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Salvador Araneta Campus, Victoneta Avenue, Malabon City, Philippines. *Corresponding author: [email protected]. ABSTRACT – In distant island ...
Journal of Nature Studies 15 (1): 41-57 ISSN: 1655-3179



Arthur J. Lagbas1,2* and Consuelo Dl. Habito1 Faculty of Management and Development Studies, University of the Philippines Open University, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines


College of Arts, Sciences and Technology, De La Salle Araneta University, Salvador Araneta Campus, Victoneta Avenue, Malabon City, Philippines *Corresponding author: [email protected]

ABSTRACT – In distant island communities like Polillo Island, adequate supply of freshwater and potable water is becoming a problem due to increasing population and climate change. Traditional communal drinking wells are reliable sources of potable water but groundwater is vulnerable to contamination from a range of sources. A study was conducted to assess the water quality of three traditional communal drinking wells in Barangay Libo and Barangay Pandan in the Municipality of Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon. Water samples were collected in May 2014 and November 2014, and the physico-chemical and microbiological parameters were characterized. Physico-chemical analysis showed that water samples are within the limits recommended by the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water (2007). Microbiological analysis indicated total coliform and fecal coliform contamination and the possibility of the presence of water-borne pathogenic microorganisms. Data from the barangay health station showed that incidence of diseases associated with consumption of contaminated water are rare possibly because the local people may have developed partial immunity. This study indicates that well water if consumed untreated is not suitable for human consumption due to fecal coliform contamination. Use of disinfectants and implementation of protection measures to wells is necessary to improve the groundwater quality. Keywords: Water quality, traditional communal drinking well, physicochemical, microbiological, Panukulan, Polillo Island INTRODUCTION Access to safe and sustainable drinking water source is a worldwide major problem. This problem is most evident in low income rural communities in developing countries, and in isolated island communities where distribution of water through piped network is not possible. For this reason, most people rely mainly on rainwater harvesting and groundwater sources for their household needs. The traditional sources of drinking water which include rainwater, boreholes, natural spring, and hand dug wells are considered as indispensable sources by the rural sectors. However, the safety and quality of these water sources, particularly hand dug wells, depend on environmental factors, management of resource users, proximity to pollution sources and other risk factors. The most vulnerable to chemical and microbial contamination are the hand dug wells (Liddle et al 2015, Wuta et al 2015, Kamanula et al 2014, To cite this paper: Lagbas, A. J. & Habito, C. Dl. 2016. Water Quality of Traditional Communal Drinking Wells: The Case of a Fishing Community in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon, Philippines. Journal of Nature Studies. 15 (1): 41-57 Journal of Nature Studies 15(1)


