites: Maghagha, Abo-Qurqas and Etsa were 264.7, 176.5 and 284 µg/m3, respectively. Measurement results show that the log normal size distribution in Maghagha was bimodal in nature with mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of 1.2 µm and geometric standard deviation (σ g) of 3.9 and the mass size distributions were bimdoal in nature at both Abo-Qurqas (with MMAD =0.725 µm and σg= 3.95) and Etsa (with MMAD = 0.924 µm and σg = 3.38). The variation obtained at the different sampling sites could be attributed to the different aerosol particles emitted sources in each area environment as well as the climatic outdoor changes. Keywords: aerodynamic diameter; size distribution; mass concentration. INTRODUCTION Aerosols are fine particles, solid or liquid, in the size range from about 1 nm up to more than 100 µm suspended in atmospheric air [Nazaroff and Nero, 1988]. The aerosols particles are injected into the atmosphere from natural and man-made sources. Natural aerosol particles are formed by the conversion of gases into particulate matter, from re-suspension of powdered materials or by the break-up of agglomerates. Man-made aerosols are formed from combustion products and photochemical reaction between the oxides of nitrogen and the hydrocarbons (smog reaction). Knowledge of the size distribution as a function of size is essential for determining the properties, behavior, atmospheric processes and effects of aerosol particles. A vast number of detailed studies all over the world in very diverse environment have been devoted to measuring the size distributions of aerosol mass (Salma et al, 2002; Meng and Seinfeld, 1994; Kerminen and Wexler, 1995; Yao et al., 2002). The differential size distributions exhibit fundamentally multimodal character with several modes, typically: nucleation, accumulation and coarse modes (Whitby, 1978). Particles of the nucleation mode are originating from condensation of supersaturated vapors. The primary particles are a few nanometers in size (less than 100 nm) but due to the high concentrations they coagulate until the number is too small for further growth. The accumulation mode, consisting of long-lived particles of sizes of a few tenths of a micrometer (100 nm < Dp < 2000 nm). They stay in the atmosphere approximately a week and compete 1
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
for condensation and coagulation with the particles of the nucleation mode. Due to the larger surface of the accumulation mode particles, the heterogeneous coagulation with them exceeds homogeneous coagulation. The coarse mode, the particles (Dp > 2000 nm) of which are generated by mechanical processes such as sea spray and erosion. It must be noted that the sampling of coarse particles can be flawed by the inlet system, which may make sampling of particles above 10 µm is difficult. This mode contains windblown dust, sea salt spray, and plant materials. The modal size and composition is variable, depending on the nature of the surface cover and atmospheric condition, specially the wind speed. Also, the coarse particles are characterized by a high deposition velocity and they have short residence times (Ahmed, 1979). Size distribution and chemical composition are fundamental aerosol properties most relevant to environmental impacts (Kulshrestha et al., 2001; Pillai and Moorthy, 2001; Rastogi and Sarin, 2005; K. Raghavendra Kumar et al., 2009). Determination of mass-size distribution is thus a fundamental and important means of characterizing atmospheric aerosol (Koutsenogii and Jaenicke, 1994; Nesub et al., 2000; K. Raghavendra Kumar et al., 2009). The size distribution of atmospheric aerosols strongly depends on the sources as well as on the meteorological processes during their lifetime (Choularton et al., 1982; Vakeva et al., 2001; Vakeva et al., 2000; K. Raghavendra Kumar et al., 2009), on the type and history of the air mass, as well as on the boundary-layer circulations. While the topography decides the major natural aerosols originating over a region, the anthropogenic contribution