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These advantages suggest to use the AUC also as model optimization criterion [19]. In [8] it is shown that ..... Optimizing search engines using clickthrough data.

David M.J. Tax


Cor J. Veenman



Information and Communication Theory, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] b Digital Technology Department, Netherlands Forensic Institute, The Hague, and Intelligent Sensory Information Systems Group, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] Abstract The Area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a good alternative to the standard empirical risk (classification error) as a performance criterion for classifiers. While most classifier formulations aim at minimizing the classification error, few methods exist that directly optimize the AUC. Moreover, the reported methods that optimize the AUC are often not efficient even for moderately sized datasets. In this paper, we discuss a classifier that optimizes the AUC using a linear programming formulation such that classification constraints can easily be subsampled. Furthermore, this approach enables to use the non-used constraints to for the optimization of hyperparameters. In a performance evaluation, we compare the AUC-optimized Linear Programming Classifier (AUC-LPC) to other classifiers on several real world datasets.



In the traditional statistical approach to learning, classifiers are selected by using a cross-validation scheme [9, 5, 28] to minimize the empirical risk (or classification error). This standard scheme has proven to work well, but there are a few drawbacks. The first problem with the cross-validation error is the relatively high variance when the sample size is small [14]. To get a reliable classifier, (almost) all of the data should be used for training. But this will leave (almost) nothing for the evaluation of the model, and to perform model selection. This low sample size problem is reduced by applying leave-one-out cross-validation, and by using a simple classifier. The second problem is that there exist classification problems in which the empirical risk does not reflect the true nature of the problem, for instance when the misclassification costs for different classes are heavily skewed or when the misclassification costs differ significantly between the different classes [24, 29]. Counting classification errors will then favor the most abundant class and ignore the small class, or it will ignore the large misclassification cost that is incurred. These problems can be fixed by using the weighted class errors or the true misclassification costs, but it assumes that the true class priors and misclassification costs are known. To obtain an error measure that is independent of priors and costs, the Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve [21, 31, 16, 11] can be used. It is defined for two-class classification problems, where the positive ‘+’ samples should be distinguished from negative ‘-’ ones. The ROC shows how the true positive rate and the false positive rate vary with changing the decision threshold. In order to compare different ROC curves, the area under the ROC curve (AUC) is often used. This AUC can also be interpreted as the probability that a random object from the ‘+’ class is rated higher than a random object from the ‘-’ class [20]. Therefore, for optimal performance the AUC must be close to one. The advantage of the AUC is that it takes into account how the complete dataset is ordered by the classifier, and not just that the objects are on the correct side of the decision boundary. This gives the flexibility to change the decision threshold far from the balanced-class case, which

might be required when a large difference in misclassification costs exist [21]. And because it uses all pairwise combinations of the training objects, it is more stable to estimate [7, 18]. These advantages suggest to use the AUC also as model optimization criterion [19]. In [8] it is shown that the difference between optimizing AUC directly is to be preferred over minimizing the error rate when uneven distributions are considered and higher classification errors. There are a few proposals for applying AUC to a decision tree [10, 23, 17], but decision tree classifiers have known shortcomings with respect to the explicit modeling of correlated features. Other approaches are to use the support vector classifier [26, 25], RankBoost [12] or ranking SVMs [22, 13]. These methods introduce constraints such that for each pair of objects in the training set (where one object is from the ’+’ class and the other from the ’-’ class) the objects are ordered correctly at the output of the classifier. Because each pairwise combination of objects has to be taken into account, the main challange is to cope with this high number of constraints. The practical approach that is taken, is to subsample the number of training samples and thereby reduce the number of constraints. In this paper we discuss a linear classifier similar to [22, 26]. In this linear classifier the constraints and not the objects are subsampled. Accordingly, the optimization uses a genuine reflection of the complete set of constraints, and not an (possibly highly biased) set that is derived by an object selection criterion. Furthermore, this subsampling of the constraints gives the possibility to optimize the hyperparameter of the classifier without reserving extra validation data for optimizing this hyperparameter. Furthermore, it normalizes the pairwise differences for the object ordering, such that it is less sensitive to outliers. Finally, it obtains a sparse solution in terms of the features and can be used for very high dimensional datasets. In section 2 we will start with the explanation of the AUC. In section 2.1 we will introduce the linear classifier that optimizes the AUC (AUC-LPC). In sections 2.2 and 2.3, we discuss the sampling of the object ordering constraints and the optimization using the left-out constraints of a tradeoff parameter. In section 3 some experiments are performed to check the performance on real world datasets, and finally in section 4 some conclusions are drawn.