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Masoud 2014, Wanke et al 2014, Zabed et al 2014, Mukhopadhyay et al 2012, Richardson et al 2009, Pritchard et al 2008, Amanatidou et al 2007, Bordalo and Savva-Bordalo 2007, Pritchard et al 2007, Yassin et al 2006) in which the water quality deteriorates during rainy season (Moyo 2013, Pritchard et al 2008, Pritchard et al 2007, Howard et al 2003). Water of poor quality if consumed by humans can cause socio-economic cost through mortality, loss of productivity and public health damage. Cholera, diarrhea, gastrointestinal and kidney problems are fatal diseases associated with contaminated water that affects the most vulnerable population (children and old people). Outbreaks of waterborne diseases related to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in well water have been reported in low income areas such as Bolama Island, Guinea-Bissau (Bordalo and Savva-Bordalo 2007), Mopti region, Mali (Halvorson et al 2011), Malawi (Kamanula et al 2014, Msilimba and Wanda 2013, Pritchard et al 2008) and in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon Province (Mr. Evaristo Pestañas and Mr. Cesar Quizana, personal communication) which is the subject area of this study. Polillo Island, an island in the eastern portion of Quezon Province, Philippines, is a remote island municipality. In this island, there is no water pipe network facility. To augment the need of local people for freshwater, hand dug wells were created from shallow aquifers, but groundwater is unfit for drinking due to its salty taste. To meet their freshwater demand, other sources of clean water in Polillo Island are rainwater and natural springs. Due to lack of clean freshwater resources, local people are heavily reliant on hand dug wells for domestic consumption but these are vulnerable to bacterial and chemical contamination. Due to its distant location, disinfection by chlorination is unsustainable. Thus, the quality and safety of water from natural springs and wells is suspect. A cheap way to avoid the diseases associated with consumption of well water and practiced by local people is by boiling to kill microbial pathogens. Considering the low income in this island community, purified drinking water sold in the island is unaffordable to many poor families living at subsistence level. Thus, natural spring, rainwater and water from hand dug wells provide an inexpensive source of potable freshwater. In the 1980s and 1990s, an epidemic associated with contaminated groundwater occurred in Barangay Libo, a coastal barangay in the Municipality of Panukulan, Polillo Island. Key informant interview revealed that groundwater in Panukulan was contaminated by cholera Ogama which was brought by Japanese visitors through fecal disposal. This incident killed several children and adults who experienced severe abdominal pain and dehydration. Due to the geographical isolation of Polillo Island, lack of medical facilities, unavailability of medicine and medical practitioners, incidence of childhood mortality associated with water-borne diseases increased. During this time, many families migrated to Infanta, Quezon Province to avoid the disease. Up to this date, the old residents still remember this horrible event in their local history. At present, only few incidences of water-borne illnesses were reported in this barangay and neighbor barangay. To the best of our knowledge, there are no water quality studies of traditional communal drinking wells in the Municipality of Panukulan, Polillo Island and information on seasonal water quality is also lacking. Thus, in the absence of published work, the present study would serve as a baseline water quality data. In this study, the water samples from traditional communal drinking wells were characterized for physico-chemical and microbiological parameters to assess their fitness for human consumption in relation to the Philippine National Standard for Drinking Water (PNSDW). The present study aims to evaluate if the traditional drinking wells can provide safe drinking water to the local people of the Municipality of Panukulan, Polillo Island. The results reported in this study is limited to chloride, electric conductivity, fluoride, nitrate, pH, salinity, total iron, total hardness, total dissolved solids (TDS), heterotrophic plate count, total coliform and fecal coliform of well water samples in dry season (May 2014) and wet season (November 2014).


Journal of Nature Studies 15(1)

Water Quality of Traditional Communal Drinking Wells: The Case of a Fishing Community in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon, Philippines

MATERIALS AND METHODS Study Area The study was conducted in Barangay Libo in the Municipality of Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon (Figure 1). Polillo Island is located in the eastern portion of Quezon. Panukulan was a former barangay of the Municipality of Polillo and was converted into a municipality on July 18, 1967 through Executive Order No. 77. Its name was derived from the Tagalog word Panulukan meaning street corner (Afuang, undated). Barangay Libo is bounded by Barangay Pandan, Barangay Kinalagte and Barangay Pag-itan. The name libo was derived from Tagalog word lu’bo (lobo) meaning balloon. The Dumagats were the first inhabitants of Polillo Island (Barangay Profile, KALAHI-CIDSS). Barangay Libo has a land area of 902 hectares and 483 hectares are agricultural land (rice and coconut farm) (Barangay Profile, KALAHI-CIDSS). This area was selected because local people were highly dependent on communal hand dug wells for drinking and cooking purposes, and the lack of previous study about water quality of drinking wells in this area. Barangay Libo and Barangay Pandan are surrounded by a long stretch of rough, sharp, coralline rocks, fine sand, coral reefs and mangrove forest, and land is characterized as flat to gently sloping with coconut plantation covering the largest part of its total land area. On one hand, the land of Barangay Kinalagti is characterized as moderately sloping and is covered with coconut trees and vegetation.

Figure 1. The Philippine map (upper right) showing the location of Polillo Island (encircled). Retrieved on 04 May 2016 from https://goo.gl/DbirTk

Traditional communal drinking wells in Panukulan The traditional communal drinking wells were identified based on key informant interview. According to a senior key informant, majority of their local people and nearby barangay (Barangay Pandan and Kinalagti) relied on two communal drinking wells: libis well and lawis well (Figure 2a). In


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addition, local people also collected drinking water in a hand dug well in Barangay Pandan (Figure 2c) and in a natural spring in Barangay Kinalagti (Figure 2b) but these were not easily accessible and far from their home. The descriptions of drinking wells are presented in Table 1.




