New building code was puplished early this year, and replaced building code nr. 441/1998. Regarding acoustics and noise
The new Icelandic Building Code Effecting acoustics and noise control
Introduction • Ólafur Daníelsson, M.Sc. Civil engineering. • Division manager – Acoustics and noise control in EFLA • Board member in IAS, Icelandic Acoustical Society • Member of EVHSC, Nordic Ergonomics of Voice, Hearing and Speech Communication –
Changes in the Icelandic building code • New building code was puplished early this year, and replaced building code nr. 441/1998. Regarding acoustics and noise control, the new building code refers completely to a new standard, ÍST45:2011. The ÍST45:2011 is a sound quality classification standard with classes A, B, C and D, where C defines the minimum requirements for new buildings. • The difference between minimum requirements in 441/1998 and ÍST45:2011 is remarkable.
Icelandic Building Code 441/1998 • The old building code defined minimum requirements for several aspects of acoustics in buildings, that is airborne sound insulation, impact noise level, noise level from various equipment and reverberation time.
Icelandic Building Code 441/1998
Sound classification in ÍST 45:2011
Sound classification in ÍST 45:2011
Requirements in ÍST 45:2011 • Requirements are categorized: – Apartment buildings – Higher education school buildings – School buildings, kindergardens, after school centers and other school buildings (under 10th grade). – Hospitals and other healthcare organizations – Hotels – Offices – Sound absorption classes for other types of commercial buildings
Requirments in ÍST45:2011
Birgit Rasmussen, Claus Møller Petersen, BNAM 2012
Birgit Rasmussen, Jonas Brunskog, Dan Hoffmeyer, BNAM 2012