Misclassification and AUC

Assume we have an identical and independently drawn labeled dataset X tr = {(xi , yi ), i = 1...N }, where each object is represented by p features xi = (xi1 , ..., xip ) and is member of one of two classes, yi ∈ {+1, −1}. Assume that the dataset contains n+ objects with y1 = +1, and n− with yi = −1. In the traditional approach to learning, a classifier is defined to predict from a new object x its label, by applying a function f : Rp → R to the object, and thresholding this output by threshold θ to obtain a class label: ( +1 if f (x; w) > θ, h(x; w) = (1) −1 otherwise. where w are the free parameters of function f . Notice, that by varying the value for θ, the ROC curve is obtained [21]. In most cases the classifier h is optimized by optimizing the parameters w in f . This can be done for instance by minimizing the (apparent) classification error: eˆemp (h, X tr ) =

N 1 X I(h(x; w) 6= yi ), N i=1


where I(.) is the indicator function. Instead of the indicator function, the classifier can be estimated by minimizing the mean squared error. Notice that in these error definitions, each object is counted independently of the other objects in the training set. The alternative performance measure is the Area under the ROC curve (AUC) [21, 30]. This measure counts how often an object of class +1 (x+ ) is ranked higher than an object of class −1 (x− ): AU C = P r(f (x+ ) > f (x− )). (3) Clearly, a perfect separation of the two classes is obtained when AU C = 1. The AUC performance can be simply estimated on a finite dataset X tr . Assume that counter k + runs over all objects with

yi = +1, and k − runs over all objects with yi = −1. Then, the AUC can be computed as follows: +

1 − eˆauc (h, X tr ) =

n n X X 1 I (f (xk+ ) > f (xk− )) . n+ n− + − −


k =1 k =1

Note that for the optimization of this performance, no reference is being made to a classification threshold θ. For the practical application of the classifier, an operating point has still to be defined by choosing a specific threshold θ.



One of the few classifiers that directly optimizes the AUC is the support vector machine as defined in [26]. It minimizes the l2 norm of w with constraints on the ordering of the objects. The optimization problem is defined as follows1 : XX min kwk2 + C ξk+ k− (5) k+ k−

+ −

s.t. ∀k k : f (xk+ ) − f (xk− ) ≥ 1 − ξk+ k− , ξk+ k− ≥ 0.


By introducing a kernel, thanks to the self-duality of the l2 -norm, the above formulation remains valid for nonlinear SVM as well [26]. Notice that the constraints (6) express the pairwise differences between objects from different classes xk+ −xk− . The slack variables ξk+ k− in these constraints approximate the indicator function I that is part of (4). This approximation has the serious drawback that the number of constraints is quadratic in the number of objects, so it becomes very large. We will discuss this in section 2.2. To enable us to attack this problem, we cast the optimization problem in a linear programming form. Instead of the l2 norm, the l1 norm is used (similar to the l1 -SVM, [4] or [3]): XX ξk+ k− (7) min kwk1 + C k+ k−



s.t. ∀k , k : w (xk+ − xk− ) ≥ 1 − ξk+ k− , ξk+ k− ≥ 0. −

This can easily be recast in a linear programming formulation: XX X (ui + vi ) + C min ξk+ k− i −


k+ k−

subject to: ∀k + , k : (uT − vT )(xk+ − xk− ) ≥ 1 − ξk+ k− , ξk+ k− ≥ 0,



∀i : ui ≥ 0, vi ≥ 0.

The classifier h is now defined as in (1), with function f as f (x; w) = wT x. The threshold θ is not defined, but can be derived when misclassification costs and class priors have been supplied. We will refer to this as the optimized AUC Linear classifier, or AUC-LPC classifier.


