Mar 10, 2011 - Virtuallv o!! organized activities \I'e are familiar with (II~ administered bv .\'OIll( ... their oreos, and 10 ensure, through de1'!)llllion of jil/1ctions to ...
. Barber (1 974:1) examines Ioca I go vemment from the EVOLUTlOl\ARY TREl\D OF LOCAL GOVERl\'MENT
Fineface I. Ogoloma, PhD Institute of Foundation Studies
Rivers State University of Science and Technology
P0l1 Harcourt, Nigeria
Virtuallv o!! organized activities \I'e are familiar with
administered bv .\'OIll(,OI1e in some 1II111111eJ: Though the nature' 111'
these organization» 11701' di/rer in several 11'([.\'.1', the administrative
proccsses hr which tltcv cuny out their responsibilities rCI//(/II,
«sscntiallv similar It is in the !ight ofthis that, 11'e are going tn
Introduction From the onset it is necessary to appreciate the conceptual issues involved in a paper like this. Evolution in this context refers to the various changes that have taken place over time: It aims at an examination of what was from the beginning and the f0Jl11 or situation at present. It is obvious that such an enterprise may not be exhaustive. It also attempts an understanding or till.' nature or causes of such changes as a way of appreciating tile process. Local government, according toAbubakar (1993:4) is A politico! sub-division ofa nation (or in a federal svsteni, 0 state) which is constitntcd 171' law and !lI/S substantial control of local aiiairs including the jJ011'en' to impose taxes or to exact labour for prescribed purposes. The governing bod}' ofsuch an entity is elected or otherwise locallv selected.
functiOnal and legalistIC angle. lie dehnes It as: An outl1O"'(\' to deterl1l1nc aiul 10 ex e c l/ t e 111 a tt e rs I I' i t l: in I I restricted area inside and smaller than the 1t'1701e stelte. Local government il1100l ves the administering or selTices on a local basis hy local hodies.
Mclean (1996) on his part states that local government is a
state establishment that has the authority over a sub-national
territory.!n federal systems, it is a substate in a territoriallY delined
area. Local govemment authority is based on its elected basis. a
factor that enhances substantial dilTerence in aothority base and
perti)fm between and within countties. Bot by far the most
ance expansive delinition of loca\ govemment is that provided by the local govemment Reform (1976: 1).11 states that: G01'Crl1menl at local lel'el (should h be conducted) IhroIlg represenwtil'e covnct!s established by lC1l1' to exercise specific powers lrithin defined areas. These powers should give the council substantial control over local a/rairs as well as the stal] and institutional and .financial powers to initiate and direcl the provision or senices and to determine and implement project so as to compl('ment the activities or the stelte and federal government in their oreos, and 10 ensure, through de1'!)llllion of jil/1ctions to these CO/l/1cil" lind througl 1 the active participation of the people and their International Journal of Current Research in the Humanities No, 10 March 2011
Finejace I. 0!J0loma
li\ . \',1'
ill! tUte!itiollo/ illstitut/OIlS, that !oca/ initiath'c (tile! response to locat n c e ds a n d cOllditiolls are 1I1({X i til i::ed.
From the above eXposltlOn. it is obvious that a local [!O\crnlllcm IS a subdivision that exists and is influenced by