is decided by industries/human activities. Aerosols, both natural and anthropogenic, play an important role in atmospheric and astronomical sciences (Sagar et al., 2002).the removal processes of aerosol particles from the atmosphere, the deposition rate on ground and vegetation and the deposition probability, of attached aerosols with radionuclides, in the human lung during inhalation depend on the aerosol size and their concentrations. The attached aerosols are deposited in different parts of the human respiratory tract due to their different sizes causing the lung cancer (steinhausler et al., 1982) Therefore, the mass size distribution of aerosol particles is the most important parameter must be studied in the environment. Because cascade Impactors are the most suitable devices for determining the size distributions of aerosol particles and their mass concentrations, the following points are the aim of this work is Using the casced Impactor as an aerosol sampler to determine the mass size distributions of aerosol particles and their mass concentrations in the open air. METHODOLOGY Berner Low pressure cascade Impactor (BLPI) (Model, 30/0.06) with eight impaction stages and a backup filter stage were used as a sampling device. BLPI operates at a flow rate of 1.7 m3 h-1. Aluminum foils were used as collection media, and a glass fiber filter as the back-up filter (Lurzer, 1980). The cut-off diameters for 50% collection efficiency of the impaction stages are 0.082, 0.157, 0.27, 0.65, 1.1, 2.35, 4.25 and 5.96 µm. An accurate method of calibration Impactor has been performed by reineking et al., and EL-Hussein (Reineking et al., 1984 and EL-Hussein, 1991) in the isotope laboratory of Gottingen univ.Germany.the calibration was carried out by using monodisperse test aerosol particles prepared under laboratory conditions. The aerosol generator type Sinclair and La Mer (Sinclair and La Mer (1949) was used for that purpose. The final result for this calibration is the total inters- stage losses of aerosol particles were less than 2% of the total mass (Reinking et al., 1984).
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
Figure 1. Aerosol sampling set-up using Berner Low pressure cascade impactor (BLPI) In order to recognize the effect of sampling time on aerosol concentration as well on size distribution, different sampling time was carried out .the suitable time for collecting was found about 6 h. Collection of the aerosol samples was performed in March and April, 2012, at three urban sites in ELminia, a city with almost 4 million inhabitants. One of the sampling locations was chosen on the north El-Minia governorate (maghagha) latitude (N 28O 37\ 41\\ 18\\\ (, longitude )E 30O 49\ 26\\ 30\\\), altitude 43 m above sea level, a.s.l.). Abo-Qurqas in south El-Minia governorate latitude (N 28O 19\ 15\\), longitude (E 30O 49\ 30\\) was chosen as the second sampling site. The third sampling site was located in middle El-Minia governorate latitude (N 28O 13\ 01\\ (, longitude (E 30O 45\ 16\\), the samples were collected on semi-consecutive days in the non-heating season in March–May 2012. Aluminum foils of the impactor stages were weighted under controlled conditions, temperature and humidity, before and after air sampling with a sensitive balance (Mettler analytical AE240 Dual Range Balance). The difference between the two weights of each aluminum foil is considered to be the deposited aerosol mass. In addition, specific mass concentration after each run was determined as follows:
m .......... . g 3 m Q.t
Where ν is the specific mass concentration, m is the total deposited aerosol mass on the impactor stages (g), Q is the impactor flow rate (m3/h) and t is the sampling time (hour).
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
Figure 2. EL-minia governorate map In the same way, the parameters of mass size distribution, Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter and Geometric Standerd Deviation (MMAD and GSD), were obtained from the lognormal distribution method (William, 1999) as
ln( MMAD ..)