Subsampling the constraints

A problem is that the number of constraints in (8) is quadratic in the number of objects, or more precisely n+ n− . Even for moderately sized datasets this becomes problematic. To cope with this, different strategies can be constructed. The first strategy, as is done in [2] in their version of ’rankersvm’. is to start by randomly drawing objects from both classes, and iteratively update this set by considering the objects that are violating many constraints. In this case only the very hard objects are considered. To avoid that the classifier flip its labels (because only the bad constraints are considered), this set is extended to include also well-ordered object pairs. In [25] a second subsampling strategy is suggested (as inspired by [15] and [27]). Here only the objects and their nearest neighbors from the other class are considered. The user has to define a 1 We

use the same notation for the counters k + and k − as in the previous section.


Simple Problem (targetcl. 1) 0.9


AUC−LPC 1norm full AUC−LPC 1norm knn AUC−LPC 1norm subs




true positive (TP)

15 Feature 2

10 5 0 −5









−20 −30



0 Feature 1
















false positive (FP)

Figure 1: The left plot shows the resulting AUC-LPC by using the full number of constraints (dotted line), subsampling by using the m nearest neighbors (m = 3, dashed line) and random subsampling the constraints (M = 300, dash-dotted line). The right plot shows the corresponding ROC curves.

Feature 2

number m indicating how many neighbors are assumed to be informative. Then, only constraints between each object x and m of its nearest neighbors are imposed. This subsampling heuristic can fail, in particular when there is a large overlap and the number of neighbors is not sufficiently large. Furthermore, extra problems may occur when the features are poorly scaled and the distance between the objects does not reflect the classification problem well. In that case the nearest neighbors are not distributed in directions that are required for a high AUC performance. In figure 1 an example of a simple 2D classification problem is shown containing two classes with 50 objects each. The decision boundaries of three classifiers are drawn. The first classifier uses all pairwise constraints (in total 50 × 50 = 2500 constraints). The second classifier only considers the 3 nearest neighbors for each training object, reducing the number of constraints to 100 × 3 = 300. The decision boundaries are indicated by the dotted and dashed line respectively. The subsampled version using the nearest neighbors gives a very poor approximation. In this paper we suggest a third constraint 40 subsampling approach. By utilizing the linear 30 programming formulation, it is very simple to randomly subsample the constraints in (8) in20 stead of sampling the objects. This random 10 sampling with M constraints avoids the focus 0 on the local structure in the data (as given by −10 the m nearest neighbors), but characterizes the structure on a larger scale. Therefore, it will −20 give a less biased estimation of the optimal so−30 lution based on all constraints. The last classi−2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 fier in figure 1 randomly uses 300 constraints Feature 1 from the total 2500 constraints. The AUCs Figure 2: A scatterplot of the difference vectors of the three classifiers is 0.83, 0.61, 0.82 respec(representing the constraints). The circles are se- tively. Clearly, the subsampled classifier gives lected by the nearest neighbor procedure m = 2, a performance that is virtually the same as the clearly not an unbiased sample from the total dis- classifier using all the constraints. More insight can be gained by considering tribution. The optimal weight vectors for the two the difference vectors, representing the constraints sets are indicated by the dashed and dotted lines, in equation (8): similar to figure 1. ˜ k+ k− = xk+ − xk− . x


˜ is defined. For a given weight vector w, a constraint k + k − is For each constraint a single object x

satisfied when: ˜ k+ k− ≥ 1. wT x


Notice that the constraints are represented by points with the same dimensionality as the original objects. More remarkably, the linear classifier w in the original feature space can directly be plotted in this ’difference’ space. Equation (12) shows that the plane (passing through the origin) for which the highest number of objects is on one side of it, is the optimal AUC plane. In figure 2 the difference vectors are shown for the same data as in figure 1. These points represent the full set of constraints. The dotted line indicates the optimal solution of (7) with (8), C = 10. Sampling the constraints using the nearest neighbor heuristic selects the points that are encircled. Clearly this subset of constraints is not a unbiased sample of the full set of constraints. The solution on this subset of constraints is indicated by the dashed line. By using the subsample, a very high number of other constraints is violated and a poor final solution is obtained.


