Elementary! IN-HOUSE PROGRAMS funded by PTO fundraising. Prismatic Magic Laser - Anti-Bullying (All Grades). NSTAR Watts
2013/2014 Enrichment Year in Review The PTO Linscott-Rumford Enrichment Program is a partnership between the parent and teacher communities to broaden our children’s appreciation of the lessons they are learning. Enrichment works to bring programming into the schools to enrich and enhance the school curriculum. All the Enrichment is FULLY FUNDED by PTO fundraising (ie, Snack Sales, Fitness FUNraiser, Pizza Bingo, etc). The PTO would like to THANK the Teachers, the Staff, Parents/Guardians, PTO members and Principal Wells for all the support given this year to bring educational inspiring programs to the Linscott-Rumford Elementary!
IN-HOUSE PROGRAMS funded by PTO fundraising Prismatic Magic Laser - Anti-Bullying (All Grades) NSTAR Wattsville (Grades 3-5) - Free iRobot (Grades 4-5) - Free HampStead Stage Company "A Christmas Carol" (All Grades) Jeff Nathan - CurriLaughs (All Grades) Change is Simple (Grades 3-5)- Free Pioneer Living - Hands-on (All Grades) Paul Revere (Grade 3) Gwendlon, the Graceful Pig- Author and Dance Company(All Grades)-Free Explore the Ocean World- Marine Science (Grade K & 4) Curious Creatures (Grade K-1) Top Secret Science Hands-On (Each grade had one program, Grade 3 had two= 7 programs total!) The Map Lady (Grade 2, 3 & 4)
FIELD TRIPS and BUS transportation funded by PTO fundraising Grade 3 Wizard of Oz- Berklee Performance Center Grade 1 & 2 Henry and Mudge - Lowell Theater
Look at all the events we had this year! Thank you for contributing to our fundraising this year! Please contact Jennifer Taylor at
[email protected] if you know of any other programs that you think the students would want to enjoy as an enrichment to the wonderful learning our school is giving them already!
Wishing every Family and Teacher of the Linscott-Rumford School a very HAPPY AND HEALTHY SUMMER!