18 Sep Announcements.pdf - Google Drive

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present with us to challenge, encourage and bless. In our busy activism, it is an. important and wonderful thing to simp
Next Week’s Rota (25 September 2016)... Service




Kim Shumlansky

Tim Gallant


Warwick Browne

Warwick Browne


Pauline Ahn

Lee Nam Joo


Julian & Niumai Peach

Vana Eliezer


Erika Boak

Christina Anderson


Ashley Harte

Upcoming Events...

Please take note if you are on duty next week. Your involvement in our services is very welcome. Please contact Christina Leong if you would like to be involved. Visit the links below to check when you are on duty: 9.30 AM Service: https://goo.gl/U5wQeP

ICFN (ICF North) ICF North Services are at HOPE School North. All are welcome! Upcoming ICFN Services: Sunday 18 September 9.30am coffee followed by service Sunday 25 September 4pm (followed by shared dinner) Contact Warwick Browne ICFN Facilitator, Tel: 017 440 422, [email protected]

ICF Monthly Prayer Meeting

4.00 PM Service: https://goo.gl/SaAH6R

Attendance Last Sunday... Service




Tim Gallant

9.30 AM




4.00 PM





Leonie, Bud, Ely, Dany, Yunny

Robert Gillen

ICF North





Yong Lim

Claire Willard




Prayer Corner

Claire Willard

We have the opportunity to pray together on the first Saturday of each month. We will meet in the ICF Office at 10am for an hour on Saturday 1st October. We will pray for God’s church and God’s world. This is a good opportunity to depend on God as we pray and praise, and seek His ways together. Your presence will be an encouragement.

Please Take Note... ICF ELDERS During the time when Pastor Peter is on Sabbatical the Elders will lead the ICF. They are also available for pastoral care - a listening ear and an opportunity to pray with you. Please encourage all the Elders as they service the ICF, and especially during the Sabbatical - they will appreciate your support and partnership. Morning Service:

ICF Announcements To receive a pdf copy of our Sunday announcements, sign up here: http://www.icfpp.org/icf-announcement-sign-up.html Announcements will be emailed out every Friday.

HOME GROUPS Our small groups are a great way of getting to know some other people. Groups differ but they provide a safe space to learn together, to share and pray and encourage each otherand have fun too! Please see the Home Group sheet at the back table for details of the different groups.

Ms. Julieta Concepcion 012 945 602 Mr. Yong Lim 099 729 493

[email protected] [email protected]


Afternoon Service: Mr. Gilbert Appleby Mrs. Sarah Chhin Mrs. Vana Eliezer Mr. Tim Gallant

012 559 284 012 563 144 097 369 7232 012 574 930

[email protected] (Chairperson) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

During the sabbatical Pastor Peter will not be in normal email/phone contact. Please contact Christina Leong or Elders for all ICF items.

ICF Finance—A New Opportunity, A New Challenge! In lots of different ways ICF supports and encourages many expatriate Christians who are living and working in Phnom Penh. Over the past year God has been faithfully working in and through our church. Encouragements include uplifting Sunday services, practical and relevant Bible teaching, supporting each other in prayer, care and friendship, important ongoing ministries to children and youth, pastoral care, outreach, small groups, and the start of a new church congregation at ICF North. We have so much to thank God for! Without God’s gift of money we are unable to do many of these things. Money matters to God—that is why there is so much about money in the Bible! Money can enable and help God’s work to happen.

At this point we ask you to do two important things: 1. Please Pray - for our situation. God is ‘Jehovah Jireh’ - which means ‘The Lord will provide’. The reality is that God often provides through the generous, joyful and committed giving of His people.

2. Prayerfully and Carefully Consider Your Own Response. We are all members of the Body and are an important part of it. Please pray about your financial giving to God’s work at ICF. May we, both as a church, and individually, continue to know like Paul… “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19)

TREASURER NEEDED We believe that God is blessing ICF in many ways. We want to be able to continue and develop the ministries that God is using, and through which many people are being helped in their faith and in their lives. The ICF Council is thinking through what we can do, both in encouraging our God-centered generous, enthusiastic and cheerful giving, and good stewardship of what God gives us. We believe that God is leading us into the future and we believe that God is the one who provides for what is needed for His will to be done. One of our key priorities is—“Being Deeply Rooted in the One True God” our finances are part of this! So what can we do? Those things, which express faith in God who has promised to be generous:  Being thankful for His generous and sufficient provision to date.  Praying consistently and confidently that He will increase our income in

accordance with the purposes God has for the ICF.  Trusting Him to guide us in what we should give to the ICF. The practical outworking out of this is seeking to be generous as God is generous. The more we appreciate His faithfulness and generosity, the more we will want to do likewise.  Encouraging one another to keep our hope in God, not in the giving habits of people.

Mary Lüthy, our Treasurer, has faithfully served us for the past two years. She is looking to step down in the near future. If you have some experience in finance administration, and would like to find out more about serving in this way, please see Mary or email her at [email protected]. Or please contact our Administrator Christina Leong, at [email protected] for a job description.

Giving Chart: August 2016... 2015 Budget 2015 Giving 2015 Variance 2016 YTD Budget 2016 YTD Giving 2016 YTD Variance

$149,300 $154,081 $4,781

$117,990 $86,010 -$31,980

Weekly Budget Weekly Giving Weekly Variance

07-Aug 3,371 2,489 (882)

14-Aug 3,371 3,264 (107)

21-Aug 3,371 2,646 (725)

28-Aug 3,371 5,648 2,277

Sacred Assembly Saturday, 24th September 2016 12 noon—4pm

Sacred Assembly Saturday, 24th September 2016 12 noon—4pm



This is an annual event at the ICF when we come together before God. We spend time together  To focus on God  To praise and thank Him  To ask forgiveness where needed  To listen to Him  To seek to discern what God may be saying to us.

This is an annual event at the ICF when we come together before God. We spend time together  To focus on God  To praise and thank Him  To ask forgiveness where needed  To listen to Him  To seek to discern what God may be saying to us.

In the Old Testament there were special times when God’s people came together before God. Sacred Assemblies were times for God’s people to confess and turn from their sins. It was an opportunity to appreciate again God’s grace and faithfulness, and to return to Him in faithful love and obedience. In the New Testament there is much about renewing our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the Old Testament there were special times when God’s people came together before God. Sacred Assemblies were times for God’s people to confess and turn from their sins. It was an opportunity to appreciate again God’s grace and faithfulness, and to return to Him in faithful love and obedience. In the New Testament there is much about renewing our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Over the years God has reminded the ICF of His priorities and has sometimes given us new convictions and challenges. The Sacred Assembly has often been an important part of God’s leading, and an encouragement to us both individually and together. Often the Sacred Assembly has set the tone and direction for the year ahead.

Over the years God has reminded the ICF of His priorities and has sometimes given us new convictions and challenges. The Sacred Assembly has often been an important part of God’s leading, and an encouragement to us both individually and together. Often the Sacred Assembly has set the tone and direction for the year ahead.

Our present priorities came out of the Sacred Assembly. We believe these are key priorities for us:

Our present priorities came out of the Sacred Assembly. We believe these are key priorities for us:

 Being Deeply Rooted in the One True God.  Living Together in Unity and Connectedness.  Reaching Out Through Natural Connections.

 Being Deeply Rooted in the One True God.  Living Together in Unity and Connectedness.  Reaching Out Through Natural Connections.

We seek to come with openness to God so He can set His agenda.

We seek to come with openness to God so He can set His agenda.

We encourage all members of the ICF to aim to come to the Sacred Assembly this year. We trust and believe that as we come together before Him He will be present with us to challenge, encourage and bless. In our busy activism, it is an important and wonderful thing to simply spend time with our Heavenly Father.

We encourage all members of the ICF to aim to come to the Sacred Assembly this year. We trust and believe that as we come together before Him He will be present with us to challenge, encourage and bless. In our busy activism, it is an important and wonderful thing to simply spend time with our Heavenly Father.

How can we prepare for a Sacred Assembly? Pray…  That we would be hungry for God, and genuinely open to Him.  Against things that could stop us listening to God- over business, distractions, wrong motives, etc.  That we would be open to where we are falling short as a churchthat we would take responsibility together.  That we would be encouraged together- as we focus on God’s faithfulness and grace.  That we would really want to respond to God, and be willing to do things that may be costly and difficult.  For a willingness to listen with an open mind and heart to one another.  That we would be given wisdom and discernment.  For the ICF Council as they reflect on the Sacred Assembly and spend time away together on retreat afterwards.  That we would make efforts to be reconciled to others, if needed, before we meet together.  That we would experience the presence of God with us.

How can we prepare for a Sacred Assembly? Pray…  That we would be hungry for God, and genuinely open to Him.  Against things that could stop us listening to God- over business, distractions, wrong motives, etc.  That we would be open to where we are falling short as a churchthat we would take responsibility together.  That we would be encouraged together- as we focus on God’s faithfulness and grace.  That we would really want to respond to God, and be willing to do things that may be costly and difficult.  For a willingness to listen with an open mind and heart to one another.  That we would be given wisdom and discernment.  For the ICF Council as they reflect on the Sacred Assembly and spend time away together on retreat afterwards.  That we would make efforts to be reconciled to others, if needed, before we meet together.  That we would experience the presence of God with us.

Please aim to join us. Your presence will make a real difference!

Please aim to join us. Your presence will make a real difference!