Using the unused constraints for optimization of C

By considering just a random sample of the constraints for the optimization leaves a (large) set of constraints unused. This makes it possible to use the remaining constraints to evaluate the model. Although this data are not completely independent of the training data (or training constraints), it gives an indication of the value of C in (7), without using extra validation data. In order to test this hypothesis we compare the AUC performance on an independent test with number of con- Figure 3: The AUC performance (solid straint violations among the remaining constraints. In line) and the number of constraint viofigure 3 the AUC performance on an independent test set lations (dashed line) as function of C. is shown as function of the tradeoff parameter C (solid The lines are averages over 5 runs. line). The dataset is the Iris dataset, in which the second class (Iris-versicolor) has to be distinguished from the other two classes. On the training set, containing 66% of the data, the AUC-LPC with M = 100 is fitted. The constraints that are not used in the optimization are used to count the number of constraint violations. The number depends on the class sizes that appear after the sampling of the training set, but for this cases it is around 2000. With the dashed line the number of constraint violations (normalized by the maximum number) test AUC # violations is indicated. Indeed, the figure shows that the number of constraint violations is inversely related to the AUC on C the test set. Minimizing the number of violations therefore optimizes the AUC. 1








0.2 −3 10











To evaluate the AUC-LPC, we use a collection of datasets selected from the UCI repository [6]. Many of the datasets are originally multi-class problems, but because the AUC is in principle defined for two-class problems, the datasets are splitted into several two-class problems. Then, one class has to be distinguished from all the others, in a one-against-rest classification approach. Furthermore, a high-dimensional datasets , called Colon, is added [1]. The dimensionalities and the number of objects in each of the classes in the datasets are listed in Table 1. In the last column also the separated class is indicated. In Table 2 the results by the AUC-LPC and the AUC-SVM (as defined in [25] are compared. The number of constraints is chosen to be M = mN , where N is the sample size. We consider just m = 1 and m = 3. For the AUC-SVM this means that for each training object the m nearest neighbors in the other class are used. The results are shown in column two and three. The fourth and fifth column show the performances obtained by the AUC-LPC with randomly sampled constraints and a fixed C = 10. In the last two columns the results for the AUC-LPC are shown, where C is optimized using the remaining constraints. The numbers in bold are the best performances, or

Table 1: Characteristics of the UCI datasets nr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

dataset Abalone class 9-10 Arrhythmia normal Biomed healthy Breast malignant Cancer wpbc ret Colon 1 Diabetes present Ecoli periplasm Glass headlamps Heart diseased

tar/out 1323/2854 237/ 183 127/ 67 458/ 241 47/ 151 22/ 40 500/ 268 52/ 284 29/ 185 139/ 164

dim. 10 278 5 9 33 1908 8 7 9 13

nr 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

dataset Housing MEDV5yr Vehicle opel

tar/out 458/ 48 50/ 100 225/ 126 145/ 200 4913/ 560 111/ 97 1813/2788 254/ 95 225/ 81 212/ 634

dim. 13 4 34 6 10 60 57 44 3 18

the performances that are not significantly worse than the best performance (using a t-test with a confidence level of α = 0.05). Table 2: Results by AUC-LPC using C = 10 using m-nearest neighbor constraints, or random sampling mN constraints. Fields filled with (1) could not be computed due to the huge memory requirements. All experiments are averages over 5 times 10-fold cross validation runs. Datasets Abalone class 9-10 Arrhythmia normal Biomed healthy Breast malignant Cancer wpbc ret Colon 1 Diabetes present Ecoli periplasm Glass headlamps Heart diseased Housing MEDV5yr Vehicle opel

AUC-SVM m=1 m=3 67.6 ( 0.6) (1) 68.9 ( 0.9) 70.8 ( 1.1) 94.0 ( 0.7) 94.3 ( 0.7) 99.4 ( 0.0) 99.5 ( 0.1) 74.5 ( 1.8) 79.3 ( 1.4) 84.2 ( 4.9) 83.8 ( 3.4) 78.1 ( 0.5) 81.5 ( 0.1) 90.0 ( 0.7) 93.5 ( 0.6) 94.1 ( 2.1) 95.5 ( 1.1) 86.1 ( 0.9) 87.6 ( 0.5) 88.3 ( 2.8) 93.3 ( 0.5) 69.2 ( 1.6) 70.0 ( 0.4) 85.6 ( 1.5) 84.3 ( 0.8) 72.0 ( 1.0) 72.4 ( 0.7) 74.4 ( 0.6) (1) 79.5 ( 1.9) 82.2 ( 0.8) 95.4 ( 0.1) (1) 84.5 ( 0.7) 86.9 ( 0.8) 62.7 ( 0.8) 63.4 ( 0.8) 70.1 ( 1.2) 76.1 ( 0.9)

