Jan 15, 2008 - ROBERT NORMAN, M.D.. Robinson Institute,. University of Adelaide, ... REBECCA SIMMONS, M.D.. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,.
11TH ANNUAL MEETING OCTOBER 17-18, 2013 Newport, RI, USA
LIPID-STIMULATED TNFα RELEASE FROM MONONUCLEAR CELLS IS RELATED TO OVARIAN ANDROGEN HYPERRESPONSIVENESS TO HCG STIMULATION IN POLYCYSTIC OVARY SYNDROME. Ola A. Abdelhadi(1), Robert V. ConsidineV(2), Anthony J. Acton(2), Chang Ling Sia(1) and Frank González(1). (1)Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology and (2)Dept. of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA We examined the effect of in vitro and in vivo lipid exposure on mononuclear cell (MNC)-derived TNFα release in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) compared with ovulatory controls; and the relationship of these effects with the ovarian androgen response to HCG administration. Sixteen women with PCOS (8 lean and 8 obese) between ages 18-40, diagnosed on the basis of oligo- or amenorrhea and hyperandrogenemia, and 13 ovulatory controls (8 lean; 5 obese) of similar age were selected for study. All subjects ingested 100 ml of dairy cream and received a single 5000 IU IM injection of HCG within 5-8 days of menses. MNC were isolated from fasting blood samples and exposed in culture to lipid (palmitate) under pre- (0.4 mM) and post-prandial (0.8 mM) conditions. MNC obtained from blood samples drawn fasting and 2 hours after cream ingestion were also placed in culture. TNFα release was measured by ELISA in MNC supernatants. Androgens and 17hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) were measured by RIA from blood samples drawn while fasting and 24, 48 and 96 hours after HCG administration. Insulin sensitivity was derived by ISOGTT. The absolute change in TNFα release (pg/ml) between the pre- and post-prandial in vitro culture conditions and following cream ingestion was greater (p