1 The Closed Ideal With Respect To an Element Of a

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which is a generalization of the notion of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BCH-algebra. Keywords: BCH-algebra, BH-algebra, b-closed ideal in a ...
The Closed Ideal With Respect To an Element Of a BH-Algebra

BY Assist. prof. Hussein Hadi Abbass University of Kufa \ College of Education for girls\ Department of Mathematics Msc_hussien@yahoo.com

Assist. Lecturer Hasan Mohammed Ali Saeed University of Kufa\College of Engineering\Department of Material Engineering Has_moh2005@yahoo.com

Abstract In this paper, we generalize some basic concepts to a BH-algebra, we find the relation

between the notion of an associative BH-algebra and a Group of abstract algebra and we define the notion of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BH-algebra which is a generalization of the notion of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BCH-algebra.

Keywords: BCH-algebra, BH-algebra, b-closed ideal in a BH-algebra

Introduction In 1983, (Q. P. Hu) and (X. Li) introduced the notion of BCH-algebra which are a generalization of BCK/BCI-algebras [7]. In 1991, (M. A. Chaudhry) introduced the notions of BCA-part of a BCH-algebra, medial part of a BCH-algebra, subalgebra of a BCH-algebra, ideals and closed ideals in a BCH-algebra[4]. In 1996, (M.A. Chaudhry and H. Fakhar-Ud-Din) introduced the notions of a medial BCH-algebra[5]. In 1998, ( Y. B. Jun ) introduced the notion of a BH-algebra, which is a generalization of BCH-algebras[10]. Then, (Y. B. Jun, E. H. Roh, H. S. Kim and Q. Zhang) discussed more properties on BH-algebras [6, 8, 10]. In 2009, (A. B. Saeid, A. Namdar and R.A. Borzooei) introduced the notions of a p-semisimple BCHalgebra, an associative BCH-algebra[1]. In 2011 , (H. H. Abbass) and (H. M. A. Saeed) introduced the notion of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BCHalgebra[3].


In this paper, we generalize the notions of (a p-semisimple BCH-algebra, an associative BCH-algebra, medial BCH-algebra, BCA-part of a BCH-algebra and medial part of a BCH-algebra) about a BH-algebra and find the relation between the notion of an associative BH-algebra an a Group of abstract algebra firstly. Then we define the notion of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BH-algebra which is a generalization of the notion of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BCHalgebra which we defined in previous paper[3]. Finally we concept the notion of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BH-algebra and ideals of a BCH-algebra.

1. Preliminaries In this section we recall some basic concepts about BCH-algebra, p-semi simple BCHalgebra ,medial BCH-algebra , associative BCH-algebra, BCA-part of a BCH-algebra , medial part of a BCH-algebra, Ideal of a BCH-algebra, Closed Ideal of a BCH-algebra, Closed Ideal with respect to an element of a BCH-algebra, BH-algebra, BH-subalgebra and ideal of a BH-algebra, with some propositions and theorems.

Definition (1.1) : [7] A BCH-algebra is an algebra (X,*,0), where X is a nonempty set, * is a binary operation and 0 is a constant , satisfying the following axioms: i. x * x = 0, x X. ii. x * y =0 and y * x = 0 imply x = y, x, y X. iii. ( x * y ) * z = ( x * z ) * y, x, y, z X.

Definition (1.2) : [1] A BCH-algebra X satisfying condition 0 * x = 0 algebra

x = 0 is called a P-semisimple BCH-

Definition (1.3) : [5] A BCH-algebra X is called medial if x * ( x * y ) = y , for all x, y


Definition (1.4) : [1] A BCH-algebra X is called an associative BCH-algebra if: ( x * y ) * z = x * ( y * z ) , for all x , y , z X.

Definition (1.5) : [4] Let X be a BCH-algebra . Then the set X+ = { x

X : 0 * x = 0 } is called the BCA-part of X.

Remark (1.6) : [4] The BCA-part X+ of X is a nonempty since 0 *0 = 0 gives 0

X+ .


Definition (1.7) : [4] Let X be a BCH-algebra . Then the set med(X) = {x X : 0 * (0 * x) = x} is called the medial part of X .

Remark (1.8) : [4] In a BCH-algebra X the medial part (med(X)) of X is a nonempty, since 0 * (0 *0) = 0 gives 0 med(X) .

Proposition (1.9) : [5] Let X be a BCH-algebra. Then 0*x Med(X) for all x X, that is, 0*(0*(0*x)) = 0*x.

Theorem (1.10) : [5] Let X be a BCH-algebra . Then x

med(X) if and only if x*y = 0*(y*x), for all x, y X.

Definition (1.11) : [5]: Let I be a nonempty subset of a BH-algebra X. Then I is called an ideal of X if it satisfies: i. 0 I. ii. x*y I and y I imply x I

Definition (1.12) : [4] An ideal I of a BCH-algebra X is called a closed ideal of X if: for every x I, we have 0*x I.

