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Laboratory Safety Agreement
Most observations and measurements needed for this class will require some kind of laboratory equipment. As in any lab, some of that equipment can dangerous if handled incorrectly. To be able to participate in any lab, the student must >irst be familiar with and agree to follow the safety guidelines written below.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Follow all instructions carefully. Use special care when you see the word CAUTION. Familiarize yourself with the location of all safety equipment in the classroom. Never eat, drink, or chew gum in a science lab. Never run, push, throw objects, or engage in horseplay of any kind in the lab. Report all accidents or injuries to your teacher immediately. Use equipment only as directed. Do not attempt to use equipment in unauthorized ways or perform unauthorized experiments. 7. Replace equipment where and as you found it. Dispose of used materials as the teacher instructs. 8. Keep your work area clean and uncluttered. Leave the area clean for the next class. 9. Dress properly for a lab: a. Don’t wear loose-‐>itting sleeves or bulky outerwear. b. Tie back lone hair. 10. Be careful when using heat or >ire: a. Never leave a hot plate, lit Bunsen burner, or other hot object unattended. b. Never reach over an exposed >lame. c. Use tongs or pot holders to handle hot equipment. d. Use only Pyrex glassware for heating. e. Never point the mouth of a test tube towards anybody at any time. 11. Use care working with chemicals: a. Never taste or touch substances in the lab without speci>ic instructions. b. Never smell substances without speci>ic instructions, avoiding inhaling fumes. c. Wash your hands with soap and water after all labs. d. Notify your teacher immediately of all spills. 12. Use care working with lab equipment: a. Do not use chipped or cracked glassware. b. Never take equipment apart. Precision equipment can be ruined by tampering. c. Do not pick up broken glass with your bare hands. Use a dustpan and brush. d. Use care in handling sharp equipment, such as drawing compasses. 13. Failure to follow any one or more of these guidelines will result in removal of the student from the lab area. If removed from the lab, the student will receive a grade of zero for that particular lab.
! ! Over Please !
Student: Read the statements below and circle an answer. Then sign your name in the spaces provided.
1. My teacher went over the classroom laboratory rules and explained them to the class. YES NO
2. If I had a question about a rule, my teacher answered the question. YES NO
3. I understand all the rules and agree to follow them. YES NO
4. I understand that I will earn a zero grade if I do not follow the rules while in lab. YES NO
We feel that you should be informed of the school’s effort to create a safe science classroom/ laboratory environment. With the cooperation of instructors, parents, and students, this safety program can prevent possible hazards. Please read the above safety rules. Your signature indicates that you have read this safety agreement and support the measures taken to insure the safety of your child in the science laboratory. These measures will provide a quality science experience for all students.
! ! Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ________________ ! ! Please list any allergies your student may have that we should know about. ! ! !
Thank you for your support. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time if you have questions or concerns.