Figure 2. (a) Location of libis well (upper left) and lawis well (upper right) in Barangay Libo, Panukulan (b) spring in Barangay Kinalagti (c) shallow hand dug well in Barangay Pandan.


Journal of Nature Studies 15(1)

Water Quality of Traditional Communal Drinking Wells: The Case of a Fishing Community in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon, Philippines

Table 1. Location and characteristics of traditional communal drinking wells in Panukulan, Polillo Island. Type of water source

Protection feature

Location and surrounding area

libis well

concrete internal casing, concrete mouth casing, concrete cover, concrete surrounding pavement

Barangay Libo, near rice field and houses, a few meters away from a shallow well used for bathing and washing clothes

lawis well

concrete internal casing, concrete mouth casing, iron sheet cover, concrete surrounding pavement

Barangay Libo, inside a private lot, near a rice field and houses, a few feet away from a deep well used for bathing and washing clothes


no internal casing, concrete mouth casing, plastic screen cover, concrete surrounding pavement

Barangay Pandan, upland, in the middle of a coconut farm and surrounded by trees and small plants, far from houses


no protection

Barangay Kinalagti, upland, in the middle of coconut farm, far from houses

Libis well is located in a private lot and in a low density residential area. It was designated by the barangay local government as a common property well. The well is shallow and was manually dug in sandy bedrock. The well is fully protected; has concrete internal casing, concrete mouth casing, concrete cover, and concrete surrounding pavement. A manual pump was installed to collect water. According to local people, libis well does not dry up in summer season. On one hand, lawis well is inside a privately owned lot and is near a rice field. Lawis well is deep compared with libis well and was manually dug in solid bedrock. The internal casing, mouth casing, and surrounding pavement is concrete, and the mouth is covered with a rusty iron sheet. Like libis well, lawis well does not dry up in summer season and is continuously fed by groundwater recharge.

Collection of water samples Water samples in drinking wells and spring were collected between 0500H to 0630H on May 30, 2014 and November 8, 2014. Water samples were also collected in two private rainwater concrete tanks for comparison. Three 500 ml water samples were collected using a plastic bucket traditionally used by the local people. Polyethylene bottles were rinsed with water samples three times before they were filled to capacity. For water sampling in libis well, water was pumped out for two minutes to discharge stagnant water that had stood for a period in the service pipeline. The sample bottles were rinsed three times before collection. Samples for microbiological test were collected in 120 ml sterile bottles. The mouth of the sampling bottle was sprayed with 70% ethanol and a nylon string previously disinfected with 70% ethanol was tied on the mouth of sampling bottles. The sampling bottles were plunged into the well below the water level until the bottles were filled then pulled out and the mouth of the bottle was sprayed with alcohol before covering.


