Jan 21, 2014 ... 4 t roa os,.u9 •~~M" •il•• to ua,aea aqu.u• •U•• u4 1te pop.alation ... nian
autbor111aa to l••••n the icport• ~• ot adnoritiaa raaidina in .... horrible conditione
taol.ng tho otill ourviving 1ewo of Tr&noniotrie, Tb• . .... At leoot an oddi ti.onal
$200 ,ooo is nudod to food those a till r
l'\ 'ibe do .. or tiM tirat •01'14 War, JtOW'IIli!Ll.t.a t.,rltor)' waa 1oor..... 4 t r oa
os ,.u9 •~~M"
ua ,aea
aqu.u• •U•• u4 1te
pop.alation 1't'Hl 1 ,~0,000 1o 16,000,000 ptopll .
To ol 4 Rou•n1t.
, . . ldhd Tranayha.nb, Baua.ra.bta aed Butovirsat lt N tabtd Sout h.. arn Dobtu.SJa,. Ba tote 1918 U a Ja•hb popul.lt1oa fll.Urlbered approd-
matalr soo ,ooo.
lith a aqu1ait1on ot tba
opul atioa 1a.raalt4~
Undar tba
Dt• ~rri~orr ,
the Ja• iab
ot tba Traa~J • i t h Rou~nia
(Daoambar 9 , 1919), Rou.manb ul"'4n·hot to Noogl'llr;a u Rou.•nhn Hationall i5Mo tact.o and • Ubou\ 1.ba requ.iral!ltnt ot aer tor•llty,
inhabUicg any RouM.nia a tlrtliory wbo did rtoi poauu anotbar
national itr (Article 1)/. tbt p arsnt.ae corrta.1ne4
Altbou&b tbia Tr aatr • •• dulr r at1tio4,
th.ra1D .,., not 1eoorpontad ie tba RoullJloian
Coneti tut1on rit-b the nnl'\ that '\.ba nptctaUon. or tb.e traeen ot tba T.-.aty wre otver raaUud.
The hera .. of nooa. . ht sovarn-
•rrt• gnrt.d.uallJ • • Utla4 , . .,. tiM r ipt·a ot tba Jan
pol Hioal , eoomol'llo aM ohil
in Rou-.nia an4 '\be Jawa wart MYir att ond , ..
quality wi'tb the oihtr 1DbabUal!l14 llviaa i n Rou.manh.
A oanau1 tat an , bf '\ba Polloi Authorities in 1924 abowad
t.ot..l ot 796,000 1t•• iD Or.atar R.oUd.nia• 230,000 in 014 Rou.mnia , 238,000 1n Bau anbt., U8,000 1n &lko'fia., and 200, 000 ia T.ran.arl...
Tbt otrioial
nwaber cr 1••1ab
taken in l9SO aho• d
lnb&bi tan~a,
• dacUn• in 'tba
1bia • a• 4ue to 1ba 4aa ira ot t:be Rou ..
. . ni an autbor111aa t o l••••n the
icport• ~•
ot adnoritiaa raaidina in
tb.l oou.n\r J •
.U ibe outb.raat ot t.ba pn11nt contliot 1a
19~9 ,
ibt Jewiab
population ot Roumal'lla mabtrhl& a pproli•ttlJ 800 , 000 , .. 4111:r1bu.tad •• tollowat
~00 ,000
i a Ol4 RC~U~~nta. and
DobrudJa; S30,000 lD
B• ua,r.bio an4 Buko'f'iM, J20,000 iD !'ra~Jln.nia and 't.bli Benat: Region.
