12 highly informative polymorphisms - Europe PMC

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Nov 22, 1993 - DNA to which GJB1 and CCG1 have already been mapped. A recent report of mutations in the GJB1 gene in subjects with CMTX1 makes this a ...

J Med Genet 1994;31:193-196

X linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTX1): a study of 15 families with 12 highly informative polymorphisms S Cochrane, J Bergoffen, N D Fairweather, E Muller, M L Mostacciuolo, A P Monaco, K H Fischbeck, N E Haites

males showed pes cavus, distal muscle wasting, and weakness which is progressive from the mid teens. Diminished or absent tendon reflexes are also present, initially in the lower limbs but eventually progressing to the upper limbs, with variable sensory loss. In addition, affected males within these families had median nerve conduction velocities of less than 38 m/sec, a feature also observed in dominantly inherited CMT type 1. Wide variation in the severity of clinical signs was found in carrier females who had later onset of symptoms, with some obligate carriers being asymptomatic. Genomic DNA was isolated from peripheral white blood cells using a modified standard technique."3 Southern blot analysis was performed using the markers M27P (DXS225)"4 and PGK1. 5 PCR amplification of microsatel(J7 Med Genet 1994;31:193-196) lites at HAR,'6 PGKP1,'7 DXS106,'8 DXS135,19 DXS453,20 DXS559,2' DXS227,'5 DXS56 and PGK1,22 DXS441,23 and X linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease DXYS 124 was performed according to the con(CMTX) is a clinically heterogeneous group of ditions previously described. diseases with both dominant and recessive Affected members of all families were also inheritance. The dominant form (CMTX1) probed with pVAW409R3a,"' to confirm the was provisionally assigned to the proximal absence of the chromosome 17pI 1.2-12 duplilong arm of the X chromosome in 1985.1 This cation. has been confirmed by the work of several other groups in many families,2-8 and the gene has subsequently been localised to the segment Results and discussion of proximal Xq between PGKP1 (Xql 1.2-12) All the families show a pattern of inheritance and DXS72 (Xq21.1).9 In addition, other consistent with an X linked disease (that is, no workers have described recessive forms, one male to male transmission). DNA analysis of associated with mental retardation, provision- affected members no indication of the ally mapping to Xp22.2 and the other to duplication at 17p1showed 1.2-12, increasing the likeXq26.'0 lihood X of linked inheritance. CMTX1 was once considered rare in comNot all of the polymorphic markers studied parison to autosomal dominant forms. How- were informative in every family. As expected, ever the ability to test for the duplication at there were fewer recombinants detected in the chromosome 17pl 1.2-12,"1 12 characteristic of smaller pedigrees. Clinically normal females the majority of HMSN1A families, has who were carriers were excluded allowed diagnosis to be reconsidered in many from the not obligate The individual recombinaanalysis. smaller families, whose inheritance and clinical tion events which did occur in specific families features were not inconsistent with either are shown in 4. These recombinants localise fig mode of inheritance. the X linked CMT to the region distal to gene We report here a study performed on 15 X DXS106 and proximal to (Xqll.2-12)'926 linked dominant families (figs 1A, 1B, and 2) (Xql3.1).25 These markers flank apusing 12 recently described highly informative DXS559 2 to 3 Mb of DNA (A P Monaco, proximately polymorphisms (fig 3) spanning the region of personal communication, 1993). interest on the X chromosome. For diagnostic purposes, the locus DXS453 would therefore appear to be a useful marker for the disease, with no recombinations at this Materials and methods site having yet been detected. The families were identified at regional neuroTwo genes have already been mapped to the logical and genetic clinics in the United King- region Xql3.1, GJB127 and CCG1.2628 The dom, the USA, and Italy. Typically, affected CCG1 (cell cycle Gl phase defect) gene comAbstract X linked dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMTX1) has previously been localised to Xql3-21. Fifteen -families were studied using 12 highly informative polymorphisms in the pericentric region of the X chromosome. Phase known recombinations in these families localise the X linked dominant CMT gene to the region distal to DXS106 (Xqll.2-12) and proximal to DXS559 (Xql3.1). These markers flank approximately 2 to 3 Mb of DNA to which GJB1 and CCG1 have already been mapped. A recent report of mutations in the GJB1 gene in subjects with CMTX1 makes this a strong candidate gene.

Medical Genetics, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Aberdeen Medical School, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB9 2ZD, UK S Cochrane N D Fairweather N E Haites

Department of Genetics, Kaiser Permanente Medical Group, San Jose, CA, USA J Bergoffen Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA J Bergoffen K H Fischbeck ICRF Laboratories, Institute of Molecular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK N D Fairweather A P Monaco Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biology, University of Padova, Padova, Italy E Muller M L Mostacciuolo Correspondence


Dr Haites. Received 6 October 1993 Revised version accepted for publication 22 November 1993


Cochrane, Bergoffen, Fairweather, Muller, Mostacciuolo, Monaco, Fischbeck, Haites A


Ab4 0t


Pedigree B3

Pedigree B2

3digree B5

0 TP Tb


Pedigree B9

Pedigree B4

Pedigree B6

Pedigree 15



Figure 1 (A) Pedigree of Scottish family 8206.

Pedigree B8

Pedigree B7




(B) Pedigrees of eight British and one Italian families.




X linked Charcot-Marie- Tooth disease (CMTXI)

Pedigree 51 B

Pedigree 133

11 E * t

&FO 6 6 [J-ff 6

Figure 2 Pedigrees offive American families. 8206


51 B 63



M270 21.1





11.3 11.23 11.22 11.21


p:- 2 3 4


DXS255 DXS106 DXS453



HAR PGK1 P1 DXS135 DXS1 06 DXS453 GJB1, CCG1 DXS559 DXS227 DXS441 DXS56 PGK1

11.2 12 13.1

13.2 q

13.3 21.1 21.2




Figure 3 Schematic map of the X chromosomal region Xp21.1-Xq2I.3, showing loci segregated into 15 different intervals," with relevant marker positions.


DXS559 DXS227 DXS441



Figure 4 Recombination analysis using variable number simple sequence repeats (VSSR) and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP). The markers used are listed in chromosomal order25 on the left. Across the top, the numbers represent carrier females with informative meioses. The vertical lines represent X chromosomes that have undergone phase known recombination during meiosis. Open circles represent non-recombinant loci, and closed circles represent recombinations that have occurred.9 A horizontal bar denotes an uninformative result. The arrows point in the direction in which the X linked HMSN gene must therefore lie.


Cochrane, Bergoffen, Fairweather, Muller, Mostacciuolo, Monaco, Fischbeck, Haites

plements a hamster cell cycle mutation and is therefore required in normal cell growth and division. Its functional presence allows cells to pass out of the Gl phase of cell cycle events, which in turn commits them to completing the S, G2, and M phases.29 GJB1 (gap junction protein f1), otherwise known as Connexin32 (Cx32), is, as its name suggests, a gap junction protein of molecular weight 32 kDa. Cx32 is widely expressed in human tissues30 and mutations within this gene have been found in subjects with CMTX1 making this a strong candidate gene for this disease.3' This work was funded by grant GENO-CT91-0017 from the Commission of the European Communities and previously by the Muscular Dystrophy Group of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the Dana Foundation, and by NINDS grants NS08075 and NS26330. The financial support of Teleton-Italy is also gratefully acknowledged. We would like to thank all of the doctors and families who have contributed to this study. 1


3 4


6 7


9 10 11

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