Norman, Oklahoma 73069. 405-366-5812. FAX: 405-366-5945. CEEB: 372-555. Mission Statement.
High School is a four-year comprehensive public high school with a growing enrollment of 2,150 students. It is accredited by North Central Association, the Oklahoma State Department of Education and the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Association. The school year consists of two 18-week semesters with a 7 class flexible schedule, consisting of 55 minute periods.
ADMINISTRATION Scott Beck, Principal Clinette Franks, Assistant Principal Dave Gibson, Assistant Principal Shayna Kutt, Assistant Principal th Kristy Smith, 9 Grade Principal
Katie Cortest, 9 Grade Counselor Deana Edgar, Counselor Michael Grubb, Counselor Melanie Hayes, Counselor Hailey Thomas, Counselor Kelly Storm, Counselor Terri Stafford, Registrar
STAFF Certified Personnel – 127 (PhD/EdD=5; MA=63; BA=59) Support – 35 Counselors – 6 Administrators – 5 Student/Teacher Ratio – 16:1
COMMUNITY OF NORMAN Norman High School is part of the Norman Independent School District. Our city is a thriving community of steady corporate and residential growth. It is known for its civic pride and business opportunities. Norman has a population of over 118,119, making it the third largest city in Oklahoma. The school district instructs over 17,500 students in 17 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, an alternative high school and 2 senior high schools. Norman residents are able to enjoy many cultural, recreational, and entertainment choices. Oklahoma City is only 25 minutes away with additional venues. Major industries include: Hitachi Corporation, Johnson Controls, National Oceanographic & Aeronautical, National Weather Center, University of Oklahoma, and the U.S. Postal Training Center.
Con-Current Enrollment Juniors and seniors may take courses at local colleges and universities. Career Education Through different programs at NHS students are allowed to incorporate work experience into their academic plans. Orange Thumb and Tiger Stop are school business owned and operated by students in different academic areas including Business Education, Art, Family & Consumer Science and Agricultural Education. See our web page for more details. Students interested in technical and career-specific skills to prepare for such careers as automotive, child care, computers, construction, cosmetology, industrial technology, health care, and landscape may enroll in a two-year program at Moore-Norman Technology Center. Bus transportation is provided both a.m. and p.m. Communications Journalism students produce The Trail yearbook which has received state and national awards. Norman High also publishes a student newspaper, Tiger Tribune, which is available on line at
[email protected] Students are provided the opportunity to study broadcasting through the production of District-wide programs on a local cable TV Channel 18. Special Education Norman Public Schools provides comprehensive services to qualifying students. Fine & Performing Arts Norman High School offers a wide array of courses allowing for an in-depth exploration of the arts. Drawing, photography, painting, drama, modern dance are some of its specialized areas. The music department encompasses marching band, orchestra, and choral programs. All have received superior and top honors at competitions. A musical showcasing the talents of many of our students is performed each fall. Alternative Education An alternative high school program offers a different approach to learning with a nontraditional curriculum in a less structured environment. Guidance and Counseling A team of six counselors provides support and services to students in areas including course placement, personal adjustment, and college and career counseling. select Norman High School
GRADING SCALE Rank and grade point averages are based on a 4.0 scale and are not weighted.
A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 70-79 D = 60-69 F = 0-59
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS English 4 units Math 3 units (Algebra I rigor or greater) Science 3 units World History 1 unit United States History 1 unit Government ½ unit Oklahoma History ½ unit Electives 10 units* TOTAL
23 units
*Fine Arts Two units or competencies must be earned sometime during the 4 years of high school. Semester-long courses equal .5 units Year-long courses equal 1 unit 209.5 different courses are offered for credit at NHS. An additional 28 courses are offered at the Technology Center.
GPA DISTRIBUTION 463 Graduates in 2017 #1 Rank, 26 students 4.0 Top 25%, >3.665 Top 33%, >3.488 Top 50% >3.143
POST-SECONDARY PLANS Pursued higher education 361 Four-year college In-state 194 Out-of-state 47 Two-year college In-state 116 Out-of-state 4 Vocational/Technical School 28 Military 10 Work force 65
78% 42% 10% 25% 1% 6% 2% 14%
SAT Scores 37 students tested for 16-17 Year 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
Reading NHS State 599 571 633 576 595 576 593 582 EBRW 628 520
Nat’l 496 497 495 494 538
Math NHS 571 623 575 585 Math 606
State 569 571 569 573
Nat’l 514 513 511 508
Writing NHS 577 599 554 583
State 549 550 548 553
Natl 488 487 484 482
ACT Scores Year 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
443 Students tested for 16-17 NHS State 22.4 20.8 21.7 20.3 22.5 20.7 22.3 20.7 21.3 19.4
Nat’l 20.9 21.0 21.0 21.0 21.0
National Merit Recognition Year 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
Commended 3 5 5 2 1
Semi-Final 0 0 0 0 1
Final 4 8 4 5 4
Oklahoma Academic Scholars Year 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
Number 45 41 48 42 41 52
Academics 1 2 2 2 2 2
Athletics 12 13 14 10 09 10
College Prep World History Advanced Placement American History Advanced Placement European History Advanced Placement Government & Politics-US & Comparative Advanced Placement Human Geography Advanced Placement World History College Prep Biology Advanced Placement Biology II College Prep Chemistry I Advanced Placement Chemistry Advanced Placement Physics B & C Advanced Placement Environmental Science Advanced Placement Calculus AB & BC Advanced Placement Statistics Math Analysis AEGIS Mathematics (advanced mentor) III & IV Advanced Placement Capstone III Advanced Placement Capstone IV Advanced Placement Computer Science A Advanced Placement Psychology Advanced Placement Studio Art Advanced Placement Spanish Language Advanced Placement French Language Advanced Placement Latin: Vergil Advanced Placement courses passed with a 3, 4, or 5: 60% 161 seniors took 532 Advanced Placement tests.
All-State Students Year 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17
Pre-AP English l & 2 Advanced Placement English Language Advanced Placement Literature & Composition AEGIS English (advanced mentor) III & IV
Fine Arts 50 54 53 50 48 50
Advanced Placement Scholars National AP Scholar: 1 student qualified by earning 4 or more on all AP exams taken with 4 or better and scores on nine or more exams. AP Scholar with Distinction Award: 18 students qualified with an average score of 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or better on 5 or more exams. AP Scholar with Honors 28 students qualified with an average score of 3.25 on all exams taken, and scores of 3 or above on at least 4 AP exams. AP Scholar: 54 students qualified for the award by earning a score of 3 or above on at least 3 AP exams.
911 West Main Street Norman, Oklahoma 73069 405-366-5812 FAX: 405-366-5945
CEEB: 372-555
Mission Statement Tigers of Character CIVITAS – LITTERAE – VIRTUS Citizenship, Scholarship & Character