Definition (1.13): [3] Let X be a BCH-algebra and I be an ideal of X . Then I is called a closed ideal with respect to an element b X (denoted by b-closed ideal) if: b*(0*x) I, for all x I.

Remark (1.14): [3] In a BCH-algebra X , the ideal I = {0} is the closed ideal with respect to 0 . Also , the ideal I = X is the closed ideal with respect to all elements of X.

Definition (1.15) : [2,10] A BH-algebra is a nonempty set X with a constant 0 and a binary operation * satisfying the following conditions: i. x * x = 0, x X. ii. x * y = 0 and y * x = 0 imply x = y, x, y X. iii. x *0 = x, x X.

Remark (1.16) : [10] Every BCH-algebra is a BH-algebra, but the converse is not true.


Definition (1.17) : [10] A nonempty subset S of a BH-algebra X is called a BH-Subalgebra or Subalgebra of X if x * y S, for all x, y S.

Definition (1.18) : [9]: Let I be a nonempty subset of a BH-algebra X. Then I is called an ideal of X if it satisfies: i. 0 I. ii. x*y I and y I imply x I

2. The main results In this section, we generalize the notions of a p-semisimple BH-algebra, medial BHalgebra, associative BH-algebra, medial part of a BH-algebra and a BCA-part of a BH-algebra firstly. Then we define the notion of a Closed Ideal with respect to an element of a BHalgebra, finally we study some properties of this conventions.

Remark (2.1) : We generalize the notion of a p-semisimple BCH-algebra to a BH-algebra as follows A BH-algebra X satisfying the condition 0 * x = 0 x = 0 is called a P-semisimple BHalgebra

Example (2.2): Consider the BH-algebra X = {0, a, b, c} with The following operation table. * 0 a b 0 a b 0 a 0 c a b c 0 b c b a c Then X is a p-semisimple BH-algebra, since 0*x = 0

c c b a 0

x = 0.

Remark (2.3) : We generalize the notion of a medial BCH-algebra to a BH-algebra as follows: A BH-algebra X is called medial if x * ( x * y ) = y , for all x, y X

Example (2.4): Let X be the BH-algebra in example (2.2). Then X is a medial BH-algebra, since x*(x*y) = y, x, y X


Remark (2.5) : We generalize the notion of an associative BCH-algebra to a BH-algebra as follows: A BH-algebra X is called an associative BH-algebra if: (x*y)*z = x*(y*z), x , y , z X.

Example (2.6): Let X be the BH-algebra in example (2.2). Then X is an associative BH-algebra, since (x*y)*z = x*(y*z), x, y, z X.

Theorem (2.7) Every associative BH-algebra is a group Proof Let (X,*, 0) be an associative BH-algebra To prove that (X, *) is a group 1. Since a*b X, a, b X X is a closed under * 2. X is an associative

[Since a*(b*c)=(a*b)*c. By definition(2.5)]

3. the identity element is 0 , Since Let a X i. a*0 = a [Since x*0 = x, x X. By definition (1.15)] ii. 0*a= (a*a)*a [Since x*x = 0, x X. By definition(1.15)] = a*(a*a) [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = a*0 [Since x*x = 0, x X. By definition(1.15)] =a [Since x*0 = x, x X. By definition(1.15)] 4. let a X a*a=0 Therefore, (X,*) is a group.

a-1 = a

Remark (2.8) The converse of the above theorem is not necessary to be true as in the following example

Example (2.9) Let (Z,+) be a group of the integer number under the binary operation of an addition and the identity element is 0. Then (Z, +, 0) is not an associative BH-algebra, Since 1 Z, but 1+1 = 2 0 (Z,+,0) is not a BH-algebra and consequently it is not an associative BH-algebra

Remark (2.10): If X is not associative BH-algebra. Then the theorem(2.7) is not true as in the following example


Example (2.11): Consider the BH-algebra X = {0, a, b, c, d} with The following operation table. * 0 a b c 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a a b b 0 0 b c c c 0 c d d d d d the set X is not a Group, because a*(b*c) = a*0 = a

d d d d d 0

(a*b)*c = 0*c = 0.

Theorem (2.12) Every associative BH-algebra is an abelian Group

Proof Let (X,*,0) be an associative BH-algebra By theorem(2.7) we get (X,*) is a Group To prove that X is an abelian Group Let a, b X a*b X To prove that a*b = b*a a*b = 0*(a*b) [Since X be a Group and 0 be an identity 0*x = x =x*0, x X] = (b*b)*(a*b) [Since x*x = 0, x X. By definition(1.15)] = b*(b*(a*b)) [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = b*((b*a)*b) [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = (b*(b*a))*b [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = (b*(b*a))*(b*0) [Since x*0 = x, x X. By definition(1.15)] = (b*(b*a))*(b*(a*a)) [Since x*x = 0, x X. By definition(1.15)] = (b*(b*a))*((b*a)*a) [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = b*((b*a)*((b*a))*a)) [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = b*(((b*a)*(b*a))*a) [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = b*(0*a) [Since x*x = 0, x X. By definition(1.15)] = (b*0)*a [Since X is an associative BH-algebra. By definition(2.5)] = b*a [Since x*0 = x, x X. By definition(1.15)] Therefore, (X,*) is an abelian group.