ni ln d i ni
n (ln d i ln MMAD) ln(GSD) i ni 2
1 2
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
Where ni, di are the fraction and the cut-off diameter in the stage i, respectively. Also, these parameters can be obtained by a graphical cumulative method. The cumulative mass were plotted versus the cut-off diameter of the impactor stages. The MMAD is defined as the diameter at 50% cumulative fractions. The GSD of the size distribution is defined as the diameter at 84% cumulative mass divided by the diameter obtained at 50%. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Total mass concentration is the mass of all particles in the size range up to 16 µm which is the upper limit of the applied Impactor (Berner Low pressure cascade Impactor (BLPI) (Model, 30/0.06) with eight impaction stages and a back-up filter stage. BLPI operates at a flow rate of 1.7 m3 h-1. Aluminum foils were used as collection media, and a glass fiber filter as the back-up filter (Lurzer, 1980). The cut-off diameters for 50% collection efficiency of the impaction stages are 0.082, 0.157, 0.27, 0.65, 1.1, 2.35, 4.25 and 5.96 µm).The average total mass concentrations within March and April, 2012 are summarized in table (1). Obtained data of average mass concentration in Maghagha is 264.7 µg/m 3 , in Abo-Qurqas is 176.5 µg/m3and in Etsa is 284.3 µg/m3.The fluctuation in the total mass concentrations may be related to different sources and variation of metrological conditions. In Maghagha the temperature varied between 26 and 30 0C with mean value 28 0C while relative humidity varied between 21 and 27 % with mean value 23 %. In the same way the temperature in Abo-Qurqas varied between 18 and 22 0C with mean value 18 0C , relative humidity varied between 17 and 28 % with mean value 20 % and in Etsa temperature varied between 38 and 43 0C with mean value 38 0C ,relative humidity varied between 13 and 18% with mean value 13 %. In comparison with other experimental results we found that our present values (264.7, 176.5 and 284.3 µg/m3) are nearly the same the values obtained by parmar in Agra where total aerosol (131.6 µ g/m 3) measured with four stage cascade particle sampler (CPS-105)(parmar,2001) ,(190 µ g/m3 ) Kulshretha et al (Kulshretha et al 1995) and in Taipei station (PM10 9.83-104.26 µ g/m3)with amean value 39.98 µg/m3 measured with portabe dust monitor (YU-Hsiang Cheng,2010(YU-Hsiang Cheng,2010) .on the other hand the obtained values are too higher than the values obtained by EL-Hussein in Germany where (2348 µ g/m3) were measured with Berner Impactor (EL-Hussein, 1991), in Budapest (24-88 µ g/m3) were measured with casced Impactor (Salma, 2001) an in French (35.6-55.7 µ g/m3) measured with four stage casced Impactor (Dinh, 2012). Table1: average values of total Mass concentration in three sites. Mass concentration(µg/m3) 264.7 176.5 284.3
Sites Maghagha Abo-Qurqas Etsa
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
Average mass size distributions of collected aerosol particles are shown in Fig. (3, 4, 5). The collection fractions in each stage are plotted versus the geometric midpoints of the size ranges determined by the cut-off values of the collection stages. There is little variation in the shape of the mass size distributions from one location to another. The ordinate of the plot is the ratio of the Atmospheric aerosols mass (m) in a given size range to the total Atmospheric aerosols mass (mT) on all stages (mass fraction) instead of the usually applied m/mT/log(d2/d1) expression (relative mass in an unit size range), where d1 and d2 are the lower and upper EADs, respectively, of the given size range. (K. Raghavendra Kumar et al., 2009). The parameters of mass size distributions at three sampling sites are listed in table.2. In Maghagha, average mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) is 1.202 µm with mean geometric standard deviation (σg) of 3.91 .In Abo-Qurqas, the average MMAD is 0.724µm with mean σg of 3.95. In Etsa the average MMAD is 0.924µm with mean σg of 3.38. Table2: average values of Mass Median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) and geometric standard deviations (GSD) Sites Maghagha Abo-Qurqas Etsa Mean
MMAD (µm) 1.202 0.724 0.924 0.950
GSD 3.913 3.948 3.385 3.749
Mass Median aerodynamic diameters (MMADs) and geometric standard deviations were calculated by fitting a lognormal function to the individual size distributions. (The results agreed well with those obtained from the cumulative probability plots on logarithmically probability graph).Typical geometric standard deviations obtained were about 3.4-3.9 With regard to the individual MMADs, averaged for the three different data sets, and the average values are summarized in Table 2. It can be seen that the typical MMADs are found from 0.7 through 1.2 µm EAD, and that the MMADs are clearly shifted toward larger values with increasing aerosol mass concentration. Generally, the collected aerosol masses are distributed over three particle size modes (nucleation, accumulation and coarse mode). The major accumulation mode peak centered between 0.7-1.2 µm may be evidence of coagulation and condensation growth of nuclei near the highway (Kittelson et al., 2006).
