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Advances in Environmental Biology, 7(8): 1937-1941, 2013. ISSN 1995-0756. This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and ...
1937 Advances in Environmental Biology, 7(8): 1937-1941, 2013 ISSN 1995-0756

This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed


Implementation of a rural cooperative management for achieve sustainable development for the first time in Iran 1

Manzar Ezati Abarghani, 2Seyed Mohammad Shobeiri and 3Hossein Meiboudi


Master of Education in Educational Administration, Payam-Noor University, Tehran Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Education, Payam-Noor University 3 Master of Natural Resources Engineering-Environment, Islamic Azad University, 2

Manzar Ezati Abarghani, Seyed Mohammad Shobeiri and Hossein Meiboudi; Implementation of a rural cooperative management for achieve sustainable development for the first time in Iran ABSTRACT Infrastructure to achieve sustainable development and social justice based on human observation and is a right which must be equal to the current and future generations will be covered. Development of collaborative and cooperative approach based on the key elements to achieve development and management cooperative infrastructure is key to it. Development of cooperative development process, economic, social and environmental issues will take. Understanding the role of these factors determines the management presenting a new pattern rural cooperative management is to achieve. This paper studies the implementation of a rural cooperative management to achieve sustainable development deals with the use of conventional development indicators are classified. And management role in the development and implementation of international standards to compare the patterns provided by the global model management has been co- prince. The results show that the proposed management model, has had an important role in the sustainable development of rural cooperative Sirius. Key words: sustainable development and the major components of the rural cooperative management, the board Introduction The term sustainable development of the World Commission on Environment and Development was first introduced in 1987. Since then, international organizations wishing to provide a precise definition of sustainable development features together. But the main and most key philosophical concept was developed in the mid seventies by UNESCO expressed that sustainable development is development that meets the needs of today without reducing future generations to meet. In simple words, the collaboration collaborate. In this regard, an application for participation by cooperatives and collective activities and a crucial factor for sustainable development and contribute to its survival. Institutions are cooperatives or social services agencies are required to provide their members and Lambs in all economic sectors and each of them can be found in time and space [1]. Pzshkyrad and Kianmehr quoted World Bank believes that Rural cooperatives should be recognized as a pioneer in the privatization new products and new markets and cooperatives to help boost investment in agriculture will Agricultural development is guided and strengthened.

Agricultural cooperative, is the community of people with limited means who have voluntarily come together and pursue economic and social goals and working efficiently, providing needed capital and profit risks based on cooperative work. With this interpretation, one of the indicators of sustainable development requires the cooperation of the capabilities and skills of its executive directors. The aim of this strategies for cooperative management and model management, case (Sirius rural cooperative prince) is performed. What this article is cited strategy for stepping in this direction is selected. Sirius rural cooperative is a cooperative centered prince as one of the most rural cooperatives known in Iran. Implement a rural cooperative management for the development of Iran's first rural cooperative sustainable Sirius is Outer national and international honors for this company is cooperative. These elements are as follows: • management policies, goals and programs to achieve sustainable development • Practical approach to process management system

Corresponding Author Manzar Ezati Abarghani, Master of Education in Educational Administration, Payam-Noor University, Tehran E-mail: [email protected]

1938 Adv. Environ. Biol., 7(8): 1937-1941, 2013

• government policy and how it relates to cooperative management to achieve sustainable development • Board and its role in managerial aspects This article is about the choice of methods to identify co-management activities measures and strategies to achieve sustainable development are discussed. Theoretical background and research: Management policies, goals and programs to achieve sustainable development Development planning ingredients, environmental, economic, social, environmental, etc. are included in this area is one of the most important elements of especially components of participatory management. UNDP Human Development Report states: contribution to the development and empowering people is linked to the [12]. Therefore management policies to achieve development in cooperatives and public effects are possible. The next Economic Report of the UN Department of Public Information prerequisite for economic development and promotion of civil and political rights is advanced. Moreover, some may argue that collective rights take precedence over individual rights. Primary products of basic principles for cooperative economic development policies: a legal and economic conditions for the development of cooperatives, and educational and training programs for long-term data support the organization cooperatives: In other words, the support of the Federation Indeed, cooperative unions and the cooperative is responsible for financial management and control them. So the economic management of the rural environment, financing, production, procurement, supply, prevent capital outflow, creating and entrepreneurship, providing markets for the sale of goods and services produced and consumed control and management of supply and demand. The social dimension ground for human development. The important role of cooperatives in Prvtvr base and social trends - the new economy. One of the main goals of sustainable development, which is to achieve social justice and equality is achieved. Social justice can be considered equivalent to the satisfaction of human needs, which in turn needs the original manufacturer of the basic objectives of sustainable development [11]. Develop hypotheses and conceptual model: International and offers a comprehensive view of a rural cooperative management to achieve sustainable development process. In the rural cooperative Coop Sirius called prince briefly. Indicator Agriculture Organization of the UN FAO International FAO, on the development of co-