Remark (2.16) : We generalize the notion of a BCA-part of a BCH-algebra to a BH-algebra as follows: Let X be a BH-algebra . Then the set X+ = { x X : 0 * x = 0 } is called the BCA-part of X .

Example (2.17): Let X be the BH-algebra in example (2.11). Then X+ = {0, a, b, c} is the BCA-part of a BH-algebra X, since 0*0 = 0 , 0*a = 0 , 0*b = 0 and 0*c = 0 . Hence each of 0, a, b, c X+


Remark (2.18) : We generalize the notion of a medial part of a BCH-algebra to a BH-algebra as follows: Let X be a BH-algebra . Then the set med(X) = {x X : 0 * (0 * x) = x} is called the medial part of X .

Example (2.19): Consider X be the BH-algebra in example (2.11). Then the set med(X) = {0, d} is a medial part of a BH-algebra X, since 0*(0*0) = 0*0 = 0 0 med(X) and 0*(0*d) = 0*d = d d med(X)

Definition (2.20): Let X be a BH-algebra and I be an ideal of X . Then I is called a Closed Ideal with respect to an element b X (denoted b-closed ideal) if b*(0*x) I , for all x I.

Remark (2.21): In a BH-algebra X , the ideal I = {0} is 0-closed ideal. Also , the ideal I = X is b-closed ideal, b X.

Example (2.22): Consider the BH-algebra X = {0, a, b, c} where * is defined as follows: * 0 a b






















Then the set I ={0, a} is a-closed ideal, Since (1) I is an ideal, because [0*0=0 I, 0 I 0 I a*0=a I, 0 I a I b*0=b I [0*a=c I a*a=0 I, a I a I b*a = b I

c*0=c I c I] c*a = c I]

0 I a I.

(2) [a*(0*0) = a*0 = a I a*(0*a) = a*c = 0 I] [ i.e. a*(0*x) I, x I] I is a-closed ideal of X. But I is not 0-closed ideal, Since

0*(0*a) = 0*c = b


Proposition (2.23) : Let X be a BH-algebra , and I be an ideal of X. If x

I ,then I is not x-closed ideal of X.

proof let x I ,then x*(0*0) = x*0

[Since x*x = 0, x X. By definition(1.15) of a BH-algebra]


But x*0 = x x*(0*0) = x I Therefore, I is not x-closed ideal of X.

[Since x*0 = x, x X. By definition(1.15) of a BH-algebra]

Theorem (2.24): Let X= X+ be a BH-algebra and I be an ideal of X. Then I is a b-closed ideal, b I.

Proof Let b I, To prove that I is a b-closed ideal let x I ,then we have b*(0*x) = b*0 =b b*(0*x) = b I Therefore, I is a b-closed ideal of X, b I.

[Since X=X+ 0*x = 0, x X+. By definition(2.16)] [Since x*0 = x, x X. By definition(1.15)]

Theorem ( 2.25): Let { Ii , i } be a family of b-closed ideals of a BH-algebra X. then is a b-closed ideal of X,

Proof: To prove that

is an ideal

(1) 0 Ii , i

[Since each Ii is an ideal of X, i

. By definition(1.18)]


(2) let x*y



x Ii , i

x*y Ii and y [Since each Ii is ideal,

Ii , i i

. By definition(1.18)]

x Therefore ,

is an ideal of X. To prove that Let x

is a b-closed ideal ,then x Ii , i



Ii , i

[Since Ii is b-closed ideal, i

. By definition(2.20)]


is a b-closed ideal of X.

Theorem (2.26): Let { Ii , i b-closed ideal of X,

} be a chain of b-closed ideals of a BH-algebra X. then

is a

Proof To prove that

is an ideal

(1) 0 Ii , i

[Since each Ii is an ideal of X, i

. By definition(1.18)]

0 (2) let x*y



Ij , Ik { Ii }i , such that x*y Ij and y Ik , either Ij Ik or Ik Ii [ Since {Ii}i is a chain ] either x*y Ij and y Ij or x*y Ik and y Ik either x Ij or x Ik [ Since Ij and Ik are ideals. By definition(1.18)] x is an ideal

To prove that

let x

is a b-closed ideal of X.



{ Ii } i


such that x


[Since Ij is a b-closed ideal of X. By definition(2.20)]

b*(0*x) is a b-closed ideal of X.


conclusion In this research we generalize some basic concept from a BCH-algebra to a BH-algebra firstly. Then we are bind between the BH-algebras and the abstract algebras. Finally we define the concept of a closed ideal with respect to an element of a BH-algebra and give some theorems about this notion.

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