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[IMAGE]Totalt(t1) (t2) (t-5) (t6) 5t7 (9x9) Total 5t75t (8x8) Total5t75t (7x7) Total5t75t T 5t7 T tnumber G Grid size T Ttotal 180 I have a 9 x 9 grid that which forevermore shall be I forever shall draw a "T" shape on. To which I forever shall rotate 180 degree clockwise. I forever shall then write down the numbers inside the shape to find out the patternГўв¬В¦ Across [IMAGE]Total21120211973 [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] [IMAGE](T-number2) [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Total31221222078 [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE](T-number3) [IMAGE] [IMAGE]Total41322232183 [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE](T-number4) Rule5 I found out that which forevermore shall be whem I move my rotated 180-degree "T" shape across I add on 5 to the answer..283662750625375120 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B-jgmXiLdIPQMi1mNFFRSm5taE0/ - Black Sails season 1080.