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Physico-chemical analysis The water samples were analyzed for the following water quality parameters: chloride, electric conductivity, fluoride, nitrate, pH, salinity, total iron, total hardness, and total dissolved solids (TDS). Color was observed by visual inspection of water while odor and taste were determined by sensory evaluation. The pH was determined using a BECKMAN pH meter and RoHS PH-009(I)A pen type pH meter. Chloride content and total hardness were determined following the American Public Health Association Standard Methods for the Examination of Drinking Water and Wastewater (APHA 1992). Conductivity, salinity and TDS were determined using EZDO 7200 pen type pH meter and HM Digital Water Tester (AP-1). Fluoride, nitrate, and total iron were analyzed using Hach DR 3900 spectrophotometer. Results were compared to the limits recommended by the PNSDW (2007). Microbiological analysis Water samples were analyzed for total coliform and fecal coliform using multiple tube fermentation method and heterotrophic plate count (HPC) using pour plate method. All samples were analyzed following the methods recommended by the National Reference Laboratory, Department of Health. Results were compared to the limits recommended by the PNSDW (2007). Barangay health profile Health records which contained the demographic profile of patients, symptoms and diagnosis of health worker were obtained from Barangay Health Station on May 29, 2014 to check for cases of diseases associated with consumption of contaminated water. Available data at the time of collection were from April 18, 2012 to May 20, 2014. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Barangay Libo the traditional drinking wells, libis well and lawis well, had adequate supply of freshwater year round. Libis well serves as the main source of clean and safe drinking water of Barangay Libo and other nearby barangays. This well is located a few meters away from houses and a rice field. This well is protected with concrete cover and a pipe is connected to a manual pump to extract the water. A few meters away from libis well is a shallow well traditionally used for bathing and washing clothes only. Like libis well, this well is also a few meters away from houses and rice fields. Often, the water used for feeding the pump in libis well comes from the shallow open well. Another source of drinking water is lawis well, a privately owned well located at the foot of a hill beside a rice farm. This well is few meters away from a non-drinking well which is used for bathing and washing clothes. The other communal drinking water sources are located in Barangay Kinalagti and Barangay Pandan. However, unlike libis well and lawis well, the spring in Kinalagti and hand dug well in Pandan are located in the remote part of the barangay. Both water sources are within a coconut forest and far from the barangay road. Local people said that Pandan well and Kinalagti spring dry up in summer season. In all wells, the local people use a bamboo pole with plastic bucket to collect water. The plastic bucket and bamboo pole are only replaced when they are damaged, and because these are traditionally used every day without soaping or disinfection, the plastic bucket and bamboo pole could be a source of microbial contamination. When not in use the plastic bucket is hung on tree branches.


Journal of Nature Studies 15(1)

Water Quality of Traditional Communal Drinking Wells: The Case of a Fishing Community in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon, Philippines

Physico-chemical quality of well water As presented in Table 2, the physico-chemical parameters of well water samples changed with season, and were within the recommended limits of the PNSDW (2007), except for the water pH of lawis well and shallow well in Barangay Pandan which were below the recommended limit of the World Health Organization (pH range: 6.5-8.5). The chloride decreased in the following order: libis well > lawis well > Pandan well, and was slightly higher in November water samples. High chloride in water gives a salty taste and causes formation of deposits in kettle. Electric conductivity ranged from 171-603 μS/cm (May) and 78-605 μS/cm (November). Total hardness ranged from 36-276 mg/l (May), 27-350 mg/l (November), and was higher in November samples than May samples. Hard water, which is high in calcium and magnesium, causes formation of deposit in kettle, and prevents dissolution of soap and detergent, but is not a health hazard (Moyo 2013). Iron was only detected in highest concentration in lawis well. High iron concentration has no health implications (Moyo 2013). Fluoride was not detected in the May samples. Fluoride in water contributes to the development of healthy teeth but concentration in excess of 1.5 mg/l can lead to mottling of teeth and skeletal flourosis (Pritchard et al 2008). Nitrate was detected only in May samples of lawis well and libis well; both wells were near the rice farm. The possible source of nitrate is inorganic fertilizers applied to rice fields during farming season. The below detection limit of nitrate in November samples could be due to the dilution effect during wet season. High level of nitrate may cause methaemoglobinaemia (Moyo 2013). Water pH ranged from 6.13-7.33 (May) and 5.9-7.6 (November). This could be due to higher dissolution of many substances when groundwater is abundant during the rainy season. Acidic water in which the pH is less than 6.0 (Pritchard et al., 2007) can cause corrosion of protection material in well such as metal internal casing. Salinity ranged from 51-301 ppt (May) and 40-83 ppt (November). TDS ranged 65-402 mg/l (May) and 49-294 mg/l (November), and was lower in November than in May possibly due to dilution effect during rainy season (Pritchard et al 2007) and groundwater recharge (Wuta et al 2015). High TDS makes the water unpalatable to drink (Pritchard et al 2008). Comparison of the water quality characteristics of the three drinking wells showed that the water quality of Barangay Pandan well was superior, while libis well exhibited the highest chloride, conductivity, salinity, total dissolved solids and total hardness. This could be attributed to the fact that libis well was located a few meters away from the shoreline. The results also confirmed local peoples’ observation that libis well water was slightly salty. A comparison of the water pH of lawis well to other studies showed similarity to the water pH of wells along a dambo transect in Chihota, Zimbabwe (6.32-6.39) (Wuta et al 2015) and water pH (mean pH=6.5) of shallow wells within dolomitelimestone formation in Ndora, Zambia (Liddle et al 2015). On one hand, Barangay Pandan well was located in upland, vegetated area and far from the seashore, hence the conductivity, chloride content and salinity were low compared with libis well and lawis well. Total iron of well waters was three times higher compared with spring water and about eight times higher compared with rainwater, while fluoride was not detected in May samples. Water samples in lawis well had the highest total iron content. Iron contamination probably originated from the rusty iron sheet cover used to protect its opening from materials accidentally falling on the well such as leaves, stems, plastics and feces of birds and fruit bats which could be a source of fecal coliform contamination. Nevertheless, the total iron concentration was far below the limit recommended by the PNSDW. Meanwhile the electric conductivity, hardness and salinity of spring water collected in Barangay Kinalagti were comparatively lower than well water samples. Rainwater harvested in a private concrete storage tank in November 2014 had a pH value of 8.88 and was comparable to rainwater pH (range: 7.63-8.80, mean: 8.35) in Kefalonia Island, Greece (Sazakli et al 2007). On the other hand, in a study conducted by Moon et al (2012), the pH of rainwater