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
Mass Concentration Fraction
MMAD=1.202 m GSD=3.9
0.00 0.01
Aerodynamic Diameter (m)
Figure 3. Average mass size distributions of Atmospheric aerosols in maghagha. The obtained mass size distribution was found as bi-modal log normal distribution which was corresponding to accumulation and coarse mode (nearly 50%in accumulation and 50%in coarse mode). Averages MMAD is 1.202 µm and mean GSD is 3.9.
Mass Concentration Fraction
MMAD=0.725 m GSD=3.95
0.00 0.01
Aerodynamic Diameter (m)
Figure 4. Average mass size distributions of Atmospheric aerosols in Abo-Qurqas. The obtained mass size distribution was found as Bi-modal log normal distribution which was corresponding to accumulation and coarse mode (nearly 80%in accumulation and 20%in coarse mode). An average MMAD is 0.725 µm and means GSD is 3.95. 7
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
Mass Concentration Fraction
MMD=0.924 m GSD=3.38
0.00 0.01
Aerodynamic Diameter (m)
Figure 5. Average mass size distributions of Atmospheric aerosols in Etsa. The obtained mass size distribution was found as Bi-modal log normal distribution which was corresponding to accumulation and coarse mode (nearly 78% in accumulation and 22% in coarse mode). Average MMAD is0. 920 µm and means GSD is 3.38. The bi-modality nature of mass size distribution was confirmed by Whitby et al., 1972( Whitby et al., 1972) in American cities, Sega and Fugas (1984)in Yugoslavua (Sega and Fugas 1984),Kim and Rho(1986) in Korea (Kim and Rho1986).Sanhueza et al.,(1987)in Venezuela (Sanhueza et al., 1987) and EL-Hussein (1991) in Germany (EL-Hussein ,1991).
Mass concentration fraction
0.25 Maghagh Abo Korkas Etsa
0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 1
Aerodynamic Diameter (m)
Figure 6. Comparison between average mass size distributions of Atmospheric aerosols for the data sets.
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
Because the measurements were performed at different times, considerable fluctuations in the mass size distributions were observed. The most derived mass size distributions could be approximated as unimodal log–normal distributions represented by the accumulation mode (100 nm ≤ aerosol particle size ≥2000 nm). Also, according to temperature and humidity changes, sometimes very small fractions in the coarse mode (aerosol size range ≤ 2000 nm) were measured. Above Figures show that more than about 80% of the mass fraction of the aerosol particles is associated with the aerosol particles of the accumulation mode. This may be traced to the removal processes of large particles, which are controlled by dry deposition. The deposition velocity of particles in the accumulation mode is about 10-2 cm.s-1. Particles with such a deposition velocity are very slowly removed and therefore their residence times are relatively long. On the other hand, the deposition velocity of particles in the coarse mode extends to 20 cm.s -1which is very high in comparison with that of accumulation mode particles. Therefore, the residence time of the particles in the coarse mode is very short and thus it is less likely that these particles will coagulate to produce a broad size distribution of the coarse mode. The coarse particles are characterized by a high deposition velocity and they have short residence times. The residence time of aerosols depends on their size, chemistry and height in the atmosphere. Particle residence times range from minutes to hundreds of days. Aerosols between 0.1 - 1.0 µm (the accumulation mode) remain in the atmosphere longer than the other two size categories. Aerosols smaller than this (the nucleation mode) are subject to Brownian motion; higher rates of particle collision and coagulation increases the size of individual particles and removes them from the nucleation mode. The coarser particles (>1 µm radius) have higher sedimentation rates than the other two size ranges.
Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
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Fifth International Conference on NANO-TECHNOLOGY IN CONSTRUCTION Housing & Building National Research Center المركز القومى لبحوث اإلسكان ( والبناءHBRC).
Egyptian -Russian University (ERU) الجامعة المصرية الروسية
(NTC 2013) 23-25 March 2013, Cairo-Egypt
Izhevsk State Technical Ministry of Housing University (ISTU) & urban Communities
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