- 2-
Bukb iM to On Juno 29, 1940 Roun nia loet Ba11a rabia a nd Northern Dobrudjo end on Ruaei a: on Augus t 21 , 1940 Bulgar ia obto>nod South ern ohsngad in the Ausue t l!J. , 1940 11\lnp ry aoqui ra d Trana ylvan ia, Than to 70 ,000 aqua r o "t
Jowe, who hod booCMO Soviet Cmai ee-
troop e or tho reg i on or Oy ROII&fl1an prle onere, an4 ort;an1ae a ua:$
or a r-a now parro,...1nr u aatul. wor k l n the
AI'T.IYI the y hav.t aubaor-l bod to the Loan o r a r e _...t i ll6 to be 1nvi ta4 ~o
aubacri ba to i t att ar
gi ven plen t y t or ftoa p ital n aad&l
other• hove antar-od the uld Klntldom artar June 20 , 1940 11ea1ng the • Sovl a t regl .a a and pl'n ing thua the ir- a ttachmen t to ltu\llllan l a. And all t haaa J a wa-- t hoao or tha Old l'.iDt.dOIII aa wall a a
~hoa •
ot South lluoov1na
or Por ta t a Nhtar ll arab&lr Yo ur l atur ot the lllth lnat . ••a handed to . . i n the
•••nlna ot
2la t in at . Al t }.o\lj)o i t o roued a ; petitio n r or•arde d in tho a:orniDI! or
Oo to~r
to a.lt' OU£" l n t lll l petiti on can be roWld-a hort but ol aar - t he a n awera 011 ..1r eever al que a t 1ono ,.>Ut b J Your li.ltc e ll a noy, I r ..l oblige d n ot to lia1t
1ona with t o t he 01are elQ)ral alOJI Of ay tbanlca , but t o &llao anawer your or J awa or North- llua ovina and or lleaarabia, unclar the r ea tr1ct 1on that the oa11e ri gh ta could be wi thd rawn 1n 1nd1•1dual oaaoa ,--a law wh l oh in 117 op1n1on e xcluded maea d e po rta tion and e tra ngthenad me ln "'7 bolla!' thn t ro,y r aqu a at wa e in onnrorm1ty wl t h the I'IOtto ot Your Excellency: " Ju etioe ia g1•en to &OJ'bod:J who poaaa aaaa lt or who appl1e• tor it," '.l'hua , juetic e for t h e Jewa cannot be 11tta••e nt than jue tioe tor other p e ople, ond 1 t 1a not
poeai bl~
t o eay that ,
a r aw Jawa are contemp-
tible, ell t h e J ewa ore oonteDtpt1bla , blendin u the s ood a.n d the bad , 'i'here cannot be two k i nde
lha lluan1an J awe a re nu aetana
and not llou=aniana a nd oonae quentl y , we cannot be h e ld rae pona lble for t h e ir ao tlona, juat ao the Jewe o !' 11eaarab1a and lluoov1na ,--....,nl:at t he tam111aa •' ot wb0111 aany havo boon aant t o S ibarh--cnnnot be hel d r eeponuible !'or t he doado of t hooa ol' their r alativaa who had baoome Communin to, the more tru e linea and t h o
'l'h1a 11 all
J awa of tho entire world !>ad di aavowed Comnuni am
Jewa .
l>o did t h e Ra bbi a ot. Un1 t ad ''ollllan1a a t aw 1eara • no unde r the prea1danc7 or t l.e lata Creat Rabbi Or . I , !liUii rowar , and ao did I i .n • 1 l a otu.rla and 1n a pMphla t wb1oh I publhhad i n 111221 a o d id abo the lllller ican J awa through t:he proclamation or tho llmarioan J ewhh
wh i ch d a•
ola rad tha t the triumph or bollhe villl!l "woul cl inevi tably load to de otruc t 1on or Judaie ••
I t oan at1ll le.. b e oonoaivad that tha whole
Ro.-nian J awr-7,
ah ould be held r aaponalbla tor the acta ot the Ruaalan J awt. l t the Rou.anlana - - J awl or Oa nt1laa, a oldl ara or o1Y111ana•-ooa altta4
ouoh barbaroua a ct a, t be oulpr1ta .uat r or tba aold ler, evan the
the ooneequanoaa tha reor ,--
a old1ar , 1a a .art JI' who dafa nda h1 a
a ountrJ ,--anp~aled
And now • I will give proolee en awere t o tha Udazwazu
Marahall Antonaaou antruatad • • with tran . .1tt1ng t ha rollowtns anawar to
pat1t1on of' !lOY-bar 3 0 or thla 7'88l"l
• I . . aurprhad at tba wa:r in 'llll1ob you andaaYor to prove tha' in tba :r•ar or 10• 0 tba RoMn1an paopla ware oloaa to your ba art durinG the traslo annta with .mioh tba:r wer a oYal"tthalllad . In raot , the argument& e l i oh :rou ara preaent1nt 1n tha anoloaura
ot your pa t1t1on, era noth1nK alee but o el•••r 41aplay or tha " aaorit1oaa• .,.da by J awa tor " tba1r Roaanlan f'atbarland" , t'roa tho War ot IDdapandano a to l OfO, aa thoueh RoooanJ. a bad bean rounded and buil t up thanlca to J awiab e allantr :r and Jew1ab blood h•hhl:r ahad 1n tba oouraa or tlaaa on our battlat lalda, (Bnoloaura
~. )
·' or the Union o r J awiab In tha o1rou1ar
c.-...unl.t1 . .