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samples in Jeju volcanic island, Republic of Korea, from June to October, 2008, was in the range of 3.1-7.4 (mean=5.2). This study showed that rainwater in Polillo Island is not acidic. In an unpolluted island community like Polillo Island, where freshwater is scarce, rainwater harvesting is of great socio-economic importance due to its practicability (rainwater is collected at or near the point of consumption), low operation cost, low maintenance cost, and few negative environmental impacts. Rainwater has usually superior chemical and physical properties than groundwater which is relatively subject to contamination. Besides the organoleptic characteristics of rainwater such as color, taste, smell and turbidity are highly acceptable to local people. Simple regression (Figure 3) and correlation analysis were performed using Microsoft Soft Excel and MINITAB version 15. Correlation analysis revealed significant positive correlation between chloride and conductivity (p=0.004), chloride and total hardness (p=0.004), chloride and salinity (p=0.004), chloride and TDS (p=0.021), conductivity and total hardness (p=0.000), conductivity and salinity (p=0.000), conductivity and TDS (p=0.000), total hardness and salinity (p=0.000), total hardness and TDS (p=0.000), and salinity and TDS (p=0.000) at p=0.05 (Table 3). Table 2. Physico-chemical properties of water samples collected in May 2014 and November 2014.

May 2014

November 2014

Parameters LaW








PNSDW Limite
































Total hardnessa

55.56 276.51








Total irona







> 8.0

> 8.0

Lawis well

> 8.0

> 8.0

> 8.0

> 8.0

Kinalagti spring

> 8.0

> 8.0

> 8.0

> 8.0

Pandan well

> 8.0

> 8.0

> 8.0

> 8.0


< 1.1

< 1.1

> 8.0

< 1.1


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e Figure 4. Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) of (a) libis well, (b) lawis well, (c) Pandan well, (d) Kinalagi spring, (e) rainwater from a private tank.


Journal of Nature Studies 15(1)

Water Quality of Traditional Communal Drinking Wells: The Case of a Fishing Community in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon, Philippines

Figure 5. (a) Occurrence of health problems per month from April 2012 to May 2014. (b) Percentage of health problems from April 2012 to May 2014.