AUC-LPC m=1 68.3 ( 0.1) 75.2 ( 1.0) 94.1 ( 1.0) 99.2 ( 0.1) 72.1 ( 1.9) 90.2 ( 3.2) 81.7 ( 0.3) 93.4 ( 0.6) 94.1 ( 2.2) 88.7 ( 0.9) 95.9 ( 0.7) 80.8 ( 0.6) 86.8 ( 1.3) 71.8 ( 0.7) 95.7 ( 0.1) 81.8 ( 1.1) 93.7 ( 0.1) 87.2 ( 1.6) 67.2 ( 1.1) 83.7 ( 0.5)

subsam. m=3 (1) 77.3 ( 1.0) 94.7 ( 0.6) 99.5 ( 0.1) 74.1 ( 3.0) 87.2 ( 3.0) 82.2 ( 0.4) 93.5 ( 0.5) 93.9 ( 1.3) 89.3 ( 0.7) 96.4 ( 0.1) 79.3 ( 0.9) 86.6 ( 1.7) 72.6 ( 0.8) (1) 81.8 ( 0.8) (1) 88.5 ( 0.9) 67.1 ( 1.0) 84.3 ( 0.4)

AUC-LPC m=1 68.3 ( 0.3) 76.7 ( 1.3) 93.9 ( 1.5) 99.5 ( 0.1) 75.6 ( 1.0) 88.9 ( 3.0) 82.2 ( 0.6) 91.8 ( 0.4) 93.8 ( 1.5) 88.6 ( 0.9) 95.7 ( 0.6) 78.2 ( 0.7) 89.7 ( 0.7) 72.2 ( 1.9) 95.8 ( 0.2) 82.1 ( 1.5) 95.8 ( 0.2) 86.8 ( 0.9) 70.3 ( 1.1) 84.0 ( 0.7)

crossval. m=3 (1) 73.7 ( 1.5) 95.5 ( 0.4) 99.4 ( 0.1) 77.0 ( 1.4) 88.8 ( 2.7) 82.1 ( 0.3) 92.0 ( 0.4) 93.5 ( 2.7) 89.3 ( 0.7) 96.7 ( 0.6) 77.8 ( 0.8) 88.9 ( 0.9) 72.4 ( 0.7) (1) 82.0 ( 1.0) (1) 87.8 ( 1.3) 69.4 ( 1.3) 84.7 ( 0.3)

The columns two and four show that the performance by the nearest neighbor sampling is just in a single case significantly better than random sampling (for dataset Breast malignant). The third and fifth column shows that using more constraints on average improves performance, but in some cases the dataset is too large to allow an optimization for m = 3. Only for the Iris data the m = 1 performance is better than for m = 3. This can happen because there is some class overlap here, and by subsampling it might happen that the constraints from the overlap area is sampled less intensively, which makes the final optimization easier. The difference between optimizing C and choosing a fixed C = 10 is relatively small here, only in five cases significant improvement is observed. This is confirmed by looking at the optimized values for C, that are often between 1 and 100.



The standard approach to minimize the classification error can be hampered by the instability due to low sample size, or can be completely invalid in the case that class priors are heavily imbalanced.

In these cases it is advantageous to optimize the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC). Unfortunately, the optimization of the AUC is not straightforward. The optimization of the AUC can be formulated in terms of a large set of constraints. These constraints force the output of the classifier to be higher for objects of the positive class than for objects of the negative class. Because all these object pairs have to be considered, the number of constraints becomes very large. In this paper we proposed a linear programming formulation. With this formulation, it is very simple to reduce the complexity of the optimization problem, because it only requires the subsampling of the constraints. By the subsampling of the constraints, and not a subsampling of objects as was proposed in other heuristics, an unbiased estimate of the constraints is obtained. Moreover, it allows the use of part of the constraints as a validation set for the optimization of a hyper parameter. This avoids the need of reserving part of the training set for a validation set. Experiments show that this AUC-optimized classifier (AUC-LPC) often outperforms normal classifiers, in particular when the sample size is small. The AUC-LPC shows a remarkable robustness against reducing the sample size, and the reduction of the number of constraints. This suggests that there is highly redundant information present in the constraints, and it is not mandatory to try to satisfy all constraints explicitly in order to find the optimal solution.



This work was partly supported by the Foundation for Applied Sciences (STW) and the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).

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