(Enoloaura 8)
you do not baG ot all tba J awa, aa you olala 1n your pat1t1on, "to . .braoa w1tb rratarnal love the Ra.anlan ra-.aa ooa1ns rroa tha pro•1ncaa t.-poraril:r t urned 1nto battlaf'1ald a" , but you aak t hea to "contribute with all their maan a t o tha aid or the r atus••• ooa1nu f'l'oa Beaa rabl a nnd f'l'oa Nora.' ucortna" 1 aa th1e ap oeal h u n l!;hl and SatUI'da:r-orni nc
be en addraued b7 :rour Rabbh
i n their F'riday
it . .ana that 1t waa onl:r a q uaa t1on
ot contribut i on t or tba balp or tba J aw1ab ratuc•••• a1nca 1t 1• uaual t o eolleet oont» i buttlona throu11h t he •Jn&I:OtiUe, tore al alaadlng.
Your 1ntnpratat1on ••• t here-
Likew iaa, the trunca ted reprod uction or an articl e publ1ahad g but bJ the "Curie rul l arael 1t" (Ko . R2 or J ul7 10, 1940) wee .othln bia aad a vague diaapp roval or the abjaot aiadaa da or the J awa or Baaara that i\ lor th- Bucovi aa, a1nce, Mr. Pilder aan, it baa bean aa t abltah ed waa the J awa who had co~tttad t ho aa tanobl e horror a. trated ln anoloa ura lo. 3, it ia aaid, "The tacta ware parpa alao bJ inbabi tanti or the evacua ted provin oaa, among whoa there ware to what J ewa. Wa do not know , to what d•sr•• the rwnora are true , no» t hat degree Jawa or Saeara bi a partic ipated in the repreh ensibl e acta r cuilt ware oomnt ttad there. But whatev er m&J be the truth , whateve born ano we may have tn thoaa aota or aavage madnaa a, perpe trated by people in boousp t up under anothe r regime who did not have time to be united their aoulall
Antone acu baa aald hla word.
All tha Jewa will have t o l eave who came to Romania attar 191• and all thoaa or the liberat ed provinoa a , without axoaptio n. The J awa or tha Old ltlngdooa will b a allowed t o re-1n , who raa1dad thera before 191•, provided they comply with the l a we or our country. Su t among tham, all thoae will alao have to laava who are comaun1 ata or thoae who will make aubverai va
or eaaooia te
then aelvea w1 th t he enemiaa or our country and all tho ae who will tr, to aabotage 1n one way or another the intereat a or the Romanian State and the Rouma nian Paopla . have to eome to da!'end our Roaanlan right a and our country , a1nca our h•therto too indulgen t ho ap1 taU ty, or whi ch tha Jewa particul arly took advantag e , t aoilitat ad the aubetitu tion or !low, "
for eigners,
aapecial ly Jewa , tor Romanian a in tboae right a.
In ap1 t e
or thi a aubat1 tution, thay did no t ahow any gratarul naaa, on tha oontrary many or them repaid our k1ndneaa and hoap1ta l1ty with hatred and hoatility. We ara
to atop thia ai t uat1on.
Wa oanno t J aopar-
di&a tha axia t unoa ot our Paopla , wh1oh baa hammered out it a h1 ator, and s aalad ita righta on ~ia aoil wi th a laYiahna aa or aaoriric a and or blood in heavy r i ghting a gaina t all kinde or 1nvadera - Wa oennot Jeopardi ze our r1ghta tor tha aaka or • raw hundred thouaand Jew• or to s ava the pr1no1p la or a humanit arian damoorao y, wrongly undera tood and repaid with hatred, crimea and ho at 1l i ty. On th1a Romanian aoil Romanian s are and will remain the ma atera , be cauae tb1a auat be. Tha othera a1ijht be tolerate d 1r they do not t ry to ateal our ri~t a, it they aubmit without a murmur to the lawa or our country and do not stand 1n the way or our nationa l aap1rati ona . You and your J ewa muat underata nd thta, Mr . P1lderc an, and t hoaa who will not undar atand 1t, will have to leave. "
et1a1ato J• ' •
'.:'tlo lleoreta17
Ov141u Al. Vl adaaou
(n1unodl Vlodaacu