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Barangay health profile

Health records (Figure 5a) showed highest recorded number of patients during the month of April followed by the months of May, August and June. There were no patients reported for the month of November. Acute upper respiratory infection (AURI) was the most frequently encountered health problem (Figure 5b). Furthermore, it showed that AURI was most common in children age 1 to 10 years old, while the less frequently reported health problems were iron deficiency anemia, urinary tract infection, systemic viral infection, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension (HPN), acute gastroenteritis (AGE), impetigo, diabetis mellitus (DM), asthma, boil, acute gastritis, intestinal parasitism, allergy, ischemic heart disease (IHD), gastritis, tonsillitis, dermatitis, musculoskeletal disorder (MSD), chicken pox, dyspepsia, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and other disorders. Illnesses suspected to be related or associated with consumption of contaminated water were acute gastritis, acute gastroenteritis, gastritis and urinary tract infection, but these are rarely reported. CONCLUSION Hand dug wells in Polillo Island are the only reliable source of potable and drinking water to the local people and their suitability for providing safe water must be evaluated. In this study, the waters in communal drinking wells, spring and harvested rainwater are suitable for human consumption in terms of physico-chemical parameters of the PNSDW (2007). However, microbiological characterization revealed that the well water samples were contaminated by fecal and coliform bacteria, making it unfit for human consumption without treatment. The sources of contaminants were not conclusively identified in this study. The validity of the microbial test result should be checked by conducting in situ microbial testing. Rainwater quality was of comparable quality with purified water in terms of physico-chemical parameters and has low fecal and coliform count, thus rainwater harvesting is seen as the safest source of drinking water. However, the quality of rainwater is affected by the availability, management, and maintenance of rainwater collecting tanks. Based on the patient records of Barangay Health Station, there was no incidence of illnesses associated with consumption of microbiologically contaminated water such as diarrhea, cholera, typhoid fever and urinary tract infection. However, the low incidence of suspected water-borne diseases does not guarantee that the communal drinking wells are safe for human use. People should observe precautionary measures to ensure safety of their drinking water such as disinfection by chlorination and full protection of wells. While it is possible that the level of microbial pathogens in well water is low or negligible when tested in situ, the local people, most especially the adults in the community, may have developed partial immunity to the microorganisms because of continuous exposure (Richardson et al 2009 and the references therein). RECOMMENDATION This study recommends the following: 1.

Water from all communal wells should be boiled, treated with inexpensive disinfectant or powdered seeds of Moringa oleifera (Pritchard et al 2009) before use, most especially water from libis well because this showed the highest microbial colony count.


The use of iron sheet as cover for lawis well should be replaced by corrosion resistant material to reduce iron contamination.


Journal of Nature Studies 15(1)

Water Quality of Traditional Communal Drinking Wells: The Case of a Fishing Community in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon, Philippines


Provide internal casing, mouth casing and cover to the well in Barangay Pandan to reduce its vulnerability to contamination. Concrete well opening should be constructed and elevated above the ground surface to prevent direct ingress from overland flow particularly during rainy season (Liddle et al 2015).


The water pH of lawis well and Pandan well can be increased by adding inexpensive material such as oyster/clam shells to drinking water containers (Bordalo and Savva-Bordalo 2007).


During rainy season when water quality deteriorates (e.g. increased turbidity) during rapid groundwater recharge, drinking water should be collected before heavy rainfall event.

STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP This study was part of the special problem of the first author for the Master of Environment and Natural Resources Management at the University of the Philippines Open University. Data collection and analysis, key informant interviews and final paper was done primarily by the senior author with significant contributions from the other author.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The first author is grateful to Mr. Evaristo Pestañas and Mr. Cesar D. Quizana for providing geographical, socio-economic background of Polillo Island, and local history of Barangay Libo; Mr. Jayson M. Villeza for assistance during water sampling; Mr. Bryan L. Surla, Mr. Voltaire Daniel R. Navarro, Ms. Maureen Glicelle P. Tena of BGR Hydrolab Testing Center for assistance in chemical and microbiological test of water samples; Ms. Liezl A. Mendoza for proofreading the manuscript.

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Water Quality of Traditional Communal Drinking Wells: The Case of a Fishing Community in Panukulan, Polillo Island, Quezon, Philippines

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JOURNAL OF NATURE STUDIES (formerly Nature’s Bulletin) ISSN: 1655-3179

Journal of Nature Studies 15(1)