operatives: Co-Manager, merge or combine diversity and education. Merge or combine theory: a cooperative system in which horizontal and vertical Hmmrtbt will be practical and cooperative Smaller signs have the opportunity to be part of a strong network across the country and are (Ibid).merge several small co-operative in the king's name (Ali instead kohans, Dynarabad, Rzkan, Askman, Asadabad, Salman's dad), mergers and alliances, and cooperative unit Ratht adopted as a "new rural cooperative Sirius prince" 3 shAbahng incorporated into its activities officially began in 1978. Incentive to invest in the renewal of membership must be provided by the company hiring managers to act. Sirius Cooperative after 12 years due to poor management of the Persian date Bahman1988 till July of 1991 bankrupt and unable to work and deposit it in the cooperative management solution ideally suited for the rapid development of more and more stable as the original, and then issuing a cooperative management model to achieve sustainable development yielded, with the cooperation of all obstacles Cooperative progression eliminated. Central co Sirius, the city of Shahriar sector is central., And now with the development of the company from 28 villages of the east entrance to Tehran - prince, Saeed Abad and the West entrance to the city - prince, the north entrance Branch prince, seven climate and the southern entrance to the city to see the city and Saba City and 11 Group is composed of Madden [8] in their study of agricultural cooperatives in Japan shows that one of the major factors in the effectiveness of cooperatives, is its versatility. Business Affairs: Department of Internal Business: International Union of Cooperatives, highlighting the importance of economic empowerment cooperative manner, for recognition of economic cooperation as a valid alternative in today's world, pie shakes. These opinions and viewpoints during organizer "Congress centennial year in 1995" will be like this organize cooperative marketing activities, national Agricultural cooperative marketing Federation of agricultural cooperatives have been established with the membership. goals Federation: development of marketing, storage, processing, distribution vehicles, tools and agricultural inputs, activities, wholesale and retail sales and technical guidance to supply products to the market. Login cooperatives, farmers create competition and reduce reliance on the private sector various city and state becomes. That is the best option to provide a bridge between the public service and quotas are considered rural. At this time, the services provided by the Co-operative Limited and its main activities in

1939 Adv. Environ. Biol., 7(8): 1937-1941, 2013

the field of distribution of fertilizer, seed distribution, kerosene and food such as flour, sugar, oil and rice, respectively. Now, after the passage of the challenges ahead and done with professional management and the maximum efficiency of water resources, soil and fertile land capable of supplying and distribution of drinking water equipment and transportation industries, timely collects and extensive investment in building and creating infrastructure facilities and large equipment such as: manufacturing warehouse 5,000-ton central morgue equipped above zero and more than 20 food distribution center protein, plays Live trout, appliance stores, supply and production of biological pesticides and agricultural implements and materials, maintenance, conversion, sorting, packaging, transportation and sale of members' products has. Malika [7] in their study concluded that agricultural cooperatives in India play an important role in poverty reduction, job creation, food security and reconciliation. Sirius cooperative partnership with Mnasbbray setting up manufacturing units in partnership with disabled members Vakhz Agreements for packing agricultural products processing industry Also buy a 51 percent stake in the investment and innovation in clean living biological activity, and the production of sugar, candy and paper, plus groceries and produce, invest and earn profits and increase membership, to job creation and the results in lower retail prices at the same time earn fair prices for farmers have been. This reduces the flow of the supply chain and thus reduce the production costs of between 5 and 6, respectively. Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry: The main objectives of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, FAO (FAO) can increase sustainable agricultural production, increase sustainable livestock production, and provide an environment for markets to improve livelihoods and the development (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2013). Secretary for International co-operative Union of Canada, (2008) cooperatives in agricultural economics and marketing and processing of agricultural products, particularly oilseeds and pulses, fruits, vegetables, livestock and poultry, honey production, the plays an important part. Sirius has an acreage of 4,000 acres of horticultural crops to cooperatives, including tomatoes, green, apricot, pear, apple, cherries, persimmons, peaches, nectarines, Reflective, is. Saifi and arable crops include: corn, wheat, Joe and villages covered in 3000 is on a similar level. well as cooperative Sirius has contributed to raising livestock and poultry. Malika [7] in their study concluded that Agricultural cooperatives in India to produce and

distribute equipment, tools and agricultural inputs of chemical pesticides is to our members. Sirius cooperative action production and distribution of fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural implements and the types of risk and environmental standards of their members have. Lee [6] study concluded that Korean unions to provide extension services to enhance the management skills of farmers and cooperatives are strengthening competitiveness. The local co-op, there are at least a promoter of professional technical and management advice to farmers. Experts and consultants Agricultural Cooperative Sirius sent free to visit the gardens, farmers' soil testing, all the essential technical guidance and management direction to farmers and gardeners member is removed. Education: Ms. Irina Bvkvva, Director General of UNESCO (UNESCO) International Day of Science for Peace and Development on November 10, 2012 stated: UNESCO sciences and various methods based on their consistency with international programs and activities in education for sustainable development in the field (national Commission for UNESCO, _2012) and the report of the Secretary-General on the role of cooperatives in social development are: Cooperatives play an important role in education and professional training to develop staff skills and organization and exchange of information between them plays Also capacity in communities to increase human capital through professional training and that provide assistance to. Credit unions in Bolivia, Ecuador, and the Philippines to provide food, education and access to health services and information to families engaged in Mnatqshan. Sirius cooperative education as the key to the development and promotion of policies and capacity building and training obtaining the necessary permits to proceed with construction of the training center and training courses, specialized training and practice in the field of horticulture and Plant pest free, especially farmers, training in the use of innovative technologies for the needs of the soil in different seasons, symposiums, workshops and conferences are organized by the cooperative groups, the underlying key discussions and guide people to better decisions and be more social responsibility. According to the constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the most basic human rights. Orientation in the World Health Organization (2010 - 2014) can be used to improve the justice and social factors that affect health learning and improving justice services to cover the costs of providing care and Strengthening partnership for development named. Lee [6]

1940 Adv. Environ. Biol., 7(8): 1937-1941, 2013

concluded that Korean unions of agricultural cooperatives medical service members and their families with periodic medical examinations are doing. Sirius cooperatives to achieve human development and health is one of the main criteria and the health status of its members and the general public, to establish an integrated service center: Babaslman, Razakan, Amiriye, Dinarabad, Hesarak Zirak has seven climate. Culture and Sport Department: The United Nations and the International Olympic Committee at the "Second International Conference on Sport, Peace and Development" (2011), the use of sport as a tool in the service of human development and peace also stated that the exercise would open the door for new activities in the field (Sport, Peace and Development, 2011). Sirius unions taking part in the development of sports, professional sports and cultural complex to build, and is composed of men and women's sports teams. Including twelve thousand stadia construction, twin pools of male and female martial hall, lounge shooting, gym, dorms, athletics track, football school, and the school has swimming. Men's athletic teams compete in martial Turkey, Hungary, Russia, Jordan and the UAE, which led to the first official business was Tasvm. Sent to Turkey and Georgia women's team champion and vice-champion of the world order that it is his.

meters of land in Azadegan Boulevard, kohans is 45 meters. Government policy and how it relates to cooperative management to achieve sustainable development UN General Assembly the following recommendations for governments and international organizations to work with cooperatives and cooperative organizations invite: A) promoting the full participation Trtavny organizations and cooperatives in poverty reduction, particularly in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction programs in countries in which these programs are implemented's About taking steps to collect and Published data on the role of cooperatives in poverty reduction and participation in social and economic development is of particular importance. B) The review, amendment and enforcement of administrative procedures and requirements in all economic sectors. C) Provide support programs to improve access to technology cooperation and capacity through strengthening. D) Provide meeting space for social, political, and economic principles necessary to ensure the independence and democracy, cooperatives and at the same time as providing areas for cooperative activities avulsion your God government and the private sector can develop a supportive environment particularly through effective cooperation and dialogue between government and cooperatives, through the Joint Consultative council.

Service: Discussion and conclusions: UN Secretary create a sustainable future for the people: stability, providing opportunities to the public by balancing the social, economic and environmental development (Information Center of the United Nations _ Tehran, 2012). Pinto article, a as agricultural cooperatives and farmer organizations in rural development and poverty reduction, the Zkrmsal of successful cooperatives in some countries such as Kenya, Tanzania and Honduras that organizations and agricultural cooperatives in rural areas of developing countries, can play an important role in rural development to combat poverty. Secretary of the International Cooperative Alliance of Canada (2009) Formed. Sirius complete cooperative and rural development to achieve sustainable development and to provide better public services in the areas of field work has established 24 Integrated Services. Projects under construction: 5 acres of land located in Azadegan Boulevard Agreements for the construction of the intake flow Dezhya old amusement park theme. Projects currently under construction include 2400 square

In 1987 the World Commission on Environment and Development concept was developed for the first time, the broad policies and objectives in a manner that emphasizes continuous improvement in all aspects of economic, social and environmental have been emphasized And sustainable development has been centered on people. Cooperative model for public participation which is trying to balance between economy, society and environment in rural and regional backgrounds. In general it can be said to achieve the sustainable development of rural cooperative multilateral process that involves three key elements of cooperative management, the board and the state. The fundamental elements of good leadership is the promotion and development of cooperatives Functioning properly and that appropriate steps can be taken towards sustainable development. To provide social justice cooperatives central role in creating a sustainable society are however, the role of cooperatives in government policy guidance, advice and support is and to strengthen cooperatives by providing infrastructure support and repair, an essential step in the development and implementation of new laws and

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the Independence Cooperatives